

在 continuous名詞產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 寒假休養生息一週了, 該振奮一下了! 高三學長姊深知在學測想攻頂15級分, 除了單字量,非選的翻譯、作文佔分高達28分,居功不少! 因此今年寒假高二生在學測倒數1年的壓力下, 頻頻詢問俐媽有沒有打基礎的翻譯作文工具書, 以銜接高三上英模班發的高規格翻譯作文攻略書籍。 至於小高一, 目前正在EEC...


continuous名詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-02-03 14:22:55

寒假休養生息一週了, 該振奮一下了! 高三學長姊深知在學測想攻頂15級分, 除了單字量,非選的翻譯、作文佔分高達28分,居功不少! 因此今年寒假高二生在學測倒數1年的壓力下, 頻頻詢問俐媽有沒有打基礎的翻譯作文工具書, 以銜接高三上英模班發的高規格翻譯作文攻略書籍。 至於小高一, 目前正在EEC...

  • continuous名詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-29 17:39:33
    有 104 人按讚







    📈 俐媽英文教室—時態文法用語篇:
    ⏰ present simple 現在簡單式
    ⏰ present continuous 現在進行式
    ⏰ present perfect 現在完成式
    ⏰ present perfect continuous 現在完成進行式
    ⏰ past simple 過去簡單式
    ⏰ past continuous 過去進行式
    ⏰ past perfect 過去完成式
    ⏰ past perfect continuous 過去完成進行式
    ⏰ future simple 未來簡單式
    ⏰ future continuous 未來進行式
    ⏰ future perfect 未來完成式
    ⏰ future perfect continuous 未來完成進行式
    🕰 tense (n.) 時態;(a.) 緊繃的;(v.) 使緊繃
    🎯 俐媽英文教室—常見文法用語篇:
    🔍 subjunctive mood 假設語氣
    🔍 passive voice 被動語態
    🔍 positive 原級
    🔍 comparative 比較級
    🔍 superlative 最高級
    🔍 noun clause 名詞子句
    🔍 relative clause 關係代名詞子句
    🔍 cleft sentence 分裂句
    🔍 conditional sentence 條件句
    🔍 participle clause 分詞構句
    🔍 inversion 倒裝句
    🔍 tag question 附加問句
    🔍 gerund 動名詞
    🔍 infinitive 不定詞
    🔍 imperative (mood) 祈使句/語氣
    🔍 appositive 同位語
    🔍 coordinating conjunction 對等連接詞
    🔍 subordinating conjunction 從屬連接詞
    🔍 exclamatory sentence 感嘆句
    🔍 (five basic) sentence patterns (5大)句型
    #translation #composition #grammar

  • continuous名詞 在 Miss Nancyelle 南西大爺 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-10 20:59:07
    有 118 人按讚


    Dear Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

    Have you ever visited Taiwan? It is a small island right next to China that has an area of 35,808 square kilometers with 23.6 million inhabitants. YES. We have our own constitution, our own government and our democratically elected leaders. We are a sovereign state.

    And YES. Taiwan is a developed country. Although Taiwan has been excluded and blocked or barred from many international organizations and communities due to China’s interference and suppression, Taiwan still managed to have the best healthcare system and advanced medical technologies among the best in the world.

    Do you still remember? In the end of 2019, it was Taiwan that warned WHO and China about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, but Chinese authorities silenced doctors and refused to admit. Then what have you done?

    You did not make it public! You tolerated China’s lack of transparency and decided to be their accomplice in making the coronavirus pandemic a global catastrophe.

    You deliberately put people’s health at risk, and now the whole world suffers from China’s initial denials, continuous cover-ups and your inability. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had 91,595 deaths by today. How much more to come?


    No one judges you because of your race or skin color, nor hairstyle nor gender, but your dereliction of duty! And, hey, those judgments and complaints actually come from not only Asia, not just Europe, but all over the world!

    You have always treated Taiwan’s absence in WHO with indifference. Like a wicked ally of China. And when this whole coronavirus gone wild, you continued to refuse all the kind warnings and messages from Taiwan. We’re always here, and we’re willing to help.

    How dare you accuse Taiwan of these unfounded allegations when you’ve always been the person with power who keeps discriminating and trampling Taiwan and Taiwanese people the whole time?

    In Taiwan, we value human rights, liberty and equality. We are always described kind and friendly. Yet facing injustice, on no account must we endure. We strongly oppose your malicious smear and bullying. We demand a public apology from you to Taiwan and Taiwanese people.


    彈到屎 / 動詞 介詞 名詞 /

    n. 台語念比較傳神




    昨天氣到決定寫一封英文信,結果寫到大半夜可惡。好久沒寫英文作文,好生疏喔天啊😂 我只想做個好國民,但當個好國民有點累🙄



  • continuous名詞 在 Miss Nancyelle 南西大爺 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-04-10 20:47:40
    有 74 人按讚

    彈到屎 / 動詞 介詞 名詞 /

    n. 台語念比較傳神







    Dear Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

    Have you ever visited Taiwan? It is a small island right next to China that has an area of 35,808 square kilometers with 23.6 million inhabitants. YES. We have our own constitution, our own government and our democratically elected leaders. We are a sovereign state.

    And YES. Taiwan is a developed country. Although Taiwan has been excluded and blocked or barred from many international organizations and communities due to China’s interference and suppression, Taiwan still managed to have the best healthcare system and advanced medical technologies among the best in the world.

    Do you still remember? In the end of 2019, it was Taiwan that warned WHO and China about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, but Chinese authorities silenced doctors and refused to admit. Then what have you done?

    You did not make it public! You tolerated China’s lack of transparency and decided to be their accomplice in making the coronavirus pandemic a global catastrophe.

    You deliberately put people’s health at risk, and now the whole world suffers from China’s initial denials, continuous cover-ups and your inability. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had 91,595 deaths by today. How much more to come?


    No one judges you because of your race or skin color, nor hairstyle nor gender, but your dereliction of duty! And, hey, those judgments and complaints actually come from not only Asia, not just Europe, but all over the world!

    You have always treated Taiwan’s absence in WHO with indifference. Like a wicked ally of China. And when this whole coronavirus gone wild, you continued to refuse all the kind warnings and messages from Taiwan. We’re always here, and we’re willing to help.

    How dare you accuse Taiwan of these unfounded allegations when you’ve always been the person with power who keeps discriminating and trampling Taiwan and Taiwanese people the whole time?

    In Taiwan, we value human rights, liberty and equality. We are always described kind and friendly. Yet facing injustice, on no account must we endure. We strongly oppose your malicious smear and bullying. We demand a public apology from you to Taiwan and Taiwanese people.




  • continuous名詞 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • continuous名詞 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • continuous名詞 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

