[爆卦]demarcation line中文是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇demarcation line中文鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在demarcation line中文這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 demarcation產品中有21篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 在這宇宙之間,本來就不是只有人類。 那天,我到一間公寓看風水,一走進門就踏入了「精靈世界」,龐大的陰氣緊緊地包圍著我。真佛宗師兄師姐們,師尊講得對,披甲護身很重要,我們一定要注重個人結界。 這「精靈世界」很可能已經住進你家。它們是從何而來?它們會如何影響你家人的財富、健康、事業和孩子呢? Yo...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅謙預 QianyuSG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,在這宇宙之間,本來就不是只有人類。 那天,我到一間公寓看風水,一走進門內,就踏入了「精靈世界」,緊緊地包圍著我。真佛宗師兄師姐們,師尊講得對,披甲護身很重要,我們一定要注重個人結界。 這「精靈世界」很可能已經住進你家。它們是從何而來?它們會如何影響你家人的財富、健康、事業和孩子呢? ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯...

demarcation 在 Winny 旅遊作家 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-11 10:04:03

📍DMZ. North Korea ⁣ ⁣ 哇!沒想到居然可以從北韓參觀南北軍事分界線🇰🇵⁣ ⁣ 這裡距離南韓首度首爾才七十公里,從這邊可以看到韓國的領土真的很不真實😲⁣ ⁣ 我們是由一位軍官帶領我們參觀,周圍有許多其他軍官監督著我們,確定不會亂拍張跟亂跑😅 ⁣ ⁣ 在這邊我們還參觀了朝鮮戰爭停戰談...

demarcation 在 ??? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-04-04 02:10:15


  • demarcation 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-22 21:13:42
    有 6,716 人按讚




    Youtube 影片:https://youtu.be/i3IEj0j-U_8


    In this Universe we know, humans are not the only species.

    I went to a condo for a Feng Shui audit that day. The moment I stepped inside the home, the realm of goblins surrounded me.

    To my Dharma brothers and sisters of True Buddha School, our Grandmaster is very right: personal demarcation is very important. We must take it seriously.

    This realm of goblins may very well be already living in your home. Where did they come from? How will they affect your family, wealth, health, career and children?

    On my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/i3IEj0j-U_8

  • demarcation 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-06 01:41:01
    有 78 人按讚

    (English writing below)





    In this Universe we know, humans are not the only species.

    I went to a condo for a Feng Shui audit that day. The moment I stepped inside the home, the realm of goblins surrounded me.

    To my Dharma brothers and sisters of True Buddha School, our Grandmaster is very right: personal demarcation is very important. We must take it seriously.

    This realm of goblins may very well be already living in your home. Where did they come from? How will they affect your family, wealth, health, career and children?


  • demarcation 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-24 23:49:36
    有 23 人按讚

    【師父的祝福】SHIFU'S WISHES
    (English writing below)






    「孔雀明王」象徵三如來 -











    我工作運一向很好,公司取消了很多航班,可我還是世界各地到處飛,連 on standby 都被叫去飛往巴黎,那期間薪水絲毫沒受影響。*哭笑不得~



    風水方面, 藥物不要貪方便,而放在客廳見得著的地方,如桌上或櫃子上。把藥物(中藥、西藥、保健品)收起來,能避免家中的人常生病。








    That day after my last 2019 Feng Shui audit, the client gave me this red packet. She had seen me thrice, and observed that I wore this peacock brooch every time. So she specially gave me this red packet with a peacock motif.

    How adorable of her.

    This brooch of mine is no ordinary peacock. It is the throne of Mahamayuri, bought by Shifu at Taipei’s Zhong Guan Hall. He said, we are bound to meet people from all walks of life in our work, and in the homes we do Feng Shui audits for, the energies can be very clashing to our bodies. So I must protect myself well, to benefit both myself and my clients.

    This brooch is also personally consecrated and blessed by my Grandmaster, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, at the Mahamayuri Homa Ceremony.

    My Grandmaster expounded:

    Mahamayuri represents three Buddhas -

    Mahamayuri is the sambhogakaya of Shakyamuni Buddha because in one of his previous lives, Shakyamuni reincarnated as the Peacock King.

    Mahamayuri is the nirmanakaya of Amitabha Buddha. According to the Amitabha Sutra, there are jivajivakas, peacocks, parrots, and kalavinkas in the Western Pure Land. The peacocks are the nirmanakaya of Amitabha Buddha.

