

在 deities中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅江魔的魔界(Kong Keen Yung 江健勇),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我早前有提過王亭之(談錫永)翻譯過的文殊占卜法,翻譯得很不專業。又刪減,又額外多加自己意見。 二十多年前,他偷偷翻譯屬於人家版權的東西,搞到有了一場糾紛。 最後談妥了,他自己就買下了版權來翻譯。 然後他媽的翻譯成這樣: 這個卦是 Ra Dhi ,我就給大家對照一下原版英文版的內容和...

  • deities中文 在 江魔的魔界(Kong Keen Yung 江健勇) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-02-14 18:32:44
    有 37 人按讚





    這個卦是 Ra Dhi ,我就給大家對照一下原版英文版的內容和談錫永所譯的。



    Red Yamantaka=紅閻曼德迦
    Voice Goddesses = 聲音的女神,這裡指的是妙音天女或辯才天女。
    Deities of Lotus Family=蓮花部的本尊
    Dorje Lekpa=多傑勒巴護法神
    Read various Sutras and Tantras =讀誦各種顯密經續
    Butter Lamps=酥油燈



    然後,人家末後那句英文:This prediction is know as advice from a beneficial friend,他那句『良朋一言,勝似萬千』,翻譯得可圈可點。不過,卻無端端的私自加多了『要得朋友參與計劃為佳』。





  • deities中文 在 琪人譯事:翻譯途中的文化風景 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-10-22 21:25:16
    有 11 人按讚


    日俄口譯員米原万里在她的著作《米原万里的口譯現場》中,以各國語言的寒暄問候用語來說明譯文不該「百分百忠誠」的概念,認為「要把它(例如,中文的『吃飽了沒?』)轉換為其他外語時,最好是直接換成『在同樣狀況下其他語言中使用的招呼語固定語句』(例如,英文的『What's up?』)。」
    我認為,其實不只是寒暄問候語,翻譯任何一句話都有可能必須做出從『吃飽了沒?』到『What's up?』這種看似差距甚大、但是十分合乎目標語習慣的大幅度調整。



    Historical painting found its material in ancient history, literature and the bible, and, in a grand manner, depicted heroes, deities, saints, martyrs, and other virtuous figures. Hence, academic artists had to be well versed in the classics, imaginative, and familiar with anatomy. From copying male figures in ancient paintings and sculptures to sketching real human bodies, stage by stage they learned how to blend the ideal with the real, achieving great narratives in their works.

    最後,我在譯文中多加了「stage by stage」這個片語,因為原文的連接感不足,若只翻出「從~到~」,與後半句的連結不強烈。

    「它承襲德拉洛許(Paul Delaroche)所開創的歷史風俗畫(genre historique)路線,挑選平易近人的古代生活題材,透視舊時的日常習俗。歷史風俗畫多用盈亮平滑的筆法,融合視覺魅力和通俗話題,勾起人們窺看歷史軼事的樂趣。它像是淺顯易懂的小品,抓取引人入勝的生活細節,縮短觀眾和歷史的時空隔閡。」

    Gérôme took the path Paul Delaroche opened up, choosing the daily life of our ancestors as his subject matter and giving us an insight into their customs. Also, these works often used bright and smooth strokes. With this combination of a visual feast and a popular theme, the genre historique invited people to take a glimpse at the anecdotes of antiquity. Like easy-to-read vignettes, these paintings captured the intriguing trivia of everyday life in the ancient world and thus brought history closer to the audience.



    P.S. 覺得我的文章字太多,都沒圖,所以迎合一下各位愛看圖片的讀者們,附上這篇文章提到的Jean-Léon Gérôme所繪的裸男畫《Young Greeks Attending a Cock Fight》。有去看故宮今年春夏奧塞美術館30週年大展的,或許對這幅畫有印象~

  • deities中文 在 SU MISU Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-10-20 21:44:50
    有 28 人按讚

    *特別感謝中翻英翻譯 / 林養璇

    ihategoodbye SU MISU solo-exhibition (ENGLISH)

    SU MISU solo-exhibition 10/29~10/30 in Taipei,Taiwan
    TWO days exhibit only at Nanhai Gallery.

    ・゚・。゚+゚・*Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture・゚・。 ゚+゚・*

    ゚ ,   , 。 .   +  ゚   。  。゚ . ゚。, ☆ * 。゚. o.゚  。 . 。。 .  .。    o   .. 。 ゚  ゚ , 。. o 。* 。 . o. 。 . . ░░Exhibition Info‧°∴°﹒°.。・゚゚・*:.#
            。   .   。  . .゚o 。 *. 。 .. ☆ . +. .  .。 .  . .   .   .  。 ゚。, ☆ ゚. + 。 ゚ ,。 . 。  , .。
        ゚  。   ゚  .  +。 ゚ * 。. , 。゚ +. 。*。 ゚.  

