在 deny三態產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅王大師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 傻傻的我,在昨天吃了「查禁」的悶虧後,居然還真跑去臉書的「監察委員會」檢舉他們的亂報。 先不說今早,為了想跟國人訴說在台灣這極權國家要講真心話時,必須自掏腰包買廣告。臉書當然立即禁止我這舉措,deny我的廣告權利,畢竟如此的臉書家醜,要越少人知道越好。 就說我的檢舉申訴好了,怎知,他們居然要求我...
deny三態 在 王大師 Facebook 的精選貼文
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1:09:46 感謝斗內大德小道姊說:大師花一個月鑽研,請介紹監控資本家與機器控制集體意識,也請複習監控2.0,寶可夢軍工複合情報計畫,第四公民NSA史諾登爆料監控體系。
-也就是失契約-uncontract 效應
deny三態 在 王定宇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
WHA主席欲喊卡 友邦聖文森堅持挺台發言到底
11月12日聖文森衛生部次長Cuthbert Knights在A委員會發言
Mr. President, the 73rd annual World Health Assembly is being held at a time when the world is facing an unparalleled and unprecedented challenge from the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented outbreak of the novel coronavirus has made more urgent than ever the importance of the world’s most comprehensive health commitment to date, “Universal Health Coverage: Moving together to build a healthy world.”
Mr. President, this historic declaration on universal health coverage adopted by the UN Member States underscores the significant role of Member States’ cooperation and reinforces further the importance of inclusivity in achieving universal health coverage, and thereby, prevent billions from accessing healthcare.
At a time when the world is still checkmated by the coronavirus pandemic, the WHO’s repeated call for the world to work together to combat the disease can no longer exclude any member’s participation in the WHA. In other words, Mr. President, to make “health for all” a reality and ensure that no member is left behind, we must address the meaningful participation for all members in this most important and distinguished forum.
Cognizant of the critical importance for all people to have access to the healthcare they need, when and where they need it, without facing financial hardship, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is therefore of the view that it is entirely irrational and counterproductive not to have any member, including Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the WHO. Taiwan possesses the expertise, professionalism, and generosity to make a significant difference, and we cannot and should not allow great power politics to deny Taiwan’s meaningful participation.
This is Chair. Saint Vincent, I would like to ask you in accordance with the rule 53 of the Rules of Procedures to confine yourself to addressing the agenda item under discussion. Thank you. You are welcome to continue.
[Saint Vincent]
So I will continue. This is what I am doing. Taiwan, in view of its resounding success in responding to COVID-19, is in a position to share its best practices, expertise, professionalism, and generosity that can be helpful to combat COVID-19 pandemic. It has afforded many member states including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines the opportunity to access high quality health services, medical equipment, and supplies and skills; health workers to strengthen the health workforce; and infrastructure in the face of and in response to the relentless COVID-19 pandemic and other diseases.
And I will conclude, Mr. President, what therefore justifies the continued exclusion of Taiwan’s meaningful participation from this forum? As we are all undoubtedly aware, there is already an established precedence of Taiwan’s participation at this assembly as an observer, and its meaningful and ongoing interaction with the WHO. Hence it is reasonably normal to your expectations to conclude that Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHA as an observer is neither illegal nor inconsistent with any resolution. In this view, the WHO can no longer continue to disregard the health and human rights of the Taiwanese people. Should the legitimate health and welfare of the 23 million people in Taiwan be held ransom to the preference of a government? This must change.
Mr. President, Saint Vincent remains resolute in its stance regarding Taiwan’s participation in the WHO. Thank you, Mr. President.
deny三態 在 王炳忠 Facebook 的最佳解答
Are you Helping or Harming Us?
──The Serious Question to You American Politicians
“Are you helping or harming us?” This is my serious question to you American politicians, including those in the Trump administration and in the Congress. As the spokesperson for the New Party, one of Taiwan’s political parties, and also a young man who has lived in Taiwan for more than 32 years since my birth, I should tell you that the answer decides our future without doubt. In other words, the very fact I must confirm is whether you support Taiwan independence instead of the One-China policy or just deploy Taiwan as your pawn to bargain with Beijing. To be honest, as you always take it for granted to sacrifice others for your benefits, it is quite important for us to make sure in advance.
As we all know, the US Congress usually tends to challenge China’s sovereignty over Taiwan because of the impact of the military-industrial complex and the lobbies hired by the Taiwan government. The Taiwan Travel Act and the TAIPEI Act are the late instances. However, without the administration’s implementation, these are only lip service. Thus, the administration’s attitude is crucial indeed. So, let’s see the Department of State. As Secretary Pompeo stated last March, the US is now using every tool in its tool kit to prevent China from isolating Taiwan through diplomatic channels. This year, after shifting blames for its neglect of the pandemic prevention by attacking China and the WHO, the Department of State recently expressed support for Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. The above really triggered my curiosity: The establishment of the US-Taiwan formal diplomatic relations is just the most useful tool, isn’t it? Why does the US not use that? Besides, since Taiwan should become a formal member of the UN before entering the WHO, why does the US not recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state or the ROC government in Taiwan as the only legal government of China instead of the PRC?
The answer to my question seems that your real intention is not to support Taiwan’s real independence but only to trouble Beijing. Just as Pompeo said at a congressional hearing, the Trump administration’s way of viewing the US-Taiwan relations can consider the threat of China’s rise more than the predecessors, which reveals that Taiwan is only a chess piece for Washington to play with Beijing. Furthermore, since the US has no will to have Taiwan as a formal ally, Taiwan is just a pawn you can sacrifice anytime. Consequently, Taiwan must suffer the worsening of cross-strait relations at our own cost while the US just plays Taiwan to bargain with Beijing for your own interests. The outcome is so predictable that Taiwan should go through a depression for its large economic dependence on mainland China which you are unable and unwilling to make up. Besides, we should even consider the most serious situation that a war occurs in the Taiwan Strait. The scenario of Taiwan military is holding on alone within two to three weeks in order to wait for the US military aid. Nevertheless, as the former AIT chairman Richard Bush said, the implied commitment of the US to come to Taiwan’s defense has never be absolute. In other words, we should risk engaging a war with Beijing resulted from your dangerous game, sacrificing our lives for your lies.
As I already told you earlier, the real threat to the US is not China’s rise but the loss of your self-confidence. Moreover, you have weakened the stability across the Taiwan Strait by inciting Taiwan to deny the 1992 consensus and intervening in Taiwan’s campaign last year, which destroys the status quo and your interests indeed. Certainly, as what Secretary Pompeo has told us, “We lied, we cheated, we stole,” how can we bet our future on the US “glory” of lying, cheating, and stealing? In fact, as you once betrayed us in 1978 even though the ROC government in Taiwan and your government was formal alliance then, it is much easier for you today to abandon us when the deal has been done.
In conclusion, as your government declared plainly in the U.S.-PRC Joint Communique (1972), the US had its interests in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves. Accordingly, since you are not willing to recognize either Taiwan as an independent state or the ROC as the legal government of China, we have no choice but to deal with the question of reunification with Beijing by the Chinese ourselves. Helping instead of harming us, you could stop intervening in the Taiwan question, otherwise it will only strengthen the risk across the Taiwan Strait and put us in jeopardy. Thank you if you release your hands.