在 depicts中文產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過25萬的網紅國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 邀請您欣賞宮苑庭園中文士宴集情景。 宋 徽宗 文會圖 ♦️國寶 2012年3月文化部核定公告 本幅描繪一群文士在池畔園苑中飲宴的情景。偌大的黑色方形漆案,設置在樹下,案上成組餐具與果食擺滿桌面。近處另有一群僮僕在小桌上備茶。人物均神情雅俊、眉清目秀,器用、園景描繪細緻講究,應為徽宗朝畫院的精工...
depicts中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的精選貼文
宋 徽宗 文會圖
♦️國寶 2012年3月文化部核定公告
Literary Gathering
Huizong(1082-1135), Song dynasty
♦️Verified and declared by the Ministry of Culture in March 2012 as a National Treasure
This painting depicts a group of scholars in a garden by a pond enjoying a banquet. A large lacquered table has been placed under a tree with all kinds of tableware and food on it. In the foreground is a group of young attendants around a small table preparing tea. The figures are all spirited and elegant with clear expressions, while the objects and garden motifs are painstakingly rendered, indicating most likely a fine work of Huizong's Painting Academy.
More information:
#故宮典藏精選 #NPM_Selections
depicts中文 在 Peichi Wu Illustration Facebook 的最佳貼文
去年的案子中我選了這幅參加美國ADC Award,雖然沒有得獎,但報名的時候滿心希望這幅台灣的作品和這個計畫能讓更多人看到。畫中其實有很多細節,有興趣的話下方是參賽時寫的作品描述(我還沒翻中文版):
The illustration visualized an eco-political project that advocates for environmental protection, conservation and encourages people to search for their identity by walking into nature. The image not only depicts the project concepts, but also comprehensively shows 6 primary missions: The Green New Deal, Nature Protection, Carbon Valley, Rite of Passage, Soft Power, and Geopolitical Cornerstone. This enables the client to propose the project to the government, and promote ideas of environmental and political changes to the public.
Taiwan is an island divided by the Central Mountain Range. Located to the west of the range are the large cities inhabited by the majority of the population. In contrast, located to the east of the range are the natural sites and homes of the indigenous population for thousands of years. The 3 hikers depicted on the left are a metaphor for people searching for their identity. By walking through the Japanese Shrine, they cross over Taiwan’s complex history of colonization by many different countries. On the right side is an imaginary city called “Carbon Valley,” which is the idea of a sustainable energy research centre. The Formosan Sika deer is the endemic species in Taiwan but became extinct in 1969. In the illustration, it symbolizes and raises the awareness of nature conservation.
The commission was delivered in August 2020, however the project is still ongoing.
#illustration #illustrationartists #ecofriendly #ecology #greennewdeal #taiwan #nature #taiwanese #mountains #mountainrange #deer #indigenous #culture
depicts中文 在 食之兵法: 鞭神老師的料理研究 The Culinary Art of War Facebook 的最佳解答
「我們注視著,彼此拚命尋找著攻擊、妥協和退路的所有徵兆。令我驚訝的是,就連主動上門挑釁的雷威,似乎也在尋找退路 . . . 大家都是因為萬不得已的苦衷,才做出違背真心的行為。世界就這種方式馴服我們,正因為如此,我們才懂得愛人,也會不惜殺人」;「わたしたちはたがいがら目おそらさず、攻擊や妥協、そして逃げ道をほのめかすあらゆる兆候を必死で探った。驚いたことに、喧嘩を仕掛けてきた雷威でさえ、逃げ道を探っている節があった . . . だれもがやむにやまれず自分じゃないふりをしている。世界はそうやって私たちを手懐ける。だからこそ私たちは人を愛したり、人を殺したりするのだ」(58-59/62)。
東山彰良於2015年得到日本直木賞的小說《流》, 敘述的是一個17歲台灣高中男生的身份認同危機。而和小說中的主角葉秋生一樣,東山彰良雖然出生在台灣,他的祖父是國共內戰後來台的山東人。東山彰良的中文名字是王震緒,1968年出生於台北市,五歲時隨家人移居日本。東山彰良曾經如此自述過自己面對的身份認同危機:「我永遠都是一個局外人,對歸屬的議題從沒停過。」而東山彰良與其小說中主角共同的問題,正如小說之名「流」所影射的,正是不斷流變中的共體性狀態。因為永遠都在面對歸屬的問題,東山彰良和葉秋生都可說是法國哲學家德勒茲於《反伊底帕斯》中所論及的陌生主體。陌生主體總是在無器官身體上遊走,但卻永遠只能夠徘徊在慾望機器的邊緣。此外,東山彰良也以日文書寫的方式,透過往日台北的街道和建築、1970年代高中生的穿著和髮型、中國大陸與台灣在二十世紀的歷史事件與關係、用日語拼音的台灣話、追尋主角祖父在山東故鄉的故事等,為讀者創造了這些錯綜複雜關係中的機械式的關係與慾望。
關鍵字: 流,東山彰良,德勒茲,慾望機器,台北,日本,山東省