

在 debut軟體產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, MAY 7 新作首發‘0 Selves' Debut at Rewire Festival 將於新平台發佈 0xcore [ http://0xcore.world ] 台灣時間為5月8日凌晨04:30-06:00 ℹ️ : Rewire 2021 : '0-Selves' present ...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,860的網紅Sammy Wang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,IT'S COMING...... 別忘了按下“喜歡”和“訂閱” 點一下旁邊的鈴鐺就不會錯過新片囉:) ▼ 來看看如何找到我! ▼ 任何活動、攝錄影、科技產品開箱、合作請E-Mail : [email protected]...

  • debut軟體 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-04 20:48:46
    有 27 人按讚

    MAY 7 新作首發‘0 Selves' Debut at Rewire Festival
    將於新平台發佈 0xcore [ http://0xcore.world ]

    ℹ️ : Rewire 2021 : '0-Selves' present by Meuko! Meuko! & NAXS Corp.

    Melting into the network, metamorphosing into the virtual ego, ‘0 Selves’ is a transforming figure, searching for an impossible hyperself, within the ever-changing digital terrain. ‘0 Selves’ is an explorative audio-visual journey created by experimental producer Meuko! Meuko! and Taipei-based new media art group NAXS Corp. Audiences must wander through the immense virtual world, to discover live sets, motion-captured virtual performances, and a deceptive virtual fable.

    Software2050 (寂寞軟體2050) - Soundscape 15mins
    Meuko! Meuko! - Live 45mins
    NONEYE - Soundscape 15mins

    May 7(Fri) 🇳🇱CET - 22:30-00:00
    May 8(Sat) 🇹🇼UTC+8 - 04:30-06:00
    May 7(Fri) 🌊 PST - 13:30 - 15:00

    線上展演 ONLINE VENUE 🎮
    Online Gaming Performance -

    Rewire/Channel 2 - https://www.rewirefestival.nl/

    💻 Login with PC or MBP/Laptop

    - Use A← W↑ D→ S↓ keys to move
    - Press Space bar to float
    - Use the Mouse to look around.

    📵mobile devices / Safari / Edge are not supported


  • debut軟體 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-04 20:14:06
    有 26 人按讚

    5/7日新作‘0 Selves’將首發於荷蘭海牙REWIRE線上音樂節
    Coming up the new project '0 Selves'
    Debut at Rewire Festival, MAY 7

    🎮 Online Venue : www.0xcore.world
    ℹ️ Facebook Event : www.facebook.com/events/2894865127468878

    Present by 0xcore
    Artwork by 寂寞軟體2050

  • debut軟體 在 COMPUTEX TAIPEI Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-26 22:00:01
    有 14 人按讚

    ♫Title:InnoVEX finds you the best match
    AMendate, a German 3D printing startup, made its debut at #InnoVEX in 2019 and caught Hexagon AB’s eye, a global leader in measurement technologies. AMendate was acquired by Hexagon AB shortly after, and the two teamed up to provide precise and efficient measurement solutions to the world. 🤩

    Is your startup also looking for matchmaking opportunities? 👉 Register for InnoVEX and be seen on the international stage! For more InnoVEX updates, follow COMPUTEX Top Hits. 🙌

    德國3D列印軟體新秀 #AMendate 於2019年在 #InnoVEX初登場,便獲得全球領先測量大廠Hexagon AB青睞,收購納入旗下品牌,雙方攜手提供更有精準高效的測量解決方案🤩

    您的新創也在尋找媒合機會嗎?👉報名InnoVEX,讓實力被全球看見!更多 InnoVEX動態,就在下期的COMPUTEX風雲榜 🙌

  • debut軟體 在 Sammy Wang Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-09-06 17:30:00

    IT'S COMING......
    別忘了按下“喜歡”和“訂閱” 點一下旁邊的鈴鐺就不會錯過新片囉:)

    ▼ 來看看如何找到我! ▼

    任何活動、攝錄影、科技產品開箱、合作請E-Mail : sammy214livestudio@gmail.com

  • debut軟體 在 阿湯I'm Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2011-11-20 00:32:27

    在youtube上什麼影片都有,在WebCam前搞笑的短片、自錄唱歌、電腦軟體教學等等,或者有人會用自己的電腦連接網路攝影機當做是監控主機,而這些需求都可以透過免費錄影軟體【debut video capture】一套就搞定,支援的項目真的很多,WebCam、網路攝影機、電腦畫面,還可設定排程及同步錄音,不論你是要錄製自拍短片、軟體教學還是要當監控都沒問題,重點是不用錢,功能相當的完整,完全不遜色於付費的錄影軟體。

