#1演繹;推演英文,deduce中文,數學名詞 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 演繹;推演 deduce 【數學名詞】 演繹推理 Deductive Reasoning 【教育大辭書】 假設演繹推理 Hypothetico‑Deductive Reasoning 【教育大辭書】
#2reduce - 減少,降低,還原,約分,通分,簡化,換算,折算
以reduce 進行詞彙精確檢索結果 ... 化學名詞-高中以下化學名詞, reduce, 減量使用;還原. 學術名詞 數學名詞, reduce, 簡化;簡約;縮減;約化;歸約. 學術名詞
#3还原,Deduction:演绎,Induction:归纳 - 天天快报
读数学书、读力学书经常遇到这三个词,本文扯一扯。 力学喜欢刨根,所以讲单词也从根刨。这三个单词是名词,它们根可以刨到reduce,deduce和induce。
#4deduce中文, deduce是什麼意思:推論… - 查查在線詞典
He expected to deduce new ones by mathematical means . 他期望用數學方法得出一些推論。 Many other important catalytic parameters were deduced . 可以推導出 ...
#5演繹數學的英文怎麼說 - TerryL
演繹數學 的英文怎麼說. 演繹數學英文. deductive mathematical. 演: 動詞1 (演變; 演化) develop; evolve 2 (發揮) deduce; elaborate 3 (依照程式練習或計算) ...
#6Minus, subtract, deduct都表示"减去", 用法上有何区别? - Will的 ...
相信不少朋友可能都知道,英文单词minus,subtract,deduct这几个单词都具有“减去”的意思, ... Minus,常常用在口头描述数学等式(equation)中。
#75月報稅》扣除額英文怎麼說?deduct與reduce分不清楚...看懂4 ...
deduct 是動詞,為扣除、減除之意,它的名詞是deduction,除了減除的意思 ... 在數學算數中,減法也是用deduct來描述減除,與subtract為同義字,兩者 ...
#8deduce翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
他期望用數學方法得出一些推論. knowing which ports are open on a host is an important first step for an attacker to deduce possible vulnerabilities to the ...
英文名稱 中文名稱 56645671 decomposable channel 可分解頻道 56645672 decomposable group 可分解群 56645673 decomposable matrix 可分解矩陣
#10推导出-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
... deduced by a member of this database role. 1899年,英国数学家Francis Whipple推导出最早的,也是最权威的自行车数学模型之一,就是为了探索这种自动稳定性。
Detect :To Inspire Interests by Doing.從「做中學」啟發學生學習興趣 · Deduce:To Facilitate Computational Thinking by Doing. 從「做中學」促進學生運算思維 ...
#12演講英文頁面 - 清華大學數學系
... based on which Newton deduced in 1687 the celebrated law of universal gravitation. It is commonly considered a well-understood problem, as solving it ...
#13106-2_工程數學(二)(Engineering Mathematics (II))的摘要
Students learn to quantitatively deduce physical phenomena into equation. 2.Student can solve problems using teached methods.
#14Item 987654321/7665 - National Taichung University of ...
本文以數學史的角度為出發點,敘述一些在數學史上曾經對收斂範圍這個觀念所產生 ... and Lucus numbers and we deduce a formula by the definition.
#15National Changhua University of Education Institutional ...
貢獻者: 數學系 ... 摘要: We derive the general series-product identities from which we deduce several applications, including an identity of ...
学习数学史可以对学生进行爱国主义教育,可以培养学生学习数学的兴趣,可以加深 ... Mathematics teaching of our country pay attention to form deduce training, ...
#17奇異鳥美語Annie's School
... water -- STEAM - Science (科學), Technology (科技), Engineering (工程), Art (藝術) & Math (數學) . ... deduce like a mathematician (像數學家一樣推論)
is says that if A likes B and B likes C, then we can deduce that A likes C. Given some facts as follows: like(John, Mary), like(Peter, Jenny), like(Tom, ...
#19从真实思想中推论出错误的命题:关于数学推理的新观点 ...
本文认为,对于Bernard Nieuwentijt(1654–1718),基于思想的数学推理与基于命题的逻辑推理不同。注意到两种推理方式的不同有助于理解纽乌文提特提出的一个奇特的主张 ...
