

在 customize用法產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,945的網紅小白太太生活日記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Santa Clause🎄🎅Is Coming To Town✨✨ 仲有兩星期就到聖誕節啦,大家買齊禮物🎁未呢 未買齊唔緊要,本地護膚品牌JaneClare推出聖誕限定Christmas Cracker‼️ Christmas Cracker入面裝有JaneClare既產品,送俾身邊朋友至...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,630的網紅ゆず文房具店yuzu_stationery_store,也在其Youtube影片中提到,↓特典がついてくるゆず文房具店メンバーシップへのご参加はこちらから↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQwiXcITYI6VBPFr4n3qLw/join 【動画説明】 今回は、HIGHTIDE(ハイタイド)のLepre Customize(レプレカスタマイ...

customize用法 在 mrs1am-ology Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-29 02:49:46

【香噴噴完成!家居抗菌 】 😭雪中送炭,一定係最令人感動!🎀前2日林小姐開始病,然後最壞消息就係😫。。。中咗 #手足口,真係想講句 #WHYME ,響媽媽無限自責情緒下,我地進入一星期家居隔離,林生更加話要全屋消毒,心底裡又心痛又徬徨....🆘 響呢個時候,我就收到 @bodhihk My Oil ...

  • customize用法 在 小白太太生活日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2017-12-08 23:26:04
    有 7 人按讚

    Santa Clause🎄🎅Is Coming To Town✨✨
    未買齊唔緊要,本地護膚品牌JaneClare推出聖誕限定Christmas Cracker‼️

    Christmas Cracker入面裝有JaneClare既產品,送俾身邊朋友至窩心
    1️⃣️紅 - 紅海藻抗氧排毒面膜
    2️⃣️黃 - 酵素深層清潔霜
    3️⃣️綠 - 草本暗瘡急救面膜
    4️⃣️️藍 - 藍莓再生修護手霜

    話埋俾你知有咩著數‼️‼️買任合兩款Christmas Cracker即送你 #藍莓再生修護手霜 乙支(價值HK$198)😍😍

    網上訂購 http://bit.ly/2A6iXMe 為你客製化Christmas Crackers🎄🎉貼上您或您朋友英文姓名的首字母(上限三個字母),只要在結賬前,在▶️添加備註◀️填上您所需首字母就能製作出一份特別的聖誕禮物💝!

    下面仲有禮物送丫💕快d click去睇下啦~!!12月10日就截止架啦

    【遊戲結束!⌛CONTEST CLOSED!⌛】
    Thank you for your participation! We will later announce winners.

    【立即參加!贏聖誕限定Christmas Cracker🎉】
    有無諗過送JaneClare聖誕限量Christmas Crackers🎉!既係一份實用嘅禮物,又可以在不同聖誕場合發揮各種用處,例如:點綴聖誕樹、佈置派對場地等等。

    你又有無其他創意用法呢?歡迎留言分享,更有機會贏得你自己專屬的聖誕限定Christmas Cracker!

    1⃣ 讚好 JaneClare Facebook 專頁 及 Follow我哋instagram (www.instagram.com/janeclareofficial)
    2⃣ 讚好及「公開」分享本帖文
    3⃣ 留言分享你的創意,再@tag 3位朋友!


    【CONTEST ALERT! WIN our Custom Christmas Cracker Gifts!🎉】

    Craving for the perfect Holiday Gift that screams their names (literally) for your friends?🎁 Our Christmas Crackers will do the trick!
    They are practical Christmas gifts, but also perform different functions during this Jovial Christmas: a brilliant ornament on the Christmas tree, elegant décor on the party table or create your own use!

    Customize each Christmas Cracker🎉 for you and your friends!

    How else can you use our Christmas Crackers? Comment below and you will have a chance to WIN a FREE Christmas Cracker with your initials on!

    Contest Rules:
    1⃣ Like our Facebook Page and Follow our Instagram (www.instagram.com/janeclareofficial)
    2⃣ Like and share this post
    3⃣ Comment below and @tag 3 friends you’re thinking about this Christmas!

    Multiple winners will be selected! Contest runs until Dec 10, 2017 11:59pm HKT.

