

在 delicate名詞產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [#甜蜜食間 / Ying’s Sweet Time] Pierre Hermé Paris x Cedric Grolet - Noisette Citron (English below) 前幾天在百忙之中,為自己訂了一個 Pierre Hermé 與 Cédric Grolet 兩位主廚的四...

delicate名詞 在 ?????? ??? ????? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-11 10:42:15

LAURA MERCIER CHEEK CANVAS SOFT CHEEK PALETTE #delicate –––––––––––––––––––––🥨––––––––––––––––––––– 近幾個月真的瘋狂被各路美女燒 最愛腮紅是laura mercier的ginger 我在想我接下來要...

  • delicate名詞 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-10-04 22:43:53
    有 445 人按讚

    [#甜蜜食間 / Ying’s Sweet Time] Pierre Hermé Paris x Cedric Grolet - Noisette Citron (English below)

    前幾天在百忙之中,為自己訂了一個 Pierre Hermé 與 Cédric Grolet 兩位主廚的四手聯彈作品——「Noisette Citron」(榛果-檸檬),明明幾乎連睡覺都沒時間了,卻還是出了門一趟,將這朵可愛的小花領回家。

    說老實話,原本光是看造型與組成,我其實沒有太大興趣。對巴黎人來說,使用「biscuit macaron」(馬卡龍海綿蛋糕)當成底座、再加上內餡大概很新奇,但對台灣消費者來說,其實就是熟悉的「dacquoise」#達克瓦茲蛋糕;榛果與檸檬的搭配也不算特殊、小花造型也幾乎是 Cédric Grolet Opéra 店中商品的招牌。沒想到兩位主廚果然還是功力深厚,檸檬奶餡(crème citron)清新怡人、酸甜適中,其中的檸檬果凍(gélé citron)、糖漬檸檬皮(citron semi-confit)與檸檬果肉(chair de citron)非常爽口,搭配濃醇卻絲毫不厚重的榛果焦糖牛奶醬(confiture de lait à la noisette)與外表乾鬆、內裡稍稍黏牙的榛果馬卡龍海綿蛋糕(biscuit macaron à la noisette),像是在初秋閃耀的陽光,微涼、金黃,在穩重中還記憶著一抹夏季的酸爽。

    這款蛋糕從 9/24 至 10/18 為止,是網路限定,可在 http://xn--pierreherm-k7a.com/Cedric-Grolet.com 上點選訂購、並在巴黎的兩個品牌營業點取貨,大小巴黎也有快遞的選項。

    🔖 延伸閱讀:

    不只是馬卡龍的代名詞:Pierre Hermé 的重要成就與深遠影響:https://tinyurl.com/y59dxvfv

    締造時代傳說 - Cédric Grolet 主廚:https://tinyurl.com/y5z5ncsu




    Had a little treat for myself the other day. The “Noisette-Citron” created by Pierre Hermé and Cédric Grolet, two of the best pâtissiers in the world, is a lovely lady that has consoled me with her tenderness. The composition is nothing impressive with the “biscuit macaron à la noisette” (a hazelnut dacquoise biscuit in fact) as the base and crème citron (lemon cream) as the filling. Pastry and dessert connoisseurs wouldn’t be surprised as the Japanese dacquoise-based cakes are way too common there, but for the sweet tooth in Paris, this could be something interesting. However, the delicate match between hazelnut and lemon is outstanding. Every component is in its place and at its best. Nothing is too much or too little. A wonderful harmony that could only be achieved by a master (or in this case, two masters).

    The “Noisette-Citron” is available from 24th September to 18th October online. Check http://xn--pierreherm-k7a.com/ and Cedric-Grolet.com for more information.

    🔖 To read more on this topic -

    Pierre Hermé, so much more than the father of macarons: https://tinyurl.com/y59dxvfv

    Interview with Cédric Grolet, a legendary of our time: https://tinyurl.com/y5z5ncsu

    Meringue, one essential player in French pastries : https://tinyurl.com/sf59w8l

    How to make perfect macarons?

