[爆卦]coagulate milk是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇coagulate milk鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在coagulate milk這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 coagulate產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 這一週辛苦了! 來放鬆一下心情, 讀一點The Invisible Man! BTW, 週末記得考回測哦😉😉😉 ——————————————————— 📕 俐媽英文教室—EEC小說The Invisible Man Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣ Doctor Kemp’s Visitor (p5...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Rasaflix,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Resepi Udang Butter Kering Dengan Telur Rangup Bahan-bahan udang goreng: 10-15 ekor udang saiz L Lada sulah Garam Sedikit minyak masak Mentega Bahan...

coagulate 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-11-22 14:34:27

這一週辛苦了! 來放鬆一下心情, 讀一點The Invisible Man! BTW, 週末記得考回測哦😉😉😉 ——————————————————— 📕 俐媽英文教室—EEC小說The Invisible Man Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣ Doctor Kemp’s Visitor (p5...

  • coagulate 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-13 22:16:48
    有 34 人按讚

    讀一點The Invisible Man!

    BTW, 週末記得考回測哦😉😉😉
    📕 俐媽英文教室—EEC小說The Invisible Man

    Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣ Doctor Kemp’s Visitor (p59~61):
    🔫 shot (n.) 槍/射擊聲
    🔫 servant (n.) 僕人
    🔫 blood (n.) 血
    🔫 astonishes (a.) 驚訝的
    🔫 recoil (v.) 畏縮;彈回
    🔫 smash (v.) 粉碎
    🔫 albino (n.) 白子
    🔫 coagulate (v.) 凝固
    🔫 tissue (n.) 組織
    🔫 dressing gown (n.) 衣袍
    🔫 exhausted (a.) 疲倦的
    🔫 make sense 有意義
    🔫 yawn (v.) 打呵欠

    Chapter 1️⃣2️⃣ Certain First Principles (p62~64):
    📰 principle (n.) 原則
    📰 mention (v.) 提及
    📰 murderous (a.) 謀殺的
    📰 address (v.) 給⋯寫信
    📰 deliver (v.) 傳遞
    📰 fascinate (v.) 使著迷
    📰 absorb (v.) 吸收
    📰 reflect (v.) 反射
    📰 refract (v.) 折射
    📰 formula (n.) 公式
    📰 substance (n.) 物質
    📰 bleach (v.) 漂白
    📰 transparent (a.) 透明的
    📰 pigment (n.) 色素
    📰 experiment (n.) 實驗
    📰 project (n.) 計劃
    📰 rob (v.) 搶劫
    #willingenglish #威俐英文 #eec #eecreadingmaterial #theinvisibleman

  • coagulate 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-22 15:33:04
    有 189 人按讚




    淡粉紅色 — 多為氣血不足、脾腎陽虛或脾虛痰濕,伴隨月經質稀或量少,出現唇色淡白、手腳容易冰冷、容易氣短、頭暈。
    - 每天喝米水,適量補氣血
    - 忌吃生冷、油膩難消化食物

    鮮紅色 — 多因為血熱,陰虛體質,月經周期通常會提前、伴隨血量多、質稠、出現目赤咽乾、手足心熱、或大便偏硬、易便秘。
    - 適量滋陰清熱
    - 避免熬夜、進食羊肉、韭菜等性熱以及煎炸油膩、重口味食物

    暗紫深紅色 — 多因為氣滯血瘀體質,月經伴隨乳房脹痛、血塊、少腹脹痛、或有痛經,出現容易焦慮煩躁,面色偏暗啞。
    - 可在經期三至七日前進食或飲用疏肝理氣食材如白蘿蔔、陳皮、佛手、玫瑰花茶等
    - 尋找能令自己放鬆的方法
    - 避免熬夜
    - 避免吃生冷、辛辣食物

    Get to know the colour of your menstruation and what it means

    Many ladies are concerned with when their period would come but has anyone stopped to check the colour? The colour and texture of your menstruation are indicative of your health. Healthy women should have menstruation that is dark red, not too thick or thin, does not coagulate, and does not unusual smell. If you have any of below conditions, you may need to check on your body.

