Vocab: Slavishly
例句:Adolescents tend to follow the trend slavishly as they would like to gain recognition from peers.
Vocab: Slavishly
例句:Adolescents tend to follow the trend slavishly as they would like to gain recognition from peers.
例句:If you imitate the old methods slavishly, you will never understand the underlying principles and derive new ideas from them.
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derive中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
In President Tsai’s inauguration speech, it was mentioned that Taiwan will develop six core strategic industries to transform it into a critical force in the global economy. Below are the six industries and plans for developing them.
Are you ready for the development of next generation technologies?
Six Core Strategic Industries
First, we will continue to develop our information and digital industries. We will take advantage of Taiwan's strengths in the semiconductor and ICT industries to secure a central role in global supply chains, and make Taiwan a major base for the development of next generation technologies, including IoT and AI.
1. information and digital industries 資訊與數位產業
2. semiconductor 半導體
3. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) 資訊與通訊科技
4. secure a central role 獲得一個核心地位
5. a major base 重要的基地
6. IoT (Internet of Things) 物聯網
7. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 人工智慧
Second, we are going to develop a cybersecurity industry that can integrate with 5G, digital transformation, and our national security. We will strive to create cybersecurity systems and an industrial chain that can protect our country and earn the world's trust.
8. cybersecurity industry 資安產業
9. integrate with 結合
10. digital transformation 數位轉型
Third, we are going to create biotech and medical technology industries integrated with the rest of the world. Throughout this pandemic, Taiwanese teams have proven that they are capable of working with world-class technologies to produce reagents and develop new drugs and vaccines. We are going to give these industries our utmost support, and transform Taiwan into a key force in the global battle against infectious diseases.
11. biotech and medical technology 生物與醫療科技
12. capable of 有能力做……
13. world-class 世界級的;世界一流的
14. reagent 試劑;試藥
15. vaccine 疫苗
16. utmost support 全力扶持;最大的支持
17. key force 關鍵力量
18. infectious diseases 傳染病
Fourth, we are going to develop national defense and strategic industries by integrating military and civilian capabilities. In addition to domestically-produced naval vessel and aircraft programs that are currently underway, we will push harder to promote technological integration between the military and the private sector, to stimulate private sector production capabilities, and advance into the aviation and space industries.
19. national defense 國防
20. strategic industries 戰略產業
21. domestically-produced 國內製造
22. naval vessel 軍艦
23. underway 正在進行的;正在發生的
24. push harder 更加努力
25. technological integration 技術整合
26. stimulate 激發;刺激
27. private sector 私營部門(即民營);民間
28. the aviation and space industries 航空與太空產業
Fifth, we are going to accelerate the development of green energy and renewable energy industries. Over the past four years, renewable energy has experienced explosive growth, and Taiwan has become a hotspot for international investment. Building on this foundation, I am confident that we will achieve our goal of deriving 20% of our overall energy from green sources by 2025. We are going to make Taiwan a center for green energy in Asia.
29. green energy 綠能
30. renewable energy 再生能源
31. explosive growth 飛躍性地增長
32. hotspot 熱點
33. derive sth from sth 從…中得到,從…中獲得、取得
Sixth, we are going to establish strategic stockpile industries that can ensure the steady provision of critical supplies. Facing changes to the global order, we need to keep key industrial chains in Taiwan and maintain a certain degree of self-sufficiency in the production of face masks, medical and daily supplies, energy, and food.
34. strategic stockpile industries 戰略儲備產業
35. the steady provision of critical supplies 關鍵物資的穩定供應
36. the global order 全球秩序
37. key industrial chains 重要的產業鏈
38. a certain degree of 一定程度的……
39. self-sufficiency 自給自足
圖片出處:Google Search
How might we develop these industries? What would be the first step to take?
derive中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
【一樣也不一樣】achieve、gain、acquire、garner、obtain 都是得到?
