

在 dedicated專用產品中有17篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過27萬的網紅AMC 空中美語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 全台三級警戒的時候,你也WFH(work from home 💻)、SFH(study from home 📚)了嗎?除了大家追求的「儀式感」,在家上班上課其實也有許多小撇步,可以提升你的效率和專注力✨! ✅ Establish a routine 建立常規 ✅ Have a dedicated w...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#brandsony #Vloggercamera #digitalcamera #Youtuber專用相機 #photography #sonyvlogcam #1萬理財 # Sony ZV-1新增功能 Sony確實嘗試通過引入以下新功能來滿足vlogger的需求: ...

dedicated專用 在 旅人筆記(K & Vicky) Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 17:10:48

. 📸 松葉蟹XO醬蘿蔔糕 Stir- Fry Queen Crab & Turnip Cake with XO Sauce NT $480 - 〝bEEru啤調客精釀啤酒屋〞位於市民大道【美食一道街】戰區,鄰近捷運忠孝敦化站,交通便利。 - 〝bEEru啤調客精釀啤酒屋〞是小編與喜愛💕創意中式料理...

dedicated專用 在 旅人筆記(K & Vicky) Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-11 17:10:48

. 📸 櫻花蝦雙腸辣味油飯 Taiwan Spicy Sticky Rice with Sergestid Shrimp and Sausages NT $260 - 〝bEEru啤調客精釀啤酒屋〞位於市民大道【美食一道街】戰區,鄰近捷運忠孝敦化站,交通便利。 - 〝bEEru啤調客精釀啤酒屋〞是小...

  • dedicated專用 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-27 08:00:59
    有 168 人按讚

    全台三級警戒的時候,你也WFH(work from home 💻)、SFH(study from home 📚)了嗎?除了大家追求的「儀式感」,在家上班上課其實也有許多小撇步,可以提升你的效率和專注力✨!
    ✅ Establish a routine 建立常規
    ✅ Have a dedicated work/study area 擁有一個專用的工作/學習區域
    更多的小撇步都在English Digest十月號🤩!
    📢限量瘋搶空中美語雜誌📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    #跟定AMC搞定ABC #空中美語 #美語教學 #英文學習

  • dedicated專用 在 汝妮 Dungi Sapor Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-10 20:15:23
    有 45 人按讚

    好久不見👋 大家都還好嗎?
    6/13 這週日,就來聽我放歌吧! basika
    在端午節前夕(6/13),台灣跳舞場景即將攜手合作,為勞苦功高的醫護人員發聲。這場線上直播活動訂於下午兩點開始,由B1、CÉ LA VI Dayclub、Our Muzik、EVAPORATE、basika、以及台灣各地的DJ們輪番上陣,長達13小時。
    在表演同時,我們將進行慈善募款。活動結束後,募得款項會全額轉交給新北市的「衛福部雙和醫院 」,讓款項專用於對抗疫情的前線醫護戰士們。

    ◆捐贈連結 : Will be released shortly.
    ◆衛福部雙和醫院 : https://shh.tmu.edu.tw
    ◆100% of all Donations from this Online event will benefit 衛福部雙和醫院 (Shuangho Hospital, New Taipei City)
    ◆ Photo by: Yin
    Hello Music lovers and Friends, :
    As you all know, Covid-19 is a very difficult opponent. Not only is it extremely infectious, but also causes symptoms that require hospitalization for certain people. In a year when the epidemic has raged around the world, a large number of infected patients have poured into hospitals, and even countries such as Europe, America and Japan, have inevitably collapsed their medical system. The lack of medical resources prevents patients from receiving proper care, and the mortality rate remains high.
    This wave of epidemic in Taiwan began to spike in mid-May, and we are experiencing the same difficulties that many countries encountered last year. The medical staff in Taipei are exhausted physically and mentally. The medical system is the social foundation that supports your health. Now that the medical system is in trouble, it is for you and me to find ways to support our frontline health workers.
    On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival (6/13), the Taiwanese Dance scene will work together to give a helping hand to the hard-working medical staff. This online livestream event is scheduled to start at2pm and will be hosted by B1, CÉ LA VI Dayclub, Our Muzik, EVAPORATE, basika, and as well as DJs from all over Taiwan for 13 hours straight.
    While you get to enjoy great music, we will conduct a charity fundraiser. After the event,100% of donations raised will be transferred to the "Shuangho Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare" in New Taipei City, so that the funds will be dedicated to these brave frontline medical soldiers fighting the epidemic.
    Let us once again show the love of Taiwanese Music Lovers and Dancers to the world. This is for ourselves and for our fellow citizens. See you online on June 13.
    Wish peace and health to all.
    ◆捐贈連結 : Will be released shortly.
    ◆衛福部雙和醫院 : https://shh.tmu.edu.tw
    ◆100% of all Donations from this Online event will benefit 衛福部雙和醫院 (Shuangho Hospital, New Taipei City)
    ◆ Photo by: Yin

