

在 consolidate英文產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文] 國慶演說 🇹🇼 同學們看了2020的國慶演說嗎? 以下為演說概要,來學習英文吧! 影片: https://youtu.be/IX5zLHf9Ll4 ★★★★★★★★★★★★ 需要更多單字嗎?按個讚,並於留言處回覆「Please give me the full summary...


consolidate英文 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-01 11:41:12

要學好英文,訓覺之前做咩好?🌛😪😴 . 先旨聲明,我唔係啲咩腦科學專家,不過講有關呢啲學習、腦部健康、記憶同生活習慣之間嘅關係時候都會儘量Google搵下資料,盡可能確保自己講嘅嘢有一定根據。 香港人生活忙碌,又要做嘢、又要湊仔、又要幫襯黃店、又要遊行、又要簽聯署,可能有人會因為咁而犧牲睡眠。 ...

consolidate英文 在 Sabrina英文小教室|英文教學·英文學習 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-11 10:24:19

✨用國際新聞看[台北法] 新聞聽力練習請向右滑👉 新聞聽力手稿請向右滑👉 💡聽力練習小撇步 1.先不看字幕聽一遍抓重點 2.看手稿再聽一次 3.背單字  📰新聞出自:民視英文新聞  📖重點單字區 1. increase (v.) 增加  2. bilateral (adj....

  • consolidate英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-11 15:40:33
    有 234 人按讚

    [時事英文] 國慶演說 🇹🇼



    影片: https://youtu.be/IX5zLHf9Ll4


    需要更多單字嗎?按個讚,並於留言處回覆「Please give me the full summary.」我再把更完整的內容傳給你!


    🇹🇼 Pandemic prevention contributions to the world

    These achievements are a tribute to the unity and cooperation the people of Taiwan have shown. In addition to the medical and quarantine personnel who have worked so hard, we also thank the manufacturing industry for cooperating to produce pandemic prevention supplies, the high-tech industry for developing apps, our pharmacists and convenience store employees for helping distribute face masks, and the public for following our disease control measures in an orderly manner.

    1. be a tribute to sth/sb 是(優秀、強大或有效性)的明證,讚揚
    2. show unity and cooperation 展現團結與合作
    3. pandemic prevention supplies 防疫物資
    4. distribute face masks 發放口罩
    5. follow disease control measures 遵守疾控措施
    6. in an orderly manner 井然有序




    🇹🇼 Economic strategies for new circumstances

    First, we will fully and comprehensively participate in supply chain reorganization. The rapid dismantling and realignment of global supply chains is now irreversible, and Taiwanese businesses around the world are moving toward segmented markets, production base migration, and reshoring to invest in Taiwan at an ever-faster pace.

    7. fully and comprehensively 全力與全面地
    8. supply chain reorganization 供應鏈重組
    9. the rapid dismantling of ……的快速解構
    10. global supply chains 全球供應鏈
    11. be moving toward segmented markets 正朝向市場分割
    12. production base migration 生產基地遷移
    13. reshoring(企業的)回流




    🇹🇼 Solid national defense to maintain national security

    Of course, Taiwan's economic prospects also depend on regional peace and stability. We are aware that showing weakness and making concessions will not bring peace. Adequate preparation and reliance on the determination and strength of solid national defense capabilities is the only way to guarantee Taiwan's security and maintain regional peace.

    14. economic prospects 經濟的前景
    15. depend on 有賴於……;依賴……
    16. regional peace and stability 區域的和平與穩定
    17. show weakness 示弱
    18. making concessions 讓步;退讓
    19. solid national defense capabilities 堅實的國防能力
    20. maintain regional peace 維護區域的和平




    🇹🇼 Proactively participating in regional collaboration

    We will play an active role in establishing new regional and international orders. We will forge alliances based on shared values and friendly ties throughout the international community, and continue to enhance partnerships with like-minded and friendly nations. We will also participate more actively in regional and international multilateral cooperation and dialogues.

