

在 contributing中文產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅簡立喆Liza,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 有人批評這篇紐約時報頭版的集資刊登廣告不能代表全台灣人民的聲音,也許是,但它還是代表了26,980位捐款人的聲音,字這麼小看不清楚,不能讓這些錢白捐,所以我幫忙轉發....😅 言論自由誠可貴,善良的心更珍貴,慈悲的人最有力量💗💪#thislovecomesfromtaiwan 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 W...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅唔熟唔食 Cook King Room,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【低溫焗斧頭扒】https://youtu.be/AQWDj6pGZiY 【慢煮威靈頓牛】https://youtu.be/10-qq4U1EXo 【自家製 肉丸意粉】https://youtu.be/prC_jQl5esI 【牛油果香草雞肉沙律】https://youtu.be/mS45bruiI...

contributing中文 在 C!aire W. ?? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-11 08:33:10

轉眼間我23歲了23rd year of life! (中文下滑) Can’t believe another year has passed, my 22nd year of life ended pretty dramatically thanks to Corina virus 🦠 this ...

contributing中文 在 簡立喆Liza Chien Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-04-21 13:15:14

有人批評這篇紐約時報頭版的集資刊登廣告不能代表全台灣人民的聲音,也許是,但它還是代表了26,980位捐款人的聲音,字這麼小看不清楚,不能讓這些錢白捐,所以我幫忙轉發....😅 言論自由誠可貴,善良的心更珍貴,慈悲的人最有力量💗💪#thislovecomesfromtaiwan 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 WHO...

  • contributing中文 在 簡立喆Liza Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-14 21:05:48
    有 474 人按讚


    WHO can help?
    In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity
    You are not alone. Taiwan is with you.
    We know what you are going through. We know how hard it is.
    Taiwan, having been devastated by the SARS epidemic in 2003, knows.
    Taiwan, having been isolated from the World Health Organization, knows.
    That is why we are contributing to international efforts by sharing how we contained the outbreak, kept our schools and businesses open, and ensured masks for all.
    In the past weeks, Taiwan has provided more than 16 million medical masks to support medical workers around the world and have worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19.
    Who can isolate Taiwan? No one.
    Because we are here to help.

    26,980 contributors participated in the crowdfunding campaign to bring you this message.
    Their donations will be used to fight COVID-19 internationally alongside our global partners.



    (圖由聶永真 Aaron Nieh設計)

  • contributing中文 在 林易瑩 台南市議員 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-04-09 17:56:11
    有 82 人按讚

    台灣,我們的國家,一直以來便以充滿自由、民主、多元、包容的價值而自豪,身為國際的一份子,即便不被他國認同,我們依然願意敞開大門、伸出援手,如同蔡英文總統說的Taiwan is helping,因為這是我們深信的價值,現在如是、未來亦如是。
    我們已經把蔡總統的文章轉換成簡體中文了,請大家分享出去,讓FB上的 #外國朋友們,也能看到我們台灣人一直對自身所堅持的價值感到驕傲。
    借着今天这个机会,我想要邀请世界卫生组织谭德塞干事长(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)访问台湾,感受一下台湾人民如何努力在遭受歧视和孤立之中,坚持走向世界、贡献国际社会。
    #TaiwanCanHelp,而且Taiwan is helping,这一点,从来不会因为国度或种族而有差别。
    I strongly protest the accusations today that Taiwan is instigating racist attacks in the international community. Taiwan has always opposed all forms of discrimination. For years, we have been excluded from international organizations, and we know better than anyone else what it feels like to be discriminated against and isolated.
    I want to take this opportunity to invite Director-General Tedros to visit Taiwan and experience for himself how committed the Taiwanese people are to engaging with and contributing to the world, even in the face of discrimination and isolation.
    Taiwan’s selfless medical workers and volunteers can be found around the world. The Taiwanese people do not differentiate by skin color or language; all of us are brothers and sisters. We have never let our inability to join international organizations lessen our support for the international community.
    Taiwan has poured all of its efforts into stopping the spread of COVID-19, and our achievements have received a great deal of attention from around the world. Despite being excluded from the WHO due to political manipulation, we have shouldered our responsibility as a member of the international community and taken the initiative to donate face masks and other supplies to medical workers in countries hit hardest by the coronavirus pandemic.
    #TaiwanCanHelp, and the spirit of Taiwan is Helping has never been influenced by nationality or race.
    Taiwan is dedicated to the values of freedom, democracy, diversity, and tolerance. We do not condone the use of racist remarks to attack those with different opinions. If Director-General Tedros could withstand pressure from China and come to Taiwan to see Taiwan’s efforts to fight COVID-19 for himself, he would be able to see that the Taiwanese people are the true victims of unfair treatment. I believe that the WHO will only truly be complete if Taiwan is included.