  • dedicated專用 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-04 11:20:28
    有 18 人按讚




    在端午節前夕(6/13),台灣跳舞場景即將攜手合作,為勞苦功高的醫護人員發聲。這場線上直播活動訂於下午兩點開始,由B1、CÉ LA VI Dayclub、Our Muzik、EVAPORATE、basika、以及台灣各地的DJ們輪番上陣,長達13小時。

    在表演同時,我們將進行慈善募款。活動結束後,募得款項會全額轉交給新北市的「衛福部雙和醫院 」,讓款項專用於對抗疫情的前線醫護戰士們。



◆捐贈連結 : Will be released shortly.
◆衛福部雙和醫院 : https://shh.tmu.edu.tw

    ◆100% of all Donations from this Online event will benefit 衛福部雙和醫院 (Shuangho Hospital, New Taipei City)

◆ Photo by: Yin


    Hello Music lovers and Friends, :

    As you all know, Covid-19 is a very difficult opponent. Not only is it extremely infectious, but also causes symptoms that require hospitalization for certain people. In a year when the epidemic has raged around the world, a large number of infected patients have poured into hospitals, and even countries such as Europe, America and Japan, have inevitably collapsed their medical system. The lack of medical resources prevents patients from receiving proper care, and the mortality rate remains high.

    This wave of epidemic in Taiwan began to spike in mid-May, and we are experiencing the same difficulties that many countries encountered last year. The medical staff in Taipei are exhausted physically and mentally. The medical system is the social foundation that supports your health. Now that the medical system is in trouble, it is for you and me to find ways to support our frontline health workers.

    On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival (6/13), the Taiwanese Dance scene will work together to give a helping hand to the hard-working medical staff. This online livestream event is scheduled to start at2pm and will be hosted by B1, CÉ LA VI Dayclub, Our Muzik, EVAPORATE, basika, and as well as DJs from all over Taiwan for 13 hours straight.

    While you get to enjoy great music, we will conduct a charity fundraiser. After the event,100% of donations raised will be transferred to the "Shuanghe Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare" in New Taipei City, so that the funds will be dedicated to these brave frontline medical soldiers fighting the epidemic.

    Let us once again show the love of Taiwanese Music Lovers and Dancers to the world. This is for ourselves and for our fellow citizens. See you online on June 13.

    Wish peace and health to all.
◆捐贈連結 : Will be released shortly.
◆衛福部雙和醫院 : https://shh.tmu.edu.tw

    ◆100% of all Donations from this Online event will benefit 衛福部雙和醫院 (Shuangho Hospital, New Taipei City)

◆ Photo by: Yin

  • dedicated專用 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-04 08:00:00

    #brandsony #Vloggercamera #digitalcamera #Youtuber專用相機
    #photography #sonyvlogcam #1萬理財 #

    Sony ZV-1新增功能


    Sony ZV-1 What is New
    Sony really tried to cater to the needs of vloggers with the introduction of the following new features:

    Improved autofocus performance (including “Product Showcase” feature, for fast and smooth transition between faces and products). This is implemented by pressing the C2 button
    Improved stabilization
    Clear voice recording (directional 3 capsule mic and a detachable dedicated windshield)
    Easily accessible bokeh button (no need to dig into the menu)
    Improved skin tones and “Soft skin” function
    Front facing record light
    Body grip for a comfortable hold



    소니 ZV-1 새로운 기능
    소니는 다음과 같은 새로운 기능을 도입하여 블로거의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 노력했습니다.

