#1用"confusing"造句 - 查查在線詞典
Buying tires has become confusing . 購買輪胎卻變成了使人困惑的問題。 Do n't confuse liberty with overindulge . 不要把自由與放縱混為一談。
我們這裡有兩個叫保羅‧詹姆斯的僱員,所以會有點讓人糊塗! The instructions are really confusing. Could you help me with them, please? 這些使用說明太讓人費解了。
#3confusing 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
confusing 造句 / 例句. 1. They are often given incomplete, confusing, and sometimes contradictory instructions and are forced to make significant decisions ...
#4confusing造句 - 百度一下
1. It is all rather confusing. · 2. It was a confusing, yet lively era. · 3. It is an intentionally vague concept that can be confusing.
#5confusing - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
#6confuse 造句/ 例句 - 英语词根词源字典
confuse 造句 / 例句 · 1. I always confuse my left with my right. · 2. Don't confuse liberty with license. · 3. Do not confuse this class with the view.
#7confusing造句在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活
2. Do n't confuse liberty with overindulge .confused造句_用"confused"造句- 查查造句网- 查查在线词典confused的造句和例句: 1. Buying tires has become confusing .
#8confusing造句的評價和優惠, 商品老實說的推薦
在逛賣場的時候產品那麼多,都不知道要買什麼、價格多少才划算,都在本站中可以找到不同網友的分享. 全聯商品經驗網路分享指南 confusing造句. Search ...
#9當美國人說I'm confused,你真以為他困惑嗎?別傻了
商場的口吻處處玄機,《經濟學人》上有一篇文章,談怎麼解讀英國人的修辭。例如,英國人說"Very interesting",你以為是「真是有趣」,真正的意思 ...
#10confusing - 例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词- 新华字典
英语单词大全为您提供2022 最新英文单词confusing的解释,confusing相关词组,confusing是什么意思,confusing的用法,confusing的意思 ... confusing相关造句.
補語是「補充意義、增加資訊」的意思。 你剛剛學到的「可作形容詞的分詞」都可以當成補語來使用! That question is confusing. I' ...
#12該用Interested還是Interesting呢? - FUNDAY英語教育
花些時間練習造句,以後再遇到這些字就會很有把握囉! ... confusing 令人感到混淆的 depressing 令人感到沮喪的 disappointing 令人感到失望的
#13【老師救救我】be used to 與used to 怎麼用才對? - 希平方
學習英文時大家都會碰到許多片語,而當中有些片語的用法卻時常讓人困惑,像是學生們常問:. 老師,請問be used to 與used to 差別在哪裡,應該要怎麼 ...
#14垫步造句子怎么写(为什么造句子怎么写) - 美文句子
用confusing造句. confusing. 英[k?n'fju?z??]美. adj. 混乱的;混淆的;令人困惑的. v. 使迷惑;使混乱不清;使困窘(confuse的ing形式).
#15用confused造句 - 英语句库
Buying tires has become confusing . 购买轮胎却变成了使人困惑的问题。 Do n't confuse liberty with overindulge . 不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。
#16To、For、以及Of 的用法與分別-三個最容易混淆的介系詞- Kaftin
例如:excite, shock, interest, satisfy, surprise, confuse, disgust, amaze, embarrass, bore, tire, impress, scare。 情緒動詞的例句為:
#17在中文中翻译"confusing" - 例句英语
使用Reverso Context: is confusing, it's confusing, you're confusing,在英语-中文情境中翻译"confusing"
#18精装双色版小学生同义词近义词反义词组词造句多音多义字易错 ...
精装双色版小学生同义词近义词反义词组词造句多音多义字易错易混字大全新华字典 ... prone Daquan Confusing (New Analysis Edition) [Hardcover](Chinese Edition).
#19英文字根活用詞典(附MP3) | 誠品線上
... 字根相同,但字首不同的單字,如confuse「使混淆」, profuse「充沛的」、refuse「拒絕」。 ... 參考範例,立即模擬造句嚴選精簡例句,迅速理解字義,馬上造句! 3.
#20基本常識英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
造句 二、Less basic common sense, everyday life will become very confusing. 翻譯二、少基本常識,日常生活中會變得非常混亂。
#21“confuse the issue”寫句子用confuse the issue造句大全- 造句知識
confuse the issue”寫句子用confuse the issue造句大全內容:Don'tconfusetheissue,egbyintroducingirrelevanttopics.Donotdrawitonthechart,however ...
#22on the internet造句 - Ruralred
use+the+internet造句; The Internet(互聯網); 不僅而且英語造句_造句; confusing造句; Free internet radio and music streaming online ...
#23entertain造句简单 - 红宝石
用entertainning(请客)造句- …… He is entertaining us with a bunch of ... 鲍勃昨天设宴招待了我们,用entertain来造句? ... 用confusing造句-
#24confusing咋读 - main - 汇安网
confusing confusing是什么意思,confusing怎么读语音: 英 ... 本文标签: confusing的形容词 rather confusing confusing造句简单 Adam咋读 亘怎么读 ...
#25Estate & Trust Administration For Dummies, 2nd Edition Munro
Guides you through the confusing process of administering an estate and/or trust Provides expert advice on unfamiliar ... 世一活力造詞造句100分2年級 A.
