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雖然這篇depends on用法鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在depends on用法這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 depends產品中有1704篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,132的網紅杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【油畫作品《紅色獨輪推車》.My oil painting work 《Red Wheelbarrow》】 10x15cm / 2021 / Paris 之前獲贈不少極小尺寸的畫布,除了10x10cm大小的拿來畫些可愛的日本料理之外,還有一些10x15cm尺寸的畫布準備拿來畫些別的有意思的東西。有日...

 同時也有1263部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過428的網紅學英文吧,也在其Youtube影片中提到,「我想一下哦」 英文怎麼說? 你想好五倍券要綁定紙本還是數位的嗎?好多朋友也還在想~。 那 "五倍券"、"還沒決定"、"看情況" 的英文怎麼說呢? 這一集的文化閒聊,Duncan 跟我們分享, 美國也有因為疫情的影響發行振興券嗎?或是曾經發行過什麼樣的振興券? 快來聽這一集內容,聽聽看我想一下五倍券...

  • depends 在 杰希嘉巴黎通訊Paris is Paris is Paris Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 21:40:23
    有 16 人按讚

    【油畫作品《紅色獨輪推車》.My oil painting work 《Red Wheelbarrow》】
    10x15cm / 2021 / Paris
    剛落腳巴黎的頭幾年很努力的寫了好幾本關於巴黎的書,因此結識了許多店家,"The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore (紅色獨輪推車書店)"就是其中之一,這家專營英文出版品的書店是依據美國詩人William Carlos Williams(1883-1963)的著名詩作《The Red Wheelbarrow》而命名,詩一開頭就寫著:
    So much depends upon (如此仰賴
    A red wheel barrow 一部紅色獨輪手推車)
    當時採訪書店主人Penelope Fletcher,聽她娓娓道來書店名稱來由和她自己從小就喜歡書、整理書和讀書時,我就能體會Penelope對於這家書店有多麼深的期許,她還向我展示了當她決定在巴黎開設這家書店後,她父親寄給她的一個迷你玩具紅色獨輪手推車!非常可愛!

  • depends 在 Fadhi Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-27 21:54:19
    有 36 人按讚

    Seoul to Finland (26/09/2021)

    After 16 hours, we arrived safely in Vaasa, Finland last night. It was a long, exhausting, challenging yet interesting & exciting journey. Well at least for me. 🥲

    To answer your question, for now, we’ll stay here until next year (all depends on Kim’s work).

    Can’t wait to share more of our experience living in this happiest country in the World.

    Till then, here’s some photodump from yesterday.

    #shotoniphone #finnair #finland

  • depends 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-26 20:00:02
    有 1,416 人按讚

    吐瓦魯呼籲 承認台灣人民進入聯合國機構場域的權利





    Thanks to #Tuvalu Prime Minister Kausea Natano for his speech urging the UN to grant Taiwanese people and press access to UN premises during the General Debate of #UNGA76:

    "Mr. President, I thank you for the recognition that to build resilience, we must respect the rights of people and that the UN must be revitalized to uphold the rights of all people of the world—people it was established to serve and protect.

    On this very note, Tuvalu calls for the recognition of the rights of the people of Taiwan to the UN premises. The UN system was established to serve the public interest of all peoples. Having unhindered access to the family of nations should be a right for all, not a privilege for some.

    It is most regrettable to see the ongoing injustice of Taiwanese people being barred from accessing UN premises for visits and meetings simply because the UN fails to recognize Republic of China (Taiwan) passports, which are, in fact, accepted by almost every country in the world. Likewise, Taiwanese media outlets and journalists cannot obtain accreditation to cover UN meetings and events.

    It is alarming that civic space in the UN and freedom of the press are being restricted. It is also unjustifiable that a person’s access to UN premises now depends on nationality rather than on safety and security grounds. Granting Taiwanese passport holders access to UN premises is an essential step for the meaningful participation of Taiwan and the Taiwanese people in the UN system."

    Taiwan's vision of global partnership can serve as a valuable reference for the UN.

  • depends 在 學英文吧 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-09-22 16:12:12

    「我想一下哦」 英文怎麼說?
    那 "五倍券"、"還沒決定"、"看情況" 的英文怎麼說呢?
    這一集的文化閒聊,Duncan 跟我們分享,

    快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字:
    Let me think OR Let's see.
    (sometimes:) ....think about it
    I need to think about it.

    We'll see.
    It depends.

    .....not decided yet. I have not decided yet.
    ....not for sure. / I'm not sure. / We're not sure.

    I'll get back to you. I'll let you know.

    the 5,000NT vouchers

    學英文吧網站 https://ivybar.com.tw/?c=3
    或追蹤 iVY BAR 學英文吧的 IG,上面圖文版 podcast 複習也很棒喔!https://pse.is/39vede
    現在我們也有影音版的 Podcast 實境秀喔 https://pse.is/3ahupl

  • depends 在 ECHO LEE Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-18 16:26:23

    Meditation Instructions:

    Lay down on a comfortable position. Start focusing on your breath and let your inner chatter go away. Imagine yourself surrounded by a brilliant light as you close your eyes.
    Bring your awareness to your spirit guides and ask them to protect you as you fall into deep sleep.
    Ask them to walk this light thru your chakras as the music changes from a frequency to another, removing all the negative energies, balancing these centers and clearing your Aura.

    When you wake up the next morning, sit on your bed and take several deep breaths. Then drink a glass of water before eating your breakfast.

    The number of times a week you should do this meditation depends on how you feel about your energy. You may use this meditation when you're feeling low on energy or. By cleansing your aura daily you rid yourself of negative energies that you’ve picked up from other people and the environment so you may use it as a prevention to keep you on a high vibration

    We’re devoted to grow a place where you can return whenever you need to relax and heal.

