

在 currently時態產品中有103篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in fron...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅I’m Spring,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hi我是春春 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱+按小鈴鐺 我們下支影片再見! 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 ▏https://www.instagram.com/spriing____/ 合作邀約 ▏[email protected] ∞∞∞∞ 可以的話,幫我看完廣告:) 不略過能有微薄的廣告收益...

currently時態 在 美食家的自學之路 Self-taught Gourmet Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 15:21:06

Tairroir @tairroir currently serves a special menu featuring Chef Kai Ho’s off menu dishes, which I think is a nice example of applying French aesthet...

currently時態 在 May Liu Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-17 01:13:55

. 常常有人問我,看May私下吃很多美食,是怎麼跟理想身材取得平衡的呢? . 目前我的體重52kg/162cm 我一天吃大約體重X2倍的蛋白質(約100克) 碳水&脂肪我沒刻意算,一天平均吃約1600-1800大卡。我不太精算卡路里,有時候只吃1500卡,有時候太開心會吃到超過2000卡🤣 . 我...

currently時態 在 MillyQ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-03 08:52:08

The only thing I’m able to do currently at home🤰🏻. / 最近唯一能做的事,只剩在家裡畫畫了。透過臨摹Garytu老師畫作,在家學習如何調控膚色跟水彩筆法。 . 連著整整7天沒發文也鮮少發動態,熟悉我的你們好多人都溫暖傳來私訊,關心問我一切都還好嗎?畢...

  • currently時態 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-20 14:41:20
    有 100 人按讚

    翻轉視界 18 Changing Perspective

    There's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.


    文章來自於New Humans of Australia (有取得授權)


    I didn’t meet my father until I was 6 years old. My parents had a comfortable, middle-class life in Shanghai, or as close as you could get under communism. But they always wanted to live overseas, and just before I was born, my dad came to Sydney to set things up. I don’t know why, but in the end, my mother and I didn’t join him until I was 6.

    •a middle-class life 中產階級生活
    •set things up 打點一切
    •live overseas 往海外生活
    •in the end 最後 (表達在經過一段時間或一連串事件之後的結果)



    Unfortunately, half a year after we arrived, he left us. That was a huge shock. Our transition had already been quite difficult, as we both didn't speak English. Also, as Shanghai was such a big bustling city, Sydney felt a bit like the countryside, especially on the weekends, as no shops were open back then!

    •shock 令人震驚的事件(或經歷);驚愕,震驚 (come as a great shock 讓人倍感震驚)
    •transition 轉變;過渡
    •a bustling city 繁華都會



    We were very much reliant on my dad, not only financially, but also as a conduit into the wider community. So to have that broken was quite distressing. I remember Mum crying a lot. As we had become socially isolated, we didn’t find out anything about Centrelink, so we survived on her savings for a while, and then got some help from her family back in China.

    •be reliant on… 依賴...
    •a conduit into 進入...的渠道
    •distressing (adj.) 令人苦惱的,令人擔憂的
    •become socially isolated 變得孤立於社會
    •survive on her savings 僅靠的她積蓄過日子

    我們相當依賴我父親,不僅是經濟,他也是我們進入更廣泛社區的渠道。因此,當局面被打破時令人相當痛苦,我還記得母親時常哭泣。由於我們孤立於社會,所以我們並不知道澳洲社會福利聯絡中心 (Centrelink)的任何資訊,僅靠母親的積蓄支撐了一段時間,然後從母親在中國的娘家得到一些幫助。


    Eventually, Mum moved us down to Melbourne, where we were able to make some new networks and family friendships. But I was bullied a bit at school about things like my food and clothing! Whenever someone bullied me, I would defend myself, but because I didn’t have the language skills to explain to the teacher why, I got in trouble quite a bit. I ended up having to move school 3 times before I came to Balwyn Primary School, which was relatively multicultural.

    •be able to 能夠
    •make new networks 建立新的人脈,關係網
    •be bullied 被霸凌
    •language skills 語言能力
    •get in trouble 惹上麻煩
    •end up 最後處於;最後成爲;以…告終
    •relatively 相對地
    •multicultural 多元文化的

    最後,母親帶著我搬遷到墨爾本,在那我們能夠建立起新的網絡與家庭情誼。然而。我在學校飽受霸凌,例如我的食物及衣物。每當有人霸凌我,我會自我防衛,但我的語言技巧不足以向老師解釋事發原因,因此常常陷入麻煩。後來我不得不再三轉學,直到就讀相對多元文化的博文小學(Balwyn Primary School)。


    After that, I did alright. Music featured very prominently in my life. I had started learning the violin from the age of 2.5 years old and even with all the troubles that were going on in my life, had somehow still kept up with it. As a result, I got a music scholarship to Trinity Grammar School. But even there I used to get into quite a lot of mischief, and would often skip school to go to the movies.