  • contributing中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-23 22:35:58
    有 209 人按讚

    [Books / 書訊] Yann Brys 與 François Perret 主廚出版新書、 Fou de Pâtisserie 食譜書將出中文版 / Chef Yann Brys and François Perret publish their first books, Fou de Pâtisserie book launch traditional Chinese version soon (for English, please click “see more”)

    我想法國主廚們跟書商完全沒有要讓消費者喘口氣的意思,11 月好書連發,最近輪到陀飛輪(tourbillon)創始人、擁有法國最佳工藝職人(MOF)頭銜的 Yann Brys 主廚和巴黎麗池酒店 Ritz Paris 的主廚 François Perret 出新書;甜點雜誌 Fou de Pâtisserie 去年出版的同名食譜書也確認即將推出中文版。

    Yann Brys 主廚過去的資歷顯赫,他師承 MOF Philippe Urraca、在 FAUCHON 時在有「甜點小王子」之稱的主廚 Sébastien Gaudard Pâtissier 底下工作,接著經歷巴黎數個豪華酒店,包括宮殿級酒店(palace)的 Hotel Le Bristol Paris,然後前往 DALLOYAU。他在 2009 年發展了現在聞名世界的「陀飛輪」擠花手法,2011 年通過一系列的嚴格比賽與鑑定、獲得法國最佳工藝職人的頭銜,並在同年被任命為 Dalloyau 的創意總監。Yann Brys 主廚在這本即將在 11/27 上市的書中分享了以陀飛輪手法裝飾的多種蛋糕、還有其他或經典或創新的精彩作品。

    現任 Ritz 酒店甜點主廚的 François Perret 的經歷也不遑多讓,他幾乎在巴黎所有宮殿級酒店都工作過,一開始在 Le Meurice、接著在 Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris,然後在 Hotel Lancaster Paris 擔任甜點主廚。2010 年他協助巴黎香格里拉飯店 Shangri-La Hotel, Paris 開幕,並很快幫後者的 L’Abeille 餐廳取得米其林二星。接著他加入 Ritz,這個歷經四年整修的巴黎傳奇宮殿級酒店在他與主廚 Nicolas Sale Officiel 的協力合作下,一年之後便分別為酒店內的兩個餐廳取得米其林二星(La Table d'Espadon)與一星(Les Jardins d'Espadon),他和 Nicolas Sale 也分別奪下 2017 年由《Le Chef》雜誌頒發的年度甜點主廚與年度主廚獎項。上月 François Perret 主廚再獲肯定,被 Les Grandes Tables du Monde 協會選為「meilluer pâtissier de restaurant du monde」(「全球最佳餐廳甜點主廚」)。如同書名「Instants sucrés au Ritz Paris」指明的,本書是以「Rtiz 的甜點時光」規劃,從早餐、午餐、下午茶、晚餐等都有相應的作品。François 主廚的的知名創作如瑪德蓮蛋糕、蜂蜜等都收錄其中。另外有一個好消息要跟台灣讀者分享,本書的繁體中文版已經被 大境文化&出版菊文化(生活美食地圖) 簽下,大家再稍等一下就能看到囉!