#20deduct - 用法_例句_海詞詞典 - 海词词典
詞義辨析 · 這組詞都可表示「減」「扣除」。其區別是: · subtract主要指數學上的「減去」,即甲數被乙數「減」; deduct指從全部〔整體〕(如工資、花費)中扣除某一部分。
#21subject mathematics - 英中– Linguee词典
Costino报名参加了一所兰斯的寄宿学校,2000年毕业并被授予有学士学位的经济和社会科学、 专题数学, 然后参加了一个商业学校做一个用户主导型BTS(文凭)。
#22尚–米歇爾• 比斯姆, 傑夫• 奇格- 數學科學獎 - The Shaw Prize
2021年度邵逸夫數學科學獎平均頒予尚–米歇爾• 比斯姆(Jean-Michel Bismut) 和傑夫• ... does not meet the first line, could be deduced from Euclid's other axioms.
Moreover from the above result, we deduce the necessary optimality conditions which can be applicable to vector optimization problems involving Lipschitz ...
算機科學在數學上的應用,讓會議的參與者除了可以和各國學者分享自己的研究 ... Φ has a MP geometry, we deduce (see [5]) the existence of a Cerami sequence at ...
#25Geometric analysis of the vibration of rubber wiper blade
數學 系. 研究成果: Article › 同行評審 ... We then deduce two mathematical formulas, for the vibration problem of rubber wiper blade on convex windshield, ...
#26infer deduce 中文– deductions 中文– Nextleveey
deduce v early 15c from Latin deducere “lead down derive” in Medieval Latin “infer ... 中文詞彙英文翻譯出處/學術領域演繹;推演deduce 【數學名詞】 演繹 ...
#27Solve y=arccosx*lnx | Microsoft Math Solver
使用我們的免費數學求解器和逐步解決方案來解決您的數學問題。 ... it may be simpler to completely deduce the antiderivative before applying the boundaries of ...
#28正在編輯病态(数学) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在數學中,病態現象是指其性質被認為是非典型的或反直覺的現象;與其相對應的是表現 ... in the reasoning of our fathers and one will deduce from them only that.
3、cancell 也是数学术语,但是比reduce 指的范围较窄。 reduce 包括:1)削去分数中分子和分母公约数;2)把分数写成与之相等的小数;3)把表达式或 ...
#31数学公式的规约(reduce)和简化(simplify) - CSDN博客
to simplify notation,1. 增广(augment)xi=[xi;1]\mathrm x_i=[\mathrm x_i;1],减少一个常数项;2. 多个求和号∥x∥2=xTx\|x\|^2=x^Tx向量⇒ 矩阵 ...
#32演講公告 - 交通大學應用數學系
... motion (the Stokes equation) may be deduced from the principle of minimum energy dissipation, to include the boundary condition as well.
#33用高中数学知识理解Array.reduce - 简书
数学 功底好的同学看下面的例子就懂了,就是数学中的迭代。 迭代公式. 那么reduce 就是对数组遍历迭代,其中callback 是迭代函数。
#34阿贝尔关于一般五次方程不可解证明思想的演变 - 中国知网
方法以对原文及相关著作的研究为基础,对数学内在思想联系进行分析及推理。 ... works,to analyze and deduce the mathematical thoughts contained in the proof.
#35deduce - 用法和例句_英语字典 - 极简词典
他期望用数学方法得出一些推论. From the molecular formula alone , we can deduce the " degrees of unsaturation " in the molecule. 仅从分子式, 我们就能推断分子 ...
decreasing function, 遞減函數;下降函數. decreasing sequence, 遞減序列;下降序列. decreasing series, 遞減級數;下降級數. decrement, 減量. deduce, 演繹.
#37Optimal boundary control for a Cahn-Hilliard system modelling ...
2021-06-21 数学科学学院. 【洛朗数学研究中心学术报告】 ... and we finally deduce the corresponding first-order necessary conditions of optimality by studying ...
數學 科常用英漢辭彙 ... deduce. 演繹 deduction. 推論 deductive reasoning. 演繹推理 ... 數學 matrix. 矩陣,方陣 matrix operation. 矩陣運算.
