

在 creation生物產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過20萬的網紅CUP 媒體,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, “Mankind has gone very far into an artificial world of his own creation.” —— Rachel Carson, American marine biologist 人類已經深入至一個自創的人造世界之中。 —— 雷切爾.卡森...

 同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過15萬的網紅老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(*影片是四月拍的)我們知道現在在台灣很多的人都待在家裡。 所以希望這一個影片可以讓你們闔家一起觀賞的時候覺得比較開心,同時驚嘆上帝創造海洋生物的奇妙。屏東海洋生物博物館是我們全家在台灣最喜歡去參觀的地方之一。 博物館的設計有很多可以走入的通道,讓你感受與海洋生物身歷其境。一些場景像成做海裡的船,或...

creation生物 在 信仰曆 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-01 22:17:25

最近真的忙爆啊!!! #喵 #前二天語錄好像讓大家誤會惹 #偶沒怎樣只是思考企劃時想到些過去就寫了 #謝謝大家關心嗚嗚 #還沒回覆私訊的話請多多包涵嗚嗚 #太多訊息惹嗚嗚嗚 #日曆賣完了耶依耶謝謝大家支持 #開花新商品中ing #撐到週三了大家偶們一起加油 #窩只要忙碌累就會OS變hen多嗚...

creation生物 在 Rob Chang Chien Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-11 16:34:20

「最新作品限時線上展資訊」 English translation below 「 Narstalgia」(中文暫譯:獨角鯨之殤) 是我在RCA的畢業作品,也是一個我長期執行的藝術研究項目。從2018至2020,耗時1年的時間進行前期研究,額外一年的時間進行故事編寫、拍攝、錄音、採訪,與3D建模、...

  • creation生物 在 CUP 媒體 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-01 18:00:12
    有 31 人按讚

    “Mankind has gone very far into an artificial world of his own creation.”

    —— Rachel Carson, American marine biologist


    —— 雷切爾.卡森(美國海洋生物學家)

    (英國環保組織 Extinction Rebellion 發動示威,並以染血的地球儀示意商界對環境的破壞。 圖片來源:路透社)

    www.cup.com.hk 留下你的電郵地址,即可免費訂閱星期一至五 CUP 媒體 的日誌。

    🎦 YouTube 👉 https://goo.gl/4ZetJ5
    🎙️ CUPodcast 👉 https://bit.ly/35HZaBp
    📸 Instagram 👉 www.instagram.com/cupmedia/
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    📣 WhatsApp 👉https://bit.ly/2W1kPye

  • creation生物 在 老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-22 13:49:10
    有 266 人按讚

    所以希望這一個影片可以讓你們闔家一起觀賞的時候覺得比較開心,同時驚嘆上帝創造海洋生物的奇妙。屏東海洋生物博物館是我們全家在台灣最喜歡去參觀的地方之一。 博物館的設計有很多可以走入的通道,讓你感受與海洋生物身歷其境。一些場景像成做海裡的船,或可以直直走路的透明通道,還有地極的企鵝和鯨魚,易勳到台灣水域的美麗世界,都不容錯過。
    每一個水域的介紹都是非細心的設計,特別是白鯨區和企鵝區,無論年長年幼都會非常享受去那裡參觀。 這是兩個海生館影片的第一支影片,下個禮拜您將會看到第二個影片,希望你們可以好好的享受。謝謝大家的收看,也祝福大家都平安健康,一起勝過這一次的疫情。

    I know a lot of people here in Taiwan are cooped up at home due to Covid craziness. So hopefully this video will provide some family-friendly entertainment, and a fascinating look at God's amazing creation. The National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium is one of our favorite family activities/places to visit in Taiwan. They‘ve done such an amazing job creating a magical place where you can "go under" the waters to see all kinds of sea creatures up close and personal. Everything from “sunken ships," to the glass "water tunnels," to the exotic fish and sea animals from the far reaches of our beautiful planet, to the creatures which find their habitat in the waters of Taiwan, it's an experience you don't want to miss. Every exhibit is well designed, and is sure to bring laughter (especially the beluga whale and penguins), ooh's and aah's, and amaze everyone from young to old. This is part 1 of 2. Next week will be the final video of our visit to this amazing place. Enjoy! And thanks for watching- Peace and good health to you and yours! Your Brother-in-the-Journey- Stephen

  • creation生物 在 榮格讀書會 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-31 17:01:34
    有 6 人按讚

    身體是最直接, 最持續的狀態;
    "The body is the unconscious in its most immediate and continuous form; the dream is also the unconscious, though as a body of images it lacks both the immediacy and continuity of the physical body.

