

在 cloves功效產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【快手靚湯】你愛吃莧菜嗎? ⭐紅莧菜煮的湯呈紫紅色 ⭐含豐富花青素護眼功效佳 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 莧菜蒜頭湯清熱殺菌 有人覺得紅莧菜補血,從營養角度來看,紅莧菜的鐵質及鈣質含量比一般莧菜為高,有助製造血液及促進血液循環;紅莧菜含有豐富花青素,能抗氧化亦有助眼睛健康;而中醫角度認為莧...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅C2食光,也在其Youtube影片中提到,義式獵人雞是歐洲的家常菜。名字很有趣,聽說由來是以前獵人出門打獵肚子餓了順手準備的簡單料理。 食譜示範:艾莉老師 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/ally.baking.cooking/ 營養師的貼心小叮嚀」by 陳小薇營養師 毎百公克清腿熱量約157大卡,蛋白質含量...

cloves功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【快手靚湯】你愛吃莧菜嗎? ⭐紅莧菜煮的湯呈紫紅色 ⭐含豐富花青素護眼功效佳 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 莧菜蒜頭湯清熱殺菌 有人覺得紅莧菜補血,從營養角度來看,紅莧菜的鐵質及鈣質含量比一般莧菜為高,有助製造血液及促進血液循環;紅莧菜含有豐富花青素,能抗氧化亦有助眼睛健康;而中醫角度認為莧...

cloves功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-15 23:06:16

【輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘⋯⋯生蒜熟蒜知多點】 ⭐蒜頭屬性偏溫 ⭐如身體有偏熱症狀就要忍忍口 #星期日輕輕鬆鬆一分鐘 蒜頭生吃還是熟吃好?其實生吃、熟吃各有功效,以下考考你對蒜頭的認識! 1. 生蒜的辣味來自辣椒素? 是 / 否 2. 蒜蓉/蒜片比原粒蒜頭吃更有益? 是 / 否 3. 生蒜比熟蒜有更...

cloves功效 在 PORNSAK พรศักดิ์ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-27 16:40:34

#menopause is a new beginning. Let’s embrace it. Here’s a recipe for you (and your family too). #TCM #foodtherapy Ingredient: Dried #LilyBuds (100g)...

  • cloves功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-23 18:26:57
    有 149 人按讚




    1. 全部材料洗淨,紅莧菜切走過老的莖皮;蒜頭去皮拍扁;瘦肉切片,加入醃料醃至少15分鐘。
    2. 在深鍋裡加油燒熱,加入薑片及肉片炒香,加入約1500毫升水,武火煮至水滾,加入紅莧菜及蒜頭,改用文火煮10分鐘,最後下鹽調味即可。

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Red amaranth garlic soup can clear heat and kill germs
    Some people think red amaranth can nourish the blood. From a nutritional perspective, red amaranth contains higher iron and calcium as compared to the other amanranth. Hence, it can improve blood production and circulation. Red amaranth is also high in anthocyanin, which has antioxidant properties and is good for the eyes.
    From the Chinese Medicine’s perspective, amaranth is cool in nature. It can clear heat, brighten the vision, and promote bowel movements and urination. Since red is generally good for the heart, red amaranth can nourish the blood too.

    The taste of amaranth and garlic goes very well together. Besides frying, we can use them to make soup. This red amaranth garlic soup can clear the heat, brighten the eyes, and help prevent bacterial gastroenteritis especially during summer.

    Red amaranth and garlic soup with pork
    Effects: Clears heat and improves vision, alleviates constipation. Prevent diseases such as bacterial enteritis and dysentery.
    Ingredients: 1/2 catty red amaranth, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 200g lean pork, 2 slices of ginger, salt to taste
    Marinade: 1 teaspoon light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, sesame oil, white pepper powder and corn starch to taste
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Cut red amaranth through the old stem bark. Peel the garlic and pat flat with the back of a knife. Slice the pork and add the marinade and marinate for at least 15 minutes.
    2. Heat oil in a deep pot, add ginger slices and pork slices and sauté until fragrant. Add about 1500 ml of water and cook until the water boils. Add red amaranth and garlic, simmer for 10 minutes. Add salt to taste.
    Note: Amaranth is cool in nature, ginger and garlic can reduce its coolness.

