

在 cubicle電影產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅看電影學英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Let's end the blue Monday. 電影 Jerry Maguire – 征服情海, 10 句精彩對話 Part 3 Jerry met Dorothy(Renée Zellweger)the main actress in this movie. 1. My son...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour 訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/chan...

  • cubicle電影 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2012-09-10 18:40:41
    有 3 人按讚

    Let's end the blue Monday.

    電影 Jerry Maguire – 征服情海, 10 句精彩對話 Part 3

    Jerry met Dorothy(Renée Zellweger)the main actress in this movie.

    1. My son is really allergic to the material in the blankets.

    2. I'm sorry if I was rude just then.
    (just then, at a particular time in the past)

    3. That's okay. We're in it together now.
    沒關係, 我們同感身受了!

    3. I don't think we're quite at your pitch yet.
    我們好像還不太熟 (What do you guys think about this sentence?)

    4. We're hiking up through the pools.
    (Is there any other meaning for “hiking up”?_)

    5. I'm lagging, you know, and she says to me…get this…"Hurry up, klutz."
    我走在她後面, 然後她對我說, 給我聽著 “快點! 木頭人”

    6. I decide... I am not gonna propose. The mood is not right.
    我決定…我不向她求婚了, 因為感覺不對

    7. Now, little do I know that my assistant has assumed that I've now proposed.

    8. “Well, this is me... klutz…asking you, goddess of rock climbing, to marry me."
    嗯, 我, 木頭人要向妳, 攀岩女神說, 嫁給我吧!

    9. I work in your office. I was on the junket.
    我們是同事, 我也是公費出差
    (junket, A trip or tour, especially one taken by an official at public expense.)

    10. You have the side-middle cubicle with the poster of Albert Einstein's face... morphed on Shaquille O'Neal's body.
    妳在辦公座位上放了一張海報是Albert Einstein的臉和Shaquille O'Neal身體的電腦合成照
    ( Who has better idea for “side-middle cubicle”?)
    What is going to happen between Jerry and Dorothy?

    To be continued…

  • cubicle電影 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2012-09-10 12:08:45
    有 2 人按讚

    Good day! Lunch time.

    電影 Jerry Maguire – 征服情海, 10 句精彩對話 Part 3

    Jerry met Dorothy(Renée Zellweger)the main actress in this movie.

    1. My son is really allergic to the material in the blankets.

    2. I'm sorry if I was rude just then.
    (just then, at a particular time in the past)

    3. That's okay. We're in it together now.
    沒關係, 我們同感身受了!

    3. I don't think we're quite at your pitch yet.
    我們好像還不太熟 (What do you guys think about this sentence?)

    4. We're hiking up through the pools.
    (Is there any other meaning for “hiking up”?_)

    5. I'm lagging, you know, and she says to me…get this…"Hurry up, klutz."
    我走在她後面, 然後她對我說, 給我聽著 “快點! 木頭人”

    6. I decide... I am not gonna propose. The mood is not right.
    我決定…我不向她求婚了, 因為感覺不對

    7. Now, little do I know that my assistant has assumed that I've now proposed.

    8. “Well, this is me... klutz…asking you, goddess of rock climbing, to marry me."
    嗯, 我, 木頭人要向妳, 攀岩女神說, 嫁給我吧!

    9. I work in your office. I was on the junket.
    我們是同事, 我也是公費出差
    (junket, A trip or tour, especially one taken by an official at public expense.)

    10. You have the side-middle cubicle with the poster of Albert Einstein's face... morphed on Shaquille O'Neal's body.
    妳在辦公座位上放了一張海報是Albert Einstein的臉和Shaquille O'Neal身體的電腦合成照
    ( Who has better idea for “side-middle cubicle”?)
    What is going to happen between Jerry and Dorothy?

    To be continued…

  • cubicle電影 在 看電影學英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2012-09-10 08:43:32
    有 5 人按讚

    Morning! Do you have a blue Monday? Don't be.

    電影 Jerry Maguire – 征服情海, 10 句精彩對話 Part 3

    Jerry met Dorothy(Renée Zellweger)the main actress in this movie.

    1. My son is really allergic to the material in the blankets.

    2. I'm sorry if I was rude just then.
    (just then, at a particular time in the past)

    3. That's okay. We're in it together now.
    沒關係, 我們同感身受了!

    3. I don't think we're quite at your pitch yet.
    我們好像還不太熟 (What do you guys think about this sentence?)

    4. We're hiking up through the pools.
    (Is there any other meaning for “hiking up”?_)

    5. I'm lagging, you know, and she says to me…get this…"Hurry up, klutz."
    我走在她後面, 然後她對我說, 給我聽著 “快點! 木頭人”

    6. I decide... I am not gonna propose. The mood is not right.
    我決定…我不向她求婚了, 因為感覺不對

    7. Now, little do I know that my assistant has assumed that I've now proposed.

    8. “Well, this is me... klutz…asking you, goddess of rock climbing, to marry me."
    嗯, 我, 木頭人要向妳, 攀岩女神說, 嫁給我吧!

    9. I work in your office. I was on the junket.
    我們是同事, 我也是公費出差
    (junket, A trip or tour, especially one taken by an official at public expense.)

