

在 delicacies中文產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 早安,你今天 Q 了嗎? 一起來認識台灣美食的獨特口感 🇹🇼 In Italy, ‘Al Dente’ Is Prized. In Taiwan, It’s All About Food That’s ‘Q.’ 台灣美食為什麼那麼「Q」? 🍭 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan —...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅SMART Mandarin - Katrina Lee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,😀 Join Hanzi MasterClass Waitlist - Get more updates and info. about learning Chinese characters. https://winning-thinker-7590.ck.page/84aef16ed5 😀 D...

delicacies中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-05-31 04:41:45

#EatatHome #在家吃美食 ❤️ Robin's Grill 👉🏻 @robinsgrill ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 🏷️餐廳公告 著名的 Robins 牛排屋供應頂級炭烤牛排及海鮮,豐盛精緻的沙拉吧更是餐廳招牌選項,現在讓你在家就可以滿足你的味蕾。昨天收到的時候還是溫溫的,跟在Robin‘s吃的...

delicacies中文 在 Milo • Blogger & ?Instructor Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-02 06:16:38

Hainan by the sea Hainanese cuisine restaurants are everywhere, they are very accessible and convenient. However to have the delicacies authentically...

  • delicacies中文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-12 07:01:00
    有 499 人按讚

    早安,你今天 Q 了嗎?

    🇹🇼 In Italy, ‘Al Dente’ Is Prized. In Taiwan, It’s All About Food That’s ‘Q.’

    🍭 NEW TAIPEI CITY, Taiwan — As dusk falls at Lehua Night Market, the fluorescent lights flicker on and the hungry customers start trickling in, anxious for a taste of the local delicacies that give this island its reputation as one of Asia’s finest culinary capitals. Neatly arranged pyramids of plump fish balls. Bowls brimming with tapioca balls bathed in lightly sweetened syrup. Sizzling oyster omelets, hot off the griddle. Deep-fried sweet potato puffs, still dripping with oil.

    -fluorescent: 發出螢光的
    -trickle in: 三三兩兩地抵達
    -reputation: 名聲
    -culinary: 烹飪的
    -griddle: 鐵板、煎鍋
    -deep-fried: 油炸的

    🍡 Take a bite of any of these dishes and you’ll discover a unique texture. But how exactly do you describe that perfectly calibrated “mouth feel” so sought after by local cooks and eaters alike?
    Slippery? Chewy? Globby? Not exactly the most flattering adjectives in the culinary world.
    Luckily, the Taiwanese have a word for this texture. Well, actually, it’s not a word, it’s a letter — one that even non-Chinese speakers can pronounce.
    It’s “Q.”


    -texture: 口感、質地、韻味
    -calibrate: 校準、調整、調配
    -be sought after: 趨之若鶩
    -chewy: 有嚼勁的

    🥤 “It’s difficult to explain what Q means exactly,” said Liu Yen-ling, a manager at Chun Shui Tang, a popular teahouse chain that claims to have invented tapioca milk tea in Taiwan. “Basically it means springy, soft, elastic.”
    Q texture is to Taiwanese what umami is to Japanese and al dente is to Italians — that is, cherished and essential. Around Taiwan, the letter Q can often be glimpsed amid a jumble of Chinese characters on shop signs and food packages and in convenience stores and advertisements.

    「Q」的口感之於台灣人,就等於「umami」(鮮)之於日本人,「al dente」(有嚼勁)之於義大利人——備受珍視,也必不可少。在台灣各地,可以在店鋪招牌和便利店、廣告的食物包裝中的一堆中文字裡瞥見「Q」這個字母。

    -tapioca milk tea: 珍珠奶茶
    -springy: 有彈性的、彈牙的
    -umami: 鮮味
    -al dente: 彈牙、有嚼勁
    -glimpse: 瞥見

    加入每日國際選讀計畫,發揚台灣 QQ 美食



    #告訴我✍🏻 「你覺得哪家珍珠最 Q? 」

    #小孩子才做選擇 #我全都要

  • delicacies中文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-02-07 21:51:00
    有 5 人按讚


    Buddha-like frog game leaps into hearts of young Chinese

    A hit Japanese game about a frog who regularly disappears on vacation has struck a note with young Chinese for its "Buddha-style" gameplay.

    Travel Frog was the most downloaded free app on the Apple Store on Sunday, while the mobile game has been among the most searched topics on Sina Weibo this week.

