

在 desire英文產品中有182篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 2002年,我拍了人生中第一個廣告。我放棄醫學院,決定當模特兒,結果我馬上爆紅,我爸爸媽媽很為我驕傲,哈哈!開玩笑的啦!故事其實不是這樣的。我放棄醫學院搬來台灣可能是我做過最瘋狂的事之一。當醫生一直以來都是我很有興趣的工作,這不只是一個父母希望我做的職業而已。我全身心地投入上課、實習、學習我未來要做...

 同時也有17部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集節目由 EZ TALK 贊助播出 賓狗推薦的工具書: 《英語字彙力:用 1400 個詞彙打造精準溝通力》 ·最受歡迎的英語字彙書 ·出版以來穩坐 Amazon 單字書榜第一 · 進階但實用的英文單字 ·《紐約時報》、《紐約客》雜誌文章中常見的用詞 ·讓你的表達能力更到位 很多平台都買得到唷...

desire英文 在 ?川端アスミ/(ASUMI)??? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 14:56:48

【WE HAVE A DREAM 201カ国202人の夢×SDGs】 201 カ国から201 の夢と物語を集めた一冊。 world Road様 @worlddreamproject より英語版と日本語版でご提供頂きました。 201カ国、201人の方々が抱く思いがひしひしと伝わり、世界中で今多く...

desire英文 在 包定居美國中(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 19:04:25

《培養自制力/自律🙌》 最近私訊收到很多人表示,網課打亂自己原本的生活,想努力專注都沒有動力🥺 以下整理了幾個增加自制力/培養自律的方法(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✨,和我上了一年的網課是怎麼維持專注的!裡面也有結合我在美國學到的一些課程內容: 🍃8個增加自制力的習慣: 1.數到10,然後行動:不要再猶...

  • desire英文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-18 06:16:58
    有 21,318 人按讚

    2002: I got my first commercial. I gave up medical school to become a model. I become an overnight success and my parents were so proud of me. NOT! Quitting medical school to move to Taiwan was probably one of the craziest and riskiest things I’ve done in my life. Medicine was always something I personally loved, and not just a professional my parents pushed me towards. I put my heart and soul into getting into medical school and I wanted to travel the world with Medicine San Frontiers.

    But I had this nagging itch to try out this whole modeling thing - don’t know what it was. The excitement of something new? The challenge of a different industry altogether? The desire to travel in Asia a bit longer?

    Finally, I decided, a career in medicine will still be there in a few years if I wanted it. But this opportunity to try modeling was probably something I should do younger rather than older.

    這裡送給你們看看我那時候的樣子,我的天啊!好多不同look喔!那個化妝-Oh My God!
    So, i took a leap of faith and sent in my rejection letter (Haha. take THAT medical school. I reject YOU!) and started doing various TV commercials and print ads in Taiwan. I wish I could have said it was a lucrative or even successful career as a model, but honestly, there were more days in between than actual jobs. I had to support myself with a lot of side jobs: teaching English, baby sitting, joining violin performing groups, continuing my work as an EMT, etc. Anyway, here’s just a few of the very VERY varied looks I had back then. The make up…. Holy moly….

  • desire英文 在 每天簡單學英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-03 22:07:19
    有 691 人按讚

    Let’s go for a walk, shall we? 咱們出去走走,好嗎?
    What do you desire me to do? 你想要我做什麼?
    Your life is your own affair 你的生活是你自己的事
    All that glitters is not gold 不可以貌取人

  • desire英文 在 元毓 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-26 18:15:07
    有 162 人按讚



    “There is a lack of discussion, and of a clear sense of what the threat is,” said Bush, who argued in a recent book that Taiwan’s democracy has failed to address how the country can survive and preserve its “good life”.

    “What we have seen is avoidance of the underlying reality, of real choices.”

    “The government should be raising people’s awareness of the military threat. But instead of doing real things, they just talk, telling people to hate China and love the US and Japan,”

    Tsai Hui-chun, the retired teacher, believes that although she has no desire for Taiwan to become part of China, it will eventually happen.

    She said: “When they come one day, what could we do about it anyway?”


  • desire英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-07 16:00:01

    本集節目由 EZ TALK 贊助播出

    《英語字彙力:用 1400 個詞彙打造精準溝通力》

    ·出版以來穩坐 Amazon 單字書榜第一
    · 進階但實用的英文單字



    1 【wanderlust 旅遊慾】 - 名詞
    Felix spent his twenties trying to satisfy his wanderlust, visiting no fewer than 50 countries on four continents.

    · the strong and constant desire to travel
    · he desire for wandering
    · lust 很強烈的性慾
    · 英國雜誌 Wanderlust Travel Magazine

    2 【tantalize 撩撥;吊人胃口】- 動詞
    The photos of white sand beaches he hung in his office merely tantalized Robert; he never could find time fo a vacation.