    Mahamayuri's appearance is one and the same as Mahavairocana's, very dignified. The Mahavairocana crown that Mahamayuri wears signifies Her origin is Mahavairocana and that She is the nisyandakaya of Mahavairocana.

    Because Mahamayuri embodies the integrated Dharma power of these three Buddhas, She is even able to change predestined karma, which otherwise would be impossible to avoid. Therefore, Her power is enormous and infinite.

    (information from www.tbsn.org/english2)

    The peacock is able to eat poison, and has no fear of posionous animals like centipedes, snakes and scorpions. In fact, the more poison it eats, the more beautiful its feathers become, and its body will radiate with light.

    Because it's the wishes of Shifu, I have been wearing this brooch ever since my debut. Every time I see a client, I wear it to increase my ability to bestow blessings on the client.

    Reading about the recent Wuhan virus, I was reminded of 2003 when SARS hit Singapore.

    I was still in SQ as a flight stewardess at that time. Every day when I read the papers or watch the news, it would be about how many had died from SARS, and how many are infected.

    It was depressing.

    When I went for my flights, I worried if I would be the next infected one. What if I became like that ex-flight attendant who brought SARS into Singapore, killing some of her family?

    My work luck had always been good. During the SARS period, SQ cancelled many flights, but I was still flying everywhere and even got called up for a Paris flight while on standby. My salary didn't went down at all. *don't know whether to cry or to laugh...

    The killing sins of sentient beings are too many and have went overboard, hence in the past decades, there are many new strains of diseases that originated from animals, spreading to humans. This is the retribution of humans.

    I advise everybody not to be greedy. The usual meat consumption of poultry, fishes and other farm-bred livestock are already sufficient. Do not eat wildlife out of silly curiosity or nonsensical adventures.

    Greedy people never come to a good end.

    In Chinese Metaphysics, bats are like rats. So if this Wuhan virus indeed originated from bats and rat-like animals, due to clashes with the Metal Rat year, the damage from this virus will be devastating. Let me tell you this, even if it gets contained, there will be another super virus very soon.

    Feng Shui wise, do not place medication (TCM or Western, supplements too) on visible table tops or cabinet tops, out of convenience. Keep the medication inside the cabinets or drawers, for this will prevent frequent sickness in the family.

    You would have read from the news the basic precautions you should abide by. Please take note and do it. It is kindness when you protect yourself so as to protect others.

    To my Dharma brothers and sisters of True Buddha school, we are more fortunate than the common man in the street, as we have the protection of Amitabha Buddha.

    Please do not neglect the Armour Protection mantra and demarcation.

    Out of compassion, our Grandmaster had transmitted many Dharma practices for us to seek empowerment and cultivate, from the Root Guru Mantra, Golden Mother Mantra, High King Avalokitesvara Sutra, the Great Relief from Calamities Mantra, to the Mahamayuri Mantra etc.

    With good lifestyle habits, we will be take good visible and invisible prevention measures against this virus, and herald in good fortune from the Spring season.

    We Chinese do not say dampening words during Chinese New Year, but we must first evade danger before we can receive auspiciousness.

    So when I audit Feng Shui, I always negate the clashing energies for my client, and then activate the good ones. For a Bazi, similarly I will first resolve the client's problems, before teaching the client how to open up his/her own door of good fortune.

    I wish every one of you: peace and good health in this new year.

  • demarcation 在 謙預 QianyuSG Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-06 01:38:52





    In this Universe we know, humans are not the only species.

    I went to a condo for a Feng Shui audit that day. The moment I stepped inside the home, the realm of goblins surrounded me.

    To my Dharma brothers and sisters of True Buddha School, our Grandmaster is very right:personal demarcation is very important. We must take it seriously.

    This realm of goblins may very well be already living in your home. Where did they come from? How will they affect your family, wealth, health, career and children?





    ??‍? 服務諮詢 :


    Hi, I am Lee Ji Qian, a Chinese Metaphysics practitioner from Singapore. This journey in propagating Buddhism and Chinese Metaphysics has been full of hard knocks and exciting discoveries.

    Through my videos and online writing, I hope to share my journey with you. So that you too can break free from the limits of your destiny and truly live a life you can call fulfilling. My destiny is in my own hands, not Heaven. So is yours.

    It does not matter whether we can live a long or short life.
    What matters most is living a life of value and contribution.