    最終, 我們可能會把身體運動或夢想狀態視為一種不知不覺的表現,
    當然, 很多人相信,
    同樣, 我談論索菲亞或聖母,
    此外, 我建議, 我們現在稱之為無意識的
    在煉金術中, 有deus absconditus (男性)的概念, 隱藏的神.
    但是無意識的還包括dea abscondita, 黑色麥當娜,
    她選擇隱藏自己, 以保護人類免受殺害她的毀滅性後果.
    The unconscious per se is unknowable; it is a reality that is inferred from such things as spontaneous or involuntary body movement and dreams. Ultimately we may come to think of body movement or the dreaming state as a manifestation not of unconsciousness, but as a consciousness that operates upon us and within us. Certainly there are many who believe that what we now think of as the unconscious is equivalent to the traditional concept of God as an unsleeping Being within, an omniscient inner presence. Similarly, I speak of Sophia or of the Virgin because they are divine womanly beings associated with the feminine side of God. By locating them in the unconscious I am following the path of God from without to within, the path that characterizes the movement of consciousness itself. Moreover, I am suggesting that what we now call the unconscious is in psychological reality a consciousness that has simply been underground for too long. In alchemy there is the concept of the deus absconditus (male), the hidden god in matter. But the unconscious also includes the dea abscondita, the Black Madonna, the goddess who has chosen to hide herself in order to protect humanity from the devastating consequences of killing her.

    現代社會, 遠遠超過我們所知, 是尼採宣言′′上帝死了′′的後代.
    他沒有死, 女神也沒有死. 他們只是躲藏起來.
    他們, 神和女神將再次出現.
    當他們這樣做時, 我們會看到昏迷的事實:
    上帝對他的創造的意識, 包括身體的意識.
    Modern society, far more than we realize, is the offspring of Nietzsche's declaration, "God is dead." He is not dead, nor is the Goddess. They are merely hiding. Their hiding place is the unconscious. When it is no longer necessary for them to hide in order to protect man from destroying himself by destroying them, they, God and Goddess together, will re-emerge. And when they do we will see the unconscious for what it is: God's consciousness of his creation which includes the body's consciousness of itself. That movement Nietzsche identified with Dionysus.
    每個宗教仍然在等待它. 這種期望意味著甚麼?
    透過他的法律, 命令, 他的話語. 這是標誌, 上帝的男性一面.
    因此, 歸來是神女性一面的出現,
    幾百年來, 我們稱之為無意識的人逐漸成形.
    現在是時候了, 我們可以創造性地處理上帝作為對立的結合的概念, 因此看到女性不再通過男性玻璃暗黑,
    The return of God is one of the most ancient expectations of the human race. Every world religion has presented itself as preparing for his return. Every religion still awaits it. What does this expectation imply? We already know God in his outward manifestation, by his laws, his commands, his word. That is the Logos, the masculine side of God. What we await in the Second Coming is what we lack: God's inner dynamic or process. This God in his creativeness rather than in his creation is the essence of the feminine, traditionally enacted in the ancient Mysteries. The return is therefore the emergence of the feminine side of God, which has been gradually taking shape for centuries in what we call the unconscious. The time has now come when we can deal creatively with the concept of God as the union of opposites, and therefore see the feminine no longer darkly through a masculine glass, but face to androgynous face."

    ~Marion Woodman,
    Addiction to Perfection:
    The Still Unravished Bride

  • creation生物 在 老外爸爸 Lao Wai Ba Ba Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-22 07:00:03

    所以希望這一個影片可以讓你們闔家一起觀賞的時候覺得比較開心,同時驚嘆上帝創造海洋生物的奇妙。屏東海洋生物博物館是我們全家在台灣最喜歡去參觀的地方之一。 博物館的設計有很多可以走入的通道,讓你感受與海洋生物身歷其境。一些場景像成做海裡的船,或可以直直走路的透明通道,還有地極的企鵝和鯨魚,易勳到台灣水域的美麗世界,都不容錯過。
    每一個水域的介紹都是非細心的設計,特別是白鯨區和企鵝區,無論年長年幼都會非常享受去那裡參觀。 這是兩個海生館影片的第一支影片,下個禮拜您將會看到第二個影片,希望你們可以好好的享受。謝謝大家的收看,也祝福大家都平安健康,一起勝過這一次的疫情。

