在 dearly中文產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過30萬的網紅CiCi Li,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Thai Glass Noodle Salad Recipe, Yum Woon Sen Recipe: http://cicili.tv/thai-glass-noodles-salad-recipe 中文影片:https://youtu.be/sJ_jcE3DwMo Thailand is k...
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,870的網紅HenleyHii,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[越愛越不會] MV 幕後花絮 - 『壁咚』篇 The Making-of "Dearly Stranger" MV - The Touch // 許亮宇《越愛越不會》MV,邀來曾憑電影《末日派對》提名第33屆香港電影金像獎“最佳新演員”的馬來西亞演員兼模特兒廖子妤主演。《越愛越不會》MV 描述一...
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dearly中文 在 Mandy Chin | Creator Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-02-19 16:07:29
“Happy Valentine’s Day to My Other Half” Can’t believed we have been apart fo almost 18 months, Miss you dearly, but really grateful our relationshi...
dearly中文 在 yuyatyiu@pmps 于逸堯@人山人海 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-07-02 17:29:35
I tend to love things people hate (and vice versa...) — normally I won’t go for #milkshake when having burger, too guilty. But here I just can’t resis...
dearly中文 在 那些電影教我的事 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-05-11 22:06:52
有一種幸福,是看到最愛的人得到幸福。 You feel happy when you see the one you love dearly is happy. 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 (You Are the Apple of My Eye), 2011 中文電影介紹:http://bit....
dearly中文 在 HenleyHii Youtube 的最讚貼文
2016-02-17 12:04:39[越愛越不會] MV 幕後花絮 - 『壁咚』篇
The Making-of "Dearly Stranger" MV - The Touch
許亮宇《越愛越不會》MV,邀來曾憑電影《末日派對》提名第33屆香港電影金像獎“最佳新演員”的馬來西亞演員兼模特兒廖子妤主演。《越愛越不會》MV 描述一段面對挫敗的感情,關在充滿回憶的小房間,像是一場愛情中的談判,他與廖子妤在MV中扮演相識已久的情侶,雖沒有激情戲,但免不了牽手、親親等動作,甜蜜氛圍下更有最讓人心跳加速的“壁咚“戲碼。被問及拍MV的尺度到哪裡?他笑說:“我自己有底線啦,像《色‧戒》那樣太大尺度的親密戲應該沒辦法,哈。” -
dearly中文 在 HenleyHii Youtube 的精選貼文
2016-01-21 22:50:39越愛越不會 Dearly Stranger (OT Mungkin Nanti)
// 翻唱12年馬來K 歌經典
保留原編曲精髓 新的演繹
詞/ 彭學斌 曲/ Ariel
微笑着淚卻流下 不願你長大
緊抓着手卻放下 不願你掙扎
我卻越愛越不會 看出你快樂或傷悲
我卻越愛越不會 承受你溫柔或撒野
怎麼兩個人的世界 卻像宇宙一樣遙遠
你卻越愛越不屑 無視我快樂或傷悲
我卻越愛越不會 承受你溫柔或撒野
怎麼兩個人的世界 卻像宇宙一樣遙遠
(而)我卻越愛越不會 雖然一切都無所謂
怎麼一個人的思念 卻像宇宙一樣無解
♪ 新歌線上收聽 / Online streaming
JOOX: http://www.joox.com/#/single?id=qNdW4...
KKBOX: http://SmartUrl.it/HenleyKKBOX
Spotify: http://SmartUrl.it/HenleySpotify
♪ iTunes (Pre-order album comes with one bonus track which not recorded in physical album)
Apple Music/iTunes: http://SmartUrl.it/HenleyApple
Official website:
♪ http://www.pmp-entertainment.com/
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dearly中文 在 CiCi Li Facebook 的最佳解答
Thai Glass Noodle Salad Recipe, Yum Woon Sen
Recipe: http://cicili.tv/thai-glass-noodles-salad-recipe
Thailand is known as the Land of Smiles because of its genuinely happy and welcoming people. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, and that is where I called home for 8 years of my childhood.
One of my favorite Thai dishes is Yum Woon Sen. It is a beloved Thai salad dish. The word Yum literary translates to “mix,” and it refers to a type of Thai salad. The words Woon Sen means glass noodles. Therefore, Yum Woon Sen is Glass Noodle Salad.
