

在 cooperate英文產品中有47篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8萬的網紅經濟部中小企業處,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【創業大冒險】🌸9/30 ST MAKE+台日國際新創醫療研習營🌸 雖然全球疫情仍然嚴峻,但各國的「新創企業🚀」仍是生氣勃勃努力突破僵局,希望藉由新型態的「線上」連結方式,打破國境藩籬,與全球合作。 此次 ST MAKE+ ...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,190的網紅王頌 ꜱᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀɴɢ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello everyone👋 這次的翻唱影片很特別,和兩位特別可愛的歌手一起參與(居家防疫中文改編)的合作影片,也特別感謝奕安與林紅和所有協力夥伴在影像與音樂上的支持!還要特別感謝Yan的支持和幫助!拍攝前期的討論一直到正式開拍,大家都花了不少精力,但過程很有趣也很好玩兒😋 雖然目前零確診,但...

cooperate英文 在 Eric Yang Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 05:42:30

[時事英文] The New U.S. Challenge in Afghanistan 美國在阿富汗面臨新挑戰 Even as the United States finalizes its departure from Afghanistan, it faces a dilemma ther...

cooperate英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-18 16:03:11

📝Day 226 0707​ #17來提升作文力​ ​ cherish 珍惜、愛護 (v.)​ E.g. Even though you don’t cherish your life, please don’t hurt others.​ 即便你不愛護自己,但請不要傷害他人。​ ​ ​ appre...

cooperate英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 15:20:11

📝Day 209 0519​ #17來提升作文力​ ​ ​ appreciate 欣賞、理解、感激、增值 (v.)​ E.g. We really appreciate all the help Taiwan gave us last year.​ 我們很感激台灣去年給我們的協助。​ ​ ​ app...

  • cooperate英文 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 19:00:10
    有 37 人按讚

    【創業大冒險】🌸9/30 ST MAKE+台日國際新創醫療研習營🌸


    此次 ST MAKE+ 與日本專業協助新創發展的「for Startups」公司合作,「for Startups」將介紹如何協助新創進入日本市場及募資;

    並邀請到日本兩家非常優秀的醫療相關“新創企業”「Qantum Operation」及「Triple W」,介紹其創新創業的歷程及未來希望尋找的國際合作夥伴,同時也邀請近期積極與新創及加速器合作之「秀傳醫療體系」,希望創造日本「新創」與台灣「醫院」互動合作火花。

    📅 時間:2021年9月30日(四)13:30-15:30
    📍 地點:線上進行(會議前一天mail寄送線上會議連結)
    🌎 語言:全場英文演說(問答時間會有中日文翻譯陪同,亦可用中文提問)
    🏢 指導單位:經濟部中小企業處
    🏢 主辦單位:ST MAKE+、工業技術研究院
    🏢 協辦單位:for startups、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會、林口新創園
    💻 報名網址:https://pse.is/3nz96k
    📫 聯絡資訊:service@stmakeplus.com 📞TEL: 03-5914901
    💰 費用:免費

    ST MAKE+「台日國際新創醫療研習營」9/30與你在線上相聚!🎌

    #經濟部中小企業處 #STMAKE+ #林口新創園 #TEEMA #工研院服科中心 #新創 #醫療 #ForStartups #QantumOperation #TripleW #日本 #秀傳 #醫院 #加速器

    【Startup Adventure】ST MAKE+ Taiwan-Japan International Startups Medical Workshop

    Although the global epidemic is still severe, the " startups " of various countries are still vigorously striving to break through the deadlock, hoping to break the barriers of national borders and cooperate with the world through a new type of "online" connection method.

    This time ST MAKE+ is cooperating with Japan "for Startups" company, which specializes in assisting the development of startups. "for Startups" will introduce how to assist startups in entering the Japanese market and raising funds;

    In addition, two excellent medical-related“startups”,“Qantum Operation”and“Triple W”in Japan were invited to introduce their innovation and entrepreneurship history and the international partners they hope to find in the future. At the same time, they also invited to actively cooperate with startups in the near future. "Xiu Chuan Medical System" of accelerator cooperation,
    Hope to create a spark of interaction and cooperation between Japanese "new creations" and Taiwan "hospitals".

    💻Register link:https://pse.is/3nz96k

    📅 Time:2021/09/30(Thu) 13:30-15:30
    📍 Location:On-line(the meeting link will be sent the day before the meeting)
    🏢 Adviser:SMEA,MOEA
    🏢 Organizer:ST MAKE+、ITRI
    🏢 Co-organizer:for startups、TEEMA、Startup Terrace
    📫 Contact:service@stmakeplus.com 📞TEL: 03-5914901

    #SMEAMOEA #STMAKE #StartupTerrace #TEEMA
    #starup #Japan #hostipal #Accelerator

  • cooperate英文 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-20 22:00:11
    有 108 人按讚

    President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has expressed the hope that Taiwan and Japan will cooperate more closely in the future in a conversation with Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) lawmaker Sanae Takaichi, who is vying to become her country's first female prime minister.

