

在 descriptions中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過25萬的網紅國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 正在 小時代的日常 特展展出的【銷閒清課圖】得到不少粉絲的喜愛(💗感謝粉絲們💗),這件畫作是由明代文人 孫克弘 所繪,一共描繪了二十種明代後期文人的閒雅生活。 有朋友敲碗要看「聽雨、薄醉」,因此今天再次獻上【銷閒清課圖】part 3,剩下的就請網友們抽個空來看「本尊」吧!(括弧內分別是作者款識的前兩...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅ajin,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`) pc avg 我們身邊的狼 人中之狼 與狼同行 第一章 信仰 The Wolf Among Us 文字劇情冒險 ----------------------------------------------------------------...

descriptions中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 17:44:03

☆Encouraging Independent Play Time ☆鼓勵小哲獨立玩的時間☆⁣ ▼中文請往下▼⁣ ⁣ This was a topic I’ve been asked a lot and I finally had the time to sit and write about i...

descriptions中文 在 Pighead ? HK Food Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-21 12:58:03

NUTELLA LAVA COOKIES Seriously not gonna buy cookies anymore 🤩😎 ———— RECIPE: 8-10 HUGE (4oz) COOKIES For video descriptions, view my story highlight —...

descriptions中文 在 InkSundae Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 12:17:09

“Why is there Japanese and Korean translation on the descriptions?” It’s because visitors from Japan and Korea could enjoy the exhibition! Taipei is a...

  • descriptions中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-04 17:57:05
    有 410 人按讚

    正在 小時代的日常 特展展出的【銷閒清課圖】得到不少粉絲的喜愛(💗感謝粉絲們💗),這件畫作是由明代文人 孫克弘 所繪,一共描繪了二十種明代後期文人的閒雅生活。
    有朋友敲碗要看「聽雨、薄醉」,因此今天再次獻上【銷閒清課圖】part 3,剩下的就請網友們抽個空來看「本尊」吧!(括弧內分別是作者款識的前兩句)
    The Literati's Ordinaries— A Proposal of Life from the 17th Century (28 SEP 2019 ~ 05 JAN 2020)
    陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 105, 107
    Gallery: 105, 107 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
    English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/LiteratisOrdinaries/en/page-1.html
    【明 孫克弘 銷閒清課圖】
    【The Illumination in the Thatched Hut】Sun Kehong (1533-1610), Ming dynasty
      This piece illustrates the twenty graceful lifestyles of literati in the late Ming dynasty, and each is adorned by light descriptions. Through the images and words, we can sense the particular taste of living similar to Wen Zhenheng's.
    明 孫克弘 銷閒清課図

  • descriptions中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-11-01 17:38:03
    有 407 人按讚

    前次刊出【銷閒清課圖】獲得不少迴響( 💞謝謝各位粉絲 💞)
    這件明代文人 孫克弘 所繪的【銷閒清課圖】描繪了二十種明代後期文人的閒雅生活,上回我們看了「展畫」,今天再來看看「#摹帖(左) 、#灌花(右上)、#烹茗( 右中)、#禮佛(右下)」這些現在許多人也都還會做的事。
    The Literati's Ordinaries— A Proposal of Life from the 17th Century (28 SEP 2019 ~ 05 JAN 2020)
    陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 105, 107
    Gallery: 105, 107 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
    English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/LiteratisOrdinaries/en/page-1.html
    【明 孫克弘 銷閒清課圖】
    【The Illumination in the Thatched Hut】Sun Kehong (1533-1610), Ming dynasty
      This piece illustrates the twenty graceful lifestyles of literati in the late Ming dynasty, and each is adorned by light descriptions. Through the images and words, we can sense the particular taste of living similar to Wen Zhenheng's.
    明 孫克弘 銷閒清課図

  • descriptions中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-29 18:00:15
    有 645 人按讚

    目前正在展出的 #小時代的日常─ #一個十七世紀的生活提案 應該是故宮最文青的展覽了,展覽中的小時代是指十七世紀,那是一個有趣、又充滿各種可能性的時期。
      策展人安排了許多展件和觀眾們一同從東西交流的角度,一窺當時探險家跋山涉水開拓航道的故事,也能從江南視線瞭解文人世家看似平淡,其實分外講究質感,別有一番趣味的日常。今天看的這件是明代文人 孫克弘所繪的【銷閒清課圖】,這件作品描繪了二十種明代後期文人的閒雅生活,附圖是全卷中「展畫」的部分。
    The Literati's Ordinaries— A Proposal of Life from the 17th Century (28 SEP 2019 ~ 05 JAN 2020)
    陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 105, 107
    Gallery: 105, 107 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
    •English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/LiteratisOrdinaries/en/page-1.html
    【明 孫克弘 銷閒清課圖】
    【The Illumination in the Thatched Hut】Sun Kehong (1533-1610), Ming dynasty
      This piece illustrates the twenty graceful lifestyles of literati in the late Ming dynasty, and each is adorned by light descriptions. Through the images and words, we can sense the particular taste of living similar to Wen Zhenheng's.
    明 孫克弘 銷閒清課図

  • descriptions中文 在 ajin Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2013-10-15 18:33:17

    哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
    pc avg 我們身邊的狼 人中之狼 與狼同行 第一章 信仰 The Wolf Among Us 文字劇情冒險
    ● 定時收看最新影片,請按這裡訂閱頻道 http://goo.gl/K2pnd
    ● 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
    ● twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
    ● 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
    ● 影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?feature=edit_ok&list=PLEzqZq_wDhpdVdWUQI8gmpIxbC1Z5b1XS


    Episode 1: Faith
    Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors
    Episode 3: A Crooked Mile
    Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing
    Episode 5: Cry Wolf

    Note that the plot descriptions below may change based on player choices made in the game.
    Bigby, the Sheriff of Fabletown, saves a young prostitute from an intoxicated Woodsman, and makes sure she can safely return home. He is shocked the next day to learn that her head has been found outside his apartment building, the Woodlands. He and Snow White discover her true identity is that of Faith from the fable Allerleirauh, having turned to prostitution to help pay for her and her husband Prince Lawrence living costs. They find that the Tweedles, Dee and Dum, sneaking around Faith's apartment, fleeing on sight. Snow returns to the Business Office while Bigby looks for more clues. When he returns back to the Woodlands, he sees that the mundy police is out in force and has sealed off the area. Sneaking past the barrier for a closer look, he is shocked to find Snow's head, much like Faith's, sitting on the steps to the apartment building.

