呢個年代好多人都知道減塑係邁向環保生活嘅一大步,咁如果有可以生物降解 biodegradable 嘅塑膠,係咪可以完美解決「塑膠vs環保」嘅局面😍?究竟 biodegradable嘅塑膠,係救世發明定只係虛假/誤導說明?
Biodegradable形容任何可以降解 (break down) 至好...
呢個年代好多人都知道減塑係邁向環保生活嘅一大步,咁如果有可以生物降解 biodegradable 嘅塑膠,係咪可以完美解決「塑膠vs環保」嘅局面😍?究竟 biodegradable嘅塑膠,係救世發明定只係虛假/誤導說明?
Biodegradable形容任何可以降解 (break down) 至好細好細、細都可以俾微生物食咗 (consumed by microorganisms)嘅物件,可以理解為「能重返並成為大自然一部分」嘅形容詞。幻想一個蘋果由樹上跌到地下,喺冇任何人為干涉及正常環境嘅條件,呢個蘋果會降解至微生物可以consume、成為蘋果樹嘅養分(幾個月至幾年時間),biodegradable係類似咁嘅慨念。
不過 biodegradable 呢個字暫時係冇受法律規管,同「fresh/healthy」差唔多都係冇一個客觀標準嘅。咁而家成日見到嘅 biodegradable/bio plastic,又或者 degradable plastic係咪就可以俾塑膠「回歸」大自然呢?Degradable plastic呢個係偽命題,我之前有分享過,有興趣嘅可以睇返舊少少嘅post。至於 biodegradable/bio plastic,其實商家係應該用較為精準嘅用字 compostable (可堆肥的)。
Compostable係一個受法律監管嘅字,ASTM International standards 6400/6868就規定「可堆肥」嘅物料要喺商用/受管理堆肥設施中喺180日以內生物降解。如果你會問咩係商用/受管理堆肥設施 (managed/commercial composting facilities),哈哈哈你就問中要害了🤫🤫。
Composting 係一個講求 「water + air + carbon + nitrogen」 、phLevel等等條件平衡嘅過程,要個比例做到理想嘅先至可以做到堆肥。所以,如果你將 compostable(或所謂 biodegradable)嘅塑膠扔去堆填區,佢係唔會、唔會、唔會堆到肥(主要原因係堆填區冇足夠氧氣,冇人會耕鬆啲堆填區🌝)。先唔講好多香港人冇花園冇農地,到目前為止香港都冇商用/受管理堆肥設施(其實好多大城市都冇),更加唔好問社會認知分唔分到咩係「可堆肥」。甚至有研究顯示,將compostable嘅嘢棄置喺堆填區啲物件係會產生methane甲烷。
市面太多標榜「可生物降解」嘅產品,唔少係用PLA (塑膠type 7)。但PLA要點樣先可以回歸大自然?PLA要喺密封嘅堆肥設施加熱至攝氏60度,再配合特定嘅微生物 (special digestive microbes)先會喺180日內做到90% biodegradable (根據ASTM D6400, ISO 17088 同 EN 13432 standards)。
個問題唔係喺個產品,而係喺社會條件下非常艱難先可以做到堆肥。唔好以為你用緊 biodegradable/bio/compostable嘅物料就好綠色生活,事實係如果大家冇兼顧到咁多客觀條件,你只會係用咗好多錢去買呢啲更污染環境嘅物料。
#香港人 #環保 #greenwashing #biodegradable
consume字根 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[商業寫作技巧] Jeff Bezos Final Shareholder Letter as Amazon CEO
上禮拜4月 15 日,亞馬遜創辦人 Jeff Bezos 發表了他 CEO 任內最後一封致股東的信。 歷年來亞馬遜的 shareholder letters 都廣受好評,甚至被許多專家封為美國最會寫股東信的企業之一。
1. 回顧:1997到今天,一路走來的成就
2. 價值:計算亞馬遜對社會各方創造的價值
3. 員工:亞馬遜其實對員工不錯,而且承諾未來會更好
4. 環境:亞馬遜對環境永續做的貢獻
5. 結語:世界要我們平凡,但我們要堅持獨特
🎯 針對「亞馬遜對世界是好是壞?」:貝佐斯列出公司對社會各界— 使用者、新創公司、小商家等等 — 所做出的貢獻。
🎯 針對「亞馬遜如何對待員工」:貝佐斯列舉證據,表示亞馬遜其實對員工不錯,但又反過來說:我們未來一定會做的更好!
✍️ I. Make it simple & focused
What are the top things your audience is thinking about? Focus on that. Don’t add a lot of other complicated stuff. Simplify and focus.
寫英文 — 尤其商業英文 — 最重要的就是簡潔、明瞭、聚焦。
If you want to be successful in business (in life, actually), you have to create more than you consume. Your goal should be to create value for everyone you interact with. Any business that doesn’t create value for those it touches, even if it appears successful on the surface, isn’t long for this world. It’s on the way out.