    Light pink- usually due to insufficient qi and blood, deficient spleen and kidney or asthenic spleen with phlegm and dampness. It is usually accompanied by low volume or thin menstruation, pale lips, prone to cold limbs, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
    - have rice water daily, appropriately replenish qi and blood
    - avoid cold and raw foods, and oily things that are hard to digest

    Bright red- due to heat in blood or yin deficient bod type. Usually accompanied by early menstruation, high volume and thick texture, and red eyes, dry throat, hot hand and feet palms or dry and hard stool, and prone to constipation.
    - appropriately nourish yin and clear heat
    - avoid late nights, and avoid heat natured food such as lamb, chives as well as fried and heavy flavoured foods

    Dull purple dark red- usually due to qi stagnation and blood stasis body types. Usually accompanied by tender breasts, blood clots in menstruation, bloating and cramps during menstruation, prone to anxiety, and dull complexion.
    - consume ingredients that regulate qi such as white radish, dried citrus peel, buddha’s hand citron, and rose 3-7 days before period
    - find ways to relax
    - avoid late nights
    - avoid cold and raw foods as well as spicy things

    #女 #經期 #氣虛 #血虛 #陰虛 #氣滯 #血瘀 #我畏冷 #我有壓力 #我煩燥 #頭暈

  • coagulate 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-01-21 16:27:32
    有 152 人按讚








    How well do you know your period?
    Ladies spend a good half of their life having periods, and many view this monthly visitor with both love and hate. If the period arrives early, you become helpless; if it is late, it may cause anxiety! Menstruation is a report card for a lady’s health, its volume, color, texture and pre and post discomfort all give clues to body condition.

    What is menstruation?
    Menstruation is the discharge of blood from the lining of the uterus as it prepares for next month’s egg. The lining thickens and when there is no pregnancy, the lining comes off and that is menstruation.

    Normal Menstruation:
    Cycle: usually 28 days, 21-35 days are within normal range
    Duration: usually 4-5 days, 3-7 days are within normal range
    Color: dark red
    Texture: not too watery and not too thick, and does not coagulate without blood clots, and without unusual smell
    Discomfort: tender breasts, abdominal bloating and some mood changes are normal

    If your menstruation strays from above ranges and has unusual discomfort, it means you have irregular menstruation. Example symptoms include short (2 days) duration, unusual menstrual pain, headaches and back pain. It would be important to seek proper treatment.

    Record your menstruation
    Do you notice that your practitioner always asks about your last period? This information helps to find your diagnosis and proper medicine. So be sure to properly record dates of your menstruation, duration, volume changes, and menstrual discomfort for your practitioner to review.

    #女 #經期

  • coagulate 在 Rasaflix Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2019-07-05 17:41:28

    Resepi Udang Butter Kering Dengan Telur Rangup

    Bahan-bahan udang goreng:
    10-15 ekor udang saiz L
    Lada sulah
    Sedikit minyak masak

    Bahan-bahan telur rangup:
    2 biji telur
    Minyak untuk menggoreng

    Bahan-bahan kuah mentega:
    3 biji bawang putih (didadu)
    Sedikit susu cair
    Cili padi
    Daun kari
    Serbuk lada hitam
    Serbuk lada putih
    Perasa ayam

    Cara Penyediaan:

