矽谷著名創投 A16z 合夥人,繼 “The Hard Things About Hard Things" (我在 2014 年的 top 10,有中文版 "什麼才是經營最難的事?”),作者 Ben Horowitz 還是維持一貫犀利少廢話的風格,讀起來很有收穫。
矽谷著名創投 A16z 合夥人,繼 “The Hard Things About Hard Things" (我在 2014 年的 top 10,有中文版 "什麼才是經營最難的事?”),作者 Ben Horowitz 還是維持一貫犀利少廢話的風格,讀起來很有收穫。
1. Mission Statement & Culture “公司信念 vs. 文化”:
2. Culture Travels 文化是會滲透至組織各處的
有些組織特別針對如何 “對外”爭取自身利益定下特別的原則,覺得對“自己人”是另一套。但往往很難區分,文化不能有兩套。
3. Culture-Strategy fit 文化與戰略必須相輔相成
雖然彼得杜拉克說 “Culture eats strategy for breakfast", 但其實兩者沒有互相排他性。好的文化無法取代或是補償不夠好的戰略。
4. A great culture does not get you a great company 好的組織文化並不會造就一間好的企業
"If a great culture won't ensure success, why bother? In the end, the people who work for you won't remember the press releases or awards, they'll lose track of the quarterly ups and downs, they may even grow hazy about the products. But they will never forget how it felt to work there.., or the kind of people they became as a result"
"如果好的文化無法保證成功,那何必在乎呢? 到頭來,你的員工不會記得公司的新聞或是得到什麼獎項,他們不會記得每個季度業績的起伏,甚至時間久了也對產品只剩模糊的印象。但他們永遠會記得在那邊工作的感覺,以及他們在那裡待過以後成為什麼樣的人”
- 帶領奴隸推翻殖民者成功的 Toussaint Louverture (海地)-- 如何將一群奴隸變成軍隊(參考: 海底革命領導者 杜桑.盧維杜爾)
- 建立世界第一廣闊帝國的成吉思汗 -- 如何建立包容性多元文化
- 蹲19年牢獄的美國監獄老大 Shaka Senghor -- 如何在最危險的地方樹立文化
Shaka Senghor TED talk "Why your worst deeds dont define you" ("為何你最糟的錯誤不能定義你”
三個故事都非常精彩。從這些“非典型成功案例” (也可以說是比較極端的組織),思考組織文化到底怎麼設計,非常有意思。
說到最後,領袖還是必須真實認識自己,讓文化與戰略相符合 (沒有好不好,只有適合不適合),然後行動永遠比嘴巴講的要大聲。
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deeds中文 在 榮格心理學星座塔羅 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[#命運之輪 :大足六道輪迴圖]
此六道輪迴圖為四川省大足縣寶頂鎮寶頂山摩崖造像群之一,此六道輪迴圖規模之大居中國同類造像之冠,六道輪迴圖總結了因果報應的佛教學說:根據過去的作為,無盡的轉世轉世進入更高或更低的生活形式,在這個雕塑中, 人格化的存在,大轉輪王在他的下巴和手臂上抱著輪子. 車輪由貪(官方), 嗔(士兵), 癡(猴)和欲(女人)的人格化人物拖著,六佛光源自車輪, 這意味著開悟, 就是一切佛教實踐的目標, 使尋求者能夠從生死的永恆迴圈中逃脫. 這座8米(25英尺)高的佛教徒從中國大足石雕刻中脫出, 建於1177年到1249年之間。
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Dazu Wheel of Creation : The Great Wheel of Rebirth summarizes the Buddhist doctrine of karma: an endless cycle of reincarnation into higher or lower forms of life according to one's past deeds. In this sculpture the demon Mara, personifying existence, holds the wheel in his jaws and arms. The wheel is supported from below by personifications of greed (an official), evil (a soldier), foolishness (a monkey), and lust (a woman). Six Buddha-rays emanate from the wheel, signifying that enlightenment, the goal of all Buddhist practice, enables the seeker to escape from the eternal cycle of birth and death. This 8-meter (25-foot) tall Buddhist relief from the Dazu Rock Carvings in China, built sometime between the years 1177 and 1249.
deeds中文 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的最佳貼文
A social media account on Twitter named “China is not our enemy” has emerged recently and is calling for an end to alienating China, a move which an academic believes is an attempt to help whitewash evil deeds committed by China’s Communist Party.
Read more: https://bit.ly/3qvwmUW
「美國之音」一篇報道指,社交平台Twitter近日出現了一個署名「中國不是我們的敵人」的賬號。賬號圖片上寫着中文字「和」,還有一個「停止妖魔化中國」的粉色旗號。這個賬號其實是美國左派反戰組織「粉紅代碼」(CODE PINK)所擁有。
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deeds中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最讚貼文
本季的「筆墨見真章」即將在本週日結束(9/20),再來看一件明代萬曆年間出土的【漢 曹全碑 墨拓本】
【Rubbing of the Cao Quan Stele】Anonymous, Han dynasty (206 B.C.E – 220 C.E)
The complete name of this stele is "The Stele in Geyang in Honor of Minister Cao Quan." The engraved capstone of the original is lost to time. Cao Quan was a native of Dunhuang in present day Gansu province who was known to have shown extraordinary filial devotion to his parents. While serving as a minister in Geyang in present day Shaanxi province, Cao performed numerous kind deeds, prompting his peers to extol his virtuous character. His merits and achievements were memorialized upon a stone stele during the second year of the Zhongping reign period of Emperor Ling of the Eastern Han dynasty (185 CE).
This stele was excavated during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming dynasty. The characters were written with very uniform and even structures, the calligrapher possessing such fluid control over the brush's movements that the writing seems both leisurely and elegant. The writing succeeds at being refined without losing its vitality, containing rustic vigor and sophisticated beauty in equal amounts. The simultaneous presence of fluency within solidity reveals mature proficiency in calligraphic techniques, making this stele one of the representative works of Han dynasty official script (lishu).
🌐English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh109/calligraphy10907/en/page-1.html