

在 conclude包含產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅張之豪,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「台灣在我們患難時相助,我們美國人,是會記得這種事的...這就是來自美國的愛。」 美國參議員蘇利文(Dan Sullivan, R-AK) 2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會 (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪) 感謝大家,回來台灣真好。首先我要再次強調,雖然眾所週知,但實在很重要,值得我再度...

  • conclude包含 在 張之豪 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-06 12:53:23
    有 1,414 人按讚


    美國參議員蘇利文(Dan Sullivan, R-AK)
    2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
    (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)






    Landing speech 2021/6/6
    (Taipei International Airport)

    Dan Sullivan, R-AK

    Thank you everybody, it’s great to be back in Taiwan. I want to begin by mentioning something that, I think most people know but it’s always important to reiterate. The United States has a long history of advancing security, prosperity and democracy in the Indo Pacific Area. We are an Asia-Pacific Nation. We have been in this critical region of the world for centuries, and will be here in the future for centuries to come.

    Over 25 years ago, I was deployed to this region as part of the United States Marine Corps Amphibious Task force, specifically to the Taiwan Strait, during a very challenging and critical time for Taiwan’s democracy on the eve of Taiwan’s first presidential election. That was an important demonstration of American resolve and commitment to Taiwan’s security, prosperity, and democracy.

    And now I am honored to be back in Taiwan with a strong bipartisan delegation of United States Senators. Under our constitution, the Senate has a critical role in American Foreign Policy. And the Taiwan Relations Act is an important demonstration of this senatorial role. That Act makes it the United States’s policy to provide assistance to Taiwan, to enable it to resist all kinds of coercion. American support for Taiwan’s prosperity democracy and security remains rock solid and is very bipartisan as you can see from this delegation of United States Senators, Republican and Democrats. This support also extends to the help of people of Taiwan.

    Last year, a global pandemic from Wuhan China, that was characterized by a lack of transparency, and a lack of international cooperation, by the Chinese Communist Party. Today, in dramatic contrast, the United States is leading International relief effort, in an open and cooperative spirit with our friends and partners and allies to bring relief from this global pandemic with tens and millions of highly effective vaccines, many developed with American ingenuity to all parts of the world, including Taiwan. And we are doing this in close coordination, with our partners and friends, and allies, like Japan, who also recently announced significant vaccines to the people of Taiwan. Let me conclude by emphasizing the point that Senator Duckworth already mentioned, This is a two way street with regards to friends and partners who look out for each other. And We in the United States remember these things. Look at my mask, there is over 10 million masks that came from Taiwan to the United States at the early stages of this pandemic. This is one of them. By the way if you can see it, it says love from Taiwan. Nice flags representing both of our peoples. So now I say, this is love from America, in return. And we are very please to be here. Making this important announcement on vaccines. Thank you.

  • conclude包含 在 91 敏捷開發之路 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-24 19:30:43
    有 130 人按讚

    因為看到這一篇文,讓我想要請教我很佩服,也曾經待過 LinkedIn 的實戰強者 Ian Tsai

    經過他同意之後,想分享給更多人一起學習交流。相信可以對很多強者、想變強的強者、老闆、技術管理者帶來一些 AHA 與幫助。



    以下來自 Ian:


    只有一開始就把很多東西做好,相對獨立且沒有過去包袱的專案才能這樣搞出十倍速,比如Voyager Mobile App

    其他division 的產品與系統,有太多跟舊系統交雜在一起而動不了的,就不可能達到他講的3X3,因為有需要在那些系統上開發,就是會很慢

    然後他還有一個假設就是做這個專案的從頭都是某個人做中間不換人,LinkedIn的平均工程師年資就是2.5年,所以,他在專案開始啟動的那兩年可能是可以的,兩年之後就很難說了,因為新加入的人也不可能可以這麼快入手,起碼以我觀察LinkedIn內部做Knowledge transfer 就是沒那麼快(但LinkedIn 可能是算快的)

    針對這一點,現在需要搞軟體開發的公司,都應該要有一個Tools Team,而這個team 其中一項最重要的業務,就是開發維護一套公司內部使用的KMS系統,而這套系統的核心必定是一個Omni Search Engine,能夠跨越多個異質CMS 平台、EMail、IM、VCS 把所有的自然語言與程式語言的內容都能集成在搜尋結果(Google search result + web IDE)中呈現,沒有這個,只靠現成的外部工具提供的功能,找來的人平均會需要至少兩到三倍的時間才能進入情況(LinkedIn 有這個,超好用!)