這幾天在改學術寫作作業、口說講稿、跟GRE 寫作時,不斷地改到 obtain education (正確: receive education)、gain success (正確: achieve success)、learn knowledge (正確: gain / acquire knowledge) 這樣的中式英文用法。
➠ 中文雖然也許共同是「得到」,英文還是可以有很多變化:
✔︎ achieve success 得到、取得成功
✔︎ attain happiness 得到快樂、幸福
✔︎ catch a nasty cold 得到重感冒
✔︎ contract a disease 得到一個病
✔︎ derive a sense of achievement (+from) 得到成就感
✔︎ gain knowledge 得到、學到知識
✔︎ gather courage 得到、鼓起勇氣
✔︎ garner evidence 得到證據
✔︎ glean insights 得到好的、獨特的觀點
✔︎ obtain a license 得到 / 考到一個證照
✔︎ pull off a victory 得到、取得勝利
✔︎ reap benefits 得到利益
✔︎ secure a job 得到工作
✔︎ win a gold medal 得到、贏得金牌
不管有沒有要考試,平時「提前整理」好這種中文可能都是「得到」,可是英文千變萬化的表達方式,放在腦袋裡,可以讓我們的英文更流暢、更道地。那更不用說要考TOEIC 口說寫作、TOEFL、IELTS、GRE 這些考試的同學了。
上面這一些詞組,全部都叫做搭配詞 (collocation)。如果你有興趣用這種方式學習,可以在下面留言索取我的文法、搭配詞免費公開課,或是看看我的書:
• 搭配詞的力量 <形容詞篇>
• 搭配詞的力量 <名詞篇>
derive中文 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
常常有學生問我要怎樣寫英文時,用字可以精準、漂亮一點。今天想以台灣學習者的角度,給大家 2 個方向參考。
✔︎ 方法一:努力指數很多,但值得長期投資
用字想要精準,那就要確實地掌握好各個字是在「什麼樣的上下文」中下面做使用。而要知道在怎樣的上下文中使用,則要有查閱英英字典的習慣(很多人已經想放棄了 lol),因為英英字典在給英文定義時, 很多時候後面會有一個小括弧,解釋該字應該用在怎樣的狀況下使用。
➠ 舉例:假如你想要寫, 「這個文章錯誤百出」,那麼第一秒你可能想到:
The article is full of errors. / The article is filled with errors. (程度:高中英文)
但我們連中文「充滿」學完,都會學有負面意味的「充斥著」了,英文也可以繼續升級吧? 在英文裡如果想使用「充斥著」,可以考慮使用 be riddled with sth。
劍橋字典定義說:If a plan or system, etc. is riddled with bad features, such as mistakes, it is full of them.
因此可以改用 The article is riddled with errors. 就是很漂亮、很到位,但有不會被說亂曬大字的用法了。
✔︎ 方法二:努力指數不多,立即見效
即便是英語母語人士在寫作的時候,第一個想起的動詞通常是偏口語、高頻的。像是 have, has, do, does, get, make, take... 這種「弱弱的動詞」。這時可以考慮在
➠ 例如:
“have“ the same difficulty 調成 experience
"have" a deeper understanding of 調成 gain
"get" a driver's license 調成 obtain
"get" a sense of achievement 調成 derive
"do" an analysis 調成 conduct
"do" an investigation 調成 pursue
我覺得大家可以將像右邊的改寫版中使用的動詞群練熟、使用的搭配也查好,因為像是 gain, experience, obtain, derive, conduct, pursue 都是還算高頻,但又可以用在學術寫作或簡報上使用的字。其他相似字還有 perform、undertake 等。
⚑ 講到強動詞,很多英文老師講的強動詞會是表達「動作」的強動詞。例如,會建議大家不要用 run (跑),要用 sprint (短距離衝刺)、jog (慢跑)。 不要用 walk (走),要用 slink (潛行)、trot (小跑)
我在 10/16 (三) 的晚上有一場「英文學術寫作」的公開課,會更完整地講述學術寫作學習的各個面向,歡迎來參加喔!
地點: 創勝文教台北總部 (台北市朱崙街60號2F) MRT 南京復興站
時間: 10/16 (三) 7:30-9:00 pm (7:00 開放進場)
(程度建議:多益超過 500 分、有學習學術寫作需求者、有議論文寫作需求者、托福、雅思、GRE、GMAT 寫作分數上不去者)