

在 definitely發音產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大家晚安,今天分享的影片是【生活英文實用句#18】,美國老師撰寫錄音,道地的生活美語。 1. I've been binge-watching the new drama. I don't go to bed until 1 or 2 AM. I'm definitely not sleeping...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Question: Describe a piece of art you like. You should say: - what the work of art is - when you first saw it - what you know about it - and explain ...

definitely發音 在 康妮英文ConniedaEnglish Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 14:36:46

用英文帶出探討議題 (寫作篇1) 在煩惱英文要怎麼扣題或改寫題目的人趕快往下看 今天教你簡單的一招, 怕忘記的要收藏起來喔👀 別忘了左滑至影片打開聲音聽教學&例句發音👂🏻 Q : 許多人在爭論..... (+作文題目) ❌ Many/Some people argue that .... ⭕...

definitely發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-31 17:07:53

- 往右滑學 「聰明」的5種說法✨  #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  聰明、有智慧、天賦異稟、精明,除了smart 以外,還能怎麽說?🤓  📌 She’s an astute businesswoman. You can definitely count...

definitely發音 在 MillyQ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-12-02 09:38:49

My 100-cup journey in #HK : Cup 28, my lucky meow~ “bb-la 128” at @holeefookhk , #SOHO #Central 😻. A fusion restaurant that leaves us the feeling luck...

  • definitely發音 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-14 20:00:26
    有 26 人按讚


    1. I've been binge-watching the new drama. I don't go to bed until 1 or 2 AM. I'm definitely not sleeping enough.

    2. I drank way too much yesterday. I've got a hangover today. My head is killing me!

    A: Where did you go?
    B: I went to catch up with some old friends. I haven't seen them in three years.
    A: 你去哪裡?
    B: 我去找老朋友敘舊。我三年沒見到他們了。





    1. I've been binge-watching the new drama. I don't go to bed until 1 or 2 AM. I'm definitely not sleeping enough.

    2. I drank way too much yesterday. I've got a hangover today. My head is killing me!

    A: Where did you go?
    B: I went to catch up with some old friends. I haven't seen them in three years.
    A: 你去哪裡?
    B: 我去找老朋友敘舊。我三年沒見到他們了。

  • definitely發音 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-03-01 12:29:26
    有 30 人按讚

    actual 實際的、事實上的 (a.)​
    E.g. What Leo told us was an actual happening.​

    actual / authentic / concrete / genuine / true 實際的、真實的​
    E.g. I don’t know if the painting is authentic.​

    absolutely / certainly / definitely / positively / perfectly 確實、的確 (adv.)​
    E.g. Beating the world champions is certainly a big task for the team.​

    As a matter of fact / in fact / in reality / actually 事實上、實際上 ​
    E.g. Actually, Peter’s advice is a matter of indifference to me.​

    correct / proper / appropriate / accurate / right 正確的、適當的 (a.)​
    E.g. Yen picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion.​

    ✨同場加映 ✨​
    appropriate 撥出款項、挪用、盜用 (v.)​
    E.g. The manager was found to have appropriated store money.​

    ✍️ 大考英文作文各大題型說明
    ✍️ 提升大考詞彙量
    ✍️ 近三年學測指考範文賞析

    【 十小時快速搞定學測指考英文作文高分攻略 】

    方案1 👉 單人購買 2490 / 人
    方案2👉 三人團購 1990 / 人




  • definitely發音 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-08-27 17:58:51
    有 97 人按讚

    吔比!常見字根part 4—副詞篇登場!
    ⛲️ 俐媽英文教室:常見字尾
    💚 副詞篇:
    1️⃣ -ly:副詞 (e.g. roughly, certainly, definitely, ultimately, roughly...)
    2️⃣ -s:副詞 (e.g. indoors, nowadays...)
    3️⃣ -ward/ -wards:方向 (e.g. afterward, upward, outwards...)
    4️⃣ -wise:方向,位置 (e.g. otherwise, likewise, clockwise, counterclockwise...)
    🔍 單字要背熟,俐媽曰:一定要
    1️⃣ 邊念邊照音節順序拼字,並重覆多寫幾遍。
    2️⃣ 一天分睡醒後、早上通車上學、中午吃便當、下午通車回家、中間下課、廢課、晚上換科目讀書的空檔、以及睡前至少7️⃣次以上接觸該單字。隔天、再隔天、再隔隔天、再隔隔隔天、乃至於到隔週,都仍要反覆review。
    3️⃣ 把小單字本及雜誌字卡放在桌子軟墊板下面,隨時隨地抓緊零碎時間背單字。
    4️⃣ 背完一定寫題目自我驗收,不要自己球員兼裁判,感覺自己背熟了,隔天卻被考卷電得亮晶晶。
    5️⃣ 確實收看網版課程,乖乖聽EEC/文法AED課程,認真寫網版講義/考古題/回測考卷並訂正除錯。
    6️⃣ 大量閱讀(read extensively),雖然看到似曾相識的字卻又想不起意思,會有中風般的痛苦,但這也是刺激自己記憶的一個方式。
    7️⃣ 試著把背過的單字拿來造句,或應用在寫作中,背單字不只是要有input,會製造output,才叫完全征服單字。
    8️⃣ 背單字時試著用字首prefix/字根root/字尾suffix來拆解,先「拆」字再「猜」意思,印象更深刻。沒事還可以創個白痴記字法,記不記得我們的「地雷馬💣🐴」—dilemma🤣🤣🤣🤣
    9️⃣ 如果是圖像學習者或聽覺學習者,可以在背了一串字之後,把它們串成故事,甚至畫成圖片、或編成RAP,Yo~yo~yo~yo~搭配你的breaking或locking,刺激記憶!💃🎧
    🔟 多利用補習班的單字APP「英文智慧王」,有發音、有連結線上字典、有例句、有互動遊戲,還可以標記常忘記的單字。重點是免費使用,實在是太~棒~啦~

    #俐媽英文教室 #辣媽英文天后林俐Carol #林俐 #suffix #partofspeech #adverb #tiponmemorizingwords #快標記背單字有障礙的好朋友們

  • definitely發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-04-11 07:00:02

    Describe a piece of art you like.

