

在 deny翻譯產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 歡迎分享 針對本次台灣疫情的反應由波蘭共和國駐台北代表親自推薦的實習生BIELAKOWSKA,ALEKSANDRA以波蘭文、英文撰文,正式被波蘭國家通訊社Polish Press Agency 引用。 我與我們的同事將繼續為台灣發聲,一起努力! (不要看翻譯年糕ㄋㄟ、看英文譯文,翻譯年糕會弄錯) ...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅Gina music,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Don't forget to turn on the bell icon for future uploads 🔔✔️ 西洋音樂愛好者✨這裡不會有冗長的介紹文卻是個讓你挖歌的好地方😎 追蹤Gina music社群挖掘更多音樂🌹 facebook👉 https://www.facebook.com...

deny翻譯 在 Artshow chen Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-03 22:21:33

什麼是CALL OUT ?? CALL OUT 用街舞圈以外的說法就是”下戰帖” 古代打仗的時候講求禮數,會發”戰帖”給對方 裡面會提到戰鬥的時間、地點、方式。 而街舞圈一樣有著這樣重要的文化 一位被尊重的街頭舞者不是討來的 一切以舞蹈說話,大家平起平坐 所謂的尊重從來不是單方的事 如果你認為選手...

  • deny翻譯 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-11 15:14:02
    有 796 人按讚

    針對本次台灣疫情的反應由波蘭共和國駐台北代表親自推薦的實習生BIELAKOWSKA,ALEKSANDRA以波蘭文、英文撰文,正式被波蘭國家通訊社Polish Press Agency 引用。


    以下由我另一位同事 Finn Robinsen,澳大利亞外交貿易部之新可倫坡計畫(New Colombo Plan)學人編修翻譯


    Polish Press Agency
    2020-03-10 12:23 Taipei:

    Disinfections, controls on subway stations and quick access to information - this is how Taiwan has halted the spread of the epidemic.

    Taking into consideration that over 850 thousand Taiwanese are currently living and working in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan could have become the worst case of the coronavirus outbreak, but so far this country has been rather an exception in the matter.

    On an island that is inhabited by a population of 24 million, there have so far only been 47 cases of coronavirus diagnosed, one fatality and 17 people cured. (在這個島上有接近2400萬人口,到目前只有47例,1例死亡、17人痊癒。)

    The Taipei City Government in a report on COVID19 prevention measures emphasized: “As a result of effective and swiftly conducted measures, despite the Chinese New Year timing marked with an increased flow of people between China and Taiwan, Taiwan has managed to keep the number of infected people low and prevent further spread of the disease.”

    Public transportation and public buildings are subject to regular disinfection. Before entering the subway, every person needs to undergo body temperature measurement, and any person with fever and temperature above 38 degrees is not allowed to enter a subway station. The same preventive measures are conducted in all universities and governmental buildings. Taiwan’s medical authorities publish daily information about the actual epidemiological situation in Taiwan, in particular about the newly detected cases and places that had been visited by people afterwards diagnosed with the coronavirus.

    After entering Taiwan, all travelers are required to undergo compulsory body temperature measurement. Taipei City Government underlined that “travelers who provide authorities with inaccurate or false information, or break 14-days quarantine, will be fined up to NT$ 150,000.”

    In January, Taiwan announced that it would be conducting health control of all passengers travelling from Wuhan - this happened before the discovery of human-to-human transmission of the disease. Since the first week of February, the Government launched a system of rationing face masks; every citizen could purchase two masks a week. Moreover, at that time the Government announced that they will limit number of persons entering Taiwan from China, and quarantine for 14 days all travelers from Hongkong and Macau.

    Since March 5th, as a result of increased production of face masks, the limit was raised to three masks a week for adults, and to five for children.

    As Al Jazeera assessed: “Taiwan's success in handling the infection has largely been due to its early response at a time when the virus was still poorly understood and its transmission rate unclear.” Al Jazeera then emphasized that the Taiwanese government did not wait for WHO guidance “which continues to deny Taiwan observer status for political reasons.”
    “Experts said that Taiwan's success is comparable to Singapore's” Al Jazeera goes on. It added that both countries offered a “large stimulus packages as the economy felt the impact of the coronavirus and was affected by the decrease of tourism from China.”

    As Al Jazeera concludes, “Taiwan's actions contrast sharply with China's, where decisive action came only after the outbreak had already spread.”

