[爆卦]colic pain醫學是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇colic pain醫學鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在colic pain醫學這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 colic產品中有117篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Sarah Chang 張學仁,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill Sasa 一出生時,需要待在新生兒重症監護病房,必須以奶瓶餵奶,後來隨我到產後護理之家由我直接哺乳,但,兩種方式都令我煩惱。因為Sasa 需要某種特定類型奶瓶和相對應的奶嘴才能適應並好好喝奶。 在嘗試了幾個不同的品牌後,發現酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbil...

 同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Sunny Huang - IBCLC,也在其Youtube影片中提到,8月份回覆留言內容:親餵媽媽如何在沒有爸爸協助下獨立戒夜奶、寶寶不夜奶媽媽如何達到半夜供需平衡、寶寶奶量時大時小該如何調整、寶寶2個半月媽媽每次擠奶最多30ml是否天生沒奶、卵磷脂可以增加奶量/解決脹奶/塞奶/硬塊嗎、因為會導致寶寶不愛喝水嗎、7個月大的寶寶可以適用"如何建立寶寶健康作息"中的做法嗎...

colic 在 Summer ☀ | 快乐妈咪 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 07:23:31

*Congrats to @blingnsplitz, @shandylim and @auncyi87 for winning! Pls DM me your name, address and contact number for follow up. Thanks to everyone wh...

colic 在 TASHA SHILLA Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-18 08:37:38

Perancangan Tasha dan baby dalam kandungan untuk menjalani pre-natal dan post-natal chiropractic session di @chirozone.kl selepas baby dilahirkan mema...

  • colic 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-14 09:00:41
    有 76 人按讚

    酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill

    Sasa 一出生時,需要待在新生兒重症監護病房,必須以奶瓶餵奶,後來隨我到產後護理之家由我直接哺乳,但,兩種方式都令我煩惱。因為Sasa 需要某種特定類型奶瓶和相對應的奶嘴才能適應並好好喝奶。

    在嘗試了幾個不同的品牌後,發現酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill 的KU Plus寬口PPSU奶瓶有許多令我驚豔的多種好處,堪稱專業級奶瓶。For example同樣是寬口用奶嘴,Sasa因嘴小在使用他牌奶瓶喝奶時都要嘗試好幾次才會成功含住,餵食時也容易從奶嘴上方的透氣孔上方漏奶,直接滴到寶寶的衣服上溼成一小片,非常困擾!! 但自從Sasa使用KU Plus寬口PPSU奶瓶後卻可以一次含住,重點是不‧會‧漏‧奶,守住了媽媽最珍貴的母乳還超好拍嗝、不扁塌,簡直是媽媽餵奶之路上必買的餵食神器。



    Immediately after she was born she was sent to the NICU and had to be bottle-fed. After transitioning to breastfeeding at the postpartum center, I had a lot of trouble switching between the bottle and breast, it was really clear that Sasa always needed a certain type of bottle and a certain type of teat.

    After trying several different brands, I found that the 酷咕鴨 KU.KU Duckbill wide-neck PPSU bottles had several benefits that I liked. For example, the wide neck shape was just right, I tried other wide-necked bottles but they were a bit too wide making it hard for Sasa to latch without unlatching several times before she drank. In many other brands, the milk will leak out and basically drip all over the baby’s clothing, wasting that precious milk. The anti-colic U-shaped ventilation system prevents leakage from the bottle, and even helps baby Sasa burp better, saving me a lot of headache!

    Oh btw, did I mention these are MIT?? Made in Taiwan!
    On top of fixing my baby bottle problem, this baby bottle really pays attention to the small details. First of all the material is BPA free and meets FDA standard testing, the bottle can withstand high impact falls without a scuff as well as a UV sanitizer, which many plastic baby bottles cannot stand. The lid prevents leaking, if at any point in time, I had to use formula, I could directly shake the baby bottle with the lid on.

    The water bottle comes with the cutest strap and straw, which is perfect for Kali (Sasa’s sister) going to school with her cute new water bottle. Simply love these new safe, practical, and lightweight baby bottles!

  • colic 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-16 15:47:33
    有 16 人按讚

    {IG Giveaway} 3 sets of Marcus & Marcus Silicone Angled Feeding Bottle and Breast Pump to be won!

    I like personalised stuff. That is why we are loving these new Marcus & Marcus feeding bottles from ITOTS PTE LTD. Besides being able to choose the animal print we want, of which the siblings chose the cute elephant, the bottles even bear his name too. How lovely!

    These PPSU feeding bottles come in 180ml and 300ml, are BPA/phtalate free, safe for UV/steam steriliser and have a double anti-colic system to reduce gas intake. The feeding nipple is made from platinum silicon and feels extra soft. These will definitely come in handy when the baby starts drinking from a bottle or when the siblings request for me to pump so they can feed him.