    자동 초점 성능 향상 (얼굴과 제품 간의 빠르고 매끄러운 전환을위한 "Product Showcase"기능 포함). 이것은 C2 버튼을 눌러 구현됩니다
    안정화 개선
    선명한 음성 녹음 (방향성 3 캡슐 마이크 및 분리 가능한 전용 윈드 실드)
    쉽게 접근 가능한 보케 버튼 (메뉴를 파지 않아도 됨)
    개선 된 피부 색조 및 "부드러운 피부"기능
    전면 레코드 라이트
    편안한 홀드를위한 바디 그립

    소니 ZV-1 새로운 기능
    소니는 다음과 같은 새로운 기능을 도입하여 블로거의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 노력했습니다.

    자동 초점 성능 향상 (얼굴과 제품 간의 빠르고 매끄러운 전환을위한 "Product Showcase"기능 포함). 이것은 C2 버튼을 눌러 구현됩니다
    안정화 개선
    선명한 음성 녹음 (방향성 3 캡슐 마이크 및 분리 가능한 전용 윈드 실드)
    쉽게 접근 가능한 보케 버튼 (메뉴를 파지 않아도 됨)
    개선 된 피부 색조 및 "부드러운 피부"기능
    전면 레코드 라이트
    편안한 홀드를위한 바디 그립

    Sony ZV-1 มีอะไรใหม่
    Sony พยายามอย่างแท้จริงที่จะสนองความต้องการของนักบล็อกเกอร์ด้วยการแนะนำคุณสมบัติใหม่ต่อไปนี้:

    ปรับปรุงประสิทธิภาพการโฟกัสอัตโนมัติ (รวมถึงคุณสมบัติ“ Product Showcase” เพื่อการเปลี่ยนที่รวดเร็วและราบรื่นระหว่างใบหน้าและผลิตภัณฑ์) สิ่งนี้ถูกนำไปใช้โดยการกดปุ่ม C2
    บันทึกเสียงชัดเจน (ไมโครโฟน 3 ทิศทางและกระจกหน้ารถแบบถอดได้โดยเฉพาะ)
    ปุ่มโบเก้ที่เข้าถึงได้ง่าย (ไม่จำเป็นต้องขุดลงในเมนู)
    ปรับปรุงสีผิวและฟังก์ชั่น“ ผิวนุ่ม”

    Sony ZV-1 Nouveautés
    Sony a vraiment essayé de répondre aux besoins des vloggers avec l'introduction des nouvelles fonctionnalités suivantes:

    Amélioration des performances de mise au point automatique (y compris la fonction «Présentation du produit», pour une transition rapide et fluide entre les visages et les produits). Ceci est mis en œuvre en appuyant sur le bouton C2
    Stabilisation améliorée
    Enregistrement vocal clair (micro directionnel à 3 capsules et pare-brise dédié amovible)
    Bouton bokeh facilement accessible (pas besoin de fouiller dans le menu)
    Amélioration des tons de peau et fonction «peau douce»
    Lumière d'enregistrement orientée vers l'avant
    Prise en main pour une prise confortable

    Sony ZV-1 Apa yang Baru
    Sony benar-benar berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vloggers dengan memperkenalkan fitur-fitur baru berikut:

    Performa autofokus yang ditingkatkan (termasuk fitur "Showcase Produk", untuk transisi yang cepat dan mulus antara wajah dan produk). Ini diterapkan dengan menekan tombol C2
    Peningkatan stabilisasi
    Rekaman suara yang jernih (mikrofon kapsul 3 arah dan kaca depan khusus yang dapat dilepas)
    Tombol bokeh yang mudah diakses (tidak perlu menggali ke dalam menu)
    Nada kulit yang lebih baik dan fungsi "Kulit lunak"
    Lampu rekam menghadap ke depan
    Pegangan tubuh untuk pegangan yang nyaman

