

在 count英文用法產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 美國總統大選陷入膠著 It ain’t over till every vote is counted. 大家應該都睡不著吧... ★★★★★★★★★★★★ President Donald Trump claimed victory over Democratic rival...

count英文用法 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-22 11:51:51

- 往右滑學5個常用的標點符號✨ #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️ 文章中的這些符號原來是這樣唸?🧐 📌  “ ” quotation marks 引號 “Go to hell! Jonathan!”, Allison yelled, right afte...

  • count英文用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-04 22:15:15
    有 739 人按讚

    [時事英文] 美國總統大選陷入膠著

    It ain’t over till every vote is counted.



    President Donald Trump claimed victory over Democratic rival Joe Biden on Wednesday with millions of votes still uncounted in a White House race that will not be decided until tallying is completed over the coming hours or days.

    1. claim victory 聲稱勝利
    2. rival 競爭者;對手;敵手
    3. uncounted (adj.) 未計算過的
    4. tally (v.) 計算;清點



    By early Wednesday, the race was down to a handful of states, and both Trump, 74 and Biden, 77, had possible paths to reach the needed 270 Electoral College votes to win the White House.

    5. be down to 由⋯⋯決定
    6. Electoral College votes 選舉人團票



    Shortly after Biden said he was confident of winning the contest once the votes are counted, Trump appeared at the White House to declare victory and said his lawyers would be taking his case to the U.S. Supreme Court, without specifying what they would claim.

    7. be confident of… 對⋯⋯有信心
    8. declare victory 宣布獲勝
    9. take his case to 將他的案子提交到⋯⋯
    10. the Supreme Court of the United States 美國最高法院
    11. specify 具體指定;明確說明



    “We were getting ready to win this election. Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump said. “This is a major fraud on our nation. We want the law to be used in a proper manner. So we’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop.” He provided no evidence to back up his claim of fraud.

    12. frankly 直率地;坦白地
    13. a major fraud 重大的詐欺
    14. in a proper manner 以適當的方式
    15. back up 支持



    Polls have closed and voting has stopped across the country, but election laws in U.S. states require all votes to be counted, and many states routinely take days to finish counting ballots. More votes stood to be counted this year than in the past as people voted early by mail and in person because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    16. the polls 投票處
    17. count ballots 統計選票
    18. in person 親自
    19. the coronavirus pandemic 新冠病毒大流行疫情



    Global stocks gyrated in early trade as results streamed in, with a final call now seen unlikely for days and the outcome raising the potential for gridlock that complicates the chance of a quick U.S. government spending boost to counter the effects of the pandemic.

    20. gyrate(通常指很快地)旋轉;迴旋;轉動
    21. stream in 流入
    22. a final call 最後的決定
    23. raise the potential for 提高⋯⋯的可能性
    24. gridlock 僵局
    25. complicate the chance 使機率複雜化
    26. counter the effects of 抵消⋯⋯


    資料來源: https://reut.rs/3oWNEcI

    最新開票動態: https://politi.co/34U5ipm



    時事英文音檔: https://bit.ly/3emRtTt



  • count英文用法 在 小劉醫師-劉宗瑀Lisa Liu粉絲團 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-10 21:05:26
    有 579 人按讚



    "Welcome to visit Taiwan. "
    ---> Welcome to Taiwan. It is our honour and privilege for you to visit our nation.

    "May I introduce myself. "
    ---> that's a sentence fragment

    "I have no intention to share what I did as Minister of Health with you now."
    ---> Nobody gives a flying fuck anyway

    "What I like to say is your country have many best schools of medicine and schools of public health such as University of Michigan where I get my PHD."
    ---> "The United States has numerous prestigious medical and public health insitutions, such as the University of Michigan"
    ---> where i RECEIVED my PHD

    "Then, how terrible your country deal with this conovir-19 pandimic ."
    ---> "However, there is grave concern regarding America’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic"
    Edit: "pandemic" 他拼錯, 還有本來以爲我學藝不精 ”conovir-19"是我沒看過的用法,結果發現只是neologism

    "You have the most patients and deaths in the world. "
    ---> 幹你公衛人可以講出這種話????? 用number count???

    "Only one week ago your President Trump still keeps saying mask is useless and during the predential campaign not to ask supporters to wear masks"
    ---> Except for the Tweet where Trump said masks were patriotic

    " All we know this will end up more kids get infected without symptom and bring virus back to familys and sociaty."

    ---> FAMILIES and SOCIETY (Community is a better word)

    "During 2009 - 2011 H1N1 out break, we closed the class with two cases and close the entire school if more than two classes closed."

    Edit: 有粉絲提醒這是楊部長任內事情,但是他第一段就說他不要提他任內做的事情...

    ---> OUTBREAK is one word
    ---> "our protocol was the following: a class could be closed if there were two cases, and the entire school would be closed if two classes closed."

    "Taiwan is regarded is one of the best to control H1N1 pandemic."
    --> Taiwan was regarded as one of the better-performing nations with regards to controlling the H1N1 Pandemic

    ”Many people around the world know Mr. Trump is nuts.“
    ---> #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KeepAmericaGreat #2020川普要贏

    " So, if I were you, l will resign as Secretary as HHS here in Taiwan to put pressure on Mr . Trump to do and say things correctly."
    --> I "WOULD" resign
    ---> who quits their job while overseas? who's going to reimburse his return flight? you?

    Edit: 回美國以前要去吃個八方雲集,去洲際陪黃山君跳統一尚勇,再去林森北路實名制鬆一下

    "To do this not only save American lives and economy. the whole world will also benefit from this doing."
    ---> to do this WOULD not only... fuck I can't do this


    1. 彭文正要不要去查他的學歷
    Edit: 我要收回我的質疑,這種敏感時刻發這樣的文章,只有真學歷的人敢


  • count英文用法 在 子迂的蠹酸齋 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-13 17:17:00
    有 124 人按讚

    漢語無陰陽性 為何要用"她" 字





    反對者也有其道理,「he she」有讀音上的不同,但「他她」在讀音上卻沒有不同,僅能作為閱讀時區分。這樣的改動無法改變口語生活,僅能影響文字創作。