沒有什麼很艱澀,高學歷的人才會用的字。大部分都只有一個音節而已。可能只有 “isn't long for this world” 有些人會需要查 (就是不會活很久的意思)。
✍️ II. But… Be Conversational
但你有沒有注意到,內容有一點點重複?那一段的最後兩句:“isn’t long for this world” 跟 “It's on the way out” 根本是完全一樣的內容啊!這根本就跟英文寫作老師教我們的原則 — 可以刪的字就刪掉 — 相反對不對?
沒錯。因為這封信的語氣 (並非所有商業寫作),就像是聊天一樣。我們在聊天的時候,是否會為了強調一個重點,用稍微不同的方式,重複同一件事?
•She is the corporate group’s top-ranked sales representative
•She’s by far our best sales rep, just insanely good. Like, nobody else comes close.
✍️ III. Make it about PEOPLE
當然,除了語氣之外,還有另一個層面非常重要 — 就是說「人」的故事。
貝佐斯在這封信放了非常,非常,非常多的數字:亞馬遜雇用130萬人、超過二億人使用 Prime 服務、近兩萬商家使用平台銷售、亞馬遜為股東創造出1.6兆美元的財富,等等等等的…
...more than 7/8ths of the shares, representing $1.4 trillion of wealth creation, are owned by others. Who are they? They’re pension funds, universities, and 401(k)s, and they’re Mary and Larry, who sent me this note out of the blue just as I was sitting down to write this shareholder letter:
貝佐斯把焦點帶到一個散戶小股東家庭身上,並且用他們寫給他的一封信,來強調亞馬遜對「普羅大眾」的貢獻。這個很值得大家效法:別只是一味的丟出數據 (理性),也要不時的回到「人」的故事 (感性),才能打動別人。
There are many ways to improve your life: eating better, sleeping more, worrying less, and saying NO.
然後轉換主題:說一個有關 saying no 的故事。
💡還需要貝佐斯(或是他的寫手)更高段的一些寫作技巧嗎? 需要的同學請按個讚和留言「It’s all about PEOPLE.」。
完整信件: https://bit.ly/3v9P1a9
consume字根 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
汗 – 以出汗將病邪由體內帶出體外,多用於感冒或水腫症狀,菊花、芫茜、薄荷等皆是有發汗解表功效的食物。
吐 – 以催吐的方法,將病邪吐出,多為急救處理,因此在沒有醫師辨證下絕不要自己胡亂嘗試。較常見用於為進食過急,而令食物滯留胃中未能消化。
下 – 即為促瀉,也是很多人所理解的「排毒」方法,以苦寒又或是溫性藥療增加瀉下,此法峻猛,由於病人本身體質的強弱的不同,用法不當會對身體帶來傷害。身體虛弱、老人、孕婦、月經期間都切勿胡亂嘗試這種方式。
和 – 即為「調和」,主要是和解虛實、寒熱症狀,以達以身體狀態的協調。
溫 – 以溫性食療或中藥驅除體內的寒冷,即為大家常聽到的補益陽氣及溫中散寒,尤其適合虛寒體質人士,平日也可適量進食溫熱食材如肉桂、栗子、羊肉等以補陽氣,有虛火及偏熱體質人士不宜。
清 – 簡單來說即為清熱,選擇涼性食療及中藥以清除身體的偏熱症狀,如喉嚨痛、口瘡、心情煩躁等,也是大家一般覺得自己上火時喝涼茶下火的道理,正因要清熱,食療及中藥需為涼性,多進食則會傷陽氣,當偏熱症狀緩解後就不要再繼續服用了。
消 – 即為化瘀散結,主要針對氣滯、血瘀體質等因氣血不通而引致的症狀,如胃脹、腫傷等,消食化氣,在療程中多配以下法同用,還是諮詢中醫師更穩妥。
補 – 也是一般人認知的「進補」,補益陰陽氣血及身體虛損,主要針對體弱人士,分為補氣、血、陰及陽四大類。補氣針對氣虛人士,平日說話無力、多汗;補血針對血虛或貧血人士,此類人多有頭暈目眩,女性月經量少色淺;補陰亦即滋陰,為身體補充水分,乾燥天氣時也適合;而補陽適合畏冷體質及陽虛人士,易有腰痠、手腳冰冷及小便頻繁等症狀。
Eight treatment methodology within Chinese medicine
When people see the word "detoxification", they assume it is suitable for everyone. In fact, it should be done based on your body condition. Symptoms are divided into asthenic and excessive. Those with asthenic symptoms should nourish their body, and those with excessive symptoms should focus on clearing. Chinese medicine has "eight treatment methods", which is sweating, vomiting, purging, regulating, warming, clearing, eliminating and nourishing. In short, you should relieve different symptoms and adjust physical state based on your body condition. Therefore, to detoxify and dispel illness, it is not just a matter of defecation. You should consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner to find out the correct treatment for your problem.
Sweating- To expel illness out of body by sweating. It is often used for cold/flu or edema. Chrysanthemum, cilantro and mint are foods that promote sweating.
Vomiting- To let illness out by inducing vomiting, it is a first-aid treatment. So do not try it yourself without consulting a professional. It is commonly used for eating too fast, and the food is retained in the stomach which cannot be digested.
