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在 decedents產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,559的網紅台灣聖派翠克愛爾蘭音樂節St. Patrick's Day in Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【連署救台南森林🌳🌳🌳】 只為了節省一分鐘的行車時間要花費2.6億元砍掉一堆老樹 「希望環境可以被保留,出外遊子可以喜歡你的家鄉,你是可以回家鄉生活、工作、談戀愛的。 🌳希望上百顆的樹可以被保留,這塊地方可以像亞馬遜的叢林是地球的肺一樣,希望『堀仔頭小森林』可以是『西港的肺』,不希...


decedents 在 movingwinnie | traveller Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-10 00:32:58

🇲🇲Most of the current Burmese Indians are decedents of the generation who emigrated to Burma during the British colonial rule from mid-19th century ti...

  • decedents 在 台灣聖派翠克愛爾蘭音樂節St. Patrick's Day in Taiwan Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-09-04 13:32:11
    有 8 人按讚



    🏡希望全台的居民,可以不要留存一種「開路蓋屋就是發展」的一種舊式思維,希望對於一個地方可以有更多的想像,可以思索十年後、二十年後,你會希望待在一個什麼樣的地方,那是你的選擇,一起走出一條真正永續的路。」——西港青年 鄭敦文
    1. 加入連署💪https://goo.gl/WtDeE8
    2. 邀請更多人加入連署
    3. 幫忙分享 反西港外環道不當開闢自救會粉專的任何訊息
    4. 本尊直接來現場出力陪伴

    [ 緊急!樹的命危通知 Emergency。9/1 - 9/7 台南西港堀仔頭小森林 需要急救 ]


    🌎 反西港外環道不當開闢自救會 ✊ ( Sign Up if you love nature and care about people )

    Sign Up:

    我已經在台南西港堀仔頭以生態村作為抵抗<西港外環道擋拆大作戰>駐村7天(超開心的這裡:早上張開眼睛在竹林與芭蕉葉之間醒來,走著走著就有樹抱,下午跟好友們一起煮飯揮鋤頭,大家都很愛彼此,也很愛樹。),每天都跟其他藝術家學習怎麼在田裡生活,瞭解植被,學習如何能不輕易浪費資源。如果樹木被砍光了,土壤就跟著貧瘠,再來就不能種田,不能種田之後連土也不能吃,然後國家就會進口農產品,進口當然是要省成本找那種最便宜的,最便宜的當然是最大廠ㄉ,然後進回來之後再說國外的月亮圓要課稅。再來就好像是便宜得賣你,像是地瓜粉一包不到50元,你去買50元的地瓜回來做地瓜粉看看,看你做出多少地瓜粉?然後基改的農場品進來之後,再進國外進口的藥,「哇,米勾進靠欸,啾賀欸,緊來團購幾勒。有健保啦哩嘛多領一些藥。」開診所,假借仁慈之名說要懸壺濟世開醫院,其實啦~D賽叫你沒事多喝水但是也要多看醫生下禮拜還要回診。然後開一些爛學校,讓你現在覺得便利商店跟你說吸管塑膠袋盡量用這樣很正常(以前塑膠袋還不用錢喔,真的有在黑喔),反正你的國家乾淨的能源愈少(乾淨的樹, 清新的空氣, 透徹的水),我的帝國就相對強勢。


    各取所需 珍惜這塊孕育我們的土地 不要浪費資源

    讓植被永流存 也才會有健康又乾淨的空氣跟水質

    如果樹被砍盡殺絕🌎,我們沒有好空氣,也沒有好水質,這樣就只剩下吃土,然後喝金屬水。乍看之下你會變成驚奇似超人,或是金剛狼🙊。精子跟卵子就開始畸形🦑,生出來的就怪怪的,頭腦想什麼都很難理解 — 像是在西港堀仔頭花2.6億來開發一條節省57秒的道路。



    在這裡我們吃自己種的 🍎🥑🌽🍅🥕





    When the wrecking cars come, we will wrap ourselves on the trees, so that they can't kill the trees 💯, they would have to kill us first, which is 🈲. And we won't stop loving the trees.😍🌲🌲🌲👍

    As now we're all "connected". 🌏 For example, if all the trees gone/killed in Taiwan. You'll definitely be affected and inevitably. Just a matter of time. Or your decedents would likely suffer. No clean water no fresh water, everywhere, no one can get away of this. If we have terrible water and disgusting air. One day they will all become part of your children. America, Europe, Asia, Australia, all the same. And we sincerely don't want that at all. 😞😣😧😱😨😰

    [ 全台各地有很多的強制徵收案(搶錢案),我們的生態藝術村已經集結很多的藝術家與音樂家,準備要在怪手來的時候跟他們好好的用心傳唱愛地球,如果你想要駐村也歡迎聯絡。這裡有各式各樣的奇耙,像是會蓋廚房的吉他手兼鼓手,不懂和弦卻貝斯彈得如此匠心獨運。當然也有很一般的人-就單純只是愛地球,愛護大自然,跟你我都一樣。]


    English References Below - - - By Tony Coolidge & 反西港外環道不當開闢自救會 - - -👨🏽‍🌾

    Real Democracy in Taiwan in Jeopardy

    Taiwan has had a reputation of being a shining light of Democracy in Asia. That reputation has been tarnished in the past 10 years, but the Sunflower Movement, a movement of courageous YOUNG people, gave Taiwanese a sign of hope.

