

在 defence中文產品中有14篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅股癌 Gooaye,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 財報是用來驗證自己的假說和判斷正不正確,而 guidance 則是未來的櫥窗,因為 Nvidia 買得比較多,就拋磚引玉速解一下。 財報部分:NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) reported Q2 EPS of $2.18 vs. $1.97 expected. Revenue for...

 同時也有13部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過27萬的網紅悟訢,也在其Youtube影片中提到,W: 搞了老半天,原來我家沒有大火把 M: 那就用隕石 K 怪吧 【訂閱悟訢的頻道】http://bit.ly/AlanSub 【播放清單】http://bit.ly/AlanOML 【加入頻道會員】https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH62AMbLmJy_PRI8...

defence中文 在 ? ??????.? | ?????? ???? ? Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-12-16 14:43:50

最近好多人因為成日戴住口罩,搞到塊面生咗好多粒粒,如果你都有呢個煩惱,我推介你試用Crystal Mask新推出360°口罩肌防護噴霧Skin Defence Mist!呢個係專為口罩肌研發嘅產品,輕輕一噴,為你防護口罩肌。 我親身試用左一星期,皮膚明顯少咗粒粒,仲變得水潤光澤!而且我最鍾意佢設計...

  • defence中文 在 股癌 Gooaye Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-20 19:36:44
    有 1,252 人按讚

    財報是用來驗證自己的假說和判斷正不正確,而 guidance 則是未來的櫥窗,因為 Nvidia 買得比較多,就拋磚引玉速解一下。

    財報部分:NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) reported Q2 EPS of $2.18 vs. $1.97 expected. Revenue for the quarter came in at $3.87 B vs. $3.65 B expected.





    NVIDIA’s outlook for the third quarter of fiscal 2021 is as follows:

    Revenue is expected to be $4.40 billion, plus or minus 2 percent.

    所以大概是 QoQ 13%, YoY 46% 的預期成長,還不錯;雖然說公司重心從遊戲移到資料中心,但伺服器的成長率估計會趨緩,這也滿正常,這一季太暴力;但下半年估計有強勁遊戲潮,換遊戲區塊表演,大家顯卡買起來。

    GAAP and non-GAAP gross margins are expected to be 62.5 percent and 65.5 percent, respectively, plus or minus 50 basis points.

    本季 GAAP 報 58.8%, Non-GAAP 報 66%,若能毛利提升那不錯,反正像我這種肥宅,顯卡賣再貴還不是忍痛買下去,提升毛利人人有責。


    有注意到本季的自由現金流大幅增加,套一句軟銀講的:“Cash is the defence for us.” ,這年頭一些公司不敢公布業績指引 (withdrawing guidance),或是沒有現金在手,一整個抖,反觀 Nvidia 滿手現金是好現象。

    股價表現 YTD return: 108.65%,沒冤枉。各項估值法我是不覺得現價有特別便宜,手上也買太多,暫時不追了。



  • defence中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-12 16:42:07
    有 2,034 人按讚

    【回應越南網民疑慮批評 東亞及東南亞團結對抗中共掘起】
    (scroll down for English & 下面有中文)

    Xin chào các bạn Việt Nam: Hôm qua, mình đã sử dụng thuật ngữ "con khỉ Việt Nam" trong bài đăng trên Facebook của mình. Mình có ý đó là mỉa mai, vì những người theo chủ nghĩa dân tộc Trung Quốc luôn sử dụng thuật ngữ phân biệt chủng tộc chống lại mình. Mình không bao giờ có ý định xúc phạm các bạn. Mình xin lỗi vì sự hiểu lầm và đã loại bỏ thuật ngữ trong bài viết của mình. Mình biết nhiều người Việt Nam yêu tự do từ lâu đã ủng hộ Hồng Kông. Chúng tôi nên cùng nhau đấu tranh cho dân chủ!
    (Cảm ơn 敖卓軒 (Jeffrey Ngo) đã giúp tôi dịch)

    "Hong Kong: Vì sao phe thân-Bắc Kinh đồn Joshua Wong là người 'gốc Việt'?" BBC Tiếng Việt: https://www.bbc.com/vietnamese/world-49329080





    最後奉勸小粉紅們,不要再以為抵毀我作越南人會有甚麼作用了,這只是說明從牆來出征的網民,只是在玩弄種族主義,反映質素何其低劣 :)


    Although I am a #Hongkonger, Chinese netizens often call me Vietnamese monkey. I am sorry that my friends in #Vietnam feel uncomfortable when I used the term to mock myself. So I delete it and apologize for your frustration.

    But what is more worrying is that #China’s netizens more and more often use these racist terms to describe people in #Vietnam, #Japan, #Taiwan, #Uyghurs, #Thailand in recent #nnevvy incident, and even African workers in #Guangzhou and #Beijing.

    That is a kind of extreme nationalist bullying, warranted by an authoritarian #China and reaching out every corner of the world. With its swelling economic clout, #Chinese pay no respect to other people’s liberties and dignity.