    Polish Press Agency baj/jar/

  • deny翻譯 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-01-13 22:46:44
    有 824 人按讚


    * 伊朗警方否認川普説法,並未對示威者開槍射擊:
    Iran plane downing: Police deny shooting anti-government protesters https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-51090637–BBC

    * 匈牙利全國食物安全局(NEBIH)週一(13日)說,匈牙利西北部一間火雞農場出現H5N8禽流感病毒菌株。
    匈牙利火雞場出現H5N8禽流感病毒菌株 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20200113-1020848…—新加坡聯合早報

    * 英國威廉王子和哈里王子週一(13日)公開指責一份具「冒犯性」的報紙,該報紙稱,哈里和夫人梅根因遭威廉的欺負而引退隱。
    Harry and William deny 'offensive' bullying claims https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51086477–BBC

    * 【Michael Bloomberg 布隆伯格:花光所有錢也要趕走川普】身價超過550億美元的前紐約市長布隆伯格上週末表示,他不惜花掉所有身家也要將川普趕出白宮。「首要任務是趕走唐納德·川普。我正在花費我許多的錢來趕走川普。」他還說,「相當自信」能擊敗川普的一個原因是他對搖擺選民的吸引力,「我有理由相信我可以擊敗川普,原因之一就是我能被溫和的共和黨人接受。」—Forbes

    * 【富豪兄弟是刺殺蘇萊曼尼的無人機之父】這可能是人類歷史上最具標誌性的一次無人機襲擊:一個多星期前,一架MQ-9「死神」無人機向伊朗將軍蘇萊曼尼及其隨行人員抵達巴格達國際機場時、乘坐的車輛發射了至少兩枚「地獄火」導彈。現場車輛被毀壞,而蘇萊曼尼的遺體和身份只能通過一個戴著嵌有紅寶石戒指的斷指來辨認。

    而無人機革命之父是福布斯美國400富豪榜#上的新成員尼爾·布魯,他同時是通用原子公司的董事長及持股80%的大股東,個人身價達41億美元。而其弟弟林登·布魯(Linden Blue)則擁有公司另外的20%股權,身價也達到了10億美元。—Forbes

    * 【菲律賓火山噴發,在世界第三大城市區造成混亂】據菲律賓火山與地震研究所(PHIVOLCS)從當地時間周日晚間開始,火山口開始向天空噴射巨大的蒸汽柱和火山灰,高度達1萬米。火山噴發還伴隨著降雨和大量怪異的、帶靜電的火山閃電。—Forbes

    * 【美財長:翻譯文本未改變美中協議承諾】美國財政部長努勤說,中國對中美第一階段貿易協議所做承諾,在翻譯協議文本的過程中並未出現任何改變。—新加坡聯合早報

    * 【澳洲東南部雖降雨 完全熄滅林火仍需時日】澳大利亞東南部一些地區氣溫轉涼且降雨,焚燒多月的林火因此稍微緩和,可是當地政府警告,要完全熄滅林火還有一段時日。—新加坡聯合早報

    * 【戈恩接受採訪就逃亡稱「日本人不夠迅速」】巴西主要報紙《聖保羅州報》12日刊登了對從日本逃亡至中東黎巴嫩的日產汽車公司前董事長卡洛斯・戈恩的採訪。戈恩就逃亡稱:「(自己)迅速決定、計劃並實施。因為日本人向來不夠迅速。」—日本共同社

    * 新年沒有煙火?鹿特丹將成第一個禁放煙花的荷蘭大城市!

    鹿特丹將成為第一個在新年期間完全禁放煙花的荷蘭大城市。鹿特丹市長Ahmed Aboutable大力支持這項舉措,對於燃放煙花的禁令大為贊賞,並且說明禁令不只意味著禁止燃放,一切相關的銷售也不被允許。荷蘭基督教民主聯盟(CDA)部長本週一參加電視節目錄影也稱:燃放煙火是需要改變的新年傳統。

    荷蘭的四個大城市一直都在努力推動禁止燃放煙花爆竹的舉措,作為四大城市之首的阿姆斯特丹早在2016年就嘗試實施此一禁令,雖然阿姆斯特丹市內無煙火的地區數量有所增加,但總體進展並不順利,市議會本週將重新討論此事。海牙的市長和烏特勒支市長也都主張禁止一切煙火爆竹。—-Netherlands on Line

    *電影小丑嬴得今年奧斯卡11項提名Oscars 2020: Joker leads field with 11 nominations https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-51090151

    *距離菲律賓首都馬尼拉70公里處的塔爾火山開始噴吐巨大火山灰,已經造成當地航空混亂和近上萬人撤離。當局警告說,塔爾火山很可能在未來數小時或數天內發生猛烈噴發。 Taal volcano: Lava spews as 'hazardous eruption' feared https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-51086961

  • deny翻譯 在 粘拔的幸福碎碎念 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-11-22 09:44:47
    有 654 人按讚

    分享~馬世芳 昨天上午12:07的文(#分享請全文複製貼上即可)

    ...Continue Reading
    I solemnly deny the arbitrary accusations against me made by the authorities which were obtained through an illegal process, includes using torture, threats and coercion. 對於當局命秘密警察使用非法手段及程序(包括酷刑、威脅和強迫)蒐證而作出的肆意指控,我一律否認。