    · To torment someone with something they want without ever giving it to them
    · Tantalus 神話人物

    3【restive 躁動不安的】 - 形容詞
    The citizens became restive in the wake of the earthquake, their supplies dwindling and little relief on the horizon.

    · restless, agitated
    · restful: that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful
    · This music is very restful.
    · 人覺得 restive:人躁動不安
    · 事物 restful:事物讓人放鬆

    單字書, 工具書, 背單字, 英文單字, 字彙量, 不死背, Vocabulary Builder Workbook, 亞馬遜, 排行榜, Amazon



    你英文想變更好嗎?快來 PressPlay 訂閱賓狗:

    · 免費試用 3 天
    · 搭配本集 Podcast 的詳細講義
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    · 一次掌握頂尖學習資源:文法、發音、口說及更多


    賓狗的 IG @bingobilingual_bb

    賓狗的 FB

    陪賓狗錄 podcast:

    【Podcast的廣告效益 - 學生問卷】
    5-10 分鐘,幫學生一個忙,還可以抽獎喔!

    學術單位:國立臺北商業大學 企業管理系 研究所與大學部學生
    抽獎資格:只要有在 Podcast 節目中聽過廣告內容的經驗,填寫問卷並留下Email,都有機會參加抽獎!

    你想要高品質中英對照新聞嗎?訂閱《風傳媒》,就能隨意暢讀華爾街日報的新聞,中英對照喔!原價一年一萬四,立刻降到三千九,趕快透過賓狗的專屬連結訂閱吧: https://events.storm.mg/member/BGWSJ/

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  • desire英文 在 Sandy H. 黃小玫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-02 17:40:00

    COVID-19 has made it harder for us to travel around the world, but it surely can't stop my desire to share the beauty of Taiwan with friends living abroad. This video is in English. We hope it will make you feel like you're hiking and experiencing this trip with us here in Taiwan :)


    #Taiwan​ #hiking​ #HeMeiShan​ #和美山​ #碧潭​

    ☀️小玫的原創MV Music Videos by Sandy H. ☀️
    ・【Dream to Nantou】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn5kW...​
    ・【台湾で会おうね!】我們在台灣見吧! https://youtu.be/MtHwzjZSJxk​​
    ・【屏東 KEEP GOING!】(2020全中運主題曲) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We7x6...​

    ☀️Listen to my original songs on: https://backl.ink/142602169​

    ☀️Follow me on:
    FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Ms.HXM/​​
    Instagram: sandy.hxm

  • desire英文 在 TheShinilola Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-08 13:54:17

    上次跟大家分享我的包包合集,有些美眉就说我介绍的大多数都是5位数马币的包包。所以这次故意在做一集CP值高又四位数的包包给大家。那就是 #LouisVuitton​ #PochetteMetis​ ! LV路易威登包包开箱影片里有英文字幕噢~ 我自己也很喜欢,所以想和大家分享它的细节。希望大家会喜欢这分享(开箱)噢?。记得观看后不要忘记关注我和赞这个影片噢!留言让我知道你们喜不喜欢这款包包吧~

    During my previous episode of My Bag Collection, some of you saying most of the bags that I shared has cost 5 figures in RM. So this episode of Shini Luxury Reviews, I would like to share the bag that cost 4 figures and an IT bag which is #LouisVuittonPochetteMetis . English subtitles are available. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel + like this video. Leave a comment to let me know how you guys think about my bag!

    For more photos, kindly check out hashtag #LVWithShini on Instagram.

    Brand : @Louis Vuitton ​
    Item name : Pochette Metis BAG
    Product reference: M44875
    Product descriptions : With its on-trend satchel silhouette, the Pochette Métis bag has become an object of fashion desire. This compact, go-everywhere model in the House’s Monogram canvas features a distinctive S-lock closure with a polished gold-tone finish. Versatile and unexpectedly roomy, it is fitted with a chic top handle and a long detachable strap for shoulder or cross-body wear.

    • MY BAG COLLECTION | 我的包包合集 : https://youtu.be/NPUFZAdP3is​
    • CHANEL COCO HANDLE BAG REVIEW | 香奈儿包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/2ZD_6wMK8Ac​
    • LOUIS VUITTON MULTICOLOR PETIT NOE REVIEW | LV路易威登包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/HuCxoKxcgrU
    • HERMES ORAN SANDALS REVIEW | 爱马仕鞋子开箱 : https://youtu.be/BoE-3vc77c4​
    • WHAT'S IN MY BAG + SENREVE MINI MAESTRA REVIEW | SENREVE包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/3cptt_MtK-4​
    • CHANEL CLASSIC MINI RECTANGULAR FLAPBAG REVIEW | 香奈儿包包开箱 : https://youtu.be/K2v1FYsfgXM


    Blog : http://www.shinilola.com/​
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/shinilola​
    Facebook (Travel) : https://www.facebook.com/travelwithshini​
    Instagram : http://instagram.com/shinilola​
    Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/shinilola​

    Business Contact : shinilola@gmail.com

