

在 curriculum中文產品中有26篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過28萬的網紅美國在台協會 AIT,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 👩🏻‍🎓「百合綻放新創學程」公開徵求專案執行企劃書! 為拓展2021台灣女性創業學院(AWE)計劃的深廣度,AIT很高興宣布推出「百合綻放新創學程」(IWE)的配套獎助專案。這項新計劃旨在順應台灣偏鄉及原民地區的女性經濟培力需求,著眼於欠缺微型企業經驗與英語能力的創業起步者。 本案強力徵求個人或...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3,370的網紅網頁設計x廣告行銷,也在其Youtube影片中提到,❤預約報名上課❤ https://178gogogo.wixsite.com/janet-english --------- 字幕 雙語 Hi my name is Janet Lee and here's my short video to hopefully give you guys a be...

curriculum中文 在 故事爆米花 Popcorn Stories Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-18 21:16:17

英文是全世界最廣泛使用的語言,也是我和多數台灣人最熟悉的外文。從小認真學ABC,學到單字很會背考試很會寫,但真的要帶嘴上陣時,就是開不了口...  學習語言除了需要環境外,還得用對方法,千萬別讓你的障礙成為孩子的障礙! 米雪這邊推薦一個幼兒英語啟蒙的好幫手 Lingumi @toby_lingu...

curriculum中文 在 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-10 12:06:07

📢介紹hku - 入hku前必知資訊!⁣ written by A⁣ 相信好多人對HKU都有興趣 但係又唔係好了解HKU嘅學術架構😮今日就嚟同大家分享吓你哋基本要知道嘅嘢啦!⁣ ⁣ 📍Compulsory courses ⁣ 📙Common core⁣ 所有學生都要讀,四個範疇包括science &...

curriculum中文 在 米洋Azurite【香港地區擬人】 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-08 04:33:05

【廣東話係我母語! 捍衛廣東話!!!!】 #916諮詢期就過啦 #滅一個文化先滅佢既語言 #圖文無關 https://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/kla/chi-edu/whats-new.html 2002 年的《中國語文教育學習領域 《中...

  • curriculum中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-15 17:20:20
    有 507 人按讚



    本案強力徵求個人或機構提案,參考「築夢計畫」線上課程為基礎,以全中文發展一套切合實務面的課綱、訓練培訓師資、設計並執行針對女性學員的商務培訓課程。內容應包括核心課程和課外活動如研討會、工作坊、企業加速器、即時諮詢、商業診斷、新創競賽和展銷覽會等,可透過實體或線上形式進行。「百合綻放新創學程」執行期間為2021年5月至2022年1月。AIT歡迎並鼓勵有興趣的人士在4月12日17:00之前提交提案。更多資訊請參考AIT官方網站: https://www.ait.org.tw/zhtw/zh-notice-of-funding-opportunity-iwe/

    👩🏻‍🎓 Grant opportunity for "Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (IWE)" implementers!

    As an expansion of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) program, AIT is excited to announce a complementary program called Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (IWE). This new initiative aims to foster women entrepreneurs from less economically developed regions and indigenous communities of Taiwan who have less experience in small business and minimal English proficiency.

    We are encouraging applications from individuals or organizations who are capable of creating engaging curriculum based on the DreamBuilder course, cultivating trainers, and designing and implementing Chinese-language training sessions for women participants. Program design should include a core curriculum and extracurricular events, such as seminars, workshops, business accelerators, speed mentoring, business clinics, pitch competitions, showcasing fairs, etc. We encourage utilizing both in-person and virtual formatting. IWE’s implementation period will run from May 2021 and January 2022. AIT welcomes and encourages interested applicants to submit their proposals no later than April 12 at 17:00. Please visit AIT’s official website for more information: https://www.ait.org.tw/notice-of-funding-opportunity-iwe/👩🏻‍🎓

  • curriculum中文 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-24 15:20:21
    有 13 人按讚

    #中文在下 AppWorks Accelerator #21 is officially open for applications! Apply now >> https://bit.ly/31cPddc

    Every 6 months, we invite some of the most talented AI / IoT, blockchain / crypto, and Southeast Asia founders to join the largest community of its kind in the region. The AppWorks Team, our 100+ mentors, and our 1,000+ alumni network are all there to help you on your founder journey while you’re fine-tuning your product/service and business model. The curriculum is dynamic and customized to your specific needs, with workshops, office hours, networking events, and more. There is no better way to get connected and win partnerships. Best of all, it’s completely free to join.

    Questions about the program? Check out our FAQs below or email us at a@appworks.tw.