    最後則是甜點雜誌 Fou de Pâtisserie 去年十月出版的同名食譜書,近日剛剛發表了德文版,同時也宣布簡體和繁體中文版即將推出。這是一本想要認識法式甜點經典、同時一覽法國主廚們各種精彩重新詮釋版本的讀者們必定要收藏的作品。書中精選了 17 種最經典的法式甜點,如 Baba 巴巴、Opéra 歌劇院蛋糕、Saint-Honoré 聖多諾黑泡芙、Tarte au citron 檸檬塔等,每個主題前先解釋該甜點的起源、並以詳細的步驟圖介紹一個最具代表性的作品,接著介紹該甜點的重要組成元素、然後呈現四五個不同的變化版本(全部由知名主廚提供),最後提供一個能夠使用市售商品與簡便方法,在家快速重現經典的食譜。能夠一次飽覽當代最知名的40 位甜點主廚們的作品、領略法式甜點不斷推陳出新的活力,大概也只有 Fou de Pâtisserie 可以辦到。


    🔖 延伸閱讀:



    如何鑑賞 François Perret 主廚的瑪德蓮蛋糕?https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu


    深度專訪 Fou de Pâtisserie 創辦人與總編輯 Julie Mathieu:https://tinyurl.com/vss89b3

    This November is marked by beautiful pastry recipe books. If you still remember that we’ve talked about the books of the chef Yann Couvreur, Angelo Musa, and Michelin Guide, now there’re some more! The MOF chef Yann Brys and François Perret, head pastry chef of Ritz Paris are publishing their books this week as well. Moreover, Fou de Pâtisserie has just announced that their great recipe book is going to have its traditional and simplified Chinese versions soon.

    Even if you don’t know the chef Yann Brys, you must recognise his world-renowned gesture “tourbillon” still, a technique to pipe cream on a turntable to create a whirl effect. He learnt a wide range of skills from another MOF chef Philippe Urraca, and then worked with Sébastien Gaudard, the “petit prince de la pâtisserie” when he was at Fauchon. He then went through several luxury hotels such as Concorde Lafayette (current Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile) and Hotel Bristol Paris. After that he joined Dalloyau and was named the Creative Director in 2011. He passed through a series of competitions and got his MOF title the same year. In this book “Tourbillon”, the chef shares with us lots of beautiful cakes employing the technique and his other creations as well as the know-how as a Meilleur Ouvrier de France.

    Having worked at most of the Parisian palace hotels, François Perret, current chef pâtissier of Ritz Paris also boasts impressive experiences at Le Meurice, George V before he was appointed as the head pastry chef at Hotel Lancaster Paris. He joined Shangri-La Paris in 2010, assisting its opening and contributing to the Michelin two stars gained in two years for L’Abeille, the fine-dining restaurant at the hotel. He then joined Ritz and has been collaborating with the chef Nicolas Sale ever since. The legendary hotel situated on Place Vendôme reopened in 2016 after 4 years of renovation, but the duo has gained the hotel 3 Michelin stars in total in just a year - La Table d’Espadon got two stars and Les Jardin d’Espadon got 1 star in 2017. The both were further awarded as “Pastry chef of the year” and “Chef of the year” by the magazine “Le Chef” in the same year. François was elected as “Best restaurant pastry chef of the world 2019” last month by Grandes Tables du Monde. The book “Instant sucrés au Ritz Paris” presents those sweet moments offered by the hotel, starting from breakfast, wonderful pastries and desserts served in lunch time, tea time, and on dinner tables are all included. The chef’s signature desserts like the entremets Madeleine, Miel, Île flottante are also covered. Good news is that both the English and traditional Chinese version of the book are on their way. English and Chinese-speaking readers will only need to be patient for little while to learn more about the sweet universe of the chef.