    Talking about pumping, we also tried the Silicone Angled Feeding Bottle and Breast Pump. Using natural suction, it is a convenient way to manually express breastmilk. I tried using it to express leftover breastmilk after a feed and the good thing is I can store and feed using the same bottle. Simply switch it to the nipple for feeding or sealing disc for storing.

    Even though I have been latching the baby day in and day out, he took to the bottle right away thanks to the slow flow, soft feeding nipple which is designed in a gradual slope shape to prevent nipple confusion. It's hard to believe that this baby will turn six months in a week and I'm earnestly hoping our breastfeeding journey can go on for a few more years.

    To join the giveaway, hop over to my IG @ahappymum for more details.

    This giveaway ends on 30 August 2359hrs. It is open to readers residing in Singapore only and is not endorsed by or affiliated with IG in any way. Good luck!

    #ahappymum #baby #feedingbottle #breastfeedingmum #itots_sg #marcusnmarcus #feedingwithlove #growingwithyou #sgbabies #sgcontest #sggiveaway #igsg #sgig

  • colic 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-30 17:30:28
    有 131 人按讚

    Since Khyra to Qaish to Obil … all my kids pakai @mymambaby bottle . Love the design ,they won’t get nipple confusion if you are still breastfeeding and my kids won’t get colic problems. I also love the funky colours and the ergonomic shape of the bottle makes it easier for Obil’s tiny hands to hold .


  • colic 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-27 21:00:09

    8月份回覆留言內容:親餵媽媽如何在沒有爸爸協助下獨立戒夜奶、寶寶不夜奶媽媽如何達到半夜供需平衡、寶寶奶量時大時小該如何調整、寶寶2個半月媽媽每次擠奶最多30ml是否天生沒奶、卵磷脂可以增加奶量/解決脹奶/塞奶/硬塊嗎、因為會導致寶寶不愛喝水嗎、7個月大的寶寶可以適用"如何建立寶寶健康作息"中的做法嗎、追奶後奶量沒增加需要去醫院照超聲波嗎、該如何改善1.5個月寶寶早上到晚上都要抱睡的習慣、晚上擠的奶早上喝會否導致寶寶嗜睡/冷凍的存奶營養是否不符合寶寶不同年齡的需要、順產時的側切和撕裂不痛嗎、小白點已破有奶水排出但乳頭疼痛怎麼辦、孕期醫生發現乳房有硬塊應該斷奶後拍X光或擠奶期想辦法先把奶通開、4個月開始刷牙該如何排進睡前儀式、寶寶最近晚上9點睡到5點很久沒吃OK嗎/若吃米糊後拖更晚才吃奶媽媽該如何排奶、擠奶器導致的乳暈腫痛可以用哪些藥膏、寶寶何時跟大人分房睡比較好、若寶寶趴睡可以減少Tummy Time嗎、寶寶剛出生黃疸指數偏高該怎麼辦、1歲多寶寶不喝鮮奶怎麼辦、寶寶邊喝奶邊拉屎之後就不認真吃了怎麼辦/2個半月寶寶很少給feeding cue怎麼辦、懷孕30周有初乳要先擠出來嗎、給寶寶3-5分鐘自我安撫時家長應該在身邊或離開、寶寶平常會自行入睡但遇到媽媽就失敗怎麼辦、沒經過睡眠倒退期真的需要擔心嗎、9個月寶寶匍匐前進算爬嗎、3個月親餵寶寶不接受奶瓶可以給學習杯喝奶嗎、清理鼻子時可以用棉簽嗎、排脹氣裡的脹氣指的是colic嗎、1歲後寶寶睡前喝鮮奶需要刷牙嗎、寶寶出生半個月是每4小時喝一次奶嗎、寶寶吃副食品沒碰到嘴巴旁邊皮膚但還是紅腫是食物過敏嗎、3個月母奶寶寶每天大便2-3次正常嗎、寶寶若食物不耐或過敏母乳媽媽需要忌口嗎、寶寶會爬後開始練走可以用walker嗎📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:http://bit.ly/2kttyum


    立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診哺育諮詢 」
    無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的母乳哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:https://forms.gle/AphbHvtcv5Y2Rr4EA

    Sunny老師的Amazon Store (推薦清單不定期更新) https://www.amazon.com/shop/sunnyhuang-ibclc



  • colic 在 アマイワナ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-08-26 22:50:13

    コリックガール -Colic girl-

    Sound arrange:Atsumu wonderful


    You can’t fool me
    I believe in myself and live
    It’s scared for me the site and street men,too
    cry cry cry cry cry cry
    Easy problem 多過ぎたrainy day
    TVプログラム17時過ぎのbreaking news


    Twilight, twilight, scarlet sky yay
    I heard a half-forgotten song
    Today is just started
    Twilight, twilight, scarlet sky yay
    I heard a half-forgotten song
    Today is just started