    #yingspastryguide #paris #yingssweettime #cedricgrolet #pierreherme

  • delicate名詞 在 星象專家 辰宇力 Astrologist Uriel Chen Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-06-10 21:00:00
    有 30 人按讚

    2019/6/11 每日星情運勢預報 Daily Astrology Forecast
    Delicate elegance

    ♈️ 羊:晴 Sunny
    ♉️ 牛:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
    ♊️ 雙:晴 Sunny
    ♋️ 蟹:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
    ♌ 獅:晴 Sunny
    ♍️ 女:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
    ♎️ 秤:晴 Sunny
    ♏️ 蠍:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
    ♐ 射:晴 Sunny
    ♑️ 羯:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
    🏆 ♒️ 瓶:晴 Sunny
    ♓️ 魚:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
    ✨ 加入LINE 好友團 : https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40vvm6052y
    每日星情名詞解析 ☆ https://goo.gl/TLaZLV
    Reading Daily Astrology
    善用每日星情預報的小技巧 ☆ https://goo.gl/HTdhuI
    Guide to a better living with Daily Astrology Forecast
    星座圖示對照 Indicators:
    🏆 是日 #幸運星 #LuckyStar Today
    ♈️ #白羊座 #Aries (03/21~04/19)
    ♉️ #金牛座 #Taurus (04/20~05/20)
    ♊️ #雙子座 #Gemini (05/21~06/21)
    ♋️ #巨蟹座 #Cancer (06/22~07/22)
    ♌️ #獅子座 #Leo (07/23~08/22)
    ♍️ #處女座 #Virgo (08/23~09/22)
    ♎️ #天秤座 #Libra (09/23~10/23)
    ♏️ #天蠍座 #Scorpio (10/24~11/22)
    ♐️ #射手座 #Sagittarius (11/23~12/21)
    ♑️ #摩羯座 #Capricorn (12/22~01/19)
    ♒️ #水瓶座 #Aquarius (01/20~02/18)
    ♓️ #雙魚座 #Pisces (02/19~03/20)

  • delicate名詞 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-05-20 22:32:33
    有 22 人按讚


    It's been a while since my last update. I have finished the first 1/3 of the trip, visited Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, and am going to enter China tomorrow. Here I'd like to quickly summarize what I did in the past few days, as I don't have time to make up in details.

    Visited Silk Road ancient cities Khiva and Bukhara


    Khiva and Bukhara were both capitals of khanates until 1920, when Soviet Communist Party abolished them. The age of khans is actually not that far from us. Consequently, many Turkic and Islamic architectures are well preserved in these cities until now.

    Enjoying Timur empire capital Samarkand for 3 days


    My first impression of Central Asia was from Samarkand, where around a square stand three madrassases with delicate tiles and rounded domes. Since then, Central Asia has been attractive to me. In 15th century, this city was as important as Paris, and today this is the place to find the biggest and most splendid Islamic architectures in Central Asia. Today it's still a vibrant city, and I didn't feel bored after spending 3 days there.

    Entering Kyrgyzstan, and encountering Taipei in Bishkek



    The flight from Tashkent to Bishkek is the only non-over-land segment on my trip, and I did so in order to obtain Kyrgyzstan's e-visa, which now only opens to air passengers. After this flight, the next one would be one month later from Helsinki, Finland.

    Kyrgyzstan's economy is not great compared to other Central Asian countries, but its capital still flourishes and looks appealing. Greenways and street plants make its appearance especially unique. New high-rise apartments and old low houses both exist here, and interestingly, just like my hometown Taipei, they also like to protect windows with rails and have ACs hung outside buildings. While seeing this scene, sometimes I thought I was back in Taipei.

    在頌湖(Son Kul)體驗遊牧民族生活
    Nomadic life at Son Kul


    Son Kul is the second largest lake in Kyrgyzstan. While being outsized by the first, its pure sky at high altitude and nomadic lifestyle made me decide to put it on my "must-go" list. People usually go on tours arranged by agents, where a local guide leads you to ride horses for two days and cross over mountains, and then after arriving at the Lake, you can stay in yurts and experience the life and cuisine of the locals. As it was fairly early in season, I was the only tours that day, which means I had to pay a bit more. However, as soon as I got to the lake and felt the solitude, I thought it was totally worth the price.

    Next stop

    離開頌湖之後我一直在搭車——先是2小時下山、3小時回到首都,接著馬上是15小時的夜車從北跨到南部大城奧什(Osh),然後再3.5小時到達今晚過夜的Sary-Tash,一個位在帕米爾高原上海拔3170公尺的小鎮,準備明天一早翻過山進入新疆喀什。從山上下來又搭夜車,已經連續四個晚上沒洗澡了,期待明天到達喀什可以好好給他洗洗睡 :)


    Since leaving Son Kul, I've been riding vehicles: 2 hours to get out from the lake, 3 hours to go back to Bishkek, which was followed by a 15-hour night ride from Bishkek to Osh, and then a 3.5-hour ride to Sary-Tash, where I will spend my night at. Tomorrow I'll leave in early morning to enter China via Pamir Highway. My destination is Kashgar. It's been 4 days since the last time I got a shower. Looking forward to doing that in Kashgar tomorrow :)