    1) Gaulkan udang dengan garam dan lada sulah. Dalam kuali, cairkan mentega dan campurkan minyak masak. Apabila campuran mentega dan minyak telah panas, masukkan udang. Goreng sehingga udang bertukar warna oren. Jangan goreng terlalu lama kerana ianya akan menyebabkan udang keras dan tidak berjus.
    2) Bahan untuk telur rangup, pecahkan telur ke dalam mangkuk. Pukul lembut telur tersebut. Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali. Tuangkan telur tersebut perlahan-lahan pada ketinggian yang tinggi. Kacau minyak di dalam kuali dalam keadaan berpusing supaya telur tersebut membentuk kepingan-kepingan halus . Goreng sehingga warna telur berubah menjadi perang dan rangup. Toskan minyak.
    3) Untuk kuah mentega, cairkan sedikit mentega di dalam kuali. Tumiskan bawang putih, daun kari dan cili padi sehingga naik bau. Masukkan sedikit susu cair. Perasakan dengan sedikit garam, gula dan perasa ayam. Campurkan lada putih dan lada hitam.
    4) Apabila ramuan mendidih, masukkan udang. Kacau sehingga kuah pekat. Siap untuk dihidangkan. Taburkan telur rangup diatas udang berkuah mentega tersebut.

    Nota: Campuran telur rangup boleh juga ditambah sedikit susu pekat dan garam bagi mendapatkan telur rangup yang rasanya masin-masin manis. Untuk kuah mentega, hanya sedikit garam diperlukan kerana perasa ayam dan mentega telah masin.

    Dried Buttermilk Prawn with Crunchy Egg
    Ingredients for fried butter prawn:
    10-15 L size prawns
    White pepper
    Cooking oil

    Ingredients for crunch eggs:
    2 eggs
    Cooking oil

    Ingredients for butter gravy:
    3 garlics (diced)
    A little evaporated milk
    Bird’s eye chillies
    Curry leaves
    Black pepper powder
    White pepper powder
    Chicken seasoning


    1) Mix prawn with salt and white pepper. Melt the butter in a wok and add in some cooking oil. When the mixture is hot enough, put in the prawn. Fried the prawn until it change colour to orange. Noted, do not deep fried the prawn too long to maintain its juicy texture.
    2) For crunchy eggs, crack the eggs into a bowl. Beat the egg slowly. Heat oil in a wok. Pour a bit by bit egg mixture from high height. Meanwhile the egg is pour down, stir the oil fast in a round movement so that the egg not coagulate. When the egg become golden, sieve the fried egg in a steel sieve to remove excessive oil.
    3) For butter gravy, melt the butter in the wok. Stir fry the garlic, curry leaves and Bird’s eyes chillies. Add in a little evaporated milk. Season the mixture with a little bit salt, sugar and chicken seasoning. Add in a little white pepper and black pepper powder too.
    4) When the mixture is boiling, add the fried prawn. Stir until the gravy is thicken. Ready to serve. Sprinkle the crunchy egg on top of the prawns.
    Note: The crunchy egg mixture can be added with some condensed milk and salt before being fried to get sweet and salty flavour. For butter gravy, only add a little bit salt because the butter and chicken seasoning is salty enough.

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    Nak dapatkan lebih banyak resepi? Layari https://rasaflix.com

  • coagulate 在 Ytower Cooking channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-12-07 18:41:42

    Hint 1: Piercing the air chamber of the eggs will make it easier to peel off the eggshell once the eggs are cooked.
    Hint 2: Adding a little bit of salt when boiling eggs will make the egg white coagulate more quickly.
    Hint 3: Place the boiled eggs into ic

    雞蛋 10顆
    10 Eggs

    醬油 200㏄
    味醂 60㏄
    米酒 30㏄
    開水 600㏄
    Braising Marinade Ingredients:
    Soy sauce 200cc
    Mirin 60cc
    Rice wine 30cc
    Water 600cc

    1. 用針在雞蛋氣室戳一小孔。(讓水能進入蛋殼壁,容易剝殼)
    2. 取鍋,鍋中加入約1500㏄水(水量要足以蓋過雞蛋),放入30公克的鹽,水滾後放入雞蛋後以中火煮5分30秒。
    3. 取出雞蛋,立即用冰水泡涼。
    4. 將所有滷汁材料混合拌勻成滷汁備用。
    5. 泡水至雞蛋涼透後將蛋殼剝除,再將雞蛋放入滷汁中浸泡冷藏約1天即可。



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