

在 decrease意思產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅作者,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 笑聲笑聲,滿載科興,插入你體內…… //印尼七日通報新增1040人死亡,連續四天破單日新增死亡人數紀錄;當日通報新增34379例確診,一個月來官方統計的每日新增確診病例已經上升四倍。印尼政府認為,疫情急遽惡化主因是Delta變種病毒株,但部分醫療專業人員質疑中國科興疫苗的效力。路透七日報導,印尼醫...

decrease意思 在 Mrs.E.J?長崎グランプリ?Winner Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-06-02 14:18:16

@anna.k_2020mej.ngs English below🇬🇧フォロー❤️いいね❤️保存して頂けますと、とても嬉しいです👸💖 🌈SDGs 17ある目標の一番目は、 ⭐① 貧困をなくそう 単に基本的な水準の生活を確保する経済的な収入や資産がないことを指すわけではありません。教育やそ...

decrease意思 在 Amber Physiotherapist, MSc Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-17 08:34:49

🙋🏻‍♀️三分鐘讓你了解慢性疼痛🙋🏻‍♀️   哈囉各位看官大家好,我是魍魅物理治療師Amber~  魍魅我一直很關注疼痛這個問題,碩班論文也是疼痛相關,因此想跟大家分享關於疼痛三兩事。   🤦🏻‍♀️最後有附一個簡易疼痛量表,來讓大家測測,自身疼痛的狀況影響自己多少了呢?   📙到...

decrease意思 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 02:16:02

寒露到了!  #寒露 #進入深秋的節奏 #宜養陰防燥  來到第一個用「寒」字來命名的節氣了,不知不覺已到深秋,有說「寒露百草枯」,意思是大地的花草都枯萎凋謝,天氣漸漸變得乾燥,人體津液蒸發速度快,很容易出現皮膚乾、痕癢、皺紋增多的情況,飲食原則以養陰防燥為主,不妨適量進食百合、沙參、玉竹...

  • decrease意思 在 作者 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-08 11:15:51
    有 725 人按讚


    //印尼七日通報新增1040人死亡,連續四天破單日新增死亡人數紀錄;當日通報新增34379例確診,一個月來官方統計的每日新增確診病例已經上升四倍。印尼政府認為,疫情急遽惡化主因是Delta變種病毒株,但部分醫療專業人員質疑中國科興疫苗的效力。路透七日報導,印尼醫院協會(IHA)指出,印尼醫療工作人員已有95%完整接種疫苗,絕大多數都是科興疫苗,但獨立機構Lapor COVID-19的數據顯示,從六月至今已有131名醫療人員染疫身亡,光是七月就有50位。//

    //在印尼負責中國科興疫苗臨床試驗的首席科學家芭琪蒂亞(Novilia Sjafri Bachtiar)7日疑似因為感染COVID-19死亡。印尼媒體「Kumparan news」報導指,芭琪蒂亞是因染疫死亡。另一家印尼媒體「Sindonews」則引述國有製藥公司「BioFarma」內部消息指稱,芭琪蒂亞已依COVID-19規定下葬。//






    乜鬼係降低了三倍(Three fold reduction)?如果0.5 fold decrease是指100減至50,3 fold decrease即是降剩多少成?他是想講原有的六成保護率再打一個三折的意思嗎?


  • decrease意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-01 10:19:36
    有 295 人按讚




    茄子 — 為動風發物,性涼,有清熱活血,寬腸通便的功效,適合三高及有痔瘡人士食用。正因其性涼,脾胃虛寒易腹瀉,有皮膚病如濕疹或皮膚過敏、哮喘、癌症、紅斑狼瘡症患者不宜。

    竹筍 — 為動風發物,性涼,具清熱化痰、利二便功效,由於筍含豐富纖維,所以具通便效果。惟注意竹筍容易透發或加重皮膚瘡瘍腫毒症狀,皮膚敏感、濕疹患者或容易出風癩者不宜吃。

    菇菌 — 為動風食品,一般性平或偏涼,生長在潮濕陰暗處,屬於濕氣重的食物。

    南瓜 — 為生痰滯氣發物,性溫,有補中益氣、解毒消腫、潤肺益氣、平喘化痰的功效,對久病後氣虛、乏力、便溏及脾胃虛弱尤其適合。由於屬性溫熱,本身有胃熱、濕熱、氣滯,及易有胃脹的人就要少吃。

    芋頭 — 為生痰滯氣發物,性平,能健脾胃及化痰散結,適合淋巴腫大、婦女乳腺增生者服用。脾胃氣虛及有習慣性便秘等人士都適合。

    洋蔥 — 為助火發物,性溫,具祛風發汗、行氣化痰、降血壓、降血脂功效,特別適合風寒感冒患者食用。便秘、發熱口渴、皮膚瘡癢、濕疹患者等不宜進食。

    韭菜 — 為助火發物,性熱,具健胃暖中、溫腎助陽、散瘀活血功效,適合偏寒體質、陽虛怕冷、腰膝酸軟、男士陽事衰弱、尿頻人士;女士陽氣不足以致行經小腹冷痛食用。由於性熱,陰虛火旺者不宜食用。

    薑 — 為助火發物,薑性溫,有發汗散寒、溫中止嘔的功效,對於虛寒體質如陽虛的人士尤其適合,可紓緩因風寒感冒而引起的怕冷頭痛、胃寒引起的胃痛,以及虛寒型經痛等症狀。

    蔥 — 為助火發物,性溫,有發汗解表、健胃殺菌、通陽氣散陰寒的作用,能紓緩初起的風寒感冒、鼻敏感、頭痛、胃寒等症狀。體質偏熱、陰虛火旺人士不宜多吃。

    蒜 — 為助火發物,性溫,具暖脾胃、行滯氣、降血脂、殺菌功效,適合感冒病人食用,能舒緩初起的風寒感冒、食滯等症狀。由於屬性溫熱,陰虛火旺、身體有偏熱症狀如口瘡、暗瘡、喉嚨痛者不宜食用。

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    Beware of vegetables that are stimulating
    The elders will often advise young people not to eat beef, goose, duck, prawn, crab, and fish without scales if they suffer from skin diseases like eczema, scab, scabies, and ringworm. Eating these foods, they believe, can exacerbate the problems.

    According to Chinese physicians, these foods can trigger pathogenic factors to react, causing a relapse of a pre-existing condition and, to a certain extent, might worsen the problem. Individuals with acne, eczema, rubella, and sensitive skin or any skin diseases should avoid eating them.

    How about vegetables? In fact, there are certain vegetables that can also induce phlegm, stagnate the qi, and lead to heat accumulation in the body, triggering old wounds to relapse. To prevent skin diseases from occurring, we have to be extra mindful.

    Common stimulating vegetables:
    Eggplant – wind activated stimulant. Cool in nature, can clear heat and promote blood circulation, loosen the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for those with hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, haemorrhoids. Because of its cold nature, those with asthenic and cold spleen and stomach, those prone to diarrhea, skin diseases such as eczema or skin allergies, and those with asthma, cancer, and lupus should not eat.

    Bamboo shoots - wind activated stimulant. Cool in nature, can clear heat and relieve phlegm and is healthy for urine and bowel movement. The high fibre content can relieve constipation. Please note bamboo shoot is a wind activated stimulant and can trigger skin sores issues so those skin allergy, eczema, and those prone to hives should avoid.

    Mushroom - wind activated stimulant. Generally mild or cool in nature. It grows in a humid and dark place, and it has heavy dampness.

    Pumpkin - food that induces phlegm and qi stagnation. Warm in nature, can replenish vital energy and strengthen qi, detoxify and relieve swelling, and moisten the lungs. It has healing effects to relieve asthma and decrease phlegm. It is especially suitable for those recovering from chronic illness with qi deficiency, those with loose stool and asthenic spleen and stomach. Although it is full of benefits and nutrients, pumpkins are warm in nature, so those with heat in stomach, damp heat, qi stagnation, or prone to abdominal bloating should avoid pumpkins.

    Taro - food that induces phlegm and qi stagnation. Mild in nature, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and reduce phlegm. It is suitable for those with lymphatic swelling and eccyclomastoma. Those with asthenic spleen and stomach or chronic constipation can also have taro.

    Onion - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, can dispel wind and promote perspiration, promote qi circulation and relieve phlegm, lower blood pressure and blood Iipids. It is especially suitable for those with cold-wind flu. Those with constipation, heat and thirst, itchy skin, sores on skin and eczema should avoid.

    Chives - fire activated stimulant. Hot in nature, can warm the stomach, warm the kidneys and nourish yang, relieve bruising and promote blood circulation. Suitable for those with cold body types, yang deficiency, aversion to cold, weak and sore lower back and knees, men with frequent urination, insufficient yang qi that leads to abdominal pain. Due to its hot nature, those with asthenic yin should avoid.

    Ginger - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, has the effects to promote perspiration and dispel cold, warm the body and relieve vomiting. It is especially suitable for those with asthenic cold body types such as yang deficiency, as it can relieve aversion to cold and headache caused by cold wind flu, stomach pain caused by cold stomach, and asthenic cold type menstrual pain.

    Spring onion - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature. Induces sweating, activates yang qi to dispel yin chill. Relieves early symptoms of wind-chill flu, nasal allergies, headaches, and cold stomach. Not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms, with yin deficiency and excessive internal heat.

    Garlic - fire activated stimulant. Warm in nature, can warm both the spleen and the stomach, improve qi stagnation, and help relieve cold and flu at the initial stage. Nevertheless, individuals with heat related symptoms should not consume garlic, such as canker sores, acne and sore throat.

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    #男 #女 #濕疹 #暗瘡

  • decrease意思 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-16 08:59:44
    有 366 人按讚

    【從紐時 Podcast 到百靈果:8:30 起床,這是我用「窄式」學習英語的一天】

    ✔︎ 8:30 起床:聽紐時 The Daily Podcast 在講武肺所造成的失業問題 (A historic unemployment crisis)

    ✔︎ 10:00 書桌前: 在中央社英語網站 FocusTaiwan 讀和聽了2 篇文章,一篇有關快篩 (Rapid diagnostic tests)、一篇有關境外移入案例 (imported cases)

    ✔︎ 12:00 往公司路上: 在 Uber 聽 Tedros 胡說八道一波

    ✔︎ 14:00 等阿中開記者會,期待零確診。

    ✔︎ 17:00 讀了 Foreign Affairs 雜誌一篇在寫中國如何運用武肺管理上歐美的失控,以趁機謀取霸權,「整理寫作句型」

    ✔︎ 18:00 聽心理學家 Angela Duckworth 跟賓大學生分享 How to cope with anxiety as we face the COVID-19 pandemic

    ✔︎ 19:30 - 22:00 上課

    ✔︎ 23:00 整理跟 symptoms、quarantine、lockdown 等字的用法講義給勤業眾信 (Deloitte) 的內訓使用

    ✔︎ 23:30 把早上 The Daily 聽完,看心情睡前聽 Freakonomics Radio Podcast 講類似的話題或聽百靈果 Kylie & Ken 談 Tedros


    3 個原因,我會在線上課程的 Intro 裡分享。其中一個為:

    Reading familiar content is likely to decrease the burden on learners' processing resources, thus freeing up processing capacity for the task of work learning (Kang, 2015).


    在一般的課本和教室裡,我們常常 move from topic to topic quickly,沒有好好讓我們對主題的 knowledge 去 facilitate our learning (輔助學習).

    ✔︎ 在與 VoiceTube 的線上課程 「恆毅力英文:我的熱情提案」我將帶大家用窄式學習 (尤其專注在語塊、搭配詞、句型結構),學習永不會過時、每個人都需要的正向心理學主題。


    ➠ ➠ 一秒預購課程 ➠ ➠ https://bit.ly/2QLPhus

