

在 deceive意思產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅葉朗程,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《情陷夜中環 - 你呃人》 連打呔到打到一塌糊塗的新人時代,很記得有一次,跟老細見完一位公司就快上市的潛在大客之後,由灣仔北坐的士回到 IFC 途中,平時很多話的我一直沉默著。 老細似乎看穿我有少男心事,於是問:「你係咪有嘢想同我講?」雖然被他洞悉了,但我還是能夠拋下一句「冇嘢呀」。 「呃人,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅GreatKidsLearning,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ABC英文 學習英文字彙119 (Expand your English words 119) You can learn English words and sentences days by days. 每日學習英文單字!! It's amazing! 若是無法將單字一次背起來, 請反覆練習...

deceive意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 00:38:35

/ December 10, 2018 Thief Rents Luxury Office to Steal Rolex . Summary: As the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. Fooled by the luxury cow...

  • deceive意思 在 葉朗程 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-10 18:10:38
    有 1,255 人按讚

    《情陷夜中環 - 你呃人》

    連打呔到打到一塌糊塗的新人時代,很記得有一次,跟老細見完一位公司就快上市的潛在大客之後,由灣仔北坐的士回到 IFC 途中,平時很多話的我一直沉默著。







    英文更容易理解——lie and deceive。

    看過一份論文,內容大概是這樣的:Lie 肯定是 deceive 的其中一個型態,但 deceive 未必代表 lie。


    目測二十八歲,憑你的經驗,你知道這是一個女士會小心選擇男朋友的階段,因為她們的 most immediate goal 是結婚。

    然後我們又假設,只要她感覺到你是一個會跟她結婚的 prospect,她便會願意跟你過一晚了。







    現在該明白,lie 和 deceive 的最大分別在哪裏吧。

    根據那位哲學家的結論,lie 和 deceive 的分別,便是建基於 truthful 和 true 的定義——一句 truthful 的話可以是 false 的,而一句 untruthful 的話也可以是 true 的。

    你真心認為你阿媽是全世界最靚的女人,但事實是你阿媽並不是全世界最靚的女人,所以這句 truthful (因為你是真心) 的話是 false 的。

    你同人講你老公張提款卡號碼是 991636,但事實是你並不知道你老公的提款卡號碼,怎料原來他的提款卡號碼真的是 991636,所以這句 untruthful (因為你根本不知道) 的話是 true 的。



    地產霸權擺明車馬賺你錢,完全沒有隱瞞,手段或許過份,但他們的所作所為絕對 truthful,所以他們就算邪惡,也不噁心。


    老掉牙的道理是,我們要看清一個人,不但要判斷 what we see,也要分析 what we don’t see。

    有什麼情況之下,deception 可以產生最即時的回報?當然就是玩 poker 了。有好牌的時候要畀人覺得你冇好牌,冇好牌的時候又要畀人覺得你最好牌,poker 的重點,就是製造機會讓對手犯錯,and that is deception。


    她是賭局搞手的混血兒 cousin,名叫 Vivian;自從搞手邀請了 Vivian 加入之後,一班佬各自地起了不能逆轉的變化。



    踢拖的穿了恤衫,短褲的特登去 Prada 買了條西褲,最過份背心底衫那位除了盛裝出席還要噴到成身古龍水。

    無所不用其極,就是為了討好每次都會穿著超短迷你裙出席的 Vivian。

    每個佬的外表是變得華麗了,但他們的技術竟然大不如前,Vivian 基本上是㩒住嚟砌。


    散場離開,我與 Vivian 一起沿著藍塘道漫步。



    「係得你冇輸畀我,does that mean you don’t find me attractive?」




    「梗係覺得你 attractive 啦,」後面嗰句我冇講,仲覺得你好很蠢。

    世界上最可笑的 deception,就是自己誤導自己,也就是不自量力了。

  • deceive意思 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-10-29 23:45:20
    有 388 人按讚

    有人話 #Call林鄭嘅bluff,咩意思?
    #明報 A20 | 英文 English | 毛孟靜
    //林鄭月娥聲稱非常樂意與香港人對話,於是有人向立法會 民主派議員建議:Let's call her bluff 。這是什麼意思呢?
    Call somebody's bluff, 直譯係「叫某人的自我吹噓」, 仍然不明其所以然,是吧?
    Bluff 最直接的口語譯法,係「作大」,也即是書面語的 「虛張聲勢」。

