

在 continually意思產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,036的網紅侍酒師幫幫忙!,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Errázuriz,很不智利但很傑出的智利酒】 之前在寫Errázuriz時我就持此意見,再來一次我還是矢志不移。市場對智利酒的看法或評論都可以忽略不計,Errázuriz的高階款的世界觀已然超脫,重要的是釀造哲學在四十年前沒人聽說過智利葡萄酒的年代就已確定!事後諸葛人人會,但先知的寂寞與等待常...

continually意思 在 陳曼蒂?TMI Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-01 19:08:49

“Some #wounds do not close #🐇 I have many such” — #👑 #QueenAnne “There are #limits to what one can give” 🐴 #LadySarah “As it turns out, I'm capable of...

  • continually意思 在 侍酒師幫幫忙! Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-24 21:40:16
    有 16 人按讚



    Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 1983
    12.5%, 5-7 mons in rauli oak, recork, 100% CS

    首發年份,32年後仍不顯老態!生長季創下當地高溫歷史紀錄,因而提早採收,酒精度出奇的低(口感是中低酒精度沒錯,12.5%應該不是誤植),整體輕盈均衡。不說的話我會猜1996年左岸高比例CS的Margaux區名莊。這款酒不管是葡萄品種使用方式或是釀造手法都很不波爾多(你聽過rauli oak嗎?),想當然爾不是主流風味的呈現(12.5% alc的Cab,酒體與桶味都不重,完全可以猜想某些酒評家的反應),但非常有態度,我挺喜歡。這是青澀青春的達文西油畫【受胎告知】,構圖簡潔,細節精工雕琢,概念完整不失,且可永世流傳。(Francisco不好意思,我知道1983不是你釀的。)

    至於親愛的Francisco,今天最喜歡你的Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 2017。現代波爾多左岸級數酒風格,潔淨、明確。整體而言偏向濃郁集中而奢華,但不會很刻意,有光彩,但不刺眼,起承轉合意隨心轉,讓人輕易耽溺。這是倫敦現場的Les Miserables,燈光音響與劇情唱工行雲流水,樂趣盎然。


    Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 1983
    Medium bright ruby color with a slightly tawny rim. Very delicate and fine, together and vivid. Very charming Margaux. Lovely polish. Fine and smooth tannins there continually on the finish. Surprising fresh. Abundance in acidity. Now~2028

    Errázuriz, Don Maximiano Founder's Reserve 2017
    A classically styled wine. Controlled and clean in oak, polished and delicate. Classy Bordelais profile. Complex nose, fresh black cherry, forest floor and wood. Perfect balance. Now~2032


  • continually意思 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-19 23:33:50
    有 1,900 人按讚

    【專題訪問 Interview Feature】2019年度香港大學學生會周年大選中央幹事會候選内閣蒼傲訪問(外務篇) | Interview with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union of Annual Election 2019 (External Affairs)

    (Please scroll down for English version.)



    1. 你們的政治光譜/政治立場是甚麼?

    2. 你們是否支持香港獨立?

    3. 你們覺得香港獨立是否合法?

    4. 你們是否同意香港政府取締香港民族黨?

    5. 你們是否同意香港政府DQ議員?

    6. 你們是否支持人大釋法?

    7. 你們是否同意一國兩制?

    8. 你們是否支持國歌法和23條立法?

    9. 你們對違法達義有何看法?

    10. 你們對初一事件有何看法?

    11. 你們是否同意政府以暴動罪控告參與者?

    Campus TV has interviewed with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union, Session 2019, with regards to their treatment of external affairs. Prism has expressed their stance and opinions on various external issues, which include: their not opposing the Hong Kong government’s banning of the Hong Kong National Party, believing in the government’s legitimacy for the disqualification of legislators, believing in the involvement of gangs in the Mong Kok Incident of 2016, and expressing their confidence in the current legal system.

    The interview excerpts are as follows:

    1. Where do you stand on the political spectrum? / How would you define your political stance?
    We believe the current word items are unable to express our Cabinet’s political stance. For example, if you consider the term localism or Hong Kong independence, these groups have not a clear boundary or universal definition given by the society. Whether it be the political spectrum or political stance, us who are Hong Kong-ers or who have been educated in Hong Kong, have a tendency to think from the standpoint of Hong Kong. If we consider the benefits from the standpoint of Hong Kong, we also need to consider the timeline. This (the timeline) means, that we should consider if these benefits are of short term or long term. Therefore, when considering Hong Kong’s benefits, we should also consider the policies and bills of neighbouring countries. Therefore, if we had to define our political stance in terms, it would be “international perspective that comes from a local standpoint”. The former is a consideration to the benefits, the latter is a consideration to the execution.

    2. Do you support Hong Kong independence?
    Firstly, we think this matter could be discussed freely, especially within the premises of the University. In terms of agreeing with Hong Kong independence, we think that Hong Kong independence is currently not the best option to be executed in Hong Kong, because there are still many other options to consider and discuss about. In addition, I think that Hong Kong’s internal affairs are very severe, like the external affairs that are mentioned in our campaign booklet, for example, students’ suicides, rising property prices, the severely outdated innovation and technology. These are problems that our internal department has to confront and resolve, therefore we put these internal affairs as our priority.