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    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱

  • cloves功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-22 09:01:00
    有 286 人按讚




    1. 生蒜的辣味來自辣椒素? 是 / 否
    2. 蒜蓉/蒜片比原粒蒜頭吃更有益? 是 / 否
    3. 生蒜比熟蒜有更強殺菌能力? 是 / 否
    4. 蒜頭有助紓緩初起風寒感冒、食滯等症狀。 是 / 否
    5. 蒜頭發芽不宜食用? 是 / 否

    【Relax for a minute ⋯⋯ How much do you know about raw and cooked garlic?】

    Should we eat garlic raw or cooked? In fact, both have their respective benefits. How much do you know about them?

    1. Capsaicin is the cause of the spiciness in raw garlic. True / False
    2. It is better to eat garlic slices / paste than the entire clove. True / False
    3. Raw garlic can kill bacteria more effectively than cooked garlic. True / False
    4. Garlic can relieve indigestion and flu at the early stages. True / False
    5. We should not consume garlic cloves that have sprouted. True / False

  • cloves功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-10 17:44:12
    有 145 人按讚




    田螺 — 性寒,有清熱解暑、明目、利水止渴的作用,適合水腫、小便不通、痔瘡便血、風熱目赤腫痛者食用。由於性寒,脾虛便溏、胃寒疼痛、風寒感冒、月經期間、寒性痛經者不宜食用。

    1. 將無鹽牛油、巴馬臣芝士碎、蒜蓉、番茜碎搓勻成香草牛油。
    2. 將適量香草牛油釀入田螺殼內,如沒有田螺殼,香草牛油鋪在田螺肉上。
    3. 放入已預熱至攝氏180度的焗爐,焗約15分鐘即可。

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    River snail can clear heat and relieve water retention

    When we first learned snails (escargot) are served in French cuisine, we must have been a bit shocked. Since we were young, the snails we knew are the ones crawling on the ground on rainy days. So why are they called river snails?

    We should be quite familiar with river snail stir-fried with chili. Actually, the typical snail is a type of shelled gastropod, whereas the escargot is specifically cultivated for French cuisine. Please note that it is unsafe to consume snails from the wild. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, river snail is cold in nature, can clear heat, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties.

    In Chinese cooking, river snails are often cooked with ingredients that are warm in nature, such as ginger, onion, garlic and chili, to balance out its coldness. As for French cuisine, chefs would normally prepare escargot with simple vanilla butter. Once baked at a high temperature, the fragrance of the butter would seep into the flesh. Try to close your eyes and enjoy the taste, imagine yourself travelling in France!

    River snail – cold in nature, can clear heart, brighten one’s vision, quench one’s thirst and has diuretic properties, is suitable for individuals with symptoms such as water retention, urination, bleeding hemorrhoids, and swelling and pain of the eyes. Since it is cold in nature, it is not suitable for individuals with a weak spleen and loose stools, a cold stomach and those experiencing frequent stomachache; also not suitable for those who with a cold flu, going through period as well as cold-related menstrual pain.

    Escargot Bourguignonne
    Ingredients: 200g fresh escargots or 1 canned escargot, 60g butter, 60 parmesan cheese, 4 cloves of pounded garlic, parsley
    1. Preheat oven to 180 Celsius degree
    2. Mix butter, parmesan cheese, garlic and parsley into herb butter.
    3. Put the herb butter in the escargot shells, or just directly on escagots.
    4. Bake for 15 minutes.

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #水腫 #感冒 #經期

  • cloves功效 在 C2食光 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-12-06 21:22:10



    營養師的貼心小叮嚀」by 陳小薇營養師


    1 chicken
    1 carrot
    1/2 cucumber
    1 potato
    1/2 onion
    3 cloves of garlic
    2 tomatoes
    1 can tomatoes paste
    240cc liquor
    240cc chicken broth
    3g Italian seasoning
    3 pieces of bay leaf
    A little bit of salt
    A little bit of white pepper






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