#39【應數系演講】110-05-28 圖形的距離2標號問題(改線上進行)
國立東華大學應用數學系 專 題 演 講 主講人:鄒宗山所長(國立中央大學統計研究所) 講 ... Based on this, we deduce that λ_(p,q)(G_((h)))=p+(Δ-1)q when p≥2q and ...
#40♠︎: We deduce - 数学で英語を勉強するブログ
こんにちは!GiTaNです! 今日は、deduce に注目していきたいと思います! 意味は、「推測する」というのが一般的ですが、数学の場合は演繹するという ...
#41hypothetical deductive 中文 - Smileade
活力論. 中文詞彙英文翻譯出處/學術領域演繹;推演deduce 【數學名詞】 演繹推理Deductive Reasoning 【教育大辭書】 假設演繹推理Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning ...
#42目前有362人正在堅持。每日一練:數學+邏輯+英語 - 雪花新闻
每日一練:數學+邏輯+英語 ... 759. deduce [dɪˈdju:s]. [釋義] vt. (from)演繹,推斷,推論. [例句] If a = b and b = c, we can deduce that a = c.
#43【5月22日】数学学术讲座 - 云南财经大学
云南财经大学-统计与数学学院. ... with its energy equation and other deduced equations through perturbations to arrive at a consistent, ...
#44英語「deduce」の意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
「deduce」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書. ... 数学的な方法を使って演繹論理を体系化しようとする学問 - EDR日英対訳辞書. 例文. To deduce the reason ...
And we explain how to deduce Breuil's locally analytic socle conjecture for GL2(L) from the geometry of these stratifications.
#46数学题求解two adjacent five-dot sections of a ticker ...
数学 题求解two adjacent five-dot sections of a ticker-tapemeasure 10 cm and 16cm ,respectively.the intervalbewteen dots is 0.02s.deduce the ...
#47q-Difference equations and iterated fractional q-integrals
Inviter: 陈绍示 (中国科学院数学机械化重点实验室) ... Moreover, we deduce some recurring formulas for Ramanujan integrals, ...
#48On Fan's minimax inequality - 國立臺灣師範大學
數學 系. 研究成果: 雜誌貢獻 › 期刊論文 › 同行評審 ... As an application, some variational inequalities are deduced without monotonicity nor coercivity.
#49Structure of the Abel-Jacobi morphism and local class field ...
丘成桐数学科学中心| 清华大学. ... As a corollary I deduce my geometrization conjecture for GL_1. I will explain how this i ...
#50Item 987654321/29764 - 海洋大學
摘要: 本研究之目的在建立一個生命週期成本數學模型,包含了可用度、維修度、可靠度與 ... to deduce and establish the formula of availability.
#51MI的deduce - 香港討論區
Deduce a formula for evaluating where n is a positive integer according to formula 1^3+2^3+3^3+.....+n^3=1/4 n^2(n+1)^2 ...
#52mathematical reduction - 数学简化…《抓鸟》英语词典
mathematical reduction的解释是:数学简化… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:mathematical reduction的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#53derive - 中文百科知識
... 解釋:動詞derive:1. reason by deduction; establish by deduction同義詞:deduce, ... 《數學軟體套用》分10個章節,系統地介紹了Derive和Maple的符號計算、數值 ...
#54自然哲学的数学原理(全新修订版) - Google Play
《自然哲学的数学原理》是牛顿的科学才华所写的旷世巨著,是他“个人智慧的伟大结晶”。牛顿不但总结出了力学的基本定律,而且还发现了证明这些定律的数学方法,奠定了 ...
a formula, proposition, or statement in mathematics or logic deduced or to be deduced from other formulas or propositions.
#56請問”以此類推”英文怎麼說? | 健康跟著走
以此類推" 英文翻譯: and so on (and so forth); and the like; can deduce the rest from this; ... 【精選題型】國一上_2-4_分數的乘除與四則運算_Live數學學習網.
#57第 29 屆微分方程年會 - 29th Annual Meeting on Differential ...
黃信元 Hsin-Yuan Huang(國立交通大學應用數學系) ... deduced in 1687 the celebrated law of universal gravitation. It is commonly considered ...