    You should say:
    - what the work of art is
    - when you first saw it
    - what you know about it
    - and explain why you like it.

    示範片段 transcript:

    Hi, today I’m going to tell you about my favourite piece of art, my favourite art piece. It is actually a painting called Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. Vincent van Gogh is actually a Dutch painter. He is from the Netherlands. And Starry Night is a magnificent art piece. It is colourful and has a profound, melancholic vibe to it. I actually first saw the painting from a movie. That movie is called Loving Vincent. It is a biographical film about the painter himself. And it came out last year. I saw the painting and in the movie, the painting was moving. Someone animated it. I think the production team animated it. As a matter of fact, I even heard about the painting way before I first saw it. I think I first heard about it in a song called Don Mclean’s Vincent. It is a song called Vincent. And it’ s sung by a singer called Don Mclean. It’s a classic golden oldie. It’s a classic song. And I like this piece of art because it’s very colourful and it’s very distinctive. It has the painter’s signature style in it. I can really see the colours popping out. And it’s very multi-dimensional. When you see it you, you will remember it instantly and you feel dazzled by the colours. And what I know about it is that the painter definitely put his blood and sweat and toil [in]to it. He took a lot of effort and he made a lot of effort to make it memorable. He used a lot of artistic techniques to make the colours pop in a way that you will remember it. I like it because it’s also a classic piece. I think I once saw it in Holland, in the Netherlands, in one of the museums. It’s definitely made an impression on me. Thank you.

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  • definitely發音 在 哥倫布 Columbus Youtube 的精選貼文

    2012-02-06 11:37:12

    我的英文發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool
    然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD


    訂閱連結 ▶ http://bit.ly/2pFqXeA
    FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus
    IG ▶ https://www.instagram.com/littlecolumbus
    合作邀約 ▶ columbus@english.cool
    其他訊息 ▶ 密我 FB 粉絲專頁


    This is a subscriber appreciation project that has grown larger than I could ever have imagined! The plan is to play a cover for every subscriber XD

    You can request a song too! I usually play 3 covers every night before bed so I can most definitely get to yours ^.^

    Also, this cover was played by ear, so sorry but I don't have the sheet music.


    ✬ 原創歌曲 ORIGINAL SONGS ▶ https://goo.gl/2qi5k7
    ✬ 鋼琴與其他音樂 PIANO VIOLIN FINGERSTYLE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/QwmZqk
    ✬ 跳舞 DANCE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/uCpdmR
    ✬ 合作影片 ▶ https://goo.gl/TzQsBf
    ✬ 歌曲下載 ▶ http://bit.do/littlecolumbus



    我很喜歡寫歌,每當我聽見別人在哼我寫的旋律時,我就會有非常大的滿足感。除了寫歌之外,我也喜歡拍一些有趣的音樂相關影片在 Youtube 和 Facebook 上面喔!



    Hi! I am Columbus. I am songwriter in Taipei, Taiwan. My dream is to someday be able to do songwriting as a career. Thank you for listening and subscribing and listening to my music!

  • definitely發音 在 哥倫布 Columbus Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2012-02-06 10:18:24

    我的英文發音課程 ▶ https://columbus.cool
    然後記得按讚+訂閱 xD


    訂閱連結 ▶ http://bit.ly/2pFqXeA
    FB ▶ https://www.facebook.com/littlecolumbus
    IG ▶ https://www.instagram.com/littlecolumbus
    合作邀約 ▶ columbus@english.cool
    其他訊息 ▶ 密我 FB 粉絲專頁


    This is a subscriber appreciation project that has grown larger than I could ever have imagined! The plan is to play a cover for every subscriber XD

    You can request a song too! I usually play 3 covers every night before bed so I can most definitely get to yours ^.^

    Also, this cover was played by ear, so sorry but I don't have the sheet music.


    ✬ 原創歌曲 ORIGINAL SONGS ▶ https://goo.gl/2qi5k7
    ✬ 鋼琴與其他音樂 PIANO VIOLIN FINGERSTYLE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/QwmZqk
    ✬ 跳舞 DANCE COVERS ▶ https://goo.gl/uCpdmR
    ✬ 合作影片 ▶ https://goo.gl/TzQsBf
    ✬ 歌曲下載 ▶ http://bit.do/littlecolumbus



    我很喜歡寫歌,每當我聽見別人在哼我寫的旋律時,我就會有非常大的滿足感。除了寫歌之外,我也喜歡拍一些有趣的音樂相關影片在 Youtube 和 Facebook 上面喔!



    Hi! I am Columbus. I am songwriter in Taipei, Taiwan. My dream is to someday be able to do songwriting as a career. Thank you for listening and subscribing and listening to my music!