    Sony ZV-1 Lo nuevo
    Sony realmente trató de satisfacer las necesidades de los vloggers con la introducción de las siguientes características nuevas:

    Rendimiento de enfoque automático mejorado (incluida la función "Presentación de productos", para una transición rápida y suave entre caras y productos). Esto se implementa presionando el botón C2
    Estabilización mejorada
    Grabación de voz clara (micrófono direccional de 3 cápsulas y un parabrisas dedicado desmontable)
    Botón bokeh de fácil acceso (no es necesario profundizar en el menú)
    Tonos de piel mejorados y función de "piel suave"
    Luz de grabación frontal
    Agarre del cuerpo para una sujeción cómoda

    Sony ZV-1 Τι νέο υπάρχει
    Η Sony προσπάθησε πραγματικά να καλύψει τις ανάγκες των vloggers με την εισαγωγή των ακόλουθων νέων δυνατοτήτων:

    Βελτιωμένη απόδοση αυτόματης εστίασης (συμπεριλαμβανομένης της λειτουργίας "Product Showcase", για γρήγορη και ομαλή μετάβαση μεταξύ προσώπων και προϊόντων). Αυτό υλοποιείται πατώντας το κουμπί C2
    Βελτιωμένη σταθεροποίηση
    Καθαρή εγγραφή φωνής (κατευθυντικό μικρόφωνο 3 καψουλών και αποσπώμενο ειδικό παρμπρίζ)
    Εύκολο προσβάσιμο κουμπί bokeh (δεν χρειάζεται να μπείτε στο μενού)
    Βελτιωμένοι τόνοι δέρματος και λειτουργία «Μαλακού δέρματος»
    Φως ρεκόρ μπροστά
    Λαβή σώματος για άνετο κράτημα



  • dedicated專用 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-12-23 14:00:07

    京王電鉄 京王線
    1974年(昭和49年)7月 駅舎を高架化。
    Nakagawara Station
    Keio Line
    Opened on March 24, 1925.
    July 1974 Elevated station building.
    Completed renewal of the station building in December 2004 and installed an elevator as a barrier-free facility.
    The average passenger personnel 26,088 people per day in fiscal 2018.
    Near the Keio Hachioji on Line 2, there is a temporary ticket gate dedicated to admission that opens only from 7:00 am to 9:00 am on weekdays and Saturdays.
    京王電鐵 京王線
    2號線京王八王子(Keio Hachioji)附近有一個專用於入場的臨時檢票口,僅在工作日和星期六的7:00 am至9:00 am開放。
    京王电铁 京王线
    2号线京王八王子(Keio Hachioji)附近有一个专用于入场的临时检票口,仅在工作日和星期六的7:00 am至9:00 am开放。
    Nakagawara 역
    게이오 전철 게이오 선
    1925 년 3 월 24 일에 개업.
    1974 년 7 월 역사를 고가화.
    2004 년 12 월에 역사 리뉴얼 완료
    2018 년도 1 일 평균 승강 인원은 26,088 명이다.

  • dedicated專用 在 初心者鉄道探検隊 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-08-26 22:32:29

    GoPro HERO 9→https://amzn.to/2PD1q7k
    GoPro自撮り棒 + 三脚 + セルカ棒→https://amzn.to/2PxiMCA
    Takasaki Station
    Jōshin Electric Railway Jōshin Line
    Opened on May 10, 1897
    On March 1, 2012, a dedicated entrance for Jōshin Electric Railway was established at the West Exit Rotary.
    The average daily number of passengers in 2018 is 2,280.
    Platform 0 and the passage are owned by JR, and Jōshin Electric Railway has a rental agreement with JR
    타카사키 역
    조신 전철 조신 선
    1897 년 5 월 10 일 개업
    2012 년 3 월 1 일에 上信 전철 전용 출입구가 서쪽 출구 로터리에 신설 된
    2018 년도 1 일 평균 승차 인원은 2,280 명
    0 번선 플랫폼 및 통로는 JR의 소유물이며 上信 전철 JR과 임대 계약을 체결했다

