

在 cough意思產品中有19篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,493的網紅倉庫的女人Claire,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 比禮拜一還討厭的單字組還有tough, cough, rough, throughout...😌 #倉庫的女人claire #thorough什麼意思 #近似字 #看起來很像的單字...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過23萬的網紅Hey It's Dena,也在其Youtube影片中提到,跟我一起追劇八:DDD FB: http://www.facebook.com/denachmusic ▶ OPEN FOR MORE INFO! /更多資訊在↓↓ ----------------------------------------­­---------✧ ▶ more videos/...

cough意思 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-12-14 15:07:59

【餓旅行餓到癲】你迷戀冬蔭的味道嗎? ⭐冬蔭調味的薯片紫菜魷魚通通都愛 ⭐自煮冬蔭湯怕辣可減辣椒加椰奶 #星期五湯水 冬蔭湯開胃驅寒氣 冬蔭功可謂是泰國的代表菜式,泰文「冬蔭」是煲煮混合香料的意思,而「功」代表蝦,煮這個湯不加蝦,換成其它海鮮、雞肉或豬肉亦可。泰國冬蔭湯有多種煮法,但材料離不開南...

cough意思 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:17:51

【新春好意頭】全盒有十全十美的意思 #用健康小吃取代傳統糖果就更完美 #祝大家食得健康不要過肥年 #星期三問題多多 新年全盒變健康寶盒 珠女:「農曆新年來到我就感到壓力,因為美食當前恐怕會打亂我的瘦身大計,見到全盒裡的瓜子、糖果我就忍不住想吃,有方法打救我嗎醫師?」 CheckCheckCin:...

  • cough意思 在 倉庫的女人Claire Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-02-08 07:06:14
    有 12 人按讚

    比禮拜一還討厭的單字組還有tough, cough, rough, throughout...😌
    #倉庫的女人claire #thorough什麼意思 #近似字 #看起來很像的單字

  • cough意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-11 18:26:56
    有 279 人按讚





    1. 所有材料洗淨,大蝦剝開蝦頭及去腸;茄子及番茄切件、草菇切半;香茅斜切片;檸檬葉撕碎備用。
    2. 燒熱油鍋,加入蝦頭、南薑爆香,加入冬蔭湯醬料略炒,加入水,大火煮滾後調小火煮5分鐘。
    3. 加入茄子、番茄、草菇、秋葵、香茅、檸檬葉及指天椒,大火煮至滾後,轉小火煮10分鐘。
    4. 加入蝦煮至熟透,熄火,擠入青檸汁、魚露,再按自己口味加入適量黃糖拌勻即成。

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    Appetizing Tom Yum soup can dispel cold
    Tom Yum Kung is said to be the ultimate representative of Thai cuisine. ‘Tom Yum” means hotpot with mixed spices, whereas ‘Kung’ means prawns. The prawns in the soup can be replaced with other seafood, chicken or pork.

    There are many methods of cooking the Thai-style Tom Yum soup, but most of the commonly used ingredients are galangal, lemongrass, lemon leaves, cayenne pepper and lime. This soup would release a strong fragrance that can stimulate the stomach.

    From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, galangal is warm in nature, can dispel cold and relieve pain, as well as warm the Meridians and control nausea; Lemongrass is warm in nature, can eliminate wind from the body, clear stasis and improve the circulation of the Meridians.

    Lemon leaves are warm in nature, can improve the circulation of the qi and increase one’s appetite, as well as relieve cough and clear phlegm; cayenne pepper is hot in nature, can warm the Meridians and dispel cold, as well as increase one’s appetite; Lime on the other hand can improve the appetite of a person, quench one’s thirst and promote salivation.

    Therefore, Tom Yum soup is suitable for individuals with a cold body condition as well those with appetite loss. Drinking a bowl of Tom Yum soup during the winter is especially beneficial in keeping the body warm!

    Tom Yum Gung
    Ingredients: 6 prawns, 5 Thai eggplants, 2 tomatoes, 10 button mushrooms, 1 galangal, 2 sticks of lemongrass, 6 kaffir lime leaves, 2 chills, 6 okras, 1 lime, 1 sachet of tom yum paste, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, cane sugar and 1000ml water

    1. Rinse the ingredients. Remove prawn head and the intestines, set the heads aside. Cut eggplants, tomatoes and button mushrooms. Cut lemongrass and tear kaffir lime leaves.
    2. Heat the pan with oil, add prawn heads, galangal and tom yum paste to stir fry. Add water, boil with high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 5 minutes.
    3. Add eggplants, tomatoes, button mushrooms, okra, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and chilis, cook with high heat and turn to low heat, cook for 10 minutes.
    4. Add prawns and cook until they are cooked. Turn off the heat and add lime juice, fish sauce and cane sugar to taste.

