

在 dect電話產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅一個平凡醫學生的日常。,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【同學投稿】《深夜cert case的二三事》 午夜時分,電話響起。 「你好,medical houseman。」 「要麻煩你certify個COVID positive case,屋企人係隔離啊。」 到隔離病房後,我在護士站裡粗略看了一下病人的病歷。 「唔係話屋企人黎左咩?我頭先係出面見唔到有...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅nariwaCh 75歳成羽のチャンネル,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【宣言】立川市民は電話に出ません! 今もなお詐欺被害に遭われている方がとても多いですね。是非詐欺に遭わないように自ら防衛対策として自動通知録音機を取り付けましょう! 65歳以上の方を対象に立川市では自動録音通話機器を無料貸出中。職員の方が設置作業を行います。 問合わせ先☎︎市生活安全課042-5...

  • dect電話 在 一個平凡醫學生的日常。 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-02 19:14:19
    有 1,094 人按讚

    【同學投稿】《深夜cert case的二三事》

    「你好,medical houseman。」
    「要麻煩你certify個COVID positive case,屋企人係隔離啊。」



    於是我硬着頭皮,第一次在家屬的注目下為病人進行檢查。(註:一般來說,certify case前,醫生會請家屬到病房外等候,待完成檢查後再與家屬交待。)






    Around midnight, my dect phone rang.
    “Hello, medical houseman.”
    “Hi, there’s a COVID positive case needs you to certify him. His family are here as well.”

    When I arrived at the isolation ward, I took a brief look through his medical history at the nursing station.
    “Didn’t you say his family were here? I didn’t anyone out there in the lobby.”
    “Oh. Both his wife and his son are positive for COVID as well. So they’re now staying in the same cubicle.”

    I put on my full PPE and went into the cubicle. For the first time ever, I certified a patient in front of his family. (Usually in our daily practice, we ask family members to wait at the corridor while the doctor is doing the physical examination for the patient.)
    “Good evening, Sir. I’m tonight’s on call doctor. I’ll examine your father in a minute. Meanwhile, may I ask for your help to accompany your mother while I’m doing the examinations.”

    The son was gently comforting his wheelchair-bound mother while I was certifying the father.
    “Mom, please stay strong. Now that dad’s passed away, I’ve only got you with me, so please hold on.”

    It was hard not to tear up listening to his soft but desperate words. And after performing all the necessary examinations, I approached the son and the wife.
    “I’m sorry to notify you that Mr X was certified at ...... His premorbid conditions weren’t that great, and now COVID has taken its toll on him. Previously, the case doctor had discussed with you that intubation wasn’t our first option, in view of his advanced age and poor premorbid lung functions. And the rest of the family also agreed that comfort care was a better option. I believed that Mr X has had his last hours well spent with you and Mrs X on his sides. The nurse will help you with the upcoming arrangements. I’m really sorry for your loss and all that your family has gone through.”

    The son replied in the most sincere tone, “Thank you doctor. Thank you for being here.”

    In fact, I think it’s me who should say thank you to this gentleman. Thank you for believing in our efforts, despite we’ve lost our patient. Thank you for comforting his mother, despite he too had just lost his father. Thank you for being supportive, despite he too was a patient.

    How ironic it is when government propaganda stressed so much on supporting medical staff, few supportive acts has been done. When our blood banks were in such great shortage that not even patients with a platelet count of 1 could be transfused, none of those in power cared to encourage blood donations. When the the third wave of COVID epidemic was taking away lives, the government policies were slow and confusing, not to mention effective. When medical staffs were on the verge of breakdown, the government just announced a pay freeze.

    In the very end, nothing was more supportive than a sincere “thank you” from the already suffering patients. And I’m not sure if this is really something to be thankful for.

  • dect電話 在 虎紋姑娘 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-01-18 12:21:26
    有 18 人按讚




    🗣喂 你好 2B(病房名)

    電話入面把女聲:(你好呀 依到係萬靈禮品網的問卷調查呀😇)

    依把機械人邊的聲音 搞到我雖然柒完

    但都忍唔住屌佢 老娘咪講左唔好再打黎囉!


    Btw 相信好多人都會有post-shift後遺症

    例如 當左自己電話係Ward電話~

    偷偷地話你知呀~👀 我試過袋左個Dect phone落件uniform到 全ward搵個電話 我放完AL先拎返去 俾人笑+怒啤左一陣~😅

    Hee Hee~~~~

  • dect電話 在 偉恩史達克 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-11-24 17:31:25
    有 3 人按讚

    [3C]FreePP IP Dect Phone & Talkfree box免費網路多媒體通訊電話開箱,體驗心得

  • dect電話 在 nariwaCh 75歳成羽のチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-06-19 18:00:00




    増補版 犯罪に強いまちづくりの理論と実践 -正しい地域安全マップづくりと振り込め詐欺・空き巣防止― (COPA BOOKS 自治体議会政策学会叢書)

    LET'S 振込め詐欺見張隊 新117 L-FSM-N117

    サンコー 電話機に後付けできる通話録音再生機「通話自動録音BOX」 TLPRC38B

    パナソニック RU・RU・RU デジタルコードレス電話機 子機1台付き 1.9GHz DECT準拠方式 ホワイト VE-GD26DL-W

    海外旅行用品 防犯 スキミング防止カード RFID カード 2枚セット クレジットカード情報スリから保護する (ブラック グロス(光沢)

    【2019最新型】盗聴盗撮発見器 防犯グッズ GPS追跡設備 電波探知 8000MHzまで対応 磁気感知 赤外線レーザー 探知機 盗撮カメラ 盗聴防止 高性能 日本語説明書付き





    「Life is YouTuber」
    BGM by : こおろぎ
    http://dova-s.jp/_contents/author/pro...be Captureから

    #立川市民は電話に出ない #詐欺犯罪防止 #自動通話録音機