    最後一個需要的是高度客製化的CI系統,這種平台的CI系統不能有太多人為介入得要全自動,整個流水線過程中發生的任何錯誤,都能在第一時間全自動的通知『真正的負責人』,包含log、request context, call tree graph都提供,才能讓開發人員不會害怕系統出錯,而不必在開發階段搞很多很複雜的E2E Test

    至於測試,這段老實說就是設計架構切割是不是有真的切在對的邊界上,一旦切錯,測試不是很難寫就是寫一堆沒用的,而且我在LinkedIn後期,還是有產品線為了衝Craftsmanship 指標搞出要求工程師 code coverage 90%的要求

    我覺得對於backend,真正重要的是distributed Log management system,還有像是Datadog 這樣快速方便的 System Monitoring 服務,在寫程式的時候把這些一開始就根據業務邏輯規劃進去,然後確保觀察得到的與預測符合,這些在現在都比拼測試重要,因為Microservices 之後,對於很上游的Upstream 服務,要對每個Downstream Service 一開始就搞出範圍適當的defensive programming 是很麻煩的

    這其實也是一個後端架構上的硬需求,也就是每一個Module 在software stack 上 ,對於他使用的任何Downstream Service 怎麼做Async + Failover + Timeout + Circuit Breaker + Monitoring & Instrumentation + Graceful Degradation + Logging & Alerting ... 都要有方案且預先做出來,不然想要App backend developer 在後端一邊搞Home Made solution 一邊還要拼出3X3 的效率也是不可能的。

    其實好的產品開發工程團隊,一定要持續規劃有人去conclude 系統中的共通需求,透過共識討論找到合適的解決方案,然後也一定要有農閒期,好讓這種共識得出的艱難改造有喘息的機會上線

    這個佔總體開發量大概至少得要15% ~ 20%,也就是團隊如果有10個專職開發者,那至少要有一個名額(不同專長的人輪流)負責幫大家把刀磨利、把工具保養好


    Joey: 完全認同,全局優化,避免重工、多頭馬車、穀倉、無法相容異質系統的影響,永遠都在熵的影響下消耗掉所有產能。



    這種考慮講個幾次,越是有野心、有衝勁、early adopter 類型的人才就會越早流失,而這是最糟糕的,因為這種人才是幫助公司導入新技術、保持團隊知識領先的關鍵火星塞,所以這種人被天擇掉了之後,剩下來的人不論在價值觀、還是行為慣性上都會更保守、更抗拒變化



  • conclude包含 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-18 22:32:05
    有 1,251 人按讚

    #究竟他們能源政策有無核能 #信中說有




    Dear Po-Yu Chen,

    Thank you for contacting the Europe Direct Contact Centre.

    We would like to inform you that nuclear energy is included in the Green Deal.


    For further information, we would advise you to consult the following links;

    - https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/QANDA_19_6804
    - https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_20_24

    We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us again if you have other questions about the European Union, its activities or institutions.


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    A deep appreciation to you taking time off to read this e-mail.

    We are a group of youths from Taiwan who are deeply concerned about the energy development of our nation, as part of a collective effort to mitigate climate change.

    We hereby write to you to seek clarifications on some factual accounts of recent events in the EU.

    In a recent report published by Taiwan Factcheck Center (TFC), it has indicated the following:

    1. The “European Green Deal for the European Union (EU) has excluded the financing of nuclear energy from the Just Transition Fund set forth”, and

    2. That “nuclear energy would be ineligible for – or have little chance in being part of – future plans on sustainable development”.

    3. The fact-check report then went on to conclude that “the EU will not change its goal in the phase-out of nuclear energy, but each member state is left to assess and decide on its own timeline, on the grounds of laying out a clean, sustainable and affordable energy policy as stipulated by the EU Green Deal”.

    We seek your assistance in verifying the accuracy and truthfulness of the aforementioned details, please.

    We understand that the EU has always been at the forefront of energy industry for its visions, goals and cutting-edge technologies, which have made EU the role model for policy makers, professionals and enthusiastic youths around the world.

    These include the excellence in development of the renewable energy market and technologies, as well as making significant contributions to carbon reduction by maintaining a strong presence of nuclear energy in its energy mix.

    Last but not least, if at all possible, we are also interested in receiving relevant official news reports or official documents from you on the above matter, as these would be invaluable resources for us.

    Once again, many thanks and deep appreciation for your time.

    Yours Faithfully