    10. You have the side-middle cubicle with the poster of Albert Einstein's face... morphed on Shaquille O'Neal's body.
    妳在辦公座位上放了一張海報是Albert Einstein的臉和Shaquille O'Neal身體的電腦合成照
    ( Who has better idea for “side-middle cubicle”?)
    What is going to happen between Jerry and Dorothy?

    To be continued…

  • cubicle電影 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-04 16:31:06

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour

    訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKC6E5s6CMT5sVBInKBbPDQ?sub_confirmation=1

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LjUOH9T9j21GiX8jzytu6
    異度空間恐怖APP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PiyPZ3d_Fw&t=12s

    首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y

    鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CfqxuCHq3Y&t=3s

    我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE

    我講 '香港' 10,000次: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G4uDe3QUfs

    我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s

    24小時內學印度話: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3EmtyVK1BQ&t=55s

    5個香港隔離人士的難處 | 24小時生活記錄
    5個香港酒店隔離的難處 | 24小時生活記錄
    14天香港隔離酒店生活 | 5種難處

    5個香港隔離人士的難處 | 24小時生活記錄


    暗網仔出街的觀眾大家好! 今天是我回香港14天家居隔離的第二個星期.在香港沒有 “家居” 的我只好在一間酒店度過總共336小時在一個房間的生活. 每日如是..這個㬌什麼也不變. 唯一不同的每日3餐有得選擇.
    (Film yourself making the call) 可能每天8點早餐, 12點半lunch和7點鐘晚餐有得點不同食物, 新鮮感!我想自自然然比之前吃得多, 也肥了.
    一向樂觀的我想不到原來這14天隔離原來也有他的難處. 更比想像中難.

    hotel list:

    這14天的居住環境原本我幻想真是可以像staycation 6星及洒店.
    但現實是香港政府只列了16間officially能做家居隔離的酒店. 某一些價錢極高是suite來的. 我也不需要這麼多房間. 很多都好像我現在這一間有14天包3餐的plan. 只要記得預早打電話或當時像我一樣發email去預訂.
    這樣每天那個時候就有食物給你. 我間酒店早一晚也會打電話給你問明天的3餐要什麼. 如果不是不能離開房間的話整個service其實也是不錯的.
    (Show a lunch meal)
    來我這一間酒店之前, 酒店要求我買一枝探熱針. 原本應該入住之前探的, 但最後也沒有做到. 但都應該買just In case. (Show dinner segment)

    Book完洒店後飛回來我是坐加拿大航空. 入境香港的朋友要預先tin一張 ‘health declaration form’ 如果到港14天前有去過這13個國家, 包括英國和美國/是需要去一所healthcare facility 做了核酸測試證明你沒事. 加拿大當然不用. Tin了之後就給你一個專屬barcode. 之後所有程序都要用這barcode所以非常重要.
    上機唯一問題就是gey chong這部電子琴和兩個la ba. 最後wuy hum la ba拿不到走.
    特別買了多一點leg room的priority seating. 但最後般後一排坐位是我可以講我人生坐得最su fook, 睡得最好的一tong飛機. 因為整個飛機只有35位sing Hak.我是躺下來睡. 但天堂地獄之後出現.

    下了飛機之後所有sing hak先需要下載這個 ‘stay home safe居安坑疫’ app. For English speakers don’t worry their is both english and Chinese options.
    之後上電梯有機場員工把這條有日期, bar code 和位置追踪器的手帶綁在你手上. 14日期間政府就是用這條手帶確定你是否全程都在你預定的地址.
    之後所有人的唾液也需要被化yim. 每人會被pai到自己cubicle張這文件打開. 當中最重要是這小小膠瓶, 一個紙杯和兩個膠袋. 你需要從喉嚨那裡的囗水通過紙杯進入膠瓶?. 之後膠瓶以瓶蓋向上放進第一個膠袋. 然後包實沒有空氣放入第二個膠袋然交給工作人員.

    我以為講是6至8小時. 但你要有心裡準備如果你現在travel的話你回港是真的乾等8個小時.
    從加拿大的15小時飛機到8個小時等待整個過程用了23小時. 我真的不知道睡著多少次. 機場, 的士也aiy不住.
    我電腦/電話最後也完全沒電. 他們好的是無限gung ying水和小吃.
    好恐怖是坐我附近有位叔叔嘔. I immediately ran away. I don’t know if he had it but it sure looked like it. Afterwards people came and took him away probably directly to hospital.

    (Play drill sound) 這就每天由早上9點到晚上6點的裝suw工程聲. 原本第一天不知道是否jetlag的關係覺得好煩. 但這迫使我每日9點前一定要起床. 造成這個早睡早起的習慣也不錯!
    Quarantine唯一真的影響到我生活是垃圾不能倒出去,要keep住在房間整整兩個星期. 我已經盡量把所有垃圾gwuy在一堆.
    沒有洗衣機要洗衣服我發明了一個挺不錯的方法. 這樣我衣服加毛gun也可以洗一洗. 原來用shampoo洗是真的不錯的! 下次試試全to mo jong.

    只有幾天就過完我這次gak ley生活. 也過得挺快的. 唯一是gak ley第12天suey yiw send另一個口水樣本給附近診所. 還未到所以大家應該看不到了.

    雖然我知很多資料我不是最長Juen. 但也希望能足夠幫到大家!

