

在 deaf中文產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅明周文化 MP Weekly,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#聾人心理誌】幾年前興起Whisper Challenge,大夥兒輪流戴耳機,看別人口型猜句子。音樂遮蓋人語,對方臉孔愈是一頭霧水,答案愈偏離軌道,便愈好笑。但若遊戲變成生活日常,又會好玩嗎?全文:https://bit.ly/2XqGrbn 聾人潘頌詩(Joyce)從幼稚園到中五都在聾校就讀,...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,040的網紅Charis Chua,也在其Youtube影片中提到,CHARIS 蔡佳靈 FB 粉絲頁: https://www.facebook.com/charischuamusic Weibo微博: http://www.weibo.com/charischua Bandcamp: http://charis.bandcamp.com/ Sam 黃銀山 (T...

deaf中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 22:01:26

: 紅豆餅配氣炸味增彩椒松阪豬。 對,你沒看錯,老爺買氣炸鍋給我了!雖然不知道是大選結果讓他太開心還是氣炸了,反正我是開心到灑花瓣啦。 這麼說當然是開玩笑的,我們家對於選舉很少有過深的激情,期望的候選人當選不會大肆慶祝、落選也不會過度沮喪,還是照常過日子。 氣炸鍋是他看到好市多正在特價,身為工...

  • deaf中文 在 明周文化 MP Weekly Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-22 20:00:07
    有 170 人按讚

    【#聾人心理誌】幾年前興起Whisper Challenge,大夥兒輪流戴耳機,看別人口型猜句子。音樂遮蓋人語,對方臉孔愈是一頭霧水,答案愈偏離軌道,便愈好笑。但若遊戲變成生活日常,又會好玩嗎?全文:https://bit.ly/2XqGrbn

    ✧ 手語翻譯員邵日贊:重建精神科醫生 與病人之間的橋
    ✧ 「輕觸我心」:為聾人心理輔導 開啟一扇門
    ✧ 治療室內的三角關係:手語傳譯員 ╳ 臨牀心理學家 ╳ 聾人
    ✧ 手語傳譯員兼心理學家朱憫謙:在危樓崩塌前 抱緊聾人的心靈
    更多精彩內容,請訂閱 iPad 版明周:
    ◢ 緊貼明周文化 ◣
    #手語 #聾人 #精神健康 #心理健康 #聾生 #共融學校 #聾人老師 #潘頌詩 #教育 #雙語教學 #共融教育 #手語口語 #小學生 #家庭關係 #語橋社資 #我就是我 語橋社資 SLCO Community Resources 香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心 Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, CUHK

  • deaf中文 在 阿龍 Dallas Waldo Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-16 22:04:58
    有 910 人按讚

    UPDATE: 反骨已道歉也會把影片下架,叫所有人不要塗黑臉了!成功了!!!因此我也把diss下架嘍,大家之後不要再塗黑啦!

    Dear Wackyboys,





    Dear Wackyboys,

    You recently posted a picture of blackface that ignited the community's response, and although you didn't apologize you deleted those harmful photos. However yesterday we were surprised to see you had released the blackface video anyways and we were extremely disappointed and hurt by your actions. We hope you can remove the video, apologize and lead by example in Taiwan.

    The foreign community is in the process of preparing educational materials that will teach locals the painful history of blackface and why it should not be done anywhere in the world. However, as we wait for those to be completed, as you continue to deny wrongdoing, as you continue to standby as countless locals and foreigners leave comments bashing the racism you spread, I must let off some steam in hopes of getting your attention. At the same time, I'm speaking for those foreigners who are hurt by what you've done, but either can't speak Chinese or don't have a platform. We're pissed and we feel helpless.

    Please do not continue to embarrass Taiwan. I know Taiwan is full of good people who have supported the fight against racism over the past few weeks, but to see someone as influential as yourselves in the midst of a global fight against racism be so tone deaf is absolutely shocking. One day you will realize you are on the wrong side of history, the longer you insist you are right, the worse things will be for you in the future.

    As foreigners, we can understand that Taiwanese and Western cultures are different, and that Taiwan doesn't have a history of blackface. Thus, we are forgiving in light of this, but that does not validate your actions as it is well known that we live in a globalized world in 2020. Once again, we urge you to erase the video, apologize and give black people in Taiwan and across the world the respect they deserve.


    Dallas Waldo 阿龍

    #fuckthewackyboys #saynotoblackface #反塗黑臉


  • deaf中文 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-04-16 13:03:45
    有 36 人按讚

    //大家可以幫手share 出去,令到更多學生知道!//

    香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心 Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, CUHK 設立了互助網絡, 幫助在主流學校就讀,而又不憧手語的聽障學生。大家可以幫手share 出去,令到更多學生知道!