  • cooperate英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-06 10:22:37
    有 23 人按讚

    cherish 珍惜、愛護 (v.)​
    E.g. Even though you don’t cherish your life, please don’t hurt others.​

    appreciate / cherish / thank / treasure / value 感激、珍惜 (v.)​
    E.g. They really appreciated this opportunity to cooperate with us.​

    bright / hopeful / sanguine 樂觀的、懷有希望的 (a.)​
    E.g. Wendy is hopeful of winning a gold medal in this competition.​

    costly / expensive / invaluable / priceless / valuable 貴重的、珍貴的、無價的 (a.)​
    E.g. Cathy’s advice has been invaluable to the success of the project.​
    Cathy 的建議對這個工程的成功起了無價的作用。​

    permanent / eternal / long-lasting / durable / enduring 永久的、永遠的 (a.)​
    E.g. Tracy worked as a jobber before she found a permanent job.​

    📲 IOS下載E4F:https://pse.is/3gkywn
    📲 Android 下載E4F:https://pse.is/3e4ber
    ✅ 加入我的雲端教室:https://pse.is/3fvnaq

    ✔️ 正在準備學測指考的高中生​
    ✔️ 未來想要挑戰進階英文考試的同學​
    ✔️ 想要精進寫作能力獲得職場升遷機會的同學​
    現在購買還可享有8折優惠 幫你省下 $720
    課程網址 ➡️ https://9vs1.com/go/?i=cd22c9df1917


    📍 輕鬆寫出250字以上作文​
    📍 在大考英文作文獲得15分以上高分​
    📍 能夠透過英文文字清楚表達自己的想法

  • cooperate英文 在 王頌 ꜱᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀɴɢ Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-05-14 21:00:22

    Hello everyone👋



    Hello everyone👋
    It's my honor to cooperate with two charming and talented singers - Yian & Yun-Yun. We made a cool video talking about "Stay At Home & Keep Safe"!
    Special thanks to everyone (director, coordinator, music producers, others) who supports this case. It's been through a long production process, but super fun. Hope you like it!

    Although we have low covid-19 cases happening in TW, we still have to take care of ourselves and keep safe! Fingers Crossed!

    #BreakMyHeart #DuaLipa #翻唱 #StayAtHome #防疫歌曲

    影片🔗 https://youtu.be/Wx1r1bJZRwY


    Original :

    〈Break My Heart〉

    原唱Singer:Dua Lipa
    作詞Lyrics:Michael Hutchence, Andrew Farriss, Dua Lipa, Ali Tamposi, watt, Stefan Johnson & Jordan K. Johnson
    作曲Compose:Michael Hutchence, Andrew Farriss, Dua Lipa, Ali Tamposi, watt, Stefan Johnson & Jordan K. Johnson

    ♡支持 Dua Lipa - Break My Heart MV 與原曲
    原 MV 這邊看 🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj2U6rhnucI
    原曲這邊聽 🔗 https://duatw.lnk.to/FutureNostalgiaWN


    Like, Share, Subscribe


    導演 : 藍郁雯
    攝影 : 黃邵儒
    燈光 : 陳覺安
    美術 : 朱奕安 謝欣渝
    造型 : 朱奕安 楊莊樂
    剪輯 : 王頌慧
    演唱 : 王頌慧
    錄音 : 王頌慧
    混音 : 林紅
    中文歌詞改編 : 朱奕安
    歌詞翻譯 : 朱奕安
    編舞 : 段芸芸

    Director : Yu Wen Lan
    Camera : Ivan Huang
    Gaffer : Jue An Chen
    Art Director : Yian Zhu, Elaine Hsieh
    Makeup Artist : Yian Zhu, Rainy Yang
    Editing : Joanna Wang
    Singer : Joanna Wang
    Recording : Joanna Wang
    Mixing : 0.Red
    Chinese Translator : Yian Zhu
    English Translator : Yian Zhu
    Choreographer : Yun-Yun

  • cooperate英文 在 Wang Nick 王柏傑 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-02-22 12:30:15


    英文回報範例(記得改自己粉專):My two fan pages, Crazy Man 瘋男 Nick and Crazy Man瘋男, are connected through this personal account.
    Unexpectedly, two fan pages were stolen so maliciously that they infringed upon personal property rights and copyrights
    I have some advertising revenue, which is not only harmful to me, but also to the manufacturers that cooperate with me.
    I've paid back the Facebook question in various ways
    Please help me ASAP🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    ▼追蹤 Nick

    facebook 粉絲專頁:https://goo.gl/8DWTfo

    Nick 服飾品牌(蝦皮賣場):http://t.cn/AiRNRP8u
    ▼追蹤 Craz Man

  • cooperate英文 在 Ricky英語小蛋糕 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-17 20:00:03

    --教 材 限 時 領 取 區-
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    Facebook 第一手看到訊息歡迎來按讚 + 搶先看
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    AmazingTalker 線上語言教學剪輯團隊
    傳送門: https://goo.gl/LewJuV

    Youtube 訂閱 https://bit.ly/2qrtE53
    IG 追蹤 https://goo.gl/a6mpi9