    Last but not least, the Fou de Pâtisserie book published last October is now having its German version. The traditional and simplified Chinese versions will be available soon, too. Collaborating with 40 great French pastry chefs, this book offers pastry passionates a wonderful opportunity to learn about those great French classics as well as their creative variations. 17 classic like baba au rhum, Opera, Saint-Honoré cakes, etc are presented. Their origins and legends are well explained, followed by a signature recipe illustrated step-by-step and presented by one famous chef, followed by four to five variations with real recipes provided by influential chefs. Then finally an express version using existing products sold in shops or supermarkets is featured. This is a fantastic book to glance through some of the best creations of our time and to learn the spirit of creation.

    Click on the following photos to have a closer look!

    🔖 You might also be interested:

    More book reviews: #yingsbookreviews

    Revisiting classics, the fountain-of-youth secret of French pastries: https://tinyurl.com/y5xenfqz

    How to appreciate French pastries (with an example of the “Madeleine” of the chef François Perret): https://tinyurl.com/y54dacbu

    Tea time at Ritz Paris: https://tinyurl.com/v4hqj5g

    Interview with Julie Mathieu, founder and editor in chief of Fou de Pâtisserie: https://tinyurl.com/vss89b3

    #yingc #françoisperret #yannbrys #foudepâtisserie

  • contributing中文 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-12-04 21:00:04

    【自家製 肉丸意粉】https://youtu.be/prC_jQl5esI

    今集法國菜 紅酒雞,一個冬天或者聖誕都好適合嘅一煲過嘅主菜。4-6人份量非常好食入味。

    終於有時間出下片,最近公事繁忙,夜晚又要打機,唯有出慢啲 lol.

    多謝網友Rio 幫手搞中文字幕,如果唔係今日唔會出片 XDD 感謝!

    Coq Au Vin, a traditional French classic dish ideal for Winter or Christmas times. Comes in a pot with no hassles, very tasty and good enough to fill 4-6 persons.

    Finally got a chance to publish this video, work had been busy and dragged by this new pokemon game at night.

    Thanks to viewer Rio for contributing in the Chinese subs. Otherwise today wouldn't be a good day for it. Respect ! x

    #紅酒雞 #聖誕食譜 #coqauvin

  • contributing中文 在 Pieces of Celine C琳 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-12-31 15:37:05

    好一段時間沒有發影片, 因為一些因素, 下隻影片再來和大家好好聊聊.
    2016 的最後一天, 和你們分享這年對我最特別的旅程 - 冰島.
    影片記錄了這次去冰島7日的精華. 冰島真的是很美的地方,
    我們也很幸運的看到了極光. 希望你們有機會一定要親身走一趟!

    先祝大家新年快樂!2017 事事順心~Love you all!



    更多旅遊,美食,時尚,生活 別忘了訂閱頻道, 或是我的blog喔~

    ★ 折扣購物社團:goo.gl/WkqgUo
    ★ Blog: http://www.piecesofc.com
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    ★ weibo: http://www.weibo.com/piecesofc

    ★ 合作信箱: piecesofc@gmail.com

    哈囉 我是 Celine 是居住在紐約的台灣人, 因為喜愛紐約的精采生活,
    因而開始透過部落格,和世界各地的讀者分享紐約的生活體驗, 並出版 “紐約客的秘密基地"一書
    希望透過我的影片和大家分享 我喜歡的 時尚,美妝,穿搭購物, 紐約生活與旅行 (lifestyle).


    ★ Press and Experience:
    ❉ Author of “New Yorker: Secret Spots”
    ❉ NISSAN New Gen "Pieces Of C" : 2014 New Gen Commercial
    ❉ Harper’s Bazaar Taiwan – Fashion Guest Editor/ Contributing blogger
    ❉ Y! Fashion – Guest Editor
    ❉ NTDTV TV show featured guest
    ❉ Exclusive interview on Taiwan’s “USTYLE” online magazine
    ❉ Featured / Contributing blogger on Top Taiwanese Fashion website “womany.net”

    ★ Contact me: piecesofc@gmail.com