    3. Do you think that Hong Kong independence is legal?
    We believe any discussion that is in compliance with the law is acceptable. Therefore, we think that under the current, comprehensive legal system, with no breaching of the law, a person or group should be allowed to speak their thoughts on different issues.

    4. Do you agree with Hong Kong government’s banning of the Hong Kong National Party?
    Firstly, we believe that Hong Kong’s rule of law is still quite comprehensive. Therefore, we do not have much hesitation nor opposition for a judgment that is based on what we consider to be an intact judicial system of Hong Kong. In terms of the banning of the Hong Kong National Party, the society has different voices, but we believe we ought to obey the judgment that comes from what the majority of Hong Kong considers to be a comprehensive legal system.

    5. Do you agree with Hong Kong government’s disqualification of legislators?
    Actually, we have since the very beginning believed in Hong Kong’s rule of law as quite a frontrunner in the world; this has been backed by some survey organisations within the community too, so we believe that this rule of law can bring out a fair trial. Therefore, in regards to the disqualification of some legislators, we willingly believe that the entirety of the judgment process has been fair, with sufficient arguments to back up the government’s verdict. We do not express any special opinions towards this incident.

    6. Do you support the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress’ Interpretation of the Basic Law (SCNPC's Interpretation of BL, or Interpretation of the Basic Law by the SCNPC)?
    For the enactment of every legislation, it starts from a small portion of elites that begin to build its (the legislation’s) framework, it then continues to be improved as society grows. For this reason, the law is not a printed book, it allows us to continually amend, better, and complete items that are left neglected or faulted by predecessors. This applies for the SCNPC's Interpretation of BL, I believe the most important thing is, we hope to gain more Hong Kong-ers’ support under these fine-tunings (by the SCNPC's Interpretation of BL), we think this is what counts as a successful re-interpretation of the law.

    7. Do you agree with the constitutional principle of “one country, two systems”?
    We support all the terms that were signed in the Handover of Hong Kong, and this definitely includes the principle of “one country, two systems”.

    8. Do you support the National Anthem Bill and the enactment of Article 23?
    Due to the many controversies on this matter, we do not wish to comment on any legislation that has yet to be implemented or stipulated in explicit terms. This would be a prejudice on the said bill(s). These bills still have a lot of room for negotiation, so we believe the government should consider different voices, so as to introduce a legislation that is accepted by the majority of Hong Kong-ers.

    9. What are your views on the idea of achieving justice by violating the law?
    Hong Kong is a city with a comprehensive legal system; anyone has the right to express their own appeal or action. We advocate that everyone has the freedom to decide for their own deeds and express their own thoughts, but everyone should also be responsible to bear the consequences of their actions. Needless to say, we definitely believe that our legal system is perfect and fair.

    10. What are your views on the Mong Kok Incident in 2016?
    With regards to the Mong Kok unrest, many media sources have reported about the involvement of many illegal parties, and even that of gangs or triads. So, are the demonstrators in the Mong Kok unrest really with pure intentions to speak up, for the sake of expressing themselves as Hong Kong citizens?

    11. Do you agree with the government’s decision to charge participants (of the Mong Kok Incident in 2016) with the offence of rioting?
    With regards to the arrest of those participants, we hope that the Hong Kong government has had solid evidence to support (their arrest), and that the trial process has been fair. I hope they receive a fair trial.



    Other candidates for the Annual Election 2019 include the Proposed General Secretary Mak Ka Chun Eugene, the Proposed Cabinet of Campus TV, the Proposed Editorial Board of Undergrad, and the Proposed Popularly Elected Union Councillor.

    The Central Campaign for Annual Election 2019 will be held from the 21st to 25th of January at the Sun Yat-sen Place, from 12:30 to 14:30.

  • continually意思 在 小小兔大戰情緒怪獸 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-06-23 21:27:38
    有 9 人按讚

    << 説話改變命運 >>

    今天在看Joel Osteen的新書:The Power of I AM. 很鼓勵同路人們去閲讀這本好書,它實在給了我很多的提醒、安慰和力量。


    Whatever follows the 'I am' will eventually find you. The good news is you get to choose what follows the 'I am'.


    When you continually talk about the problem, that's going to only make you more discouraged, and it gives that problem more life. You're making it bigger. Turn it around. Don't talk about the problem; talk about the promise.



    Say it by faith: 'All is well.' It may not look well. It may not feel well. In the natural you should be complaining, talking about how bad it is, but instead you're making a declaration of faith: 'All is well,' That's when the most powerful force in the universe goes to work.


    從來看聖經也不明白,究竟 ' Let the weak say, ''I am strong'' '. 是什麽意思,今天我終於明白了。這就是,信心的功課。信心,改變了我們的命運。