    •do alight 過得不錯,做的不錯
    •feature (v.) 以…為特色;給…以顯著的地位
    •prominently 重要地;著名地;突出地,顯眼地

    之後,我便過得不錯。音樂在我生活中佔有重要的一席之地,我從兩歲半開始學習小提琴,儘管生活中事事不如意,我依然堅持不輟。因此,我獲得三一文法學校( Trinity Grammar School)的音樂獎學金。但即使在那,我也常惡作劇、逃學看電影。


    By the end of year 11, I was told I would have to either repeat the year, or consider going to another school, which was quite humiliating for my mum. I decided to move school and surprisingly, I ended up doing quite well in year 12! As a result, I ended up getting into a double degree in Law and Music at Monash.

    •repeat the year 留級 ; 重唸一年
    •humiliating 令人感到恥辱的,丟臉的



    When I started, my first thought was that I didn’t belong because I had done so badly in school up to year 11 and everyone else seemed so smart. But I put my head down, got through it, and ended up getting a job in the legal department of a major manufacturing company, which was a different approach to what most law students do.

    •do not belong 不屬於這
    •put my head down 埋頭苦幹
    •the legal department of ...的法律部門
    •a different approach 不同途徑
    •approach (思考問題的)方式,方法,態度



    I really enjoyed it. It was hard work, but I learned a lot of foundational business, legal and corporate communication skills. After that I worked in corporate governance in RMIT, then started to moonlight as a lecturer in the Law Faculty. Eventually, they asked me if I wanted to do a PhD and I blindly said yes! I next worked at Swinburne University, and then was head-hunted to lead the corporate legal team at the Commercial Passenger Vehicles Commission.

    •foundational 基礎的
    •communication skills 溝通技巧
    •corporate governance
    •moonlight (v.) (尤指瞞著僱主)從事第二職業,兼職
    •headhunt (v.) 物色(人才); 挖角
    •legal team 法律團隊

    我非常喜歡這份工作,這是份辛苦的工作,但我學習了很多基礎商業、法律以及公司溝通技巧。之後我在皇家墨爾本理工大學( RMIT)從事公司治理工作,並開始兼職擔任法律系講師。後來他們問我是否想要讀博士,我便盲目地答應了。接下來,我在斯威本大學(Swinburne University)工作,再被挖角到商用小客車委員會領導法律團隊。


    I had a good life, but after a while, I realised I wanted a different kind of job. I could see my seniors were making a lot of money but that their family life was not that good. And looking at my own upbringing, I wanted to be the kind of father who could be present in my own kids’ lives. So I decided on dentistry. It would not only allow me to use the hand skills that I had developed from playing the violin, but also the analytical and reasoning skills that I'd developed in law. Plus it would be flexible, and offer me a stable income and the chance to meet different people every day!

    •upbringing 教養
    •decide on sth 決定某事或東西
    •analytical and reasoning skills 分析和推理能力
    •offer a stable income 提供穩定收入



    My now fiancée, who was my girlfriend at the time, was also applying for further study, and coincidentally we both got into university in South Australia, so we moved to Adelaide together a few years ago.

    •fiancée 未婚妻
    •at the time 當時
    •apply for 申請
    •further study 繼續教育,進修;進一步研究;深造
    •coincidentally 碰巧地;巧合地

    我的未婚妻,當時的女友,也申請繼續深造,巧的是我們都考上南澳大學(University of South Australia),所以幾年前一起搬到阿得雷德( Adelaide)。


    I was lucky to get a university job at Flinders University. Initially, I started out as a casual lecturer in the law school, but I’ve since transitioned into teaching health law and research, and I’m currently writing a few books on the intersection between law and medicine. And also, obviously, trying to finish my dentistry degree!

    •start out as… 起初擔任...
    •transition into… 轉變到...

    我很幸運的在福林德斯大學(Flinders University)找到工作,起初我在法學院擔任臨時講師,但我後來轉換到醫事法教學及研究。目前我正撰寫幾本關於法律與醫學相接的書籍,並努力完成我的牙醫學位。


    Mum eventually retrained as a Chinese high school teacher, and she’s still teaching to this day. Like most first generation migrants, she struggled quite a lot, and invested heavily in my success. After we’re married, my fiancée and I are planning to have children, and I’m sure they will have it much easier than I did.

    •retrain 重新培養;再培訓;再訓練
    •to this day 至今
    •first generation migrants 第一代移民
    •struggle a lot 掙扎奮鬥許久
    •have it much easier 過的比較輕鬆



    Still, a lot of the failures that I’ve had in my life have really informed a lot of my successes. Looking back, I wouldn't really want to change that to have a smoother life.

    •inform [正式] 影響某人的態度或意見

    •have a smoother life 有一個更順遂的人生



    Over the years, I've learned that perseverance is very important. I hope that through telling my story, I can be an example to others who might be in a similar position as I was: to show that there's not just one road to the destination, but many roads. You just need to take the little step that’s right in front of you, and then the next one, and a few years down the track, they will seem like massive achievements.

    •over the years 多年來
    •perseverance 不屈不撓,堅持不懈
    •be an example 成為榜樣
    •be in a similar position 處於相似的處境
    •down the road/line/track 將來(的路)


    有興趣的同學可以支持New Humans of Australia


    Photographer: Paul Heinrich instagram.com/paulfheinrich

    文章與圖片出處: https://bit.ly/2XJsciq


    翻轉視界: http://bit.ly/3fPvKUs

    批判性思考問題大全: http://bit.ly/34rdtJ7

  • currently時態 在 Hilda 芊慧 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-03 19:25:11
    有 44 人按讚

    3 days out and currently enjoying my peak week!😛 2020年7月踏入健身室,11月才開始真的備賽,仍是全職工作,每天跑兩轉健身室,操盡、備餐、帶氧、休息、拒絕引誘,短短不夠一年的時間,無論賽果如何,我將為自己感到驕傲 I will be so proud of myself😉💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
    #心態決定一切 #3daysout

  • currently時態 在 Velissa VJ Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-02 08:00:20
    有 380 人按讚


    【中英雙語展示 ‧ 許國榮 Alex Hui 翻譯】
    Ugandan President’s address to his nation. One of the best Covid-19 speeches till now, from anyone anywhere in this world.
    以下是烏干達總統對他國民的致詞。 迄今為止,從來自世界各地對於有關Covid-19的演詞來說,被公認最佳演詞之一。
    Uganda President KAGUTA MUSEVENI warns against people misbehaving during this COVID-19 period, "God has a lot of work, He has the whole world to look after. He cannot just be here in Uganda looking after idiots".
    烏干達總統卡古塔·穆塞韋尼(KAGUTA MUSEVENI)告誡人們不要在COVID-19時期表現不佳,「上帝有很多工作需要做,整個世界都需要祂去照顧。他不能只是在烏干達這裡照顧你們這一班白痴。」
    "In a war situation, nobody asks anyone to stay indoors. You stay indoors by choice. In fact, if you have a basement, you hide there for as long as hostilities persist.
    During a war, you don't insist on your freedom. You willingly give it up in exchange for survival.
    在戰爭中,您不會堅持自己的自由。 您願意放棄它以換取生存。
    During a war, you don't complain of hunger. You bear hunger and pray that you live to eat again.
    During a war, you don't argue about opening your business. You close your shop (if you have the time), and run for your life. You pray to outlive the war so that you can return to your business (that's if it has not been looted or destroyed by mortar fire).
    During a war, you are thankful to God for seeing another day in the land of the living.
    During a war, you don't worry about your children not going to school. You pray that the government does not forcefully enlist them as soldiers to be trained in the school premises now turned military depot.
    在戰爭中,你不會擔心孩子不上學。 你會禱告祈求政府不要強迫他們當兵,而這些士兵要在現已變成軍用倉庫的學校場地接受軍訓。
    The world is currently in a state of war. A war without guns and bullets. A war without human soldiers. A war without borders. A war without cease-fire agreements. A war without a war room. A war without sacred zones.
    The army in this war is without mercy. It is without any milk of human kindness. It is indiscriminate - it has no respect for children, women, or places of worship. This army is not interested in spoils of war. It has no intention of regime change. It is not concerned about the rich mineral resources underneath the earth. It is not even interested in religious, ethnic or ideological hegemony. Its ambition has nothing to do with racial superiority. It is an invisible, fleetfooted, and ruthlessly effective army.
    這場戰爭中的軍隊毫不留情:它沒有任何人性。它是不分青紅皂白,它不會尊重兒童、婦女、或崇拜場所。 這支軍隊對戰利品毫不感興趣。毫無意願去改變政權,毫不關心地底下的豐富礦產資源。 它甚至對宗教,種族或意識形態霸權都不感興趣。 它的野心與種族優勢無關。它是一支看不見的,腳步輕盈,殘酷無情的軍隊。