    A wonderful experience of sleeping beside the ocean with waves rolling next to your bed. High quality stereo ocean sounds, better than any sleep music will provide a great relaxing atmosphere for deep sleeping. All you need to do is playing this video and listen to the waves. All of you sleepyheads will enjoy the full 8 hours of sleep, just make yourself comfortable in bed, close your eyes and think about this place. You may also play any sleep music you like or just leave the sounds of the waves. Sweet dreams!

    睡在海邊,海浪在床邊翻滾的美妙體驗。高品質的立體聲海洋聲音,比任何睡眠音樂都好,將為深度睡眠提供絕佳的放鬆氛圍。您需要做的就是播放此視頻並聆聽海浪。你們所有的昏昏欲睡的人都會享受整整8小時的睡眠,只要讓自己舒服地躺在床上,閉上眼睛,想想這個地方。您還可以播放任何您喜歡的睡眠音樂,或者只是留下海浪的聲音。 舒壓又放鬆的過程,只需要聽著自然的聲音。

    Прекрасный опыт сна на берегу океана с волнами, катящимися рядом с вашей кроватью. Высококачественные стереозвуки океана, лучше, чем любая музыка для сна, создадут отличную расслабляющую атмосферу для глубокого сна. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это посмотреть это видео и послушать волны. Все вы, сони, насладитесь полноценным 8-часовым сном. Просто устройтесь поудобнее в постели, закройте глаза и подумайте об этом месте. Вы также можете включить любую музыку для сна или просто оставить звуки волн. Сладкие сны!


    Một trải nghiệm tuyệt vời khi ngủ bên biển với những con sóng lăn tăn bên cạnh chiếc giường của bạn. Âm thanh đại dương nổi chất lượng cao, hay hơn bất kỳ bản nhạc ru ngủ nào sẽ mang đến bầu không khí thư giãn tuyệt vời cho giấc ngủ sâu. Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm là phát video này và nghe sóng. Tất cả các bạn buồn ngủ sẽ tận hưởng trọn vẹn 8 giờ ngủ, chỉ cần thoải mái trên giường, nhắm mắt lại và nghĩ về nơi này. Bạn cũng có thể phát bất kỳ bản nhạc ngủ nào bạn thích hoặc chỉ để lại âm thanh của sóng biển. Những giấc mơ ngọt ngào!

    Чудовий досвід сну біля океану з хвилями, що котяться біля твого ліжка. Високоякісні стереозвуки океану, які краще, ніж будь -яка музика для сну, забезпечать чудову розслаблюючу атмосферу для глибокого сну. Все, що вам потрібно зробити, це відтворити це відео та слухати хвилі. Усі ви, сонні, будете насолоджуватися сном протягом 8 годин, просто заспокойтеся в ліжку, закрийте очі і подумайте про це місце. Ви також можете грати будь -яку музику для сну або просто залишити звуки хвиль. Солодкі сни!

    Uma experiência maravilhosa de dormir ao lado do oceano com as ondas rolando ao lado de sua cama. Os sons estéreo do oceano de alta qualidade, melhores do que qualquer música para dormir, proporcionam uma excelente atmosfera relaxante para um sono profundo. Tudo que você precisa fazer é reproduzir este vídeo e ouvir as ondas. Todos vocês, dorminhocos, vão adorar as 8 horas de sono, apenas fique confortável na cama, feche os olhos e pense neste lugar. Você também pode tocar qualquer música para dormir que quiser ou apenas deixar o som das ondas. Bons sonhos!

    ประสบการณ์สุดอัศจรรย์ในการนอนข้างมหาสมุทรโดยมีคลื่นซัดเข้าหาเตียงของคุณ เสียงมหาสมุทรสเตอริโอคุณภาพสูง ดีกว่าเพลงกล่อมนอนใดๆ จะให้บรรยากาศที่ผ่อนคลายสำหรับการนอนหลับสนิท สิ่งที่คุณต้องทำคือเล่นวิดีโอนี้และฟังคลื่น คนขี้ง่วงทุกคนจะได้นอนเต็มอิ่ม 8 ชั่วโมง แค่ทำให้ตัวเองสบายบนเตียง หลับตาแล้วนึกถึงที่นี่ คุณยังสามารถเล่นเพลงสำหรับการนอนหลับที่คุณชอบหรือเพียงแค่ปล่อยให้เสียงคลื่น ฝันหวาน!


  • depends 在 Tess Chung Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-17 06:48:38

    Please don't forget to subscribe :)
    follow me on insta too
    tiktok @tesschung

    video mentioned:
    How I used to bushy brows

    Products tried on
    refy 3.0 stage brow kit $55 - shade dark
    - 0.28 oz/ 8.5 mL Brow Sculpt $24
    - 0.05 oz/ 1.5 g Brow Pomade $20
    - 0.002/ 0.06 g Brow Pencil $20

    v.s my regular bushy brow look
    got2b glued styling glue $3-$7 depends on where you get it
    rude teeny weeny micro brow pencil $4.5
    some black or brown eyeshadow (optional)

    My brow pencil shade
    benefit percisely my brow pencil shade 6 $24
    rude cosmetics Teeny Weeny Micro Eyebrow Pencil $4.5
    natural brown ( i think black brown will be even better)
    refy brow pencil - dark $20

    age 35
    skin type : dry sensitive
    skin tone: fair-light neutral leaning warm undertone

    andreas owens - falling & falling
    - https://thmatc.co/?l=8EABDC25
    The Millennial Club - messing with my head
    - https://thmatc.co/?l=5202677B
    MYSM - Running From
    - https://thmatc.co/?l=10A88B72

    #instagrambrows #bushybrows #refybrowkit