    街頭もサイトも胡散臭いくらい暗いcry cry
    フラストレーション遅過ぎたyour action


    Twilight, twilight, scarlet sky yay
    I heard a half-forgotten song
    Today is just started
    Twilight, twilight, scarlet sky yay
    I heard a half-forgotten song
    Today is just started


  • colic 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-01 21:00:22

    11月份回覆留言內容:餵母乳可以用硫化硒(Selenium Sulfide)成分洗髮水嗎/哺乳期可以吃燕麥嗎/水奶是配方奶嗎/寶寶尿到背怎麼辦/新生兒可以豎抱嗎?寶寶可以一直在背袋睡嗎?寶寶不喜換奶嘴需要引入嗎/一定要高壓鍋嗎慢燉鍋可以嗎/母乳媽媽每天吃酒釀燉蛋酒精會影響寶寶嗎/戒奶睡後就會自行入睡了嗎/這些方法適用於7個月以上的寶寶嗎/哺乳期媽媽需要特別補充媽媽綜合維他命嗎/吃玩睡周期延長半小時與醒來喝奶的拿捏為何/Tummy time是放在護理時段嗎?離喝奶多久比較適合/單邊擠奶器如何power pump追奶/寶寶豎抱自己就打嗝是過飽嗎?還要再拍嗝嗎/RF痛有硬塊但看不出小白點需要乳頭去角質嗎/側躺餵需要拍嗝嗎/擔心寶寶長時間包包巾影響發展該怎麼辦/親餵溢奶導致寶寶濕疹該怎麼處理?半夜親餵睡著了需要換邊餵嗎/因工作關係想將寶寶作息設定到半夜12點才睡可以嗎/晚上8點上床如何統一白天吃玩睡週期/什麼時候是最好的時機開始訓練/補餵(dream feed)一定只能用奶瓶餵奶嗎/母乳按月齡調整那吃的順序該如何/如果寶寶沒哭半夜是否可以12個小時不換尿布/半夜大人睡著了會不會影響吃飽護理哄睡效率呢/夜間不喝奶奶量需平均加到白天嗎/寶寶入睡後大人可否開燈做事/假設9PM睡7AM起床可以嗎/可否利用奶睡幫助寶寶快速睡著/吃了退奶藥還有機會追奶嗎/瓶餵dream feed是否要拍嗝/Does Ziplock bag need to be wash or replace after 24-hour using or can substitute using an airtight container/寶寶晚上睡覺需刻意叫醒餵奶嗎 我需要把奶擠出嗎/預防尿布疹可以直接使用凡士林嗎?女寶寶換尿布的擦拭手法是往上還是往下/寶寶近1個月忽然拒絕某側RF該怎麼辦/一定要先餵奶再換尿布嗎/奶睡(breast sleep)、睡前奶、補餵(dream feed)的差異/先為寶寶進行急救還是先打電話求救/瀉鹽代替浴鹽/Does c-section wound need to be cleaned every day/奶粉寶寶便秘需要餵點水嗎/可以長期手擠奶餵寶寶嗎/洗澡前後可以餵奶嗎/可以用嬰兒奶粉沖泡高鐵米粉嗎/What is number 4 point in the video “8 Ways to increase milk supply”/2個月大擠出的奶可留到6個月大喝嗎/加熱母奶應該用玻璃瓶或塑膠瓶/35週矯正RT或等小孩出生再矯正/喝冷的母奶導致腸絞痛(colic)或其他問題嗎/出生三天的寶寶可以坐著拍嗝嗎/1個月多的母乳寶寶可以喝水嗎/媽媽可透過本身口服鐵劑增加母奶鐵質傳送給寶寶嗎/6個月說法是第6個月還是滿6個月/懷孕29週RF按摩已有乳汁需要繼續按嗎/追奶半夜一定要醒來擠奶嗎/brown rice cereal的砷含量會比white rice的少嗎/可以給寶寶吃新鮮未煮熟的水果嗎/擠奶器擠奶乳頭疼痛該如何處理/寶寶1個月後可以躺著喝奶嗎/給寶寶吃的燕麥片跟大人的一樣嗎/沒感覺漲奶是不是就等於沒奶了?📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:http://bit.ly/2kttyum


    立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診哺育諮詢 」
    無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的母乳哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:https://forms.gle/AphbHvtcv5Y2Rr4EA

    Sunny老師的Amazon Store(推薦清單不定期更新) https://www.amazon.com/shop/sunnyhuang-ibclc


    #可否利用奶睡幫助寶寶快速睡著 #新生兒可以豎抱嗎 #瓶餵dreamfeed是否要拍嗝 #奶睡睡前奶補餵的差異 #沒漲奶就等於沒奶嗎 #Sunny回覆留言