    Its only agenda is a harvest of death. It is only satiated after turning the world into one big death field. Its capacity to achieve its aim is not in doubt. Without ground, amphibious and aeriel machines, it has bases in almost every country of the world. Its movement is not governed by any war convention or protocol. In short, it is a law unto itself. It is Coronavirus. Also known as COVID-19 (because it announced its destructive presence and intention in the year of our Lord 2019).
    它唯一的議程是去收穫死亡。 只有在把整個世界變成橫屍遍野的大屠場之後,它才會滿足。 它實現其目標的能力是毋庸置疑的。 這支軍隊並沒有陸戰、兩棲、或空戰設備,但它的基地卻幾乎遍布世界每一角落。 它的移動並不受任何戰爭公約或協議的約束。 簡而言之,這是一支橫行無忌的軍隊。 它是冠狀病毒。 也被稱為COVID-19(因為它是在主後2019年宣布了破壞性存在和意圖)。
    Thankfully, this army has a weakness and it can be defeated. It only requires our collective action, discipline and forbearance. COVID-19 cannot survive social and physical distancing. It only thrives when you confront it. It loves to be confronted. It capitulates in the face of collective social and physical distancing. It bows before good personal hygiene. It is helpless when you take your destiny in your own hands by keeping them sanitized as often as possible.
    不過,值得慶幸的好訊息是:這支軍隊都有弱點,它可以被擊敗。 只需要我們的集體行動,紀律和寬容。 COVID-19無法倖免於社交和軀體上的隔離。 它只有在你刻意面對它時才能蓬勃發展;牠喜歡被迎面對抗。 但面對集體性的社交和身軀上的距離,它投降了。它在保持良好個人衛生之前先鞠躬退役。 當你通過盡可能地掌握自己的命運,清潔雙手時,它更是無奈。
    This is not a time to cry about bread and butter like spoilt children. After all, the Holy book tells us that man shall not live by bread alone. Let's obey and follow the instructions of the authorities. Let's flatten the COVID-19 curve. Let's exercise patience. Let's be our brothers' keeper. In no time, we shall regain our freedom, enterprise and socializing."
    現今並不是哭泣之時,像被寵壞的孩童那樣,哭泣暫時肚飢的時候。 畢竟,聖經告訴我們,「人活著不是單靠食物」《馬太福音4:4》。 讓我們服從並遵循當局的指示。 讓我們展平COVID-19的曲線。 讓我們保持耐心。 讓我們成為兄弟互相的守護。 我們恢復自由、進取和社會交往,指日可待。
    In the midst of EMERGENCY, we practice urgency of service and the urgency of love for others. God bless us all.

    The best and most intelligent public speech ever made during Covid-19.


  • currently時態 在 I’m Spring Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-09-27 21:02:28


    𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 ▏https://www.instagram.com/spriing____/
    合作邀約 ▏springoh158@gmail.com



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  • currently時態 在 This is Tina Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-08-12 10:00:01

    飛鳥和蟬- 任然 Cover By Tina Hu

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  • currently時態 在 Hen 懂生活 -小JAI品味 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-08-08 01:31:15

    #上班族 #簡單食譜 #高雄vlog #生活風格


    Currently I've been thinking a lot regarding what work means to me.
    In answer to my question, work to me means being happy in what I do and being accomplished for what I've done. Always feel curious about this world. may you stay passionate about many things:)

    1. Lazy Morning
    Music originated from Bgm Presiden

    2. 하얀 나의 오두막집
    Music originated from Bgm President
    Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSEYgMOcyB8&t=3s

    3. Spring Step
    Music originated from Bgm President
    Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvvaZaaHAm8&t=42s

    📩E-mail : yeh519@yahoo.com.tw
    📷Camera: Sony a5100/iPhone 7 (Old Equipment)
    🐷Instagram: man_man_chang
    💻Program: Adobe Primiere Pro CC 2020