    I know a lot of people here in Taiwan are cooped up at home due to Covid craziness. So hopefully this video will provide some family-friendly entertainment, and a fascinating look at God's amazing creation. The National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium is one of our favorite family activities/places to visit in Taiwan. They‘ve done such an amazing job creating a magical place where you can "go under" the waters to see all kinds of sea creatures up close and personal. Everything from “sunken ships," to the glass "water tunnels," to the exotic fish and sea animals from the far reaches of our beautiful planet, to the creatures which find their habitat in the waters of Taiwan, it's an experience you don't want to miss. Every exhibit is well designed, and is sure to bring laughter (especially the beluga whale and penguins), ooh's and aah's, and amaze everyone from young to old. This is part 1 of 2. Next week will be the final video of our visit to this amazing place. Enjoy! And thanks for watching- Peace and good health to you and yours! Your Brother-in-the-Journey- Stephen
    🏪 好消息-老外爸爸網路商店開幕了,我設計的ManT恤和新手爸爸課程都在這裡:https://www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/shop/

    🎗 有一些人說他們想要支持我的頻道但是不需要我線上商店任何的產品。如果您想要支持我的頻道的話,您可以考慮捐款支持。我設定了一個又安全又簡單的方法,按這裡:https://gumroad.com/l/awsyP 。也可以在我的網站 - https://www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/ 按目錄右上角的按鈕。 謝謝您的支持!

    🤝 請記得訂閱於開始鈴鐺的通知,新的影片出來的時候你就會被通知。以後會有更多的影片,希望你會喜歡。謝謝您! 訂閱:https://www.youtube.com/c/laowaibaba/?sub_confirmation=1

    👍🏻 歡迎追中我的臉書粉絲網頁:https://www.facebook.com/laowaibaba

    🖥 如果你想看更多的老外爸爸影片與相關內容,請到: https://www.laowaibaba.com/zh-hant/ 謝謝你的收看!

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    Facebook (臉書) : 老外爸爸 LaoWai BaBa
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  • creation生物 在 暗網仔 2.0 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-27 15:36:50

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dw_kid12/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deepwebkid/?modal=admin_todo_tour

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2LjUOH9T9j21GiX8jzytu6

    訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8vabPSRIBpwSJEMAPCnzVQ?sub_confirmation=1

    我最高觀看次數的影片 (我為何不再拍暗網? 只說一次): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbihKaqEEQw&t=127s

    首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y

    我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE

    這位才是真正的網絡垃圾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJYDx1GP-U&t=263s

    Billie Eilish出賣靈魂的方法: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfB1S2uy5Po&t=115s
    日本最殘酷的直播節目: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E81OKVX7wc
    我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s

    Is oumuamua alien technology?


    望上黑色的天空, 星空之大真是難以估計. 目前人類已發現到超過500個太陽系. 外星人的影視作品同樣深入民心.
    那如果我們發現來自第二個太陽系的外星物體不受控地撞近我們地球, 認為他是lo ji wuy yi d friend, is it kind of 不理志呢?

    Oumuamua (scream !!!!) omuamua
    是2017年被科學家發現首個interstellar object (pause vid) 中文: 星際物體.
    意思是來自我們太陽系以外, 更不受我們萬有引力影響在piu fuw的長型物體.
    這物件的存在has cause a two-sided debate in the scientific community, is this a外星飛船呢?
    Ever since young I’ve wanted aliens to exist so badly! 所以今天的影片的確比較peen bong有外星人的

    為何這件看似沒什麼的Oumuamua 物體能jun hum整個科學界呢? 首先) 外型上oumuamua跟一般的彗星jit yeen不同. 第二, 牠接近太陽時不像其他天然石體, 會搖滾得比較利害. 反以在太陽付近suen轉得cheung suen, 由如太空suen.
    對比一直研究oumuamua 這位Karen j meech, 哈佛天文學家Avi Loeb是獨自分享這個大dam的外星人看法!
    My brother!!!

    雖然在少眾, 但如果大家有過interstellar星際效應的朋友利用當中的概念tou在現實oumuamua身上也會覺得外星人理論是合理的. 我不是講笑!

    “大家好! 我是 ‘暗阿莫’ 故事背景地球已是一個不能再居住的地方. 太空梭駕駛員男主角為救自己的女兒和人類的未來決定參加NASA一個穿過黑洞尋找能居住的新星球故事”
    不好意思講回廣東話. 在不同星系的星球中時間長短非常不一樣. 在某星球過一小時可能在地球已過了30年. (Play scene)

    其實導演Christopher nolan拍這部電影時真是聘請了物理學家確保當中理論的準確性. 而尾段講維度的kiu段tou在oumuamua身上可能解釋得到.

    故事結局講述通過黑洞的男主角由我們現在生活的四維空間去了高等生物行走的五維空間. 到了5維空間之後他能穿越時空影響四維空間的reality及過去. 就如神一樣.
    之前看老高講述這部電影講過我們4維空間的生物能影響3維空間所有事: 即是平面的東西. 列如紙上的畫像. 快chook翻動的時候能做出各種動態. 更容易明白是我們電腦在播放的影片, 我們除時能把影片jam停, 或回帶到之前或之後.
    所以電影結論是當初讓男主角能到達5維空間的那一個蟲洞是5維空間的高度民ming放在人類的星糸, 讓他們自己發現, 然後導致人類
    作出ching gauw自己! 不要mit mong! 這個決定.