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    #男 #女 #我畏冷 #陽虛

  • cough意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-14 19:05:40
    有 647 人按讚




    石榴 — 性熱,味甘酸,具生津止渴、澀腸止瀉、收歛固澀作用,適合口舌乾燥、時有乾咳、腹瀉者食用。惟感冒咳嗽、糖尿病患者不宜多吃。


    檸檬 — 性微溫,味甘酸,能開胃消滯、生津止渴、消暑、安胎,能紓緩炎夏無胃口及消化不良情況,亦有潤膚及改善色斑等美顏功效。

    菠蘿 — 性平,味甘酸澀,具有消暑解渴、消食止瀉的作用,尤其進食太多肉類和肥甘厚味的食物,吃菠蘿可以消滯、助消化及利尿。惟糖尿病患者不宜進食。

    士多啤梨 — 性涼,味甘酸,能消暑清熱、生津止渴,能紓緩喉嚨乾、喉嚨痛或身體偏熱症狀。惟脾胃虛寒、容易胃痛、腹瀉者不宜多吃 。

    奇異果 — 性寒,味甘酸,能清熱生津、健脾、利尿,紓緩無胃口、消化不良、欲吐、痔瘡等症狀。注意女士脾胃虛寒容易腹瀉、有寒性痛經不易多服。

    山楂 — 性溫,味酸,能開胃助消化及降血脂,對於食滯及消化不良都非常有效。注意氣虛體質,又或是胃酸分泌較多的人,喝得太多反而會引起胃痛等症狀,所以最好還是在飯後、吃得太多肉後或是覺得有滯意時才食用。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Sour summer fruits
    It is better to eat sweet foods and avoid sour in the spring. As summer approaches, it is time to adjust your diet. It is hot, and the body sweats easily which consumes qi and fluid. You should have sour food as acidity helps the body conserve and avoid over perspiration that can hurt yin. Saliva secretion increases when you eat sour food, and it can achieve the effects of relieving thirst, strengthening the stomach and aiding digestion. For example, people with cold body types should choose fruits with warm and hot nature, and people with hot body type should choose fruits with cold and cool nature. Keeping the body in a balanced state is one way to keep healthy.

    Pomegranate- hot in nature with a sour and sweet taste. Helps to promote fluid production and relieve thirst, and relieve diarrhea. Suitable for dry mouth and tongue, occasional coughing, and diarrhea. Not suitable for those suffering from flu and cough, or those with diabetes.

    Guava- warm in nature with a sour taste, can clear heat and relieve diarrhea. Suitable for those with diarrhea or diabetes.

    Lemon- slightly warm in nature with a sour taste, can stimulate appetite and aid digestion, promote fluid production and quench thirst, clear summer heat, and stabilise pregnancy. It alleviates summer heat related symptoms such as lack of appetite and indigestion, and it can also moisten skin and improve discoloration on skin.

    Pineapple - mild in nature with a sweet, sour and astringent taste. It can clear summer heat, relieve thirst, aid digestion and relieve diarrhea, especially good for after consuming too much meat or oily and fatty food. Eating pineapple can relieve indigestion and promote diuresis. It is not suitable for diabetic patients.

    Strawberry- cool in nature with a sour and sweet taste, can dispel summer heat and clear heat, promote fluid production and quench thirst. Eating strawberries can alleviate dry throat, sore throat or overall heat-related symptoms in the body. Those with asthenic cold stomach and spleen, prone to abdominal pain and diarrhea should eat less.

    Kiwi- cold in nature with a sour and sweet taste, and can clear heat and promote fluid production, and quench thirst. It alleviates lack of appetite, indigestion, nausea, and hemorrhoids. Note that it is not suitable for ladies with asthenic spleen and stomach, prone to diarrhea and has cold type menstrual pain. 

    Chinese Hawthorn- warm in nature with a sour taste, and helps to stimulate appetite, aid digestion and lower blood lipids. It is especially effective for those with indigestion from overeating. Those with qi deficiency body type or those with too much gastric acid secretion may have abdominal pain if they have too much Chinese Hawthorne. It is best to eat it after meal, after eating a lot of meat or when you feel indigestion.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我胖了 #我煩躁 #腹瀉 #頭痛 #濕熱

  • cough意思 在 Hey It's Dena Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-02-02 20:00:00

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    giveaway ends on Feb, 17th (UTC +8:00)
    picking out FOUR people
    抽獎截止日 2/17
    *截止了哦! 贏家已經公開在我的Instagram現實上囉!