    President Tsai Ing-wen’s election victory signaled greater hope for change and progressive policy changes in Taiwan. However, her difficulties have most people in Taiwan doubting the possibility of meaningful change.

    What has become more obvious over time is that the leadership, whether KMT or DPP, have all been instrumental in policies and practices that are deemed unfair or unjust to different groups in Taiwan.

    As discussed in this recent article in New Bloom Magazine (http://newbloommag.net/.../sigang-tainan-preservation-fest/) conflicts between youth activists has not decreased with the current administration. What the youth of Taiwan sees as injustice continues on every level of government. It may be time to consider significant reform in the way the government works. Without serious reform, politicians can legally appropriate government funding for projects that do little for their communities, but put money in the pockets of their friends and family members. And, this has far greater consequences than the waste of public funds.

    I have been following closely a case of forced land appropriation in Sigang District of Tainan City, and have grown to admire the courage and resourcefulness of a growing group of young “tree protectors,” led by TC Cheng. This organic farmer respects his trees that his grandfather planted 80 years ago, and they are one of the few remaining forests in the area, providing a haven for many animal species. He also wants to protect the local culture, including the Japanese railroad line that runs along the proposed highway route. TC wants to protect the natural and cultural identity of the community, before it is wiped out by unnecessary construction.

    If you ask the local politicians, the proposed “bypass” highway is important to the local economy, although a closer inspection may cause one to doubt their logic. One thing is likely. Whomever bought the land near the highway site will profit. Unfortunately, these local politicians have been able to have most of the locals buy into their reasons, so local support for protecting the trees has not been strong.

    Local community groups and associations have come together to propose a compromise in this case. They have created a new plan for the road development that is not a “bypass” road, but rather a “cultural heritage road,” which will preserve the oldest trees and develop the local culture, so people will WANT TO COME to the community. THAT is what would help the local economy.

    But, the local politicians and Tainan City government don’t want to offer the patience to evaluate and consider the plan.

    That leaves us with a confrontation. Any confrontation is a risky proposition to the bulldozer drivers, the developers, the police and to the politicians. They all could get bad publicity, which could give Tainan City Mayor Lai a black mark for any upcoming Presidential election.

    More importantly, the tree defenders have the qualities of courage and leadership that Taiwan needs. We need to listen to young leaders, not push them aside them for the sake of short-sighted profit. This reporter will do what he can to document the developments, and pray for everyone’s safety.

    It seems that is all we have left, when the corrupt, broken system leaves no other alternatives. Please PRAY with me for the safety of these young heroes.

    Without government reform, Taiwan will lose its natural habitats, cultural identity, and young heroes for its future generations.















  • decedents 在 周維頤 周圍移 MovingChow Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-05-29 12:53:46
    有 2 人按讚

    🇲🇲Most of the current Burmese Indians are decedents of the generation who emigrated to Burma during the British colonial rule from mid-19th century till independence in 1937.
    During colonial era, ethnic Indians were employed by British to form the backbone of the government and economy serving as soldiers, civil servants, merchants and moneylenders, thus had plenty of power. However approaching independence, they started to be expelled.
    Now there are around 1million ethnic Indians in Myanmar, mainly reside in the two major cities - Yangon and Mandalay, plus a few old colonial towns. Because of the relations to the colonial history, they are largely barred from the civil service and military and are disenfranchised by being labeled as 'foreigners' and 'non-citizens' of Myanmar. It's not nice to hear that they are to a certain extent being marginalized, but who am I to judge as an outsider? It must be way more complicated as it seems.
    I randomly pass by this young mom on the street. Her baby was so cute that I couldn't help looking and smiling at him. She just walked up to me and let her toddler played with me for a while. This is the beauty of Myanmar - genuine kindness of human beings @ Yangon, Myanmar
    #myanmar #yangon #indian #indianlife #toddler #colonial
    #tflers #travelgram #traveladdict #theglobewanderer #theoutbound #travelogue #traveltheworld #globetrotter #instatravel #instapassport #travelphotography #wonderlust #travelbug #igtravel #travelblogger #hktraveler #traveller
    #PEOPLE_INFINITY #humanity_shots_ #streetphotography #streetshots #yourshotphotographer #gothere #seetheworld

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    2021-10-01 13:19:08

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    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • decedents 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