#26用brilliant造句子 - 句子行网
4、confusing造句,人与人之间情断义绝。 5、behaviour谢谢你confusing,outline有一个人曾用一个开过花的夏天去温暖寒冷的冬天。 6、outline各走天涯bright,broken像 ...
#27英文測驗題庫彙編04~107-new年(解答顯示檔) - S-link 電子六法 ...
(A)misleading(B)alleging(C)denouncing(D)excluding 請依下文回答第21 題至第25 題Post-traumatic stress disorder is a malady of memory.
#28年终考试造句Level 2
to not know what to do; refers to an awkward or confusing situation. 家喻户晓. become a household name; well-known. 对症下药.
#29用encouraging造句用touching造句 - 英语学习
encouraging sb to do怎么造句? · 用exciting造句 · 用confusing造句 · 用embarrassing造句短句 · 用restroom造句.
#30confused是什么意思_用confused造句 - 天天影视网
最佳答案: confused adj.糊涂的; 迷惑的; 不清楚的; 混乱的; 难懂的;v.使糊涂; 使迷惑; (将…)混淆,混同; 使更难于理解; 原型:confuse 例句:The question is so hard, ...
#31212410 唱歌學英語 - 板橋社區大學
misfortune, exploit, pauper;need 與want 的區別造句練習;keep something away 造句練習。 ... Apt 與good at 相關詞的區別;used to 與相關詞;confuse的口與 ...
#32“confuse the issue”可以造什么句 - 经典语录
Don't confuse the issue, eg by introducing irrelevant topics. issue confuse 造句. 相关文章.
#33感到困惑英文| 疑惑英文confuse | 教育百科-2021年11月
简体版English 登入註冊網站工具設為首頁收藏本站英語翻譯日語翻譯法語翻譯俄語翻譯韓語翻譯漢語辭典造句句子翻譯當前位置:綫上翻譯>英語翻譯>感到困惑英文感到困惑 ...
#34用“confuse the issue”造句大全 - 经典语录伤感
用“confuse the issue”造句大全,confuse the issue造句分享:Don'tconfusetheissue,egbyintroducingirrelevanttopics.
#35这个表达地道吗? 这问题很困惑。 "This problem is confusing."
这个表达地道吗? 这问题很困惑。 "This problem is confusing." Veja uma tradução ... 请给我造句好吗? 谢谢 · 大家好,大家可以看看我的句子吗?
#36confuse是什么意思 - 英语词典
#37英語turn out的除了關掉,打掃以外還有啥意思呢?請高手指點 ...
如何用“is she”開頭造句,用he is和she is造句加翻譯 · 日語怎麼造句啊說話順序是怎樣的 · try on的用法 · 有沒有confuse sb by sth ...
This confusing picture was presented to the Zetas, who confirmed that a slight lean to the left was in place. 弄得主人丈二和尚摸不著頭腦, ...
#39Learn Chinese - 【造句Make sentence】 [zhǎng] 长grow
长成。this one is really confusing.... 1 yr Report. Muhammad Usman, profile picture. Muhammad Usman. 这孩子得真可爱。对不对? 1 yr Report.
#40轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
二)測驗成績方面:學生從原本的完全無法作答,進步至可以運用漢字造詞造句,並且 ... Finally, the homonyms and the combination of Chinese characters confuse the ...
#41含有confuse的经典句子"confuse"这个词如何造句? - 土味情话
含有confuse的经典句子"confuse"这个词如何造句? · We are confused because there are too many options.请问词句中confuse为什么可以用过去时? · I ...
英文用法:His claim that children find bilingual education confusing is based on very little evidence. Moreover, the evidence he does ...
#43HTC: 網友酸到爆的英文造句| T17 討論區- 一起分享好東西
自從小勞勃道尼正式代言HTC之後,HTC酸暴造句法正式在網路上流傳, ... 恨這個爛東西Hell That's Confusing這簡直亂七八糟Hallway To China往中國的 ...
#44bored VS boring? 來搞懂「情緒動詞」ed 尾與ing 尾! - 英文庫
What he said is really confusing. 他說的話很令人困惑。 The students are confused about the question. 學生們對這個問題感到困惑。 ⑤ ...
#45英语造句用scare ,scared 在同一个句子里造句。同上要求用 ...
Her scared look scare me greatly.她惊恐的样子把我吓呆了。 The confused situation confuse me.这个混乱的局面让我很困惑。 The teacher underline the underlined ...
#46全国硕士研究生英语入学考试真题解析与模拟训练: 写作篇
这包含三方面的内容,一是叙述要清楚,一目了然;二是遣词造句要得当,过渡要连贯平稳; ... 意义也不连贯: Finding information in a library can be very confusing .
#47confusing的意思- 搞吗二七
用confusing造句. Confusing Mind Confusing Mind 总结机器学习优质学习文章Top50 总结机器学习优质学习文章Top50 Masha, a hostess on a Chinese TV program, ...
#48Crystal clear 清清楚楚的- BBC UK China - 潮流英語
Li: Good because the instructions seem so confusing. This bit here… doesn't fit… here. Rob: Let's have a look. Give it to me.
#49求有一首英文歌,歌词好像有这么一句it is confusing,whatever ...
whatever造句无论我们遇到什么困难,我们都不要放弃我们的梦想. 回答作者:秋日林间-秋日林间 ... B:Yes,but it was such a confusing show.I walked out.