
為什麼這篇colon大聯盟鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在colon大聯盟這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者poplc ()看板MLB標題[外電] Bartolo Colon沒使用禁藥時間Sat May ...

Bartolo Colon doctor says no to HGH

By Andrew Marchand/ESPNNewYork.com

NEW YORK -- Dr. Joseph R. Purita is willing to take a lie detector test to
prove that he did not use human growth hormone in an elbow surgery that may
have saved New York Yankees starter Bartolo Colon's career.
After a New York Times report that Purita has used HGH in similar procedures,
Major League Baseball launched an investigation.
"There is no smoking gun," Purita told ESPNNewYork.com. "I have no qualms
talking to anyone. I will take a lie detector test."

Dr. Joseph R. Purita有意願接受測謊,證明他沒有為了挽救洋基先發投
手Bartolo Colon的職業生涯而在肘部手術上使用人類生長激素(HGH)。

Purita 告訴ESPNNewYork.com提到:『這件事完全沒有確鑿證據,而且我

On Thursday afternoon, ESPN New York reached the previously unidentified
second doctor on the surgery that took place in the Dominican in April 2010.
Dr. Leonel Liriano said not only would he be willing to share the medical
records from the procedure with MLB investigators, but he has video that
shows the whole process.
"Tell the major league office, they can come down here, no problem," Dr.
Liriano told ESPNNewYork.com. Colon had the surgery at Clinca Union Medica in

週四下午,ESPN New York找到一位尚未確認身分的醫生。手術是在2010年4月的多明尼加
所進行,而他在那過程中擔任第二執刀的工作。Dr. Leonel Liriano提到他不只願意分享
醫療紀錄給MLB調查人員看,而且還有全部過程的影片為證。目前他在多明尼加 Santiago
省的 Clinca Union Medica醫院裡工作,他提到:『告訴聯盟官方,他們能來這裡調查個

Earlier Thursday, Purita, an orthopedic surgeon based in Boca Raton, Fla.,
said he has used HGH on a lay person but would never utilize it with a
professional athlete. Purita said he is ready to cooperate if contacted by
Colon, his agent, Mitch Frankel, Purita and Liriano have yet to hear from
baseball's investigators. If investigators prove HGH was used, Colon could be

Purita,目前人在佛羅里達州的Boca Raton市當整形外科醫生。他提到他是用過HGH在其他

Colon本人,他的經紀人Mitch Frankel,以及Purita和Liriano醫生,至今還沒受到任何棒

At this point, that seems unlikely. MLB began its investigation when The
Times contacted it about the story, which first appeared online Wednesday
night, and no evidence has emerged to contradict Purita's claim.
Purita treated Colon in April 2010 with a technique that used Colon's own fat
and bone marrow stem cells on Colon's elbow and shoulder. Purita said HGH was
not used.

"There is nothing to hide," Frankel said via phone Thursday morning. "Bartolo
has nothing to hide."
Liriano added, "We have the records."
Frankel said he understood why baseball had to do its due diligence.

首度被披露,而且沒明顯證據否定 Purita 的駁斥。2010年4月,Purita 以最新科技治療




The procedure was done in the Dominican Republic and there was no charge.
Purita said he did it this way because he was working with a medical company
called Harvest Technologies, which is based in Massachusetts.
Purita said he believes HGH can help recovery, but he says he stands with the
major sports leagues in banning it for athletes.
"There is too much potential for abuse," Purita said.

名為Harvest Technologies的公司一起合作,所以他免費治療。


Colon, after not pitching all of last year, has been a savior for the Yankees
this season. With Phil Hughes on the disabled list with a mysterious arm
ailment, Colon has moved into the rotation. He is 2-1 with a 3.86 ERA, and is
scheduled to start Friday against the Red Sox at Yankee Stadium.
Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said he has "no reaction" to the story
and said the Yankees contacted MLB after they became aware of the procedure.

手臂傷痛,Phil Hughes 進入傷兵名單後,Colon也進入先發輪值,目前2勝1敗
,ERA 3.86,本週五在洋基主場會先發出戰紅襪。

洋基總管Brian Cashman說他對那報導沒任何意見,在他們知道那件事後,也有



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◆ From:
OoyaoO:同意簽名檔 這手術沒問題的話是好事 05/14 11:47
sd5566:這樣先發可排 ROCKET RJ PRODO 瘋狗 KB 來和費城對幹 05/14 11:51
※ 編輯: poplc 來自: (05/14 11:54)
accprote:Prodo轉職投手了? 05/14 11:55
evic1224:她想說Pedro吧XD 05/14 11:56
remix999:如果真的沒問題,真的是職業選手的福音^^ 05/14 11:56
sd5566:是pedro囧 剛恍神了 05/14 11:57
meier0112:王哥哥也可以來一針XD 05/14 11:58
geneaven:Mark Prior:我也要來一針,謝謝(回頭)Kerry Wood你也來了? 05/14 12:03
Ybrother:許多被操壞的手臂都有救了?? 05/14 12:04
Vierro:Baker解套 05/14 12:15
maikxz:這問題是在於目前醫療學術界對於這還有爭議 05/14 12:26
maikxz:但跟棒球運動本身沒關係 05/14 12:27
maikxz:咦 剛沒看到 他是用自己的 這樣爭議會比較少嗎? 05/14 12:32
Abu7689:用自己的脂肪錯了嗎XD? 05/14 12:34
blackcellar:神奇 05/14 12:35
prereality:有沒有禁藥的明確定義? 05/14 12:35
away01231259:禁藥=官方禁止的藥物 05/14 12:50
hikaruton:只是嫌自己肚子太大把脂肪轉到手上臭了嗎 XDDD 05/14 12:58
meier0112:google一下,用脂肪,骨髓幹細胞應沒有爭議吧,不是胚胎 05/14 13:08
ohmyya:胖子限定嗎 05/14 13:11
Mooooose:Baker : 這裡有批幹細胞手術好便宜,需要的話聯絡我 05/14 16:04
cvse04468:真的要變生化棒球了XDD 05/14 16:26
sarspieya521:左手哥不試試嗎XD 05/14 16:42
WarIII:如果選手職業生涯引此延長 那很多神獸時代的紀錄就好破多了 05/14 17:53
xephon:不是一堆人用TJ手術復活了嗎? 爭議到底在哪看不懂 05/14 18:39
Iori2010:這如果沒事,以後就沒有名偵探柯南電影版可看了 05/14 22:32
OoyaoO:TJ不也是用自己其他地方的韌帶來補嗎 有什麼差 05/14 23:18