I remember eating Yum Woon Sen in Thailand all the time. It is a dish that every home cook knows how to cook by heart. I had eaten it in school, over street food stalls, and in luxurious restaurants.
Although they all made with similar ingredients, the tastes can be slightly different from one place to another. And one of my favorites was at a food stall in front of a giant shopping center, The Mall Bang Kapi.
After coming to the United States, Yum Woon Sen became a dish that I must order in every Thai restaurant that I visited, and yet I never found one that’s perfect to my palate, like the one in front of The Mall Bang Kapi.
I told my husband about my quest to find the perfect Yum Woon Sen. One day, he piled up all the ingredients for the dish on our kitchen counter. He was determined to make the perfect Yum Woon Sen for me. And for the next 30 minutes, he cast his charm and magic over the dish. Although he looked calm, sweat was dripping down from his forehead.
Surprisingly, he presented me with a taste that is so familiar and yet I have not eaten for the longest time. It is the taste that I missed dearly.
To me, it is the taste of Thailand, the taste of smiles. It is so refreshing and has a perfect balance of savory, citrusy, sweet, and spicy. I believe Yum Woon Sen will also become your family’s favorite salad dish and brighten up everyone.
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Our Magic 繁體中文版-魔術師的魔術
【為什麼要讀 Our Magic 魔術師的魔術 這本書】
The end of all magic is to feed with mystery the human and mind, which dearly loves mystery — Harry Keller
當我們談起魔術,首先面臨的問題是何謂魔術? 讓我們再多花點時間思考,此處的「我們」所指的對象是誰?是「集體人類」還是「魔術師愛好者」? 從古自今,許多魔術師並未明白魔術之於我們的意義是不同於群體外的,在很深的層面上,魔術師不能將自己再次視為普通人,應當明白我們所討論的魔術,是魔術師的魔術。哲學有這麼三大問題:我是誰?我從哪裡來?我將往何處去?而同樣的精神,也應該被魔術愛好者討論,討論魔術是什麼?魔術從哪裡來?魔術又將往何處去?
我的床頭永遠放著三本書,分別是Our Magic 、Magic of Ascanio 和A. Bandit: A Secret Has Two Faces,這三本書籍橫跨100年的魔術史,在不同時代背景下討論當代議題,卻又在每個「當代」下追尋相同的價值。而這些偉大思想家下筆的原因,與羅蘭巴特書寫的動機相符,嘗試在表面那看似美觀得體的「理所當然」(ce-qui-va-de-soi)之中,重新捕捉意識形態的濫用現象,而那股濫用就暗藏於「理所當然」的表象之下。
所有偉大的藝術家都是魔術師,但不是所有魔術師都是偉大的藝術家。時間拉回2020年,Our Magic也發行超過100年了,這100年內世界變化之快絕對是作者始料未及的,即便科技發達,人們對於娛樂產業以及藝術產業的需求不減反增,即便更加進步的社會中,魔術卻依然遭遇100年前相同的挑戰。有許多魔術師會質疑,這豈不是說藝術與魔術完全沒進步嗎?我們為何還需要特別閱讀這麼老舊的一本書?其實這問題本身就是後設問句,我想在藝術或魔術中,我們能做的就只有不斷的討論,舉凡藝術哲學與美學相關問題,從聖經詮釋權吵了幾百年都得不到普羅大眾所為的「正確答案」,但在這樣的討論裡,問題是不斷向前推進的,現階段我們無法得到藝術是什麼,但至少我們能清楚地明白:藝術不是什麼。魔術也是這樣的,當代得不到答案,不代表我們枉費此生的討論,也許未來的哪天,這些由前人所構成的知識體系,能使後代同道人有效獲取社會文化下的普遍共識。在這之前,我們有義務不斷進行討論以及批判。
