

在 colleagues發音產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅Chrystina Ng (黄玮瑄),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, (I’m sorry if u find this photo disgusting.) 嗯,我摔倒了⋯ 前晚,在我家樓梯。 沒有滾,懸空掉下。 #我也不知道為什麼 . 事發時嘴部和牙齒/牙齦部分劇痛, 我摀住口,血一直流,也感頭暈, 然後就匆匆趕到醫院去掛急診了。 . 止血後,醫生給我檢查了一番,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Question: What is your job? Response: My job is a full-time English teacher. I work as an English private tutor. I offer Internet...I offer language ...

colleagues發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-07 21:38:16

- 往右滑學 「噁心」的5種說法✨  #開聲音聽發音 #例句在內文 #記得收藏分享標記朋友❤️  「噁心、令人厭惡」肯定有比「I don’t like it 」更精準的表達方式 😑  今天來學5種實用的說法吧!  📌 Ugh! The smell of the can was ...

colleagues發音 在 chrystina ng 黃瑋瑄 (chryss) Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-08-10 12:06:12

(I’m sorry if u find this photo disgusting.) 嗯,我摔倒了⋯ 前晚,在我家樓梯。 沒有滾,懸空掉下。 #我也不知道為什麼 . 事發時嘴部和牙齒/牙齦部分劇痛, 我摀住口,血一直流,也感頭暈, 然後就匆匆趕到醫院去掛急診了。 . 止血後,醫生給我檢查了一番,...

  • colleagues發音 在 Chrystina Ng (黄玮瑄) Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-30 20:07:31
    有 2,423 人按讚

    (I’m sorry if u find this photo disgusting.)
    @988 @8tvchinese @otherwisecafe
    In short, I am so ugly. I fell from and on the staircases at home (yes, not tumbled down but fell), two nights ago, and broke my teeth badly.. Got multiple laceration wound on lip, coronal fracture on tooth, also multiple horizontal hairline cracks, intrusion and subluxation, alveolar socket bone fracture and etc (more sharing on this perhaps later), other than that, no concussion nor fracture seen on x-Ray and checks, so don’t worry, only bruises, abrasions and minor sprain. And so I don’t have to be hospitalised after consulting the a&e, just needa rest at home. Doc gave me some painkillers too.
    Still, I’m considering myself fortunate enough, under such unfortunate accident. I have my family here with me, and thankyou bosses, clients, colleagues and teammates for ur understandings, and thankyou for all the DMs and texts guys. Thankyou for being with me, I’ll probably be back at work very soon. ♥️
    P/S: that’s all I have to share. Everyone including myself was seriously freaked out and got busy dealing with the mess inside out and my family & I didn’t take any more photo/videos tho. 🙏🏼

  • colleagues發音 在 吃掉世界的女孩 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-10-15 10:20:27
    有 21 人按讚

    “Te Quiero Mucho”是 “I love you so much”的西班牙文~發音聽起來也挺浪漫的。

    位於上環的Te Quiero Mucho是一家墨西哥酒吧餐廳,食物之前也在Be介紹過了,他們的Nachos真的蠻好吃的!尤其是配上牛油果醬和辣番茄莎莎,真的可以一塊接一塊的吃個不停。🥑🥓🌮


    最有特色的一定要數到將酒精、燕麥等混在一起的「Adult Breakfast」,還有像是做實驗似的test tube形調酒「No Name」,味道有點像Whiskey,還帶點煙燻,屬於濃香的帥氣味道。🥃🍸🥂🍻


    Addicted to the unique cocktail made by Te Quiero Mucho in Sheung Wan!!

    The Mexican restaurant is not only providing tasty nachos, they also create tasty and unforgettable drinks, such as “Adult Breakfast” and “No Name”. 🍸🥃

    Therefore I’m going again in November to introduce my colleagues their lovely food and drinks!!🤤🥑🌮🍸🥂

    Te Quiero Mucho

    #tqmhk #tequieromucho #iloveyousomuch #adultbreakfast #noname #cocktail #cocktailbar #mexicanfood #mexicanbar #sheungwan #sheungwanfood #foodie #hkfoodie #foodiehk #hkfoodblogger #drinks #上環 #酒吧餐廳 #調酒

  • colleagues發音 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-05 00:45:04

    Question: What is your job?
    Response: My job is a full-time English teacher. I work as an English private tutor. I offer Internet...I offer language lessons both over the Internet as well as in person.

    Question: Where do you work?
    Response: I work mostly in my office, which is in Mongkok, an area in Hong Kong. At the same time I also go out to shoot videos of me speaking in English outside and anywhere, basically.

    Question: Why did you choose this job?
    Response: I choose (chose) this job because I really love English. I love speaking it. I love using it. And I love learning it as well as a learner. So that’s why I’ve chosen this job.

    Question: Is it a popular job in your country?
    Response: I wouldn’t say it’s very popular with locals, but I might say it could be popular with foreigners, expats and native speakers.

    Question: Do you get on well with your colleagues?
    Response: I don’t have many colleagues but when I have them, I get along okay with them. I get along alright with them, I would say.

    Question: What responsibilities do you have at work?
    Response: Sometimes I have to mark my students’ assignments. Somtimes I have to shoot videos of me to promote my busness, which is a teaching, a language teaching, tutoring business. At the same time I have to spend most of my time in a day to give lessons.

    Question: Do you plan to continue to continue this job in the future?
    Response: I do, as a matter of fact. I do plan to continue my teaching career in the future.

    Okay, thank you.
    Thank you.

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