    Netflix and Chill 這個片語呢其實是個流行雙關片語哦!
    大家可能都有聽說過它是約炮的意思哈哈哈,算是這個“活動”所創造的天然機會演化出來的!但是其實,它也有單純只有字面上的意思哦! 也就是一起看劇放鬆耍廢!切記!女孩們!如果你在國外被不熟的外國人這樣約就要注意啊!!!非常極有可能會演化成約炮式!但如果你自己也喜歡他他也喜歡你並且約過幾次會了~或是這也是你要的,你就可以自己做決定!還是要記得周遭是要在安全安全安全的環境!!怎麼辦我好像大姊姊在碎碎念...
    Netflix and Chill has two different meanings! One is (cough cough) the “activity” that Netflix and chilling ends up in most of the time haha, BUT! It also means the literal meaning! Just chilling!

    1. Brooklyn 99 荒唐分局/神煩警探 (闔家觀賞。超級無敵好笑,可以大笑的那種)
    2. Atypical 異類 (可愛有趣又可以有機會學會同理不一樣同學與家庭的環境與生活。適合至少高中+)
    3. Drop Dead Diva 美女上錯身 (可愛有趣又有知識上增廣見聞。輕鬆版suits。適合國/高中/大學生+)
    4. Lovesick (英國小品影集!超好笑!但是是小笑!18禁!)
    5. Alias Grace 雙面葛蕾絲 (會有接二連三不斷看下去的魔力...目前第一季只有六集哦!可以直接追完!)
    6. Suits 無照律師 (很多法律專有名詞!但是真的知識增長好多啊!劇情也非常精彩!適合大學生+)
    7. Black Mirror 黑鏡 (每次看完都心情都灰灰的...但是劇情精彩!是部可以反思的劇!適合大學生+)(我自己沒有到超級喜歡因為不喜歡心理灰灰的感覺)
    8. Narcos 毒梟 (有上台灣排行榜!適合高中、大學+)
    9. House Of Cards 紙牌屋 (也有上台灣排行榜哦!適合高中、大學+)

    * 完整大意心得都在影片中哦!適合觀看年齡是我的想法拉:D 個人認為黑鏡真的不適合太小的人看覺得很emo

    eyes: colourpop - you had me at hello
    foundation: it cosmetics - color correcting full coverage cream - light
    highlight & blush - freshO2 磚屬wall
    lashes - loreal lash paradise
    lips: nudestix - go girl


    earrings: h&m
    necklace: kate spade
    watch: DW - code "denachang" to get 15% off!

    This video is not sponsored! However, thank you Netflix for providing the gifts!
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    新朋友嗎? 嗨我是Dena! 高中開始追求我的音樂之路,畢業於輔仁大學護理系! 畢業後終於有勇氣全程灌注去美國念音樂! 這個頻道是分享著我最真實的故事! 歡迎加入我的大家庭一起陪伴彼此成長! 頻道中提供著Dena留學分享、音樂作品、彩妝、生活實錄Vlog等等! 有時候還會來點英文教學哦!

    Welcome to my channel! I'm a singer/songwriter based in Taiwan! This channel is pretty much about my current life, my experiences studying at Berklee College of Music in the states, things that I love(music and makeup!) AND you will be expecting a lot of some REALLY chatty videos... (you are warned)!

    ♦ KEYWORDS: dena chang 張粹方 2017 生活紀錄 vlog taiwanese 康熙來了 網路 歌手 美國 Berklee School Of Music 英文歌 分享 music favorites favourites faves 小明星大跟班 憲哥 吳宗憲 uptown funk 自彈自唱 化妝 bruno mars how i learned english 輕鬆 學英文 教英文 美國 美式 腔調 留學 英語 教學 自學 education 台北 台灣 補習班 生活 lifestyle video

  • cough意思 在 英文易開罐 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-11-18 08:00:00

    訂閱英文易開罐: https://goo.gl/HIheog
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    糖尿病 diabetes
    腹瀉 diarrhea
    感冒 cold
    發燒 fever
    咳嗽 cough
    流鼻水 runny nose
    癌症 cancer
    心臟病 heart attack