Our Magic在發行之初並不是暢銷書,隨著時間發酵,漸漸被魔術大師注意到,例如Professor Hoffman就曾經這麼描述:「這是一本對魔術進行深入探討的書籍,所有魔術師都應該研讀它。」時間證明一切,Our Magic 成為了經典。
至於有人會問這麼經典的書我為何會不知道?只能說亞洲魔術仍太封閉,人人都在高喊Juan Tamariz和Darwin Ortiz的年代,會有哪個年輕人有意識去尋找更古老的理論書?我並沒有批評之意,僅說明為何這本經典這麼難在亞洲地區普為人知,一部分原因就出在它太老了,就好比大家叫得出Harry Houdini,卻叫不出Howard Thurston、Jesse Alexander Helms、Harry Keller一樣。本書的作者Nevil Maskelyne與David Devent 在當年都是十分成功的表演者,他們除了在魔術發光發熱,在其他領域也多有傑出表現,例如Nevil Maskelyne有製錶的經驗,因此發明不少機械偶,同時他也是英國投幣式廁所的發明人。至於在賭術方面,Nevil Maskelyne撰寫了Sharps and Flats,這本著作是難能可貴的資產,早已成為難求的經典。
而David Devent被稱作那個時代英國最頂尖的表演者,家家戶戶沒人不認識他的。他也是英國電影的先驅,在1896年,David Devent放映英國有史以來第一部電影。在那個相信神祕事物與通靈的年代,人人都覺得他變的是真魔法,即便Devent和Nevil Maskelyne不斷教育民眾超自然現象不存在,但因為他們演出歎為觀止,沒人能不去相信所看到的「超自然現象」。David Devent也是The Magic Cirle(英國著名的魔術組織)的第一屆主席,那個年代許多魔術師驕傲說到自己會幾百種魔術和技巧的時候,David Devent總是笑笑的說他只知道幾十個魔術和技巧,他所要做的就只是把會的表演好。
David Devent最常說,我魔術好看的原因僅因為我投入了所有的真誠。Nevil Maskelyne或David Devent將一生奉獻給魔術,並透過魔術教育民眾超自然現象不存在(當年太多人被惡意欺騙被壞人牟利),除了這本Our Magic,他們也出版過不少個人著作,每本內容都誠意十足。可惜的是美國魔術成為主流,這也是為何一般亞洲人不認識他們和這本著作的原因了。
本書分為兩個章節,第一個章節The Art In Magic由十五個小篇章組成,裡面提供許多有用的魔術表演建議,雖然有點偏向舞台,但我想每位讀者仍能從其中發掘與自身專長的共通之處。第二章節,The Theory Of Magic包含12小篇章,討論的內容十分多樣化,有機關、原理,甚至談及魔術的風格和魔術道具創作。不管對什麼領域的魔術愛好者,本書提供非常地景的元素供各位學習使用。
一年多前我聽到有人要翻譯這本書時,我是嘲笑的,第一,這本書有許多古英語用法,第二,內容有許多抽象的詩意文句,我當時並不看好這本書的翻譯。幾個月前有幸先閱讀一些章節,令我出乎意料的是翻譯的誠意,即便我甚愛原文,但中譯版的品質,與英文相差無幾,我認為對現階段的華人魔術圈而言非常難能可貴,雖不到我認為的完美,但現階段沒人可以做得更好了,圈子的推進在於有人肯付出,這點令我十分欣慰。 想到未來有更多人加入討論Our Magic的行列,我雀躍不已,過去兩年我積極的從國外引入原文魔術書籍收藏,無非就是想推動台灣魔術的資訊流動,苦惱的是即使帶回台灣能促成討論的人並不多,我相信未來會有越來越多好作品引入台灣魔術圈,這不單是翻譯團隊的工作,更需要大家的支持。
我們奉獻給魔術後,流淌著魔術的血脈,彼此間形成一種血緣關係。即便對魔術有不同信念與思想,但我們皆望向相同的遠方,我們都愛著魔術。Our Magic 這本書就如其名,獻給所有熱愛魔術的人。魔術師的魔術是什麼?這是一個好問題。
2020.03.23 - 鄭崎崎
Juan Tamariz在他的著作《The Five Points In Magic五點》裡面就提到Our Magic這本書被譽為是魔術理論的聖經,裡面有許多關於台詞、練習、表演、舞台習慣、個人以及心理態度等非常棒的觀點,絕對值得你去學習和研讀,即使是歲月的流逝也無法掩蓋其鋒芒;這本書依然是一本頂級讀物!
dearly中文 在 賴芳玉(生活與法律) Facebook 的最佳貼文
韓國紀錄片「I Met You」,
ang Ji-sung是四個孩子的母親,2016 年,年僅 7 歲的次女 Nayeon 因血癌去世。
三年後在 Nayeon 的生日那天,透過先進的 VR 科技,雖然只是虛擬畫面,但 Ji-sung 再次見到她在天國的女兒了。
這部紀錄片「I Met You」2020年 2 月 6 日南韓文化廣播公司 MBC 電視台播出。VR 團隊耗時 8 個月打造了這個 VR 互動式場景,包含用 Nayeon 生前的影像與聲音,以動態捕捉打造她的模樣與聲音。
Mom: Where are you?