    The game centers on a frog that goes on trips around Japan and sends back postcards, and sometimes local delicacies. Players are required to do very little: They can grow and collect clover in a virtual courtyard as in-game currency, and help the frog pack for a journey.

    Many people have praised the game for its slow pace, saying it taps the trend among younger generations in China to search out "Zenlike" activities.

    "I wish I could be the frog I raised in the game as I would like to be able to go on a trip whenever I want," said Ge Yuan, 30, who works in Shanghai`s Taihe economic zone. "It`s like the life of a monk who lives life following his heart."
    「我希望能成為遊戲中自己養的那隻青蛙,可以在任何時候來一場說走就走的旅行,」 30歲的Ge Yuan在上海泰和經濟發展區工作,而他對這款遊戲的評價是,「就像個僧侶一樣隨心所欲的生活。」

    Yuan Linghuan, a postgraduate student at Tongji University in Shanghai, said her friend introduced the game to her three days ago.
    上海同濟大學研究生Yuan Linghuan說她的朋友在三天前向她推薦了這款遊戲。

    "Everything is unexpected in life, just like the game. Whenever I launch the game, I don`t know whether the frog is at home, reading, eating or writing letters," the 25-year-old said.

    She said the design of the game is cute, while it requires no skills in fighting, which is good for female players.

    "It`s not a game that you will get obsessed with, as there is no ranking list among players," Yuan added. "All you have to do is to open the app to see if your frog is at home or on its journey, and it`s not necessary to spend a lot of money buying gear to equip the frog for his travels, which differs from other role-playing games."

    Like other players, Yuan said she feels like an elderly parent waiting for her children to return home.

    "I feel like I’m the mother of the frog in the game. It’s really interesting for a single girl like me, and raising the frog is a way of relieving stress," she said.

    Many players regard the game as their spiritual sustenance, especially youth living alone, according to Ma Xiquan, a doctor of clinical psychology at Shanghai East Hospital.
    上海東方醫院臨床心理科醫生Ma Xiquan表示,不少玩家將這款遊戲視作心靈寄託,尤其是獨居的年輕人。

    "The frog brings a sense of satisfaction to the players," he said. "The game simulates the relationship of a traditional Chinese or Japanese family. Players can satisfy their emotions through the process of taking care of the frog."

    Ma said the game reflects the low social demands of the players, and characteristics of the game that resemble a Buddhist lifestyle tally with the personality of people pursuing an easy life.

    Developed by Japanese company Hit-Point, the game was included as a free download in the Apple store on Dec 6 and became an internet hit after being introduced to China in early January.

    The game is available for iOS and Android systems, but the Apple store only offers a Japanese version while Android has Chinese and Japanese.

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文

  • delicacies中文 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-12-14 20:08:00
    有 2 人按讚

    【本日新字單元:food review】part 8

    搭飛機時,顧客們對於服務的品質,設備的舒適程度,航程的安全,也都會被列在他們的 flight review 當中。就老師個人而言,「飛航評價」算是出國旅遊時,所需注意的其中一項。畢竟是長途旅行,在長時間的交通往返中,總是希望能夠無虞無憂。


    review 這個字的唸法,必須要組合中文字及英文字母才行: 「律--富u」英文的對照: re--view


    至於 food 這個字的唸法就比較簡單,類似右側中文的組合: 「富的」英文的對照: food

    將兩個字組合之後,food review 的唸法,自然就是: 「富的--律-富u」英文的對照: food--re-view


    Owen: Now I've earned some money, and I want to enjoy my life!
    Joy: Good for you! You really need more recreation.
    Owen: So...where should I start? Where to taste the delicacies?
    Joy: Then you found the right person. Let me show you several food reviews on my blog.

    歐文: 我現在已經賺了一些錢了,那我就要來享受生活!
    喬伊: 很棒啊!你真的需要更多的娛樂消遣。
    歐文: 嗯…那我要從哪兒開始?到哪裡吃些好料呢?
    喬伊: 那你就找對人了。我來讓你看一下在我部落格上面貼的幾篇「食記」吧!

    事實上呢,還有很多的 review ,但是為了不讓大家覺得一次要記住好多東西,變成囫圇吞棗,老師將「遊記」在美語中最完整的說法,留待下次的單元中再向各位揭曉喔!

    New Word of the Day , 我們下次再見。

    #高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文