    EN FAQ: https://appworks.tw/the-appworks-accelerator-faqs-what-fou…/

    中文 FAQ: https://appworks.tw/apply-accelerator-faq-chinese-version/

    每 6 個月,我們邀請來自 AI / IoT、Blockchain / Crypto 以及東南亞的優秀創業者,加入大東南亞 (東協+台灣) 最大的創業者社群 AppWorks Accelerator。這個由 AppWorks 所有同事、超過 100 位創業導師,以及超過 1,000 位校友共同打造的創業者社群,將協助創業者加速優化你的產品、服務、商業模式,並提供創業過程中所需要的各種幫助。

    加入 AppWorks Accelerator 完全免費,創業者可依據自身的需求,參與各種與創業相關的演講、Workshops、Office Hours、實體交流等活動,加入 AppWorks Accelerator,在創業的路上,可與一群最優秀的創業者一起扶持、打氣、互相學習。

    現在就申請加入: https://bit.ly/31cPddc

  • curriculum中文 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-06-24 15:20:21
    有 13 人按讚

    #中文在下 AppWorks Accelerator #21 is officially open for applications! Apply now >> https://bit.ly/31cPddc

    Every 6 months, we invite some of the most talented AI / IoT, blockchain / crypto, and Southeast Asia founders to join the largest community of its kind in the region. The AppWorks Team, our 100+ mentors, and our 1,000+ alumni network are all there to help you on your founder journey while you’re fine-tuning your product/service and business model. The curriculum is dynamic and customized to your specific needs, with workshops, office hours, networking events, and more. There is no better way to get connected and win partnerships. Best of all, it’s completely free to join.

    Questions about the program? Check out our FAQs below or email us at a@appworks.tw.

    EN FAQ: https://appworks.tw/the-appworks-accelerator-faqs-what-founders-need-to-know-about-the-accelerator-application-round/

    中文 FAQ: https://appworks.tw/apply-accelerator-faq-chinese-version/

    每 6 個月,我們邀請來自 AI / IoT、Blockchain / Crypto 以及東南亞的優秀創業者,加入大東南亞 (東協+台灣) 最大的創業者社群 AppWorks Accelerator。這個由 AppWorks 所有同事、超過 100 位創業導師,以及超過 1,000 位校友共同打造的創業者社群,將協助創業者加速優化你的產品、服務、商業模式,並提供創業過程中所需要的各種幫助。

    加入 AppWorks Accelerator 完全免費,創業者可依據自身的需求,參與各種與創業相關的演講、Workshops、Office Hours、實體交流等活動,加入 AppWorks Accelerator,在創業的路上,可與一群最優秀的創業者一起扶持、打氣、互相學習。

    現在就申請加入: https://bit.ly/31cPddc

  • curriculum中文 在 網頁設計x廣告行銷 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-08-06 01:45:37

    字幕 雙語
    Hi my name is Janet Lee and here's my short video to hopefully give you guys a better idea of my teaching experience as well as my teaching approach.
    各位朋友你們好,我叫JANET 希望可以透過這部2分多鐘的介紹短片,讓您了解我的英語教學經驗及我的教學方法。

    My teaching journey first began in high school when I was helping my own grandparents pass their US citizenship test.

    For this I downloaded materials online, I was creating lesson plans and also was doing a lot of recordings explaining everything in both English and Chinese.

    From here, they ended up spreading a lot of the curriculum I was making for them to their own friends and so naturally I began leading a class.

    This lasted for two years and this is where I really truly fell in love with teaching.

    Another large classroom experience when I had was for my uncle's university, Sichuan Normal University.

    Here they had a yearly community service event where they had one student from each discipline go to a very large high school in a much less privileged area.

    I taught English and also again I really truly felt like I was making a real impact. It was a life-changing experience for me.

    Other than that, most of my teaching and tutoring has just been for my classmates as well as my two younger siblings and their friends as well.

    This I genuinely just enjoyed doing because I liked helping others.

    Since I began my finance job, which is my most recent job experience, I really haven't had the free time to do this anymore or things I used to enjoy, but I quit two months ago.

    Now I have been learning again through online classes and learning digital design from mentors, as well as teaching again at Sunday school to first graders.

    This will last up until I move back to Taipei in September where I'll be helping my dad with his own small business, continue learning on my own time and hopefully also be able to tutor.

    As for my teaching approach I really believe in a flipped classroom experience.

    This would be where the student is also teaching the teacher as well.

    I love this because I think I love interacting with people and I love seeing students interact with each other.
    This would be through group work, presentations and games. Basically it's not just one person talking and the other person listening.

    This would apply the same way even with one-on-one tutoring I would make sure the student is speaking back to me, so that I know they're also learning and have feedback as well.

    #英語會話教學 #英文家教