Daughter: Mom! Mom! Mom, where were you?
Mom: I was always..
Daughter: Mom, did you think about me?
Mom: Everyday.
Daughter: Mom, I missed you alot.
Mom: I missed you too. My dear Nayeon, Nayeon. You have been doing well right? I missed you alot. Nayeon, you are doing well right? My beautiful Nayeon, I really want to hug you in my arms, I really missed you.
Daughter: Mom, am I pretty? I am right?
Mom: You are really really beautiful, my Nayeon. Nayeon… I just want to be able to touch you once more…
Mom: I’d look at the sky and talk and wave to it. If you see a crazy woman waving at the sky, thats me.
Daughter: Mom I’m cold.
Mom: Why are you cold.
Daughter: Mom, put your hand like this.
Mom: Like this?
Daughter: Mom, its nice to hold my hand right?
Mom: Yes, I want to hold it dearly.
Daughter: But if you hold it up like this, we are going up into the sky.
Mom: Really? Aw Nayeon, you are wearing those flip-flops you really like.
Daughter: Mom, are you scared?
Mom: No I am not scared!
Daughter: Tada! I will show you a pretty house.
Mom: Its Twilight!
Daughter: My mom is visiting today! Say hi!
Mom: Hi!!
Daughter: Mom, sit here.
Mom: Here?
Daughter: Hurry!
Mom: Alright alright, I’m sitting!
Daughter: Mom, lets celebrate my birthday!
Mom: Okay, one, two, three, four.
Daughter: Can you put in more candles?
Mom: Okay, six and seven.
Daughter: Wow its so pretty!
(Daughter takes a picture, Mom poses)
Sibling: Her face is a little different
Daughter: Lets sing happy birthday
Mom: Happy birthday to dear Nayeon, Happy birthday to you!
Dad: Rice cakes, small round ones, in green, pink, and white thats filled with melted sugar, Nayeon really wanted to eat them. She said when she’s out of the hospital, she wanted those rice cakes but we weren’t able to do that for her.
Mom: Happy birthday to you!
Daughter: I am gonna make a wish! I wish that my dad would stop smoking.
Mom: Haha yes.
Daughter: I wish my older brother and sister would not fight, and that my younger sister won’t get sick and I wish that my mom won’t cry.
Together: One, two, three, (blows out candles).
Daughter: I love the seaweed soup mom makes the best.
Mom: I remember, you liked that dish I made the best. Still do.
Daughter: Wow, mom the flowers are blooming!
Mom: they are!
(Mom waves)
Mom: She was just over there.
Daughter: Mom, come over here! Mom, here! (Gives flower) Mom you saw me right? I am not sick anymore.
Mom: Yes you cant be sick anymore, you cant be sick.
Daughter: Mom are you sad? Mom don’t cry anymore.
Mom: I wont cry, I wont cry, I wont miss you but I will love you, love you more and more.
Daughter: Mom, I wrote you a letter. Do you want me to read it?
Mom: Yes.
Daughter: Mom, we are always together right? Next time we meet, lets play a lot okay? I will cherish and remember you for a long time too.
Mom: Thank you. I love you so much Nayeon, wherever you are, I will come find you, I have some things to do, when I am done, I will come to you. When that day comes, lets get along okay? I love you Nayeon.
Daughter: Mom I’m tired. Mom stay beside me. Goodbye mom… I love you mom…
Mom: Me too. Good bye~
Ji-sung:我也好想你,(試著撫摸 Nayeon)我的 Nayeon,Nayeon... 你過得好嗎?媽咪好想見你。Nayeon,你過得很好,對吧?我可愛的 Nayeon。媽咪好想抱抱你,媽咪好想你。
Ji-sung:是,你是這麼的可愛,我的 Nayeon。