You’ve probably heard it a million times before - that the audience don’t see (and is not supposed to see) the struggles of a person becoming an artis...
You’ve probably heard it a million times before - that the audience don’t see (and is not supposed to see) the struggles of a person becoming an artist. When the curtain goes up and spot light shines, you - the performer, makes all the darkness go away and brings the audience (and yourself) to a another realm of reality. That’s the magic of the stage, theatre, music and live performances.
I want to applaud my colleague and sister in arm - Winnie Ho @winniehomusic for her display of zen-ness and professionalism in times of a health hiccup. On Monday she showed up at rehearsal with already infected vocals and soldiered through our work. On Tuesday morning we had to cancel on a TSS appearance and performance at the @awpmalaysia media launch of #KnotTheWaste campaign because she woke up with just air in her voice. Came Wednesday morning, our dance rehearsal for our gigs this week, she showed up and was prepared to rock and roll, just not speaking at all. Our first gig for the week was last night at Guardian dinner. Through all our rehearsals this week she showed no sign of panic or worry, except to prepare for the show, plotting contingency plans, etc.
I’ve been there many times over myself - having lost my voice completely and having to face up to upcoming gigs. Calm I was not, I’d shot to the nearest ENT and go on a steroid diet and had sleepless nights about not recovering in time.
Long story short (thank you if you’re still reading) - we had an amazing show last night. Her voice came back, enough to pulled us all through a show that client and audience enjoyed much and loved. Much thanks to @alfred2892 for making sure all were good on stage for us.
When we held hands on stage to sing Thank You For The Music last night, the emotion I felt was true and raw, just the kind I want to remember for years to come.
Thank you for being one of my pillars of strength at work, sister Winnie.
Here’s to good health, lemon water everyday, to good music, amazing workmates and blue skies!
Please follow us at @theshanghaisisters - FB and YouTube.
#janetleemusic #theshanghaisisters #尚海姐妹 #亚洲首支中文爵士女声三重唱 #janetwrites #janetfashion #tssfashion #showgirldiary
contingency中文 在 診所嘔血事件簿 Facebook 的最佳貼文
最搞笑係第二日經理類似秋後算帳,搵姑娘2發脾氣。雞蛋裏挑骨頭,話我地臨走手寫貼喺門口個Notice寫得唔好。又話點解唔先send俾佢哋,批准左先至再貼喺門口?Sor9ry,你覺得我有咁多時間去等你咩?有咁難咩寫個Notice?仲要係個Notice係 我.寫.嘅!!!!!姑娘們慌忙換衫嘅時候,我爭取時間幫佢哋寫。我啲中文係咁上下㗎啦,吹呀?咁叻你自己過嚟寫!Approve乜L嘢呀??!??
由於公司咁無良/小氣/孤寒,嚟緊又話有遊行,我忍唔住抄咗連登仔嘅template,問老細根據勞工法例,佢點樣Make sure員工喺安全嘅工作底下返工?有乜嘢Contingency Plan?
當然老細梗係Hea答我。仲要話集會地點可能係謠言,話到時先算等等。到時我比個皇帝你做好唔好?新聞都有講人哋嗰度申請不反對通知書,仲係謠言咩? 就算未confirm,我都有權知道你有乜Plan。
老細, you can kiss my (beautiful dog’s) f-ing ass!
contingency中文 在 診所嘔血事件簿 Facebook 的最讚貼文
最搞笑係第二日經理類似秋後算帳,搵姑娘2發脾氣。雞蛋裏挑骨頭,話我地臨走手寫貼喺門口個Notice寫得唔好。又話點解唔先send俾佢哋,批准左先至再貼喺門口?Sor9ry,你覺得我有咁多時間去等你咩?有咁難咩寫個Notice?仲要係個Notice係 我.寫.嘅!!!!!姑娘們慌忙換衫嘅時候,我爭取時間幫佢哋寫。我啲中文係咁上下㗎啦,吹呀?咁叻你自己過嚟寫!Approve乜L嘢呀??!??
由於公司咁無良/小氣/孤寒,嚟緊又話有遊行,我忍唔住抄咗連登仔嘅template,問老細根據勞工法例,佢點樣Make sure員工喺安全嘅工作底下返工?有乜嘢Contingency Plan?...
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contingency中文 在 Pazu 薯伯伯 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#白卷出版社 #序言書室
序言書室 2019年5月銷售排行榜
1 《不正常旅行研究所》 Pazu 薯伯伯 白卷出版社
2 《六四十問》 許偉恆 進一步
3 《抗爭:靈性的思考》 戴耀廷
4 《重返天安門:在失憶的人民共和國,追尋六四的歷史真相》 林慕蓮 Louisa Lim/譯:廖珮杏 八旗文化
5 《成功組織者的八堂課》 Alexandra Bradbury, Mark Brenner, and Jane Slaughter/譯: 香港工運史研究小組 工盟
6 《酒神的抗爭 - 絕望香港的哲學出路》 黃國鉅 天窗出版
7 《暴政:掌控關鍵年代的獨裁風潮,洞悉時代之惡的20堂課》 Timothy Snyder/譯:劉維人 聯經出版
8 《六四三0》 陳潤芝 四筆象
9 《Recursivity and Contingency》 Yuk Hui 許煜 Rowman & Littlefield International
10 《文明的遊牧史觀: 一部逆轉的大中國史》 楊海英/譯:鄭天恩 八旗文化
11 《失治之城—掙扎求存的香港》 顧汝德 Leo F. Goodstadt 天窗出版
12 《尋租中國:台商、廣東模式與全球資本主義》 吳介民 國立臺灣大學
13 《情感政治》 許寶強 天窗出版
14 《蒙古帝國的漫長遺緒:
後蒙古時代與世界史的重新構圖》 杉山正明/譯:陳心慧 八旗文化
15 《香港關鍵詞》 朱耀偉編 中文大學出版社
1 Breakazine 057 留白
2 風流 Issue#1
3 無形 Vol:13 May2019 金牛座