    This is SU MISU’s Solo photo exhibition after showing in Kaohsiung and Taichung. The event lasts only two days to mirror how fast time passes with different events taking place in a marathon style over a limited time period, including an opening tea party, the artist’s talk, DJ and live performances. In addition to viewing the exhibition, the audience is invited to contribute - there is a temporary photo studio built in the space for the audience to participate in both viewing and producing this limited work in this particular time and place.

    ░『Today』10/29 Sat.Opening Ceremony Party
    15:30 Opening
    DJ∞LIVE SHOW∞Drinks and Desserts  

    DJ. HsinHsin
    DJ. Xanthe Yang
    DJ. AoWu
    DJ. Plus Minus
    DJ. Yu Hong
    PERF. Mai Maya x Su Misu

    ░『Tomorrow』10/30 Sun. Closing Party
    14:30 Opening

    14:30-19:30 Live Event《Flash Mob Photo Studio-・゚・。・゚゚I am a fake, but my heart is true..・゚・。・゚゚・*:.。 True Heart Never Lies》
    ✺Event Details: TBA

    19:30-20:30 Artists Talk and Tour
    In Conversation with|Nawakiri Shin, Auther of《繩縛本事》、kanghao, Co-Creater of《@sisterssaying》

    ░░Free Entrance░░
    SPECIAL THANKS REWARD♡ Bring your ihategoodbye photo album to redeem the newest limited edition poster magazine(We will snip off the corner of your book☺)o。。.゚*。

    ░░About Book 《ihategoodbye.》
    This is a product of this passing stage. It contains two seperated parts, the visual and the text. To me, taking photographs is no longer as simple as recording what everyone appears to be; but a way of looking at my past/dead images and accepting my alienated/live existence. From a perspective of the main narrator,I looked closely at how I felt that I did not want to be parted with the "that-has-been" moments just before pressing the shutter.

    The first "ihategoodbye" says good bye to the past. The aura has gone in a twinkling. The still images stay. Time moves, and the image passes (away).
    The second "ihategoodbye" says I do not want to see you. Not wanting to be parted because what was photographed is the "old you", but what I see is the "new you". You are still on-going. The virtual images reflect the reality, nontheless, are added with the unstability of alienation and enstrangement. As per J. Lacan's Theory of Mirror Stage, similar to images in the mirrors, one may falsely recognize the images in the photographes as oneself, but the images are never as real as the ever changing realities.

    The text, Diary, is the record of an intimate relationship between 2010 to 2012. BDSM practitioners are almost always particular about privacy, so that the images were transformed into words. The words may then be visualised and evolved into images.

    At last, this is a collection of the fragments of the past. This is the ultimate relic that says, "Good bye".

    ░░SU MISU’s Introduction|
    Born in Taipei, she is a photographer and BDSM model. Su Misu is known for her practice in exploration of gender, BDSM and sexual minority topics etc... And coming from the medical background, she’s therefore also interested in the “Synthetic”, the “Unnatural”, and all sorts of embodiments. Using photography to discuss the struggle between the real and the illusory. Besides photography, she is also a performance artist, and is an event planner.

    ░░Co-Host and Exhibition Location|Nanhai Gallery
    Address: No.3, Ln. 19, Sec. 2, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    ░░Advisor|Ministry of Culture、National Culture and Arts Foundation

    ░░About video|
    The image begins with the Bodhisattva in Taoism. In 2006 33% of the population of Taiwan is Taoist; tied with Buddhism, they are the two main religious beliefs.

    Bodhisattva is often depicted not only as both male or female, but also genderless. According to , there are thirty three incarnations of Guan yin Bodhisattva, but in Sanskrit there is a distinction between male, female, and neuter. Nowadays the female incarnation is called “Gyoran Kannon (Fish-Basket Guan yin)”. “Women since ancient times always suffered more than men. The character of a woman is merciful and compassionate, and so motherly love is rare in male-oriented society.”《The Universal Door of Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva》 explained why the incarnations are often depicted in women's image. Therefore the “incarnation/ metamorphosis at will” of Guan yin in the East emphasized the identification of intersectionality. By starting with Taoist deities and Bodhisattva, consumerist misappropriations are rapidly distributed by the pervasive internet and capitalist society. These materialist pursuits inherent in capitalism, because religious fanaticism also derives from the emptiness of the soul, increase religious “Disenchantment” in modern society.

    ░░Work Team|
    Art direction/Photography |Su Misu
    director of Photography|Yeh Che
    Sound|Xanthe Yang
    Movie assistant|Tao Zen Shuo/Hsu Jun Yi
    Photo assistant|Oscar Ko
    Stylist|Lu Yin Yin
    Hair|Blue Vegetable
    Models|Lu Yin Yin/Gao Xiao Gao/ Noah Huang /Yun Yun Hu/Yamaneko/ Poppyfuks/Mai Maya/Su Misu
    Installation art|RuRu Kuo
    Scenery|Chen Ming Shan Taiwan Folk Scenery Painting Studio
    Special thanks|Liu Ching Hao

