February 15, 2020
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Reignites Concerns over Food Safety
Foodborne illness outbreaks occur rather frequentl...
February 15, 2020
Wuhan Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Reignites Concerns over Food Safety
Foodborne illness outbreaks occur rather frequently in this day and age. The recent Wuhan novel coronavirus outbreak has once again alerted us to the dangers posed by our broken food system, especially when it comes to meat production.
Today, around the globe, meat, eggs, and dairy are mainly produced in factory farms. These establishments are notorious for confining animals in extremely crowded conditions. Not only are the animals severely restricted in their movement, but they are also given a wide range of animal drugs and inflicted with cruel physical alterations to reduce their chances of getting sick or injured.
Heavy reliance on animal drugs, however, can create food safety threats from resistant bacteria and drug residues, greatly increasing the risk of widespread foodborne illness outbreaks. In the past few years, a number of devastating E. coli outbreaks have been attributed to manure runoff from factory farms.
In the long term, for the sake of public health and animal welfare, we must crack down on factory farming and replace it with a sustainable and humane system. How can individuals help to achieve this goal? Simple! Eat as little meat as possible. Remember that every bite you take is a vote.
Language Enhancement:
crack down (ph.) (取締)
crack down 是短語動詞,即是「取締」或「制裁」的意思,是十分强烈的字眼,後接介詞 on。它的名詞版本是 crackdown「鎮壓」。
e.g. The ICAC was established in 1974 to crack down on corruption.
e.g. The school is having a crackdown on cheating. —————————————————
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cruel名詞 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的最佳解答
#突然就週四了 #別落後 #快到主頁複習本週單字��你可以私訊 @bingobilingual_bb ,錄下你唸的 “disregard”,賓狗會親自聽你的發音,再給你建議喔�
【disregard 漠視】
The assault on Kabul maternity clinic shows cruel disregard for civilians.
💡regard 當名詞時,有「尊重;欣賞」的意思
💡加個 dis 字首,否定掉 regard,就是「漠視;完全不重視」的意思
💡右滑是 disregard 的發音影片,上面寫有我對 disregard 的各種聯想。你也來聯想,不用死背 disregard 的翻譯喔!
【留言練習】disregard 這個字,讓你聯想到什麼呢?期待看到你的留言 😊
#賓狗發音教室 的單字選自我們的 #5個單字系列 ,「5 個單字系列」結合新聞議題及英文單字,「賓狗發音教室」著重單字發音及用法。全部服用,效果最好 😂❤️
這篇貼文的相應 podcast 集數為賓狗時事英語 EP 17 喔!歡迎到 Spotify、 Firstory、Apple Podcast 搜尋「賓狗時事英語」✨
#disregard #漠視 #regard #尊重 #領養不購買 #bingobilingual #英文單字 #學英文 #英文學習 #單字卡 #英文發音 #英文 #翻譯
cruel名詞 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的精選貼文
《The Washington Post》狠狠批評「曱甴論」
‘Dogs’ vs. ‘cockroaches’: On Hong Kong streets, language of genocide rears its head
只係望一望個標題,可能會覺得係每邊打三十大板嘅文章,其實細心諗就明白整個評論針對嘅係咩人。狗係指邊個,曱甴又指咩?近代歷史上,邊個非人化名詞引發種族屠殺?無錯喇,呢個就係全編嘢嘅重點,亦係英文曲線鬧人好例子(至於鬧咩人就大家自己諗)。推到國際嘅嘢,Junior Police Officers’ Association(直譯應該係「香港初級警察協會」)嘅「曱甴論」聲明,加上高級警員及公共關係嘅科嘅回應當然唔少得,當然會引述學者同專家去幫手加多腳。
評論一開始就用網絡瘋傳嘅防暴警察大叫「你地連畜牲都不如呀」同「記住呀!你地唔係人黎㗎,係曱甴呀」然後發射催淚彈,講解詆毀語言(derogatory language)已經成為香港示威嘅一個特徵(係有好「中立」咁提過一句「警狗」嘅)。講解下香港示威嘅近況之後(星期六拉咗三百人,星期日咬甩耳仔),評論就話响咁惡劣嘅局面,警察用啲非人化名詞(dehumanizing language)就係對市民無差別咁使用暴力嘅先兆。
//The use of “cockroach” — a slur used by the Nazis against Jews and by Hutus against Tutsis in the Rwandan genocide — often provides the rationale for harsh and cruel treatment against a group of people and serves to further polarize society, these experts say, especially when used by state actors.//
(「曱甴」- 係當年納粹黨對猶太人同胡圖族人對圖西族人種族屠殺嘅詆毀詞彙 - 係使用殘酷手段嘅根本籍口,而對建制者黎講,就係深化社會分裂嘅工具。)
//“This sort of derogatory language can lead to a deeper kind of genuine dehumanization, You call people cockroaches a lot, you start thinking that they are subhuman.”...these terms were used in Nazi Germany and in Rwanda long before the atrocities there reached their zenith.//
//“But when you have a government that is not elected, when it rules by other means, they feel less restricted, they are not accountable to anybody.”//
Photo Source: The Washington Post (edited)
cruel名詞 在 星象專家 辰宇力 Astrologist Uriel Chen Facebook 的最佳貼文
10/3 🌠 星情預報 Daily Astrology Forecast
Cruel realities
♈ 羊:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
♉ 牛:晴 Sunny
♊ 雙:暴雨 Heavy Rain
♋ 蟹:晴 Sunny
♌ 獅:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
♍ 女:陰 Cloudy
❤️ 12星座10月趨勢:https://youtu.be/DVxcwuV4vOU
♎ 秤:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
🌟 ♏ 蠍:晴 Sunny
♐ 射:雷陣雨 Thundershower
♑ 羯:晴 Sunny
♒ 瓶:晴時多雲 Mostly Sunny
♓ 魚:雨 Rain
🤘 每日星情名詞解析 https://goo.gl/TLaZLV
Reading Daily Astrology
🤘 善用每日星情預報的小技巧 https://goo.gl/HTdhuI
Guide to a better living with Daily Astrology Forecast
星座圖示對照 Indicators:
🌟#本日幸運星 #LuckyStarOfTheDay
♈️ #白羊座 #Aries (03/21~04/19)
♉️ #金牛座 #Taurus (04/20~05/20)
♊️ #雙子座 #Gemini (05/21~06/21)
♋️ #巨蟹座 #Cancer (06/22~07/22)
♌️ #獅子座 #Leo (07/23~08/22)
♍️ #處女座 #Virgo (08/23~09/22)
♎️ #天秤座 #Libra (09/23~10/23)
♏️ #天蠍座 #Scorpio (10/24~11/22)
♐️ #射手座 #Sagittarius (11/23~12/21)
♑️ #摩羯座 #Capricorn (12/22~01/19)
♒️ #水瓶座 #Aquarius (01/20~02/18)
♓️ #雙魚座 #Pisces (02/19~03/20)