    21. play an active role in 在……中發揮著積極的作用,扮演重要的角色
    22. establish new regional and international orders 建立新的區域與國際秩序
    23. forge alliances 構建聯盟*
    24. be based on 基於……
    25. shared values and friendly ties 共同價值與友好關係
    26. regional and international multilateral cooperation and dialogues 區域及國際的多邊合作與對話
    27. uphold peace and promoting economic development 維持和平並促進經濟的發展
    28. an advocate for the forces of good 良善力量的倡議者



    *forge: https://bit.ly/36SMxnD


    🇹🇼 Unity and cooperation to overcome challenges

    Just like everything Taiwan has experienced over the past 71 years, hardships have forged our resiliency, and challenges have inspired our resolve. This pandemic can consolidate a sense of unity among Taiwanese, and give us the courage to continue moving forward. We have contained the spread of the virus, developed economic strategies, stabilized the region, and protected Taiwan's security. For what reason? Because we want to pass on a strong country to our next generation.

    29. forge our resiliency 磨練我們的堅韌
    30. inspire our resolve 激發我們的志氣
    31. consolidate a sense of unity 凝聚團結的意識
    32. give us the courage to 給我們……的勇氣
    33. the next generation 下一代






    文字轉語音: https://bit.ly/2Yw0yD5

  • consolidate英文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-15 08:00:13
    有 112 人按讚


    🔥 Uber Under Pressure to Beef Up Food Delivery

    - beef up 增強,加強
    ✍️ beef 除了牛肉之外,也有「力量」之意

    🧐 After a failed bid for Grubhub Inc., GRUB 4.42% the ride-hailing giant is trying to buy much smaller food-delivery company Postmates Inc. as it seeks surer footing in the era of Covid-19.
    競購 Grubhub Inc. (GRUB)失敗後,這家網約車服務巨頭正試圖收購規模較小的外賣公司Postmates Inc.,以期在新冠疫情下站穩腳步。

    - bid 投標,競標
    - ride-hailing 叫車/網約車
    - giant 巨頭、巨擘、大公司

    🏢 The San Francisco-based company needs to get stronger in the competitive world of food delivery as the pandemic has crushed its rides business and surging infections have subsumed early hopes for an economic recovery and people returning to offices.

    - San Francisco-based (地名-based)總部設在…的
    - surging 急遽上升的
    - subsumed 將…歸入,把…納入

    🥡 The food-delivery industry was ripe for consolidation even before the pandemic hit, as the biggest companies turned their sights toward making profits on the heels of fast and expensive growth and amid increasingly overlapping markets. As consumers stayed home to stop the spread of the virus, food-delivery became a lifeline for restaurants battered by lockdowns and a relative area of activity in a deteriorating economy.

    - be ripe for… 時機成熟的;適宜的
    - consolidate 聯合,統一;合併/ 鞏固,加強,強化
    - deteriorating 惡化的、墮落的

    不過究竟 Uber 又祭出什麼對策來應對呢?


    In order to become more competitive in the _________ economic situation, the ride-hailing giant is considering __________ with other companies.

    A. detergent/ consolidated
    B. deteriorating/ consolidation
    C. deteriorating/ consolidated

    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • consolidate英文 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-19 08:00:00
    有 182 人按讚


    👔Mark Zuckerberg Asserts Control of Facebook, Pushing Aside Dissenters

    🏅In December, Facebook Inc.’s top brass gathered at Mark Zuckerberg’s beachfront estate in Kauai, Hawaii, for an unusual board meeting to discuss how to redirect the company after years of turmoil.

    -top brass 高層、高位權力者,源自於軍隊高官會佩戴銅製(brass)徽章
    -beachfront 海濱
    -turmoil 混亂、動盪

    📢Within months, Facebook announced the departure of two directors, and added a longtime friend of Mr. Zuckerberg’s to the board. The moves were the culmination of the chief executive’s campaign over the past two years to consolidate decision-making at the company he co-founded 16 years ago.

    -culmination 先前學過,頂點、高潮的意思
    -campaign 活動、作戰,尤指軍事、商業或政治上的
    -consolidate 鞏固、加強

    🎤The 35-year-old tycoon also jumped into action steering Facebook into a high-profile campaign in the coronavirus response, while putting himself in the spotlight interviewing prominent health officials and politicians.

    -steer 駕駛、引導
    -high-profile 高調的、備受關注的
    -in the spotlight 待在聚光燈之下,意指引人注目、成為焦點


    ❓Tom Cruise is a __ who loves being in the __.
    A. top brass / spotlight
    B. top executive / high-profile
    C. top gun / danger zone
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • consolidate英文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • consolidate英文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • consolidate英文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