    In defence of our freedoms and human dignity, I invite people in all Asian and African countries to fight against #China’s authoritarian expansion. Our life should not be trampled on by extreme nationalists from #China.


    The Vietnamese people — having endured decades of racism, imperialism and geopolitical oppression from China — have likewise long been standing up for Hong Kong, even as the Vietnamese government is reluctant to say anything pro-democracy.

  • defence中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-11 20:03:53
    有 21 人按讚



    #玻璃森友會 #猛男之森 #猛男撿樹枝



    【回應越南網民疑慮批評 東亞及東南亞團結對抗中共掘起】
    (scroll down for English & 下面有中文)

    Xin chào các bạn Việt Nam: Hôm qua, mình đã sử dụng thuật ngữ "khỉ Việt Nam" trong bài đăng trên Facebook của mình. Mình có ý đó là mỉa mai, vì những người theo chủ nghĩa dân tộc Trung Quốc luôn sử dụng thuật ngữ phân biệt chủng tộc chống lại mình. Mình không bao giờ có ý định xúc phạm các bạn. Mình xin lỗi vì sự hiểu lầm và đã loại bỏ thuật ngữ trong bài viết của mình. Mình biết nhiều người Việt Nam yêu tự do từ lâu đã ủng hộ Hồng Kông. Chúng tôi nên cùng nhau đấu tranh cho dân chủ!
    (Cảm ơn 敖卓軒 (Jeffrey Ngo)​ đã giúp tôi dịch)





    最後奉勸小粉紅們,不要再以為抵毀我作越南人會有甚麼作用了,這只是說明從牆來出征的網民,只是在玩弄種族主義,反映質素何其低劣 :)


    Although I am a #Hongkonger, Chinese netizens often call me Vietnamese monkey. I am sorry that my friends in #Vietnam feel uncomfortable when I used the term to mock myself. So I delete it and apologize for your frustration.

    But what is more worrying is that #China’s netizens more and more often use these racist terms to describe people in #Vietnam, #Japan, #Taiwan, #Uyghurs, #Thailand in recent #nnevvy incident, and even African workers in #Guangzhou and #Beijing.

    That is a kind of extreme nationalist bullying, warranted by an authoritarian #China and reaching out every corner of the world. With its swelling economic clout, #Chinese pay no respect to other people’s liberties and dignity.

    In defence of our freedoms and human dignity, I invite people in all Asian and African countries to fight against #China’s authoritarian expansion. Our life should not be trampled on by extreme nationalists from #China.


    The Vietnamese people — having endured decades of racism, imperialism and geopolitical oppression from China — have likewise long been standing up for Hong Kong, even as the Vietnamese government is reluctant to say anything pro-democracy.

  • defence中文 在 悟訢 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-10 17:00:11

    W: 搞了老半天,原來我家沒有大火把
    M: 那就用隕石 K 怪吧



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    Minecraft|Legend 模組傳奇|ep0 模組包介紹|悟訢


    曲:White All Around Us
    源:ゼノブレイド2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック

    源:White Luminescence Feat. 初音ミク

    曲:帰ろ 帰ろ



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    #模組生存 科技 魔法 模組包 隕石 防衛塔 砲塔 塔防

  • defence中文 在 way live Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-06 20:56:35





    **誠邀中文作詞者合作,請私IG, Facebook 或 微博。**
    Any music inquiries please PM on IG, Facebook, or Weibo.

    Raw01 is the ultimate 1st version of Vince Way's original song, recorded exactly the moment it was born. A demo is a final version in its own way - perfectly raw as it should be. May whatever blossoms from it later on, its essence remains only in version Raw01.


    詞 Lyrics:
    Shoot Aim Fire
    knocking down your desire
    Lock and reload
    what do we know
    Kill in style
    lipstick in red
    Heels high
    Trophies of gold
    could it be all
    Pushing for power with all of our means
    Still seeing these faces as lost as they seem
    When buildings are crumbling down what do you really see
    The fight goes on so

    Fold up the heartache
    March as we go
    Long as you know its
    Worth fighting for
    When Home is a matchstick
    Love is the stove
    With all that is worth it
    I'm fighting for
    I'm fighting for you

    2 steps back
    Elbows up on defence
    Watch the attack
    There's pride to protect

    Punching in punching out chasing the dream
    Still up in those nights I can barely breathe
    Fighting the good fight is that all there really is
    The gloves stay on so

    Fold up the heartache
    March as we go
    As long as you know its
    Worth fighting for
    Keep fighting for
    When Home is a matchstick
    Love is the stove
    With all that is worth it
    I'm fighting for
    fighting for
    you ohh fighting for you ohh

    Embrace all the heartbreaks
    Laugh as we go
    We ll land on the surface of evernew

    Let home be the match stick
    Love be the stove
    With all that is worth it keep fighting for
    I'm fighting for you

    Lyrics by Vince Way

  • defence中文 在 Ordinary Gaming Studio平民遊戲工作室 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-16 18:14:38

    沒想到Iron Rain,可以比EDF5更嚴重

