在 contemplate意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅跟著莫莉過生活,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 暑假有好多家長都會幫小朋友搵興趣班🌞 我自己就比較著重小朋友創意思維和解難能力, 呢幾點對於作為新世代小朋友係好重要🌟 之前同大家分享過星級遊室戲 綠悠遊 開設暑期興趣班, 就有創新型小朋友興趣班例如我將會比小寶哥上既Lego Education班,仲有VR班, 綜合藝術班、視覺藝術班等等, 我都覺...
contemplate意思 在 跟著莫莉過生活 Facebook 的最佳解答
我自己就比較著重小朋友創意思維和解難能力, 呢幾點對於作為新世代小朋友係好重要🌟
之前同大家分享過星級遊室戲 綠悠遊 開設暑期興趣班, 就有創新型小朋友興趣班例如我將會比小寶哥上既Lego Education班,仲有VR班, 綜合藝術班、視覺藝術班等等, 我都覺得好吸引呀👍
睇下條片介紹返呢幾個興趣班😊 莫莉讀者優惠:
10/7 或之前報名,20% off
13/7 或之前報名,10% off
興趣班詳情可以向 Helios Education
whatsapp查詢:9509 1629
🌟Integrated AR/VR STEM Class
課程有超過1000 個AR、3D及360度內容,讓小朋友在iPad 上隨意對影像放大、縮細和轉換角度去觀察,或戴上VR眼鏡在海底世界、外太空、恐龍世界暢遊,配合由專家撰寫嘅資料和導師 (英語授課) 即場嘅指導,讓小朋友在趣味中更快掌握到各種科學知識,培育對STEM 學習興趣。
🌟Lego - Early Simple Machine Class
以Lego Early Simple Machines 專利積木組合,配合各種有趣組件,讓小朋友在各種創意活動和互動遊戲中,了解現實世界的科學概念,提升小朋友基本機械概念及解決問題技巧。
🌟Lego – Community and Animal World
當幼兒踏進三歲的階段,便開始有強烈的好奇心,也會花更多時間去理解及探索身邊的環境。在暑期課程中,我們精選了部分幼兒喜愛探索的領域——「我們的社區 Community」及「動物天地 Animal World」作主題,讓幼兒透過樂高課程的4C概念(Connect,Construct, contemplate及Continue),深入淺出地增加對主題的認識,亦能從玩樂中得到學習的樂趣。
「我們的社區」: 課程中以警察、消防員、救護人員及建築師等職業為主,讓幼兒認識社會上為我們服務的人。
🌟Integrated Art 綜合藝術
🌟Arts and Crafts 兒童視覺藝術《配合教育局課程指引》
本中心同Polish Art Studio 合辦嘅藝術教育,以現代的方式糅合傳統與創新,配合《教育局視覺藝術課程指引》,每節課均以「賞畫與技巧學習」、「實際操作與創作」及「共同賞畫與評畫」三個環節構成。通過分組討論、個人創作、集體合作,強化幼兒/兒童之間的默契、分工與合作,培養創造力、協作、解難與溝通等基本能力。
contemplate意思 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
【玳瑚師父佛學論】 《心房的那盞燈》
That Light In Your Heart (English version below)
The greatness of the Sun shines on all sentient beings, and everything under the Sun is reliant on it for survival. It is plain to see that all sentient beings need the empowerment of Light, in order to flourish with inextinguishable hope. Perhaps you belong to the group of people who are afraid of the dark. When night falls, you cannot bring yourself to walk into that pitch-dark room. You dare not go down to the basement. You would not think of entering the kitchen either. And you most certainly would not take a bath or relieve yourself in the washroom. If you are bothered by this phobia for many years and find it difficult to confide in others around you, please find Master Dai Hu immediately. The halos of Light emitting from him can definitely help you ignite that Light in your heart.
"Do you mean to say that all those people are afraid of the dark and suffer from its associated phobia, because the Light in their hearts are never lit?". Yes, that is right. You really cannot judge a book by its cover! Those of you who asked this question may fall under this category too, but if you make more time to read Master Dai Hu's articles, one day, you will find that there is more to you than meets the eye. I mentioned in my previous articles that the Dharma is part of our daily lives, and only those ignorant and unaccomplished persons would tell you otherwise and insist that Dharma has nothing to do with our daily lives. That is just too ruthless!
The wisdom of the Buddha is complete and free from any hindrance. There is so much wisdom to be discovered from the Buddha statues alone for us to contemplate. Thus please do not fall into the company of people, learned or not, who allege that enshrining a Buddha statue is merely idol worship! Just by uttering this statement, it will be even more difficult to ignite the Light in your heart, and darkness will seize the chance to take its place. It is a matter of time that this ghostly energy creeps into your heart. As this negative energy perpetuates in severity, you might even cry out seeing ghost in broad daylight! How pitiful that will be! If you know Master Dai Hu, and is willing to see him, he will gladly help you shake off the ghostly shadow in your heart and guide you to finally ignite that Light in your heart, that will penetrate all darkness and ignorance.
Those people fear the dark because they are not aware that darkness in the skies is only temporary. Neither are they aware that the Sun never sets! Coupled with the afflictions of greed, anger, ignorance, jealousy, arrogance and suspicion, and the many dishonorable thoughts and intents over a period of time, the Light in your heart will be extinguished by this noxious influence. Furthermore, if you walk the path of darkness for too long, you will encounter ghosts and of course, be fearful of them. Visualize often the Light of the Sun, and imprint the Light onto your heart. Act in ways that are as noble as the Sun. In these ways, the Light in your heart will gradually and naturally regain its spark, and you can bade farewell to the days of darkness.
Photo credit: Dharmaeye.com,