Purging- It means to inducing diarrhea, a “detoxification” method that many people know. You can have bitter and cold or warm medicine treatment to increase diarrhea effect. This method is too strong. You should use this method according your strength of body condition or it can be harmful. Those with asthenic and weak body condition, elderly, pregnant women, and those menstruating should not try this.
Regulating- It is mainly to regulate the asthenic and excessive symptoms, cold and heat, in order to achieve a balanced physical state.
Warming- To dispel cold in the body by having warm nature diet or medicine. It is the method people talk about regarding nourishing yang and dispelling cold, especially suitable for those with asthenic and cold body condition. You can also appropriately consume warm and hot ingredients such as cinnamon, chestnuts, lamb to increase yang qi. It is not appropriate for those with asthenic fire and heat-related symptoms.
Clearing- It means clearing heat in a simple way. To choose cool diet and Chinese medicine to clear the heat-related symptoms, such as sore throat, canker sores, irritability, etc. It is also the reason that everyone drink the herbal tea to clear heat when they feel like there is fire in the body. To clear the heat, the diet and Chinese medicine are cool in nature. Eating too much will hurt the yang qi, and when the heat-related symptoms are relieved, do not continue to take it.
Eliminating- this is to eliminate stasis and usually focuses on qi stagnation and blood stasis related issues such as abdominal bloating and swelling pains. To aid digestion, treatments may involve purging so it is better to consult a Chinese medicine practitioner.
Nourishing- This means eating tonic food in common way. It can nourish yin, yang, qi, blood and body damage, mainly for those with weak body condition. It is divided into four categories: qi, blood, yin and yang. Nourishing qi is suitable for people with qi deficiency, weakness in voice and excessive sweating. Nourishing blood is for blood deficiency or anemia, people with this situation are often experience dizziness, and women may have less menstrual volume and light blood colour. Nourishing yin means replenishing water for the body, suitable for dry weather. Nourishing yang is suitable for those are aversion to cold and with yang deficiency, and have symptoms such as sore back, cold limbs and frequent urination.
#男 #女 #我煩燥 #我畏冷 #我枯燥 #我狀態OK #我有壓力 #我胖了 #我疲憊 #陽虛 #濕熱 #陰虛 #陽虛 #氣滯 #血瘀 #血虛
consume字根 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳解答
《美容發財法》(English version below)
Wealth-Boosting Beauty Tips
It was the Spring Festival about 2 years ago when I received a call from a stranger. It was a lady's voice on the other end, and as my usual practice, I asked her who recommended her to me, or from which channel she knew of me. She told me she was visiting the new home of her friend, and immediately got attracted by the good energy fields in the house. She felt in awe and elated at the same time, in any case, she felt very comfortable. She was sure that the Feng Shui Master behind this must be a competent one. When she had finished talking, I told her lightly that the energy fields of new houses are all generally good! However she insisted that it was due to my Feng Shui. One can see how confident this lady is.
This "confident" lady phoned me to seek my professional service. However, due to her "confidence", she was turned away when she did have the opportunity to transform her destiny. What a pity! Why does Master Dai Hu sigh? Why do I pity such a lady? Aren't cases like this a common sight to you? It is a common occurrence indeed. However, I have made vows to deliver sentient beings. How could I pass up the opportune affinity to do just that, leave sentient beings in their sufferings while I live my life worry-free? If that is so, how would I deserve your respect? I sighed because in her quest for beauty, this lady went for a cosmetic surgery but ended up with a botch job. She found the person capable of helping her, yet destroyed the chance with her "confidence".
Even though it is natural for a woman to beautify herself for her sweetheart, reality is that both men and women are inclined to make themselves happy by enhancing their beauty through plastic surgery. Master Dai Hu is an understanding person, and thus I am going to give out a big present again to my fans and all with whom I have affinity with. It will give you more confidence and pizazz as you walk in the sunshine, on the streets, into your workplace, or at any social gathering. If one is not endowed from birth, it is necessary to strive and work hard. To acquire beauty, you must focus on these few following points:
1. Examine your Bazi to find out what is your favorable element.
2. Based on the favorable element in your Bazi, select the beauty products, cosmetics, or the beauty salons you wish to visit.
3. Based on your favourable element in your Bazi, select the correct types of food and drinks.
If you do not know your own favourable element in your Bazi, fret not, I am going to teach you a non-Bazi related technique to make you prettier and richer at the same time. Honestly speaking, it yields the best result if you know the favourable element of your Bazi. However, if you do not know, then this method is the second best. Wash your face every time in lukewarm water, beginning from the forehead to your nose, then to your cheeks before moving down to your chin and neck. Minimize consumption of coffee or other drinks with stimulants. In your choice of desserts, opt for beancurd skin and barley soup, red bean or green bean soup, but please use rock sugar to cook it. Please drastically reduce your intake of food that are fried, deep-fried, roasted, baked or smoked. Try to consume soup and vegetables in every meal. Very soon, you will discover the increase in your "face" value. When that time arrives, don't forget to thank me for these beauty get-rich tips!