  • customize用法 在 Fingyan Wing MakeUp - Blog Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-12-08 22:24:15
    有 25 人按讚

    聖誕就到🎄~JaneClare推出左個送禮活動送出聖誕限定Christmas Cracker呀💕
    ⭐ 依家選購任何兩款(紅海藻抗氧排毒面膜 / 酵素深層清潔霜 / 草本祛痘急救面膜 / 藍莓再生修護手霜),送藍莓再生修護手霜 一支!
    ⭐ 於網上購買🔗http://bit.ly/2iqmmdz ,更可以為你客製化獨一無二嘅聖誕禮物💝 - 貼上您或您朋友英文姓名的首字母(上限三個字母)!

    【遊戲結束!⌛CONTEST CLOSED!⌛】
    Thank you for your participation! We will later announce winners.

    【立即參加!贏聖誕限定Christmas Cracker🎉】
    有無諗過送JaneClare聖誕限量Christmas Crackers🎉!既係一份實用嘅禮物,又可以在不同聖誕場合發揮各種用處,例如:點綴聖誕樹、佈置派對場地等等。

    你又有無其他創意用法呢?歡迎留言分享,更有機會贏得你自己專屬的聖誕限定Christmas Cracker!

    1⃣ 讚好 JaneClare Facebook 專頁 及 Follow我哋instagram (www.instagram.com/janeclareofficial)
    2⃣ 讚好及「公開」分享本帖文
    3⃣ 留言分享你的創意,再@tag 3位朋友!


    【CONTEST ALERT! WIN our Custom Christmas Cracker Gifts!🎉】

    Craving for the perfect Holiday Gift that screams their names (literally) for your friends?🎁 Our Christmas Crackers will do the trick!
    They are practical Christmas gifts, but also perform different functions during this Jovial Christmas: a brilliant ornament on the Christmas tree, elegant décor on the party table or create your own use!

    Customize each Christmas Cracker🎉 for you and your friends!

    How else can you use our Christmas Crackers? Comment below and you will have a chance to WIN a FREE Christmas Cracker with your initials on!

    Contest Rules:
    1⃣ Like our Facebook Page and Follow our Instagram (www.instagram.com/janeclareofficial)
    2⃣ Like and share this post
    3⃣ Comment below and @tag 3 friends you’re thinking about this Christmas!

    Multiple winners will be selected! Contest runs until Dec 10, 2017 11:59pm HKT.

  • customize用法 在 笑一笑。世界太美妙!! Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-12-06 13:05:26
    有 6 人按讚

    JaneClare 聖誕Crackers,超靚啊!!

    【遊戲結束!⌛CONTEST CLOSED!⌛】
    Thank you for your participation! We will later announce winners.

    【立即參加!贏聖誕限定Christmas Cracker🎉】
    有無諗過送JaneClare聖誕限量Christmas Crackers🎉!既係一份實用嘅禮物,又可以在不同聖誕場合發揮各種用處,例如:點綴聖誕樹、佈置派對場地等等。

    你又有無其他創意用法呢?歡迎留言分享,更有機會贏得你自己專屬的聖誕限定Christmas Cracker!

    1⃣ 讚好 JaneClare Facebook 專頁 及 Follow我哋instagram (www.instagram.com/janeclareofficial)
    2⃣ 讚好及「公開」分享本帖文
    3⃣ 留言分享你的創意,再@tag 3位朋友!


    【CONTEST ALERT! WIN our Custom Christmas Cracker Gifts!🎉】

    Craving for the perfect Holiday Gift that screams their names (literally) for your friends?🎁 Our Christmas Crackers will do the trick!
    They are practical Christmas gifts, but also perform different functions during this Jovial Christmas: a brilliant ornament on the Christmas tree, elegant décor on the party table or create your own use!

    Customize each Christmas Cracker🎉 for you and your friends!

    How else can you use our Christmas Crackers? Comment below and you will have a chance to WIN a FREE Christmas Cracker with your initials on!

    Contest Rules:
    1⃣ Like our Facebook Page and Follow our Instagram (www.instagram.com/janeclareofficial)
    2⃣ Like and share this post
    3⃣ Comment below and @tag 3 friends you’re thinking about this Christmas!

    Multiple winners will be selected! Contest runs until Dec 10, 2017 11:59pm HKT.