

在 commute中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 記得去年封城的時候我有分享過n/naka 的外帶便當嗎? 當時就覺得等到餐廳恢復內用的時候,一定要來吃看看這一家😍😍 n/naka 好像是七月左右開始恢復dine in 剛好最近有foodie朋友問要不要一起去⋯ 吼!這種超級難訂的店有人幫你訂好,問要不要去⋯當然一定要說要去啊 順風車不能不搭🤣🤣 ...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過69萬的網紅TheKellyYang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今天影片是what i eat in a week? 這好像是我第一次拍這個主題耶!要好好佩服很常拍這個主題的人, 因為剪起來很難剪XDD 希望這個影片有給大家煮飯的靈感? OK影片就到這邊~ 對了大家用 #showkelly 這個tag或是 @thekellyyang 跟我分享的公開貼文或是...

commute中文 在 James Au, PT, CSCS Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-04-04 12:43:17

💥 ACL Tear Anniversary(附中文) “ No Surgery: Function > Structure “ - 6th May 2020 marks the day of my right ACL anniversary playing 🏈. It has been one o...

  • commute中文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-10-01 02:37:33
    有 261 人按讚

    記得去年封城的時候我有分享過n/naka 的外帶便當嗎?
    n/naka 好像是七月左右開始恢復dine in




    Foodie朋友大推他們的wine pairing


    而且這次剛好是n/naka 改秋季菜單的第一天
    覺得能吃到好lucky 🎉🎉

    總之 是一場很棒的體驗

    3455 S. Overland Ave
    Los Anges CA 90034


    有網友問我們為什麼要在離west LA也不算遠的OC置產

    老實說⋯住West LA的好處就是真的有各式各樣有名還有好吃的餐廳
    然後變得很偏激 覺得這些名餐廳沒有什麼好吃的😆😆

    但有時也想離開鬧區 享受慢慢地生活😌😌






  • commute中文 在 《Make》國際中文版 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-07-08 21:08:00
    有 61 人按讚

    「Commute Deck是為了讓使用者可於電車跟飛機等狹小場所中處理需要用到UNIX 裝置的工作而設計。」
    專題完整呈現Commute Deck從外殼、鍵盤、螢幕到內部的製作與設計,看看這款為了通勤族而生的電腦是如何誕生的!

    用Raspberry Pi製作口袋型Linux電腦>>https://goo.gl/pgc4nH
    用Raspberry Pi製作平板電腦>>https://goo.gl/ALA9oa
    #Make國際中文版 #電腦 #Computer

  • commute中文 在 台灣媳婦法國妞 - De Taïwan avec Amour Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-03-28 21:00:06
    有 97 人按讚

    Comment être une véritable Française?

    我相信很多人平常都追蹤 My Little Paris幾天他們po了一篇我覺得很好玩的文章 (here: http://gofrenchyourself.mylittleparis.com/en/sample/62-58ca665c9c462)
    以下 是本篇的內容 還有部分簡單的中文,原文是英文的, 形容40個方式讓妳根本就可以當法國女人~
    是不是您的夢想 哈哈哈! 就算現在是 相信看完後,就不是了!

    有一些 感覺還蠻對的 有一些只能形容巴黎女生 (其實 大部分都是吧

    我沒有翻譯全部 因為我翻譯得太爛 然後時間有限.... 有空再補一補好了.

    然後你們覺得裡面的那幾句 最有代表性?還是你們覺得 比這些有更形容法國女人的一些習慣嗎?

    1.Drink your coffee sitting down, and out of an actual cup.
    喝咖啡時, 坐下來 喝在真正的被子 (不要用帶走的紙杯) ☕️

    2. Insist that you have 'almost no money left' when your friends invite you to a cocktail bar. Propose wine at yours.

    3. Drink so much wine you spend the equivalent of 11 cocktails online.

    4. Always carry a packet of tissues in your bag. 永遠都要帶一包衛生紙

    5. Moisturize obsessively. 不要怕保濕

    6. Spend a sixth of your income on scented candles. 把你6分之一的薪水花在有香味的蠟燭 🕯️

    7. Order rosé in March like the brazen, untamable woman that you are.

    8. Make the last item on your grocery list a gigantic bouquet of flowers. 去買菜時 在你的清單上的最後一行,寫”以大朵花”🌹

    9. Learn how to express at least five different emotions using only one swear word. Putain. Putain! Putaaaaain. 學會用至少5種不同口腔說" putain" (大概是 "媽的"的意思 然後法國人隨時都是用它 能形容很多不一樣的情緒 )

    10. Be suspicious of: politicians, dating apps, supermarket bread, overly-smiley people, any orange cheese that isn't mimolette, and cafés that serve more than two kinds of milk. Also: margarine.

    11. Always assume people want your opinion. 一直認為大家需要您的意見

    12. Ensure that at least 85% of what you say is accompanied by hand gestures. 百分之八十五 你講的話都要搭配手勢

    13. Shoot an emphatic look of horror at any person who asks to meet for dinner before 8pm. 如果有人約你八點前吃晚餐 給他一個很惻隱的眼神(法國人晚上9才吃晚餐,好啦8點半左右 哈哈)

    14. Have a favorite chef. 一定要有你最喜歡的廚師 🍳

    15. And a favorite film director. 還有最喜歡的導演 🎬

    16. Drink expensive wine alone as proof that you're a carefree bon vivant who'd rather be alone than settle for mediocre company (as opposed to just incredibly single.) 一個人的時候 喝很貴的紅酒 為了讓大家知道你甚麼都不管 只管快樂 然後你寧願以個人喝也不要有不值得的人陪!

