

在 conviction用法產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅遵理學校 Kenneth Lau,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, News of the Week (3/8/2015) Social Issues A hidden weapon in the armoury – will the government beat the breast? weapon是「武器」,armoury是儲存武器的地方,即是「軍...


conviction用法 在 Katt Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-19 02:47:58

The supreme happiness of life is conviction that we are loved-Victor Hugo — 孚日廣場在元旦那天很幽靜,好像全巴黎的人都還在睡,從巴士底步行往廣場的路上被拉著行李箱🧳的老伯熱情的攔下來,用法文問我們來自哪要去哪,聽到台灣的時候...

  • conviction用法 在 遵理學校 Kenneth Lau Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-08-03 14:07:17
    有 532 人按讚

    News of the Week (3/8/2015)
    Social Issues

    A hidden weapon in the armoury – will the government beat the breast?

    weapon是「武器」,armoury是儲存武器的地方,即是「軍火庫」。breast是「胸部」,beat the breast一詞多義,首先是比喻用法 (metaphorical use),解作「捶胸頓足」,例如為自己做的事感到悔疚、或者因為悲傷而用拳打自己的心口。另外,beat the breast直譯時beat便是解作「打」,看似沒有甚麼特別,但配合上半句的a hidden weapon in the armoury,其實帶出了政府認為胸部是武器。因此,這個標題有兩個解法,一是「政府會否為自己做的事感到悔疚呢?」,二是「政府會否『對付』這些『武器』呢?」。由此可見,這篇文章沒有既定立場,只是從社會的大小事情中談英語運用。

    The Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong last year received widespread media coverage around the world. In general, the campaign had a good press because of the surprisingly peaceful and civilised sit-in. The media commented that if it had taken place in another country, the odds are that it would have evolved into a riot which might have spiralled out of control. At the opposite extreme, however, the government do not seem to appreciate how civilised Hongkongers are and accused a woman of assaulting a police officer with her breasts during another protest.

    Floored by the absurdity of the conviction, a host of Hongkongers expressed dissatisfaction and disappointment over the way the government govern Hong Kong and, probably more importantly, how they view Hongkongers. A police officer was captured in a video where he brandished his much-more-potent-than-breasts truncheon, but he later explained in court that the truncheon was only an extension of his arm and was just used to pat a citizen. If a truncheon could be regarded as the extension of a body part, it would stretch belief that breasts are seen as weapons which could land a citizen in court.

    1. weapon [n.] 武器
    2. armoury [n.] 軍火庫; 武器庫
    3. widespread [adj.] 廣泛的
    4. coverage [n.] 新聞報道
    5. have a good press [ph.] 受到新聞界的好評
    6. peaceful [adj.] 和平的
    7. civilised [adj.] 文明的
    8. sit-in [n.] 靜坐示威
    9. odds [n.] 機會; 可能
    10. evolve [v.] 演變
    11. riot [nn.] 騷亂; 暴動
    12. spiral out of control [ph.] 急劇地失控
    13. at the opposite extreme [ph.] 截然不同; 完全相反
    14. accuse [v.] 控告; 指責
    15. assault [v.] 攻擊; 襲擊
    16. protest [n.] 抗議
    17. floor [v.] 令…驚訝
    18. absurdity [n.] 荒謬
    19. conviction [n.] 判訣
    20. a host of [ph.] 大量; 很多
    21. govern [v.] 管治
    22. brandish [v.] 胡亂地揮動
    23. truncheon [n.] 警棍
    24. pat [v.] 輕拍
    25. stretch belief [ph.] 難以置信
    26. land [v.] 令…陷入…

    *The picture shows that the police officer was, as he put it in his account, using a truncheon as the extension of his arm to touch and pat the pedestrians.

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