#58reduceの意味 - goo辞書 英和和英
reduce とは ... reduce. 音節re • duce; 発音ridjúːs | -djúːs; 大学入試レベル ... 〈問題などを〉単純化する,簡単にする,解きほぐす≪to≫,《数学》〈分数・ ...
#59学术交流- 数学与统计学院- Powered by 西南大学
Our analysis is based on a new approach to deduce the uniform-in-time ... Equations》等数学主流学术期刊上发表论文90余篇,其中SCI收录70余篇。
#60【TWSIAM DIGEST】2020年10月
台灣工業與應用數學會. ... I will explain (joint with Chen) how in characteristic zero one can deduce the existence of infinitely many curves of any ...
#61deduce - 词典 - 网易云阅读
deduce /dɪˈdjuːs/ CET6 TEM4 [ deducing deduced deduces ] ... 教育学论文题目如何培养小学数学教学中学生的思维能力关键词】逻辑思维;直觉思维维;发散思维; ...
#62最新公告- 國立高雄師範大學
公告單位:, 數學系, 公告時間:, 2018/12/3 ~ 2018/12/17 ... deduce an explicit formula and an identities for the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, ...
#63计及电热耦合的潮流数学模型与算法 - 电力系统自动化
In addition, based on the deduced correction equation of Newton method a simplified algorithm which adapts to the electricity-heat coupling problem is ...
#64數學用語 - 陳鍾誠的網站
a formula, proposition, or statement in mathematics or logic deduced or to be deduced from other formulas or propositions ...
#65Home - 武汉大学数学与统计学院
We deduce from this result some versions of Talagrand's L 1 -L 2 inequality for increasing and concave mappings, and we build examples ...
#66"数学推导"英文怎么说- Mathematics版- 未名存档
同问我上课常说deduce或者derivation 学生也没意见,只是一直不懂对不对 【在y*********d 的大作中提到】 : 如题,多谢. m**********e 发帖数: 24.
#67演講英文頁面 - 國立清華大學數學系
From this result, we could deduce many classical results in complex geometry (eg Kodaira embedding and vanishing Theorems, Demailly's Morse inequalities, ...
而咬合機構的數學模型是藉由向量迴路法求得各桿件的位置、速度與加速度關係式,並且由 ... of the servomotor to deduce the motion equation of occlusion mechanism.
#69数学题求解two adjacent five-dot sections of a ticker ... - 作业帮
数学 题求解two adjacent five-dot sections of a ticker-tapemeasure 10 cm and 16cm ,respectively.the intervalbewteen dots is 0.02s.deduce the accelerationof ...
What they are is that they are ways to show you how these basic building blocks of reasoning can be used to deduce surprising things or ...
#71澳門四高校聯合入學考試(語言科及數學科) Joint Admission ...
澳門四高校聯合入學考試(語言科及數學科). Joint Admission Examination for Macao ... 數學附加卷Mathematics Supplementary Paper ... Deduce that if cos ≠ 1,.
We also deduce by geometric arguments the following important results on the theory ... 梁景信(2011):解二次方程的「規矩」,《數學教育期刊》,45,頁95-99。
摘要: 本研究旨在探討高中大學生與高中教師對數學「證明題」的學習狀況及看法。 ... but afterwards they were unable to deduce the proof.
deduce. [di5dju:s]. vt. 推论, 演绎出. 美国传统词典[双解] ... deduce a conclusion from these facts ... deduce. induce. [七国语言]英汉数学大词典 ...
#75Page 5 - Science Focus (Issue 19)
... half-life of Beer Froth and Its Mathematics carbon-14 can be deduced, ... 從數學上講,這樣一個簡潔的公式使我們能夠掌握複雜of Munich focusing on 3 types ...
#76CTUIR - 建國科技大學
Keywords: 電磁接觸器,磁路分析法,數學模型,電壓初始相位,能量分佈 ... mechanical system's models to deduce and analyze the relations ...
#77Topological transitivity and homoclinic relations - 苏州大学 ...
Namely, we will:- relate topological and measured homoclinic classes- deduce unique mme from topological transitivity- deduce strong mixing ...
難倒50萬老外的數學題我們初中生就能解 ... 數學解謎題 ... two horseshoes and a horse, allows us to deduce the value of the horseshoe is 4.
时间: 2013-03-18 来源:数学科学研究中心. Abstract ... As special cases, we deduce vanishing theorems for ample, nef and globally generated vector bundles by
不过英国的数学教育可不都是算术哦,不是知道加减乘除的符号就能搞定的, ... minus, take away, difference between, take from, reduce, decrease.
#82麻省理工學院「開放式課程網頁」 | 數學 | 18.904 Seminar in ...
Deduce Theorem 8.3. Ideas: give examples of homotopy equivalent spaces, and spaces which "appear" not homotopy equivalent. Is homotopy equivalence an ...
Deduce that there is no integer m which satisfies the equation (\ast). (i… ... 学生/维基人,数学/严肃音乐/物理.
#84pisa-2021-mathematics-framework-draft.pdf - OECD
Construct, abstract, evaluate, deduce, justify, explain, and defend; and. 5 The selected skills were recommended by the OECD Subject Advisory Group (SAG) ...
#85SNU Open Repository and Archive: Van Hiele의 數學 學習水準 理論 ...
Van Hiele의 數學 學習水準 理論에 대한 小考 ... Piaget used the term "logic" deviatingly and tried to deduce logical thinking directly from action.
#86HDU 5680 zxa and set (数学推导结论) - BBSMAX
zxa and set. 题目链接:. http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/121332#problem/G. Description. zxa has a set , which has elements and obviously non-empty ...
#87香港浸會大學數學系 - Math, HKBU - Hong Kong Baptist University
... which satisfying the logarithmic regularity estimate, we can also deduce the lower bounds of lambda_k which will be at least logarithmic increasing in k ...
#88A Mathematician's Lament
he reassures himself, “No society would ever reduce such a beautiful and meaningful art form to something so mindless and trivial; no culture could be so ...
#89The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Mathematics, 2007
matical concepts and to reduce the time they might otherwise spend on purely mechani- cal activities. Technology helps students perform operations, ...
#90工程數學: 基礎與應用 - Google 圖書結果
例題 2: Find the Fourier series of a periodic function whose definition in a period is fx= xx 0x2 2 x0 fx =f (x+ 4) Deduce the value of the sum of the ...
#91粒子群优化模糊PID的电动负载模拟器研究 - 电子测量技术
首先在分析加载电机结构以及工作原理的基础上建立了电动加载系统的数学模型,并利用 ... and feedforward compensation is deduced by the principle of structural ...
#92数学建模基础 - 第 185 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... and deduce the influence of the wind on water droplets is specified as U = V ( 1-27 ) ( U is the speed of spray in X axis direction , V is the speed of ...
#932019.09.24 科學史沙龍【非歐幾何是一個時代的結束?還是開始 ...
“趣味知识漫谈”系列讲座:天文学的故事. East and West Learning Connections 这次的讲座我们不讲抽象的数学,而是穿越几千年的时空,介绍数学的历史和思想。
#94數學名詞(第四版) - 第 101 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... Dedekind zeta-function Dedekind δ 函數 Dedekind ε-function ; Dedekind eta-function Dedekind ε 函數 deduce 演繹;推演 deducible 可導出[的];可推演出[的] ...
#95新シラバス対応日本留学試験対策数学コース2 | 蝦皮購物
全新,未使用過。 模擬試験(解答·解説·用語対照表付き) #日本留學試驗#數學#日本語#日本留学試験#数学#コース2 購買新シラバス対応日本留学試験対策数学コース2.
#96中国工业与应用数学学会第五次大会论文集/: CSIAM'98
premise / ' premis / n . minor / ' maine / a . n . determination / dite : mi'neisen / deduce di'djurs / deduction / di'daksen / vt . n . conj . whereupon ...
#97多益隨堂考—加、減、乘、除英文怎麼說?你必須知道的基本 ...
你知道一些常見的數學符號英文怎麼說嗎? 基本的加減乘除就是學好英文的基本喔! 今天小編帶大家來認識基本的數學英文吧!