    17. Learn how to ride a bike in a dress without flashing anyone.

    18. Spend a few hours every weekend wandering through a new neighborhood without any specific purpose in mind.

    19. Take three days to respond to people who write to you. 等三天才回信

    20. Don't apologize for the delayed response. 讓人等, 不用道歉

    21. Go to a museum to look at "art", by which we mean "handsome men with sensitive souls and a great collection of Merino wool sweaters that they regularly dry clean because they have both the sense and income to do so."

    22. Spend 73 euros on houseplants and kill 50 euros worth of them within the month. 花很多錢在植物上 然後讓大部分的死掉.... 🌳

    23. Wear a plain white t-shirt and jeans with an absurdly expensive perfume. 穿白色Tshirt 和牛仔褲 搭配非常貴的香水

    24. Question both the credibility and intellect of people who wear ballet flats.

    25. Devote an irrational amount of attention to keeping your nails perfectly oval-shaped.

    26. Notice the smallest details, and comment on them. 注意最小細節 然後討論他們

    27. Compliment other women and mean it. 贊成其他女人, 一定要有誠意

    28. In summer, carry a small bottle of facial mist with you and spritz yourself in public with wild, sensual abandon.

    29. Cultivate an astounding topographical knowledge of all rooftop bars within a two-mile radius of your neighborhood.

    30. Dress up, buy a newspaper, and go read it outdoors where everyone can see.

    31. Even if you don't smoke, carry a lighter around so you have an excuse to chat up attractive, cigarette-smoking strangers.

    32. En route home from yoga class (right after you pick up groceries from the organic co-op) stop at the tabac for a pack of light cigarettes, because #healthyliving #lifeisshort #sergegainsbourglife. 瑜珈課下課回家的路上, 在剛買了有機菜後, 買一包香菸 因為 #人生很短 #健康生活 🚬

    33. Insist that you "just don't understand" people who actually queue up for hours just to get a table at that trendy new Italian place that refuses to take reservations. 一直強調你不懂怎麼會有人可以去排隊好幾個小時為了在最紅新開的餐廳得到位子.

    34. Send your unemployed best friend to get in the line at 5pm. (Love you, Chloé!!) 請您沒有工作的朋友下午5點就去排隊…

    35. Plan your commute based on which Métro line has the hottest dudes (lines 1, 8, and 12). 計畫您的通車路線根據哪一個捷運線有最帥的帥哥

    36. Go to your grandma for love advice. 需要討論愛情的時候 去找你阿媽

    37. Wear matching underwear. 穿搭配的內衣 👙

    38. Convince yourself that it's your "natural sense of curiosity" that compels you to watch your neighbors through their windows, and not just the fact that you're nosy AF.
    說服自己 一直看鄰居在做什麼 其實只是一般好奇心而已 而不是妳很愛管閒事...

    39. Maintain that you are a romantic and an idealist but also realistic, modern, and highly practical, and so that is why you finally decided to just swallow your pride and download Tinder, and anyway you shouldn't have to justify yourself to anyone, and also your friend Marie met her boyfriend on an app and they're practically engaged, so, ta gueule.

    40. Buy a striped shirt. 買一件 有條文的Tshirt.....

    #法國 #文化 #怎麼當法國女人 #法國女人 #插畫 #Illustration

  • commute中文 在 TheKellyYang Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-11-15 12:30:10

    今天影片是what i eat in a week?
    這好像是我第一次拍這個主題耶!要好好佩服很常拍這個主題的人, 因為剪起來很難剪XDD

    對了大家用 #showkelly 這個tag或是 @thekellyyang 跟我分享的公開貼文或是公開動態我都會看到~ 大家可以繼續分享給我看?

    Music by Fiji Blue - Affection - https://thmatc.co/?l=C4879D55
    Music by DENYCE - nostalgia lane - https://thmatc.co/?l=BB081867
    Music by Public Library Commute - You Been On My Mind - https://thmatc.co/?l=0649D538
    Music by frumhere - rooftop cinema. - https://thmatc.co/?l=A44CB616
    Music by Joey Howard - Racing Through My Mind - https://thmatc.co/?l=8F7693D9

    中文/英文 Annie Chen

  • commute中文 在 13N Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-08-02 18:35:44

    最近很多留言詢問我的Dainese新外套。這次除了聊新外套,也順便聊聊其它新的夏季通勤裝備。A lot of people have asked me about my new Dainese jacket. In addition to the jacket, let's go through my summer riding gear!

    MotoVlog 181 摩托日記第一百八十一篇

    Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once


  • commute中文 在 13N Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-10-03 17:30:00

    中秋佳節來跟大家介紹新成員!入手了迷你檔車來試試提高通勤的樂趣!Happy Moon Festival! What a festive time to introduce my latest family member! I bought this mini bike to get a taste of how fun my commute would become!

    Bike: Kawasaki Z125 Pro
    Vlog 86 摩托日記第八十六篇

    Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once 追蹤 13N Instagram:

