

在 conductor中文產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,756的網紅YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ◎ ES.中文.EN ◎ 歌曲〈Caminando Sentado〉& 某個生命片刻 Read the adventures with song “Caminando Sentado " ➝https://youtu.be/8CuAmuXdVNE 《En busca del hombre》 ...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅約書亞樂團 Joshua Band,也在其Youtube影片中提到,恢復我/Restore Me 詞曲Written / Ronald Steven 演唱者/王宗民 陳雅玲 中文翻譯 周巽光 Verse 來觸摸我的生命 失去你我還能有誰 因你是我神 唯一盼望 願你恩惠光照我 (x2) Chorus 恢復我全新生命 恢復我進入更大的尊榮 我的一切都在於你 恢復我...

  • conductor中文 在 YK樂團 - YK band - Yerko Lorca & Kuan Yin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-15 21:00:40
    有 9 人按讚

    歌曲〈Caminando Sentado〉& 某個生命片刻
    Read the adventures with song “Caminando Sentado "

    《En busca del hombre》
    Una vez en Mali, subió a un taxi y el conductor le preguntó la dirección. Yerko le enseñó el CD y le dijo:
    —A casa de este señor, por favor.
    El taxista le miró incrédulo:
    —Disculpe, no sé donde vive este hombre.
    —Pero alguien lo sabrá, —le animó Yerko con una sonrisa —, podemos preguntar juntos hasta encontrarlo.

    Una hora más tarde, a mediodía, encontraron la casa de Toumani.

    —El maestro está,
    —le dijo el chico de la puerta —. Yerko pensó que estaba realmente de suerte, ya que Toumani viaja muchísimo. Ni en sueños había imaginado coincidir con el famoso músico, su máxima expectativa era recibir clase de alguno de sus alumnos.
    —Pero tendrás que esperar, —prosiguió el muchacho —, ya que él duerme de día y se despierta por la noche. Pero se ha levantado para conocerte.

    Foto: Álbum que Yerko llevó a Mali.







    《In search of the man》
    Upon arriving in Mali, Yerko found a taxi. He got in, showed the driver the CD, and said, “To this man's house, please”.

    The taxi driver looked at him in disbelief and replied, “I’m sorry, but I don’t know where this man lives”.

    Like a man with a mission, Yerko urged him on with a smile: “But somebody will know… we can ask together until we find him”.

    An hour later, at noon, they found Toumani’s house.

    At the door stood a boy, who simply said: “The maestro is here”.

    Yerko couldn’t believe his luck, because he knew that Toumani is constantly travelling. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he would cross paths with the maestro himself. The most he had hoped for was to have kora lessons with one of Toumani’s students.“But you'll have to wait,” the boy went on. “He usually sleeps during the day and stays awake at night, but he has gotten up to come and meet you.”

    Photo: The album took Yerko to the travel of Kora

    ◉ 實體收藏:https://yerkolorca.com/shop/kora-album/
    ◉ 數位聆聽:https://snd.click/rdb
    #Kora #koramusic #Lira #lyre #framedrum
    #worldmusic #rareinstrument
    #ancient #videogamemusic
    #ykband #yk樂團

  • conductor中文 在 Fan-Chiang Yi 范姜毅 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-21 02:08:19
    有 35 人按讚

    📣 法雅歌劇:《迷靈之戀/短促的人生》鋼琴總彩排全球直播




    Program Notes (節目單) https://bit.ly/OperaTaipeiFalla1
    Synopsis (English) https://bit.ly/OperaTaipeiFalla2
    Synopsis (劇情介紹) https://bit.ly/OperaTaipeiFalla3

  • conductor中文 在 Shih-Huai Liang 梁世懷 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-24 11:33:40
    有 232 人按讚

    前芭蕾玲娜Maria Seletskaya在退休後找到了她的第二職業生涯 - 芭蕾舞樂團指揮。

    In the end, no one’s opinion matters, as long as you are being truthful to yourself. Follow your heart and trust it blindly, because deep inside it always knows what’s really yours.
    - Maria Seletskaya

