

在 deducted意思產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅華人民主書院 New School for Democracy,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 澳門議員袋10幾萬一個月? 呢句係我聽得最多嘅「都市傳說」,今日為大家介紹下議員人工點計。 根據立法會《議員章程》,議員每月薪俸*係特首嘅25%。目前,特首月薪係$251,172,議員月薪即係$62,793。而立法會亦有扣人工機制,未經主席批准而無理缺席大會,每次扣1/15月薪,即係$4,...

  • deducted意思 在 華人民主書院 New School for Democracy Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-12 00:14:17
    有 5 人按讚












    Macau's Legislative Assembly deputies get hundreds of thousands patacas a month?

    This is the "story" I most frequently heard of. Today, let's talk about a deputy's salary.

    According to the Estatuto dos Deputados, deputies get 25% of the Chief Executive's salary*. Right now, the Chief Executive's salary is $251,172 so a deputy's salary is $62,893. The Assembly also has a salary deduction mechanism. 1/15 of one's monthly salary ($4,186) is deducted every time one is absent from a plenary meeting without legitimate reason.

    Apart from the monthly salary, members of committees are entitled to attendance bonus for each meeting they attend, which is 2.5% of their monthly salary ($1,570). You don't get it if you are absent, of course. The number of meetings are different for different committees. For example, I attended 70 committee meetings in the past year and I am entitled to about an average of $9,157 every month.

    Deputies need to pay professional tax of about 4.15%. Using my average monthly income to calculate, I need to pay about $2,986 every month.

    On the other hand, in 2009 the Legislative Assembly passed an amendment to the Estatuto dos Deputados and established an allowance for the deputy's office, which is exactly 65% of our salary (about $40,816 for me). However, the allowance is not reimbursement but is transferred directly to the deputy. There is no consequence even if the money is misused.

    Since I am a full-time deputy nominated by the New Macau Association, I signed a Declaration of Promises of Candidate: All the income from the Legislative Assembly (monthly salary + attendence bonus + office allowance) is directly transferred the New Macau Association. The office allowance is solely used to run the deputy's office. 75% of the income is paid to me as living wage (about $53,963 per month), meaning the other 25% is given to the New Macau Association, about $17,988.

    For welfare, as many as of you may not know, deputies are not civil servant. The only civil servant welfare we get is free public healthcare. The 2009 amendment allows deputies to keep enjoying this welfare even after their term is finished. And, there is no double pay, bonus, housing subsidy, contract gratuity or pension. There is no "boss" to contribute to social security fund as well.

    *There is a wealth disparity among deputies. I am not talking about those running businesses. According to the Estatuto dos Deputados, the monthly salary of President is 80% of the Chief Executive, as many as $200,938 with an additional entertainment expenses of $60,281 at most (30% of salary). He is also entitled to other welfare such as official residence and vehicle. The Vice-President gets 60% of the salary of the Chief Executive, about $150,703 with official vehicle.

    For details, please refer to article 33, 40, 41, 43 of the Estatuto dos Deputados.