    To bluff is to try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions,企圖欺騙別人自己有如此這般的能力或意圖, 有自吹自擂之意。用做動詞:
    • He's been bluffing all along. 他一直不過在「拋浪頭」、嚇 唬人罷了。
    • The purchase offer has been denounced as a bluff. 那個 收購建議被視為充大頭鬼的把戲。

    有說 ,bluff 等於「充大頭鬼」,源自紙牌撲克 poker 遊 戲:明明沒有一手好牌,卻「二仔底死跟」,強行冒充底牌 是一張皇牌,bluffing your way through,去「大、嚇窒」 對手。
    • He bluffed them into surrendering. 他成功嚇得他們投降。 於是倒過頭來,to call somebody's bluff 又可理解為「大返 佢」,去揭對方根本不堪一擊的底牌:

    To make an opponent show his hand in order to reveal that its value is weaker than his heavy betting suggests,令 對手攤牌,揭露其「冇料扮四條」。

    To challenge someone to carry out a stated intention, in the expectation of being able to expose it as a pretence,去 挑戰某人是否夠膽說到做到,預期由此暴露對方也不過是說 說、裝模作樣罷了。
    於是,去 call 林鄭的 bluff,是指民主派議員不如將計就 計,大聲回應樂意與林鄭對話,看她肯不肯,但預期她不會 答應,由此暴露當中的虛偽。
    • Carrie Lam says she's happy to dialogue with the people. Huh. Let's call her bluff. 林鄭月娥說她樂意與市民對話。 哈,我哋「大」返佢。

    這一幕沒有發生,是因為絕大部分民主派中人都覺得,林 鄭的「底牌」已眾所周知,不必勞師動眾去揭露了。 另例:
    • I am tempted to call his bluff as I can hardly believe he would carry out his threat. 我真想叫他「你就來吧」,因為 我絕不相信他的恫嚇。

    話說回頭,要非常小心 bluff 這個字,並非淨係代表負 面意思,亦有 being direct, rudely frank, outspoken and unconventional ,率性直接、敢言、反傳統的表達。
    • He's a bluff but he's a good teacher.


  • deceive意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-04-08 06:26:57
    有 136 人按讚

    « 寫給馬戲團的朋友»
    Writing To My Friends In The Circus (English version below)







    I have countless friends in the Circus. Among them are specialists, post graduates, graduates, doctors, nurses, teachers, as well as professionals from the real estate, banking, food and beverages, fashion, technology industries, etc. Some of them are adorable, some of them are not so pleasant, while some of them are.... aiya! In a nutshell, as the Chinese saying goes, the same type of rice feeds a hundred types of people. It takes all sorts to make a world lor! My apologies, I recently met a "money-grabbing" couple who are highly educated people but I am not sure why the lady kept sprouting "lor" in her sentences. Let me revert back to the proper language usage. No wonder the Chinese saying goes, "One who mixes with vermilion will be stained red, one who gets near ink will be stained black."

    My friends in the Circus would seek my advice, from time to time, on ways to improve their lot, thorough the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics. Of course, I welcome people blessed with such thinking, and no way will I shirk away from my obligations. However, I urge all of you who wish to learn more about the Chinese Metaphysics and the Dharma, to give serious consideration about your intention to do so. Do not deceive yourself and assume that the Gods and the ghosts will not know your motives. To learn the Dharma and Chinese Metaphysics is to bring benefits to others and yourself, to benefit both the living and dead. It is definitely not for your own selfish gain. You must not run to take refuge in the Three Jewels for your personal egocentric agenda, and then lie to me that you were dragged along to do so by other people. Master Dai Hu already knows your role in the Circus and has clearly explained to you the cause and effect involved, and the precepts. If you still choose to throw yourself into the sea of fire, and up the mountain of daggers, I can only recite the Buddha's name and pray that you will wake up from your folly and repent sincerely before it becomes too late.

    Despite taking refuge in the Three Jewels for almost 30 years, the money-grabbing wife is very presumptuous and does not abide by the basic precepts and rites of Buddhism. This got me worried, with no tinge of happiness at all. I hope everybody understands this: the Bodhisattvas are wary of the seed of karma, while sentient beings fear the karmic fruits!

    Today, let Master Dai Hu impart you the secret:

    There is originally no sorrow in the affairs of this world
    For inequality is the norm,
    No greed can arise without attachment,
    Why would there be sorrow.

    All along, the friends in the Circus think that the audience loves to see stunts of a high difficulty level. That is because they are only watching passively. I am not. I am the friend who sincerely give you my true heart. Whilst you are performing your stunts of "high difficulty", I am the one who practices what I preach, endowing you with help and blessings.