    Omuaomua是否高度民ming放在我們眼前的東西? 如果是的話是想引導我們做什麼ching gauw自己的行為嗎?

    更有趣是電影暗示那kwun 5維空間的高度民ming其實是未來的人類. 代表人類未來能進化到更高的維度.
    有外國Youtuber分析Omuaomua是否外星生物的creation影片結論不要將所有還未能解釋得到的自然現象也lai lok外星人身上. 因為是懶惰和沒有科學根據的做法.
    但如果放oumuamua 這物件在我們太空中的really is future humans. 那用 ‘外星人’ 解釋這物件其實也挺有科學根據. 只是那種科學根據是我們現在還沒有發明到的.

    (Alien being discovered news)
    (Alien being discovered news)
    (Alien being discovered news)
    自omuaomua被發現的2017年短短兩年後2019年來自另一星際的彗星2i/Borisov被發現. It’s different from other objects as it’s not affected by the gravitational pull of the sun. Also, it has since disappeared from our view because it was traveling at high speeds 每小時超過10萬理.

    Why are these happening so close to each other? Are their signs of aliens that’s trying to be shown to us.
    星空上是否很快有什麼祕密會被kit hiu呢?

  • creation生物 在 Chih-Wei CHUANG Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-17 22:13:03

    Reborn tree series:Reborn tree (Busan)
    莊志維 CHUANG Chih-Wei

    馬達機械、魚線、植物 / Motor、Fishing Line、A plant
    Dimension variable

    Botanica - Busan Museum of Art


    Interested in the relationship between animate entities and inanimate objects, Taiwanese artist Chuang Chih-Wei infuses living organisms with the power of machines. In 2014, after taking artist residency in Japan, Chuang began contemplating the cycle of time and the flow of life in his Reborn Tree Series. Inspired by “ikebana” (the Japanese art of flower arrangement), which a master told him brought new life to flowers through death, Chuang decided to explore whether he could revitalize an organic form with an inorganic device. The result is a plant that moves like a puppet, rigged with wires and a motor. The work alludes to both Chinese and Christian creation myths, in which gods conjure human beings from dirt. However, by using electricity and petroleum, rather than divine magic, to instill life to an inanimate object, Chuang memorably updates these ancient myths for the contemporary industrialized era.

    촹 치웨이
    대만 작가 촹 치웨이는 생물과 무생물 사이의 관계에 관심을 두고, 생명체에 기계의 힘을 가하는 방식의 작업을 해왔다. 〈리본 트리 시리즈(Reborn Tree Series)〉는 작가가 2014년 일본에서 레지던스 활동을 하던 시기에 시간의 순환, 생명의 흐름에 대한 고민에서 시작되었다. 일본의 이케바나 (Ikebana, 生花: 꽃꽂이) 장인이 이케바나에서의 꽃은 죽음을 통해 새로운 생명으로 거듭난다고 언급한 점에 주목하여 생명이 인공적인 재탄생 과정을 통해 새로운 생명을 얻을 수 있는지에 대해 탐구한다. 이 작품에서 식물은 작가가 설치해놓은 줄과 모터에 의해 꼭두각시처럼 움직인다. 작가는 성경과 중국의 고대신화에서 신이 인간을 먼지와 흙으로 창조하여 생명을 불어넣는 것과 같이 현대의 산업화 시대에는 전기와 기름이 마법과 같이 무생물체에 생명을 부여한다고 느낀다.

    『転生樹系列-  Reborn Tree Series 』は、生物材料と非生物材料との間の関係を思考したもので、人工的・非自然的な機械の外的な力により生命体を牽引した作品である。東京でのアーティストインレジデンスがきっかけとなって創作された作品で、生まれ育った台湾とは違う季節の様相を見、自然界における万物は、春、夏、秋、冬、昼、夜と変化することで生命の輪廻を繰り返すものだということが表現されている。当時出会ったある花芸家が言った言葉がある。それは「植物は花卉園芸によって次の奇異な命へとつながる。暗い夜に植物は土中で切り取られ、早朝太陽が昇ったその瞬間に、根が断たれた花は一斉に太陽に向かい魔法のような美しい時を完成させる。」というものだった。これは残忍ではあるが実に詩的な叙述に満ちており、物の転生と賦与された存在意義に新たな問いを投げかけたものだった。では「手が加えられて」新たに生まれたものは、本質なのだろうか。


    展務助理|Miju Lim、游知澔
    莊志維個人網站 http://www